Show ute tribal development program emphasized emphasizes advanced education by the uto indian tribe public relations staff the long range ute tribal development program places heavy emphasis on advanced education As an example this years three union high school graduates are eligible for grants of 1000 bac eacle i in addition to the per capita payment they will receive under the family plan the full blood utes who expect to graduate from union high school arc am elwyn dushane of neola ireno irene cesspooch from randlett and cecelia jenks of ouray elwyn who was 1956 intermountain AAU boxing champion in the bantam weight al division plans to attend idaho state university at moscow idaho where he hoper to concentrate on c commercial corp oM mercial training and boxing irene and cece cecelle hav not continued on page 8 6 ute tribal Con continued timed from paga 1 yet decided an a course of study on the uintah ouray reservation irene has been serving as an assistant recreation leader in the tribal recreation program full bloods the full blood ute indian tribe has a scholarship f uw und which makes grants of 1000 each to any eligible ute student application for a grant is made to the board of education which refers the student to a scholarship committee lor for test ing guidance and counseling members of the scholarship committee include Y T alther spoon head of the bureau of indian services university of utah max 0 abbott superintendent of schools uintah schools uintah school district and reginald curry executive director of the ute indian tribe grants 8 are r supervised by francis mckinley mckinley director of community services while the recipients are in school currently two sisters charlene ble of bf whiterocks are attending brigham young university on grants from the tribal scholarship fund last year in addition to the noble st sisters aters dolores chegup of randlett attended brigham young university on a similar grant and violet natchee of randlett received a special grant of to complete commercial training at He business college in salt lake city ufa indian children were transferred to the public schools in at the present time the half dozen ute children who are art attending boarding schools arc ate doing so for social rca including loss of parents great expectation expectations tribal members have great expectations for those ute children who entered first grade at the time of transfer in 1952 and will have the advantage of attending public school for their entire school career previous to 1952 ute children attended boarding school until the nf ninth nth grade with 59 per cent of the total tribal membership in the age group under 22 years the ute indian tribe is stressing the value of education and doing all it can to encourage and support its younger members in acquiring further education the ute tribal family plan un under er which a per capita payment of will be distributed is centered on education young people are being urged to use their money for advanced academic study or vocational training use of minors funds Is restricted strict ed to services or equipment not otherwise obtainable which include educational expenses the balance of all minors funds is being held in reserve until the child reaches 18 years of age or graduates from high school when the money will be made available tribal leaders are optimistic that a high proportion of public school graduates will use their per capita payments for additional study adult education the ute tribal development program also includes provision for an intensive adult education al at program on the uintah ouray reservation this phase of the P program now part partially lally set up Is at present sponsored by the bureau of indian services at the university of utah and on the uintah ouray reservation have attracted national attention in service training classes in english and first aid are cur bently being held an evening class in geology is being taught by laurenca laurence C cooper of vernal high school A saturday morn ligart class instructed by delbert smedley art supervisor of granite school district la Is attended by old and young alike Ski llull it Is recognized tha shattee th attee tIthe ute people have undeveloped intelligence and talent and in several areas excel in but they I 1 lack ack certain atti attitudes tides which would stimulate or motivate them to move ahead on weir own initiative the no ut ute ne recreational pro gram also is ture lure aimed at development of group participation one of the problems on the reservation in the past has been lack of og m respect for the group coupled with unwillingness to subordinate individual interests to problem solving as a group an objective in this program Is 1 toen courage individuals ta become contributing members member if in a group and to work together as a group |