Show 11 1 TAD TOPEKA 8 SIXTEEN FOR A QUARTE J I 1 I 1 1 MOTO GRAPH EPIDEMIC rose abill old ladrig 1 it I 1 ua k if take for yet S 23 cea cate orr A 0 alle Wr hakea Tk by us U 1 h oa 1 for 38 25 cent cents 1 li val flea sign that greet greets passersby in au front fritot of nearly abery photograph gallery the tad tor for mail small photo graph graphs of oneself in id 10 different peri pool flous out hf has become A r rago a g lo 10 it lak weeping sweeping I 1 tit mw t ti c tys d 4 t h 0 girl p a few years 1 goi IV r aa not leave ai as bad an a effect on all A cut system as does grip onto anleu 84 it lot I 1 the nervous system vr the pho to grapher but it leaves esou wrinkled aad ad furrowed farrowed from dl ft A thol small picture iala reached topeka a few week weeks ago anil and in 48 ioor from the time it started it bad had the entire town it ipnar faster the endless chain liche mue for railing raising money and irwill it will hardly top stop tit u tried it and it hai has ran hueu oot out on one photographer anti ml his three n WPM tinny ney the other day frum lillpop lill nop until landown lun outi down dowa aud and they tool oia di different kerent picture pictures the room I 1 crowded the caller cabler eat sit la ju tl it a t reception room and received tho the moley u and gave the ones who wished tit tiliga ft a receipt for the amount they hud had I 1 al at L id ja pao comer of the receipt wai was a it urra ber bar and when that number wu was celled called by the man ia in the op operating crating room bo he bearer took his hi cs or her sum aru it wa wai like A barber hop shop where cumber ara a called jor or a country bauce where tho the floor in 1 crowded nud abo maucere dance by aum lr the four worked steadily oil all day tho the cashier did nothing but take the money and writ write out receipts the lop op monitor manipulated tho the camera the ulta developed tho the plates and tho the fourth printed the orivl rR ivl biot confined to the old or the young they both indulge when n man meets a friend on tho street in him to come in buil he says come camoin in and buve have your piot tire among the society buds 14 iciak trudo a rape rafe to ha tune a their pictures taken in their differt n t ti ewe they commence oom menco ou their beet beat ball wit dres dregs nd d hav bays all and all U ponds thi 1 ol 01 taken then ibe ferett bata totne ia in tar for their haro sharo all fides sides of tha tb bat hat and tho the bottom and top of the rid rim saturday saturdays thi tb schoolgirls devoto devote to having their pic pie lures taken and all the next week tb th jy are buy trading them with their mates nearly every ono one who tilee hii his place ih front of the camera asks tho the timeworn quention lon if Is there any danger of my breaking the camera and tho the 0 op p answers wearily 11 1 guess no not t 1 then the subject commence eom mence ho lie looke looks ll sural for tho first picture and looka looks at the camera the next pio pie turo ture ii is the highl tide side of thu the face and the next will probably be tho the left fide tide and than then the back of tho beul is i photographed then with the hat bat on and then off theu the tug of war the subject ales to think of onie some new poso rose add reuel generally roly ly winding his hi face into a emile smile or 4 0 atin 1 ile becomes frankio to think of a naw nsw rose pose bit tat the machine motch tauter faster thuu ibis bi tho lie ile looks and ata as if bo be the colic one young mau goes gli the mo bione tione of a maual he ile tear his hair aid a id tares stares with vath horror borror at the cabrra theu tbell he lie laughs a v wicked laugh be chuckles lie be tries to laugh loer rilY if the victim lie Is ft A young lady iho the wishes to look heavenly and roll rolls her deyto upward then the she looks and rulla rolls them downward then a arfy cmil eandi then bools sid placer ber her banda hands behind her bead head and fin ilar gives up op la tit despair aud and cays mays 1 11 I jub job dont know how to lock 1001 ilow the 10 picture pictures taken on one me sheet at r 9 ono one fitting sitting cra wet nn an in h square but others can be had bad iwo liebes bea square 1 1 young jadidi who belong to whist clubs havo have their table photographed ca im the tb larger cizes sizes yoong young men inen go through the mot motion ione of as e game of poker traveling men have lave different view views of milling aLing ra a fale eale in graphed oilier others hare have photograph taken in different stage and costumes from a China ruall I 1 o A 0 beppy tilt struck yng young mail mun wae was to have his big well w 11 hod shod tt taked ia in all the motions of walking another couple balanced 1 ii put the top of a table and had their felt fet photographed in the dit dif terent ferent a epa eps it t the waltz everything EverS thing ha has since been leau danced d on ou tho the tope tops of ta bles blee and omet til Liag ilig new pew is bring wag thought cf of then the family fily cat and dog come la in told their share wera vers taken artaud VA tug ingup up and lying dov dowa son young ladies have their pictured taken with a pet dog la in their lap ups eoma so ml bare have the dog dos kaaa idling a g then them the dog becu LIS to ea in joy of it some young ladlee rho have pretty handi bale ha e them PA a domn diff embi positions posit loue with cue ring on and with several ben aba L bad bome pictures pic tic tures taken ebe goes to her friends and wants to exchange the pictures are pot mounted and nd are often cut put in a scrapbook some young ladle ladles who write once or of seven timed a w week k to their beet best fellow follow I 1 put it Alle reut picture in cabb ch letter he young mau re birst fettet letter with a picture of the face fact be knowe known he ie in lappy but when the next one cornel comes with a part of luie fac face bidden hidden by a awk or with large false teeth made of orange pee peel 1 protruding from the dainty mouth be lj is chocked shocked but that ie is not the worst ty 7 my mean means when a picture shown the subject with beveled dit diA hair ryes eyes half and looking into a beer hot botte 1 be als a halt and asks her t to 0 bare have one cue tak ja ju after the keeley suro topeka journal |