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Show The Americans arc advancing on Lu- dolsts Secretary Gage showed his do. writieh guarantees that American treaty zon and it is only a question of a few light with tho result in Iowa by send-In- g rights in China would not he Interferred weeks now until Gen. Oils will have rethe. following telegra nr" to Gov. wltlfby them, was unnecessary The deemed hiuiseTf and Amm ica in poses Shaw: Please accept hearfy congratu- Ambassador over did his part. All insiou of her new territory. lations upon the Increased sound money telligent persons knew without his sayhas so far maintained majority in your state upon platform ing so for jJi eg okl standard and cal- - the open door hr ItsChineso territory; Therearo a fe w of littvd ailfncpAvOf declaring also that Russia-bu- ys ling upon Congress ta put it into law. largely of such the Sta.e ihat ought to alfachethe yelProminent republicans,!!! Washington American goods as she cannot make. low back to their publica. ions. TLo themselves as follows on tho This government demands that, so far expressed of contain the Crosby they LT. S. Land Commissioner as American commerce is concerned, the anUother similar eases, with all of their elec. ions: Hermann The result in Ohio is morcT open door shall be made perpetual, revolting details, suggests the yellow-ba- ck significant than the result in any other and there is no good reason, why the deidea. state. - The light was largely upon an mand should not be granted. If Russia endorsement of the administration and intends to keep that open door. InOld Grimes is dead, iliai good olu the policy involved in war issues. it telligent persons also know that Russias ccimmoreial policy Is one of exclusiveness .soul, and has left Mr. George W. liai-liel- points with an unerring hand to the of William McKinley and that under a recentf law only Russian t lie Colorado pioneer, $:2.)U,000,0u0 renomination Pension" ship3 can sail from ports bn the Black worih of properly in the heart of Balti-mor- his triumphant Tho victory in Sea to Russian sea ports in tho Pacific, together with a quarujrAnlilion Commissioner Evans .dollar law suit to recover posusaion of Ohio is a great one, being acertain satis- and naturally suspect that, she will try factory endorsement of the, McKinley to monopolize the trade of China as soon the property. adininis; ration. Representa. ive Dat as she deems it safe. That is why tho I consider it fortunate demand of this government was neceszell, of Pa., that Bryan carried Nebraska. That sary, and why It will not bo with drawn WASHINGTON LETTER. means, that he will be renomina:ed by because tho open door Is at present (From our regular Correspondent.) the democrats. He is the easiest man maintained from policy. Tho Russian Ambassador and the in the U. S. for us to defeat. U. S. Washington Nov. 12, 1399. Treasurer Roberts The results prove Japanese Minister both deny Ip tho .Editoii Bi.adk beyond ques ion that the country sus most "positive terms iho sensalional President MeKi iley and the members tains the Presidents policy in reference storv. cabled from London, sayjrg that of his Cabine. held an impromptu jolliti-- . to our new possessions. Senator Cul-lo- their countries were preparing to go to the adm nistratlous poicy isrn- - war over Korea, but their denials have cation over the magnificent endorse-- . menLof the foreign and domestic policy dorsed by tho roult of the election in not stopped the talk of the. probability of the administration by the voters in Ohio, for the greatest fight was made in of war. the Slate elections. In every state that sta:e against the administration. where the campaign was squarely made Tho victory of tho fusion ticket in Ne- Onjiational issues the republicans were braska will result in Bryans being the victorious. The democratic success in democratic nominee in 19CO, which is THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE. Maryland had no significance whatever, desired by most republicans,as theythink The overland route, the Union being merely another proof of .he max-.i- there will be no trouble in defeating Pacific great railroad, is a strictly up-t- o him. of a house itself divided that JRepresentative Page Morris, against dale iransponation line and otters Its The result An Oh lo means the patrons unequalled-serviccannot - stand.- - - President McKinley Minnr, was no: surprised at the size of Judge renomina ion of Mr. McKinley by ac- Please bear in mind the following unCom- - disputed facts: Na hs plurality in Ohio, as he told clarnation. and his reelection. That by using the Union Pacific you Senator Clark, of Wyoming, several ptrollerof the Currency Dawes, who is will save many hours jlmo to nil East'Wiieks ago that it would probably be b- a member of the Republican Na ional ern poinu; therefore tho tlmeycu save he indicaresult and made general CommittcerJ the 0.0,000 70,090, and, etween, is equal to money earned: th of tes tho policy-wiPresidents th,e strength '1 he Pioneer shine prediction to Senator Pritchard, of Dining Car Lino of tho a and the fore, casts Secrot-.ary We repubN. C , the day before election. jeople, sir1 x . The only lino equipped with buffet, Gage is especially phased at the lican victory in 1900. s's' - - ' Wheri ' foreign' Ain baseid ores' allow' smoking and library cars. largely iucreased'republieair majorities Through Pullman vestlbuled palace in Iowa, where the platform came out themselves to ho interviewed for ublio-atio- n and ordinary sleeping cars. d for i he single gold standard upon a master that if important Free reclining chair cars, with no and in Massachusetts, where Atkinson to the county theyrej.resent and to tho charge to Missouri river and Chicago, and other 'littler Americans have been country to which they are accredited and only one charge to New York. r As tho lowest rales to all points apply trying so hard to create a sentiment they usually do so .to seryox purpose. against President McKinleys Philippine And there Is very little doubKt hat tho via the Unlon Pacific, why not use It in The re- purpose of tho Russian Ambassador in preference to any other line? policy. Secretary Gago said: Two trains for all points east leave publican party ought to congratulate giving out an interview for publication Salt Lake City at 7. a. m. and C:40 p.. m. Xtself GuAho result In alLdlrections. 1 this week, on ther commercial interests of I XDetailed information of cverykind am pleased with the big republican vic- the U. S. in China, was to create thelm relating to railroad and s;eamship transhas state in in the action portation will he promptly and cheerMassachusetts. That this country that pression tory of this government in demanding of fully furbished on application to beou tlp hotbed of the II." M. CLAY, General Agt. and it Is good to see Massachusetts Russia, and other nations which have acquired control of Chinese territory, 201 Main St., Salt Lake City, Utan. give such a vlctoVy to the c that-Russi- a , d, rq-eleciion- o, ." m -- 'TO-'- . i j , m er t i I . iiat-foote- . anii-expansion-Is- ts; anti-Aguina- l- " |