Show A. 1 I Short J Jort S Stories Sones OrleS 0 of f the to 1 Week VW eel 1 I y Flour Sl SO p per r sack at t Barrys I Pioneer Diy Day and Bridge Day at at Du Duchesne Zuly chesne-Zuly chesne chesne- Z Zuly uly 24 24 25 25 f J JRay Ray L Lee e is do down h today od from the Wells today today today-to to t take ke- ke kein in the shew toj to to j night v 1 O Co Duchesne Duchesne- Duchesne buy for forcash forcash forcash cash and sell for cash casl I f l j 1 Leave your orders ordera for lor lumber rumber atthe at Bridge stor store Pric Prices s right right on hard hard ard ware are and and builders builder supplies R R. Peale Herrick and wife are are re planning plan planning plan plan- I I ning ning- to leave Duch Duchesne for or their honein hone home in Wah Washington wit within in a a. a couple c pl 0 of months h I mont I Ch Charlie Wa Walls Wall's little rais raised raised- d da a splendid flower garden guden on h ran ranch ch this year And Ana An they r b red the Record with some v very ry lovely pansies pansieS' poppies poppi s and carnations Co Du Duchesne tire ue run un- running running ning a strictly cash ash bl business siness They buy for cash and s sell ll for c cash sh No book accounts accounts' and d the purchaser ser ser- does docs not noth h hive haVe ve veto to pay y for bookkeeping bo ke pin a and d bate bad d i accounts The pe people ie of Duchesne D hc ne' ne are going g 1 I to pull off ori orie one df tic r. r t ti the u big celebrations t I Iol of ol the Uinta iri l' l basin asi July ly 24 4 a and d J July i 25 Pioneer Day Oay and the dedication I Iol of ol their new steel steal ste l bridge is is the the- occasion occa- occa sio sion for it I r f C. C W. W pr proved ved up pp on his homestead d Wednesday s sTry for ir groceries ceres Try the Bridge store stor groceries yo you you will save sav money C Cv T. T Beggs will prove up on his homestead on oi the of next m month nth Mr Beggs was one of the early ones onesto onesto onesto to make a filing having entered ed his his his' land and on the l first day da of f S Sep September l ber 1905 Sugar 13 pounds for LOO s per Eck ick k at Barr Barry Barrys s J. J Beg Begs Beggs s has some some canal canal stoc stock for lor sale in the Nowland Howland canal Cheap too 1 Mrs C. C T. T Beggs is Beggs-is is enjoying a visit from her her sister sister Mrs C. C M. M Simonds jm of Stockville Nebraska the he is ac accompanied accompanied companied by by- he her son Br Bret Brt t. t and Prof I. I K Ward the the the- thc la latter teI of of Li Lincoln coln Ne Ne- braska H H. K Palmer formerly with wilh the Uinta survey now nook stationed at at Los Angeles came in the first of ol the week Meek t to spend his furlough in Myton I j W. W H. H Fitzwater the Duchesne postmaster W was down on busin business ss Monday As Asne one of the committee on advertising fot for the big two day cel cel- celebration celebration at Duchesne on the the and Mr Fitzwater made arrangements with the Record for some large posters and other a advertising The people of Duchesne are going to have hav-c one great big time on an Pioneer day and on the occasion of or the dedication of the new steel bridge which spans the ri river er Duchesne folks have long had the reputation reputation reputation rep rep- of genuine l hospitality and oh oh the occasions mentioned they are gd gd- ing to even outdo themselves Every Everyone one attend attending is assured of ol a splendid time And everyone should should make ita it a point to to be he theae r f. f For Ech Exchange n fe J eo r 1 t Small sized new Heel nev U U. S S. S S Separators for cows y or or r calves I C. C CT T Beggs It s M M. M S. S Fishback i k was was was' doing V bu business cs in in Myton the first of th the thi week I Get Get Pic prices s on OIl mowers rakes oleos i S' S plows s etc from Beggs arid and save ave save money money Mrs Mrs Watrous and children e vi visited iteA this week his week at t Duchesne with with Mr Mrs M Mcdaris Mc- Mc i darts daris Mrs Airs Murdock the l two O Mrs Popes Mrs Mis Lewis Mrs Mrs Firth Firth and other ol old m li friends e ends I P. P pO 0 Madsen r- r ads n was was down t this 5 week from Crom Bon Boneta-as Boneta ta as a witness witness-in witness in some land ancl matters Pete l ha been bec suffering ff r ng this this I spI sprig g with inflammatory rheumatism Heia H quite Heis ji quit badly crippled up and does I not ot sh show w the the usual ap and anti vigor vigor I For tor or i good od groceries at low prices price I Itry try Y the Bridge Store I I f I Acting Indian Agent J Jewell D. D 1 Martin tin and and nd Mr Mrs Mania Mama met with a seve severe e a accident Wed Wednesday l daYa about noon while hile the agent was inspecting Gi ilg the Hi Ill Vernon Vernon lease above town The J 1 tongue of th the rig came came 10 loose s and the h horses rs- rs rss s a at once inc began bega to plunge The Occupants w were r thrown out r- r Mr 1 Martin rtin vias was ve very y badly t hurt intern internally ty although no bones were broken His wife escaped with a bruised f face ce Since the the- accident the ag agent rt has been confined to his bed being un unable ble i to I. I sit up even lo for a short while Cured Meats Pric Prices s 's are arc advancing on all tl the e ma market et but you can b buy v home come c cured red meats at atthe atthe atthe the Bridge store store at very low priC prices s v this month I Hams Ham l Ib lb Lard Larl 10 lb Ib Shoulders hou lb Ib lb 1 55 lb y 90 I L Loins in 1 e Ib lb b 1 11 f 55 FI Flour ir of various various' Os grad grades F ermade de bran and wheat at t l lowest es prices r forcash for t cash The Record mentioned ed last week about the crop of D. D D. D Carter arter This week Mr Carter sent Carter sent sent s samples of ol hi his grain to the My Myton ton State bank It IS certainly some som grain and nd if H the s samples ar are as an avera average e Mr Carter ter has has a a crop that t he can can- canwell well b be proud of The Durum when wheat i is s said id by experts t to surpass sut sur sur- pass anything seen by y th them a and d. d the Gold GoldCoin Coin wheat and Swedish Regenerated Regen Regen- erate crated oats cannot be surpassed surpassed The product is s simply ast astonishing oi hing and nd is well worth the while to take a look at |