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Show THE BINGHAM NEWS, BINGHAM, UTAH -- r TO This is your corner. Make use of it for your information on question that are puzzling you. It will be my pleasure and privilege to answer care fully and promptly all questions submitted to me. If a more detailed answer than can be given in these columns is desired, send a stamped envelope and it frill be given prompt attention- - All communications will always be held ia absolute confidence. All letters should be addressed very plainly in pen and ink Brooks, Box 1545. Salt Lake City. , oy, Miss Helen Broods: -- - Please tell me what tribe of Indians the Indian head on our Buffalo nickel represents, if any. F. ., Parson, Utah. It was James Fraser who made the design of the Buffalo nickel. The head is a composite made from five different models, and is the sculptor's ideal f an American Indian. Before the work on the relief was even begun portrait busts were made from each of the models, then portrait reliefs. Tin's means that ten distinct portraits were completed before our new coin design was started. Dear Miss Brooks: Will you please tell me Then Rudolph Valentino' t next picture will be released and also the name of it? Thanking you very k'mdly for this in-formation, I am, HIS WORSHIPPER. Cusher. Ut "Beyond the Rocks" is Rudolph Valentino's latest picture and will be released the latter part of May or tne first of June. consequences if its shape is a , what is the speed at which it begins to curve, etc. etc., and ft great many of them are still undecided. Briefly the boomerang is so shaped that , the air resists one part of it more than another, so that it has to travel in " -c-urved path after its speed has slowed1 down below a certain rate. As it travels in a curve it more or less comes back to the place from which it start-ed. It is interesting to know that it has been brought to perfection amongr the natives of Australia, who are al-most the lowest race of mankind. Dear Miss Brooke-Ca- n ou tell me Th$ Boston is called the Hub of the universe? Thank you: LOTTIE, Parogen, Utah. Oliver (Wendell Holmes, himself a Bostonian, said in satire that the Bostonians thought the dome of the state house was the centre of the earth, and that Boston therefore must be the Hub. It might be added that Boston-ians have a well grounded reason for being proud of their city. Boston has always been a leader in great move-ments. When only a small town Har-vard, the oldest college in the United States was founded there. The best in music, art and literature, are also found in this city. Hope to hear frrm von a train Dear Mist Brooks: I am going to write and ask J)ou to help me and I do hope my letter won't find the waste basket. Mist Brooks, what can a girl do to have friendt like the other girlt and be popular? All the other girls that know here have boy friends and are always going out with them for auto rides and to shows and parties, etc., but it seems I never am asked to go anywhere, and the other girls make fun of me. . They say Dear Miss Brooks: Cant you suggest a name that would be appropriate for a jolly club of girls which we are organizing? We are all young girls, none over eighteen, and are simply out for a good lime ne will tell jokes, play games, mal(t candy, and enjoy ourselves. We thought of "The Aint We Cot Fun Club," but it is most loo long and slangy. Please tell us something ap-propriate. THE BUNCH, Payson. I think for a jolly club of girls 'J which you describe, the name "Mine-haha,"meani-as you no doubt know, "Laughing Waters," would be very pretty and appropriate. What do you think? tt is because I am too cold and call me a prude, and that if I would warm up a little I could have friends, too; but Miss Brooks, my mother always told me it was not right for a girl h let the boys kiss and hug her because if she did she would always be sorry when the right man came along. ..My mother died a' year ago, and it is so hard to have no one to go to. Father doesn't Hem to understand and I have no sisters. Do please tell me what to do. ALONE. Idaho Falls. My dear little girl, I surely would like to be of help to you because I know just how hard it is for you to see your girl friends enjoying them-selves while you must sit alone for the reason that you want to live up to the dear mother's teachings and not allow the boys to take liberties. There is only one thing you can do, and" that is to continue to be the dear sweet girl I am sure you are, and though you may miss out in these temporary pleasures, one of these days a boy will come along who will appreciate your unspoiled sweetness because his mother will have taught him as yours has taught you that it is worth while not to play at the game of love. You will be like a peach fresh picked from the tree, while these other girls will have all the bloom rubbed off. Be jolly and gay with others, and I am sure you will find before long that there are bovs who aDDreciate the cirl who do not care for hugging parties. Write me again when you feel like it. My Dear Miss Brooks: We have a new arrival in our fam-ily --the first, and we are so proud. He is the dearest little boy you ever taW, and has dark hair and eyes like his daddy. We just can't think of a name good enough for him. Won't you please tell us a few that you like? A name is something that has to le carried all through life and we want to get something that he will like, too. Thank you so much for your trouble. PERPLEXED, Pocatello. How happy you must be with the new little life to take care of. I don't wonder you want a nice name, and I'm going to tell you the ones that are really my favorites, but of course taites are so different that one cannot tell what will suit some one else. I like them short, don't you? Frank, Carl, Kent, Shirley, Kenneth. Alan, Owen Do you like any of these? And I think the custom of naming a child after the mother's maiden nsmc, if it is appropriate, is a very nice one I hope this may be of help to you, and kiss the darling baby for me. Dear Miss Helen Brooks: ' While in Salt Lafe recently I at-tended the Shrincr's Circus, and saw an act in their show where they t.sed what they called a "boomerang." I had never seen one before and it was very interring. Can you tell me why it always came back lo the stage? Just an INQUIRER From Tooele. A great deal of study has been de-voted to finding why the boomerang must be its exact shape, what are the PAIN IN YOUR SIDE? Read What Mrs Lawrence Says East Oakland, Cal.- rierce -'? hare used Dr. a 1 avonte Preseriptioa at differ ent tunes for oyer twenty-fiv- e and it has never failed years, me. One tyne I took at when troubled with Inflammation and . "ooncyred n. At another time I ' ' for evere pains in my right side: " th time I waa troubled with iadiges- - 4 , tion and my bowels were constipated, and the 'Favorite Prescription' again helped me out so I was soon ell and h'jKier Ub that .intnnirlble quality 0,7 ,'hi JLioyoivoduct ItebyCaynayes&FiaTiitwv Ask Your Local Dealer T " Write Now For 32 -- Page Illustrated , ' Th Uoyd Manufacturing Companj - Maxxninaa, Michigan (IT) ( : SALT-LAK-A Business Directory OLDSMOB1LE DEALFRS WANTED In Utah. Muho, No-d- , Wyoming, i.lhcml rnmmluion will rnd rrprrrntiiti on rrouniL . A. E. TOURSSEN DUtrUmtor. VTICTCD SCHOOL of DRESSMAKING fVLLj I tlV Teach, you to Dcalirn. t ut and (u S Sa Main. Salt Lake City KNOWLTON BEAUTY SHOP Ewythint know in brauty culture. Let ut tell you about our Creami, Powder and Hair Oooda. Mo S. Main I UTAH'S WEALTH Write for free copy of Utah'i Mineral Wealth Imurd by Mining CommitW of Salt Lake Commercial Club. Be ptmted on L'tnh'a great HMt in mineral reanurre. Adilreaa Mineral rat Office Box 174, Salt Lake City, SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful it is usually en indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs health" by tatog GOLDMEDAL The world's standard remedy for kid nay, . lirer, bladder and uric add troubles. Famous einca 1645. Taka regularly and kaep In good health. Ia three si tea, all druggists, Guaranteed as represented. Leek for th aaaM Cola Medal ea --rery Wea aaU accept m buutiea von urtiiiiuo-iiiiLoimu- it Flah Will enable you to build up a fund which will fire yon an Independent income. Send for our iHtmtrated book, No. A 4, which thowt what ayatematic Inveatment aud compound inter rut will do. PAIMER EOND & MORTGAGE CO. Suite 4IM8 Walker Bank Bulldlnf I ) HlSr-VIC- S COI.LKttES Sehoo! ef Kfrlaleney. AJ1 eammerrtat branchte. Cataleffrea. SS N. Mala St. Bait Lake City. PLEATINO BUTTON AreoreMa, Side. Boa I'lratlna. Hemitltchln. Button. Buttonhole. Kid Cnraet Parlor. BKSV TOt'H rUBMSIIKR Take your Book Uiiidltir any kind to yourloral printer. Lelth'e Trade Rinrtery, Salt Ijke City, DKPAKTMENT STORKS Utah, for anything you eanool set la year liorat tor. UTAH MKTAl. WORKS, MTf.a Type Metala. . .. , . - . - irriCTCD SCHOOL of DRESSMAKING lr.l.ll r.l Iiitrn-ll"- in Sewu. Cutting Send to THE KNOWLTON SHOP so S. Main for erytliui nerttnln te the mnkinir of Dreu-r- . Memntiti hinr. PUiHr.r. Ituttmi. Button Hulei llanafer Buaino Collar With a Nntinnal reputation. I'oiiitionft lidniitlctMi. Write fur In furmation. 44 Rant IJiaaway, tutit 'k City. ; iWNcw Shoes ; yy Old Shoes :AS TlQht Shoes j VfK, M you shake ,. fcfjfSfo into them ALLEN'S FOOT-EA-SE Tt AbtiMptle. BeaJtlBfl rowder lor tat Feel Takes the friction from the shoe, f reh-- ; ena the Iet ajid glvea new rigor. tt night, when your feet ire tired, acre and swollen from walking and dancing Hprinkle AU,iN'8 KOOT-KAS- E In tbe foot-bat- h al cailoy tH bllM ol let without an arfce. , Otw l,oo,i)o poaoda of Powder for the Fort wr u4 bf our Army and Ntt dur-ing tha war. Jl& Jr2y.H- - PejaAM PT1I FOOT-gA- .? T o QURfcOMlC SECTION 1 Smettmes One Falls ffi J T f 13-- :f vTV1 eoE uowe ut& fJ I .JPJ- - f T yro. IVv O XI BrVWlEO r ' I ft eOYTA TAKE MM oUj jKu ZXSXj WAUW CVOCK MSl te End of a Perfect Day J ' ll"1 ' lLSl - lLligvojj gnttn ' Twas the Beau Brummei Who Asked Her too (Mx AREN'T S ( NO 1 7j ' Tj 1 n ' CM TEAfTl VOUCOiNC ToTr. 3 I3DHT bOO H0O '.! MSM I COULt) HIGH SCHOOL awcei GET A NO BODV ASkE.Lv i t Co s LB'HJ MB. 1 j f M L ' is P'f " j fifO AT TE (.AST NlNuTE AM I l)OWN HEARTEO? I NEVE2 r -s- - " 1 HAD To TAV HOME. I WHAT . Vol) JUST COT tH . KFOR.E. TOWN SURE I'LL CO r V To ThG 2AHCrl 1 ih pim ,y J |