Show the at pioneer day was celebrated here ic grand style we have never had a fidei celebration since has beau settled and everybody seemed to vie artith each other to make it n complete success which they accomplished there was si salute at day break by a company of musketry under capt ben F jewkes at sunrise the stars and stripes were unfurled to the breeze bv marshal of the day farces C woodward while music waa played by the masquerade band at 8 a m the people congregated at the bowery to form in procession in the following order 1 pioneers of 1847 with plows chov elg picks etc 2 string band led by B johnson 3 mormon battalion on foot 4 carmera of 1847 with farming implements clements ts 5 farmers of 1888 improved 6 gardeners club showing the cereals grown in 1888 7 machanich Mac hanics at work doing scroll sawing and bracket work by W P stevens and S H cox S the colliers of emera county at work by D griffith and R griffith welsh colliers 9 blacksmiths at work by jos 3 grange 10 twelve young men and twelve young ladies on horseback rth matched forsea and with badges representing the twenty four counties of utah 11 atto wagons drawn by one span of horses the wagons being loaded with fifty eight of best crop 12 masquerade Masqua rade band alio procession marched through the principal streets of the town and back to the bowery at 10 a in abo people assembled at he bowery and the congregation was called to order by marshal of the day singing by the choir appropriate to the occasion prayer by ahe chaplain samuel jewkes the choir then sang another appropriator piece oration by orator of the day L robertson speech by E curtis ia behalf of the pioneers bong the boys of 47 by A G jewkes and chorus song the standard of aion by S H cox speech in behalf cf the mormon battalion by L H callaway speech by D wilkin a member of the mormon battalion music by alie string band A recitation by miss alice shipp the spanish warrior the choir bang the united band of brethren toasts and sentiments and the chaplain dismissed the congregation to meet again at 3 p m for games and races at 3 p m we had foot races borss races climbing the greased pole a pig race ws other games all for prizes of different kinds the whole concluded dancing in the evening it was one of the most enjoyable times ever experienced here aud nothing to mar the enjoyment of ail J K r |