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Show il iLCOULD f. HOT WORK tWSBe Wa Relieved from E FmkH&mt pala by Lydia Yegetable Compound. ; . "ndpinlnboth came I had Sndwbnmy 1 period to at ay .at home from work and suffer a long time. One day a woman came to our house -- GOOD ROADS ARE NECESSARY Well-Grade- and aikedmy mother why I was Mother told her that I suffered every month and she said. 'Why suffering. . don't yon bay a bottle of Lydia E. I I I I Vegetable Compound?' My jlhams it and the next month I bought gather M veil that 1 worked all the month without staying at borne a day. 1 am -and have told lota of jj, god health now Miss Claric Morin, girls about 22 Russell Street, Taunton, Mass. Thousands of girls suffer in silenee than consult a phy- -i fitxj month rather If glrla who are troubled with m infal or irregular periods, backache, sensations, headache, dragging-dowfainting spells or indigestion would take it 1 1 n n-- I 1 n I Lydia E. Pinkbams Vegetable Com-- 1 and pure remedy made safe a pound, om roots and herbs, much suffering avoided. to Writs Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn. Mass, (confidential) for free advice which will prove helpful. might be Army ; of The Every Day. Reports from all over the state Indicate that the corn crop will be above the average this year tn point of yield. There are 3,200 Ogden boys and girts between 6 and 13 years of age who are not attending the public schools. Utah will have an excellent yield of fine potatoes this year and the farmers should reap reward for their .careful labor. The citizens military training camp held at Salt Lake City, is being praised as the most successful one yet held. Frederick Koth, aged 66, of Willard, was fatally injured when a train struejs. a buggjr in whii;h he wasjidipg near Ogden. Struck by an automobile as he was riding his bicycle in Salt Lake City, Leonard Mill ale, 14 years of age, was almost instantly killed. Both handB of Fred Sanford, a plum ber of Salt Lake, were severely burned when a gasoline torch ;wltb which he was working exploded. Mystery surrounds the disappear ance of Charles Ryberg, aged 35 years, of Murray, who vanished September 3 A state-widsearch is being made foi him. Merchants of Salt Lake are urging that the festival of the Salt Princess be repeated annually, the result ol marked Improvement In business conditions. Madam Sophie Brodbech, one ol Utahs leading musicians for a number of years past, and director of the Salt Lake Musical college, died .Septem- Two ,'very striking facts present lliemselves to those who haVe notlciM our country roads this season. The first fact Is that proper drainage is vitally necessary In order to have a permanently good road. The second fact Is that a and drained earth fond, when dragged regularly, will gtvo us a passable and fairly good road even under abnormal weather conditions. Some of the best roads we have passed over this season have been simply dirt roads receiving treatment. Sorneof the worst roads we have gone over this season have been expensively made graveled roads which have been bud simply because of lack of drainage. The fundamental principle of road building, after all Is 6ald and done, is to so grade cur oads and provide drainage that tie water can Sentiment .In the middle West seems to be gradually settling down to the oplnlon that good foads are a necessity and . not a luxury. Building ber 18. roads for automobile owners now A coroners Jury has decided that, means building roads for farmers and Wesley Dockstader of Brigham came not people alone. The farm to his death from natural cause In an tractor and the farm truck of the fu- automobile on the way from Salt Lake ture will further emphasize the lm City to Ogden. porta nee of good country roads. The Another victim was claimed by an that must be insisted on is empty revolver when Ralph Bernon that, roads must be made of the best Harris, aged 8, son of Mr. and Mrs materials at hand, and the work must .Wtntam Harris of Magna, be done under the supervision of those shot and killed himself. accidentally This who understand Miss Marion Klein, aged 17, fright supervision naturally adds to the cost eced at the starting of an elevator in Another thing that must be understood the Walker butlding at Salt Lake Is that raalnlenanfe of the road year fell down the elevator shaft and City, after year, prompt attention being paid sustained serious Injuries. to repairs,. is Just us necessary, as the Bitten mad caif, GurFiakia,' 27 by first construction. was to Salt Lake old, years brought that good-roabuilding from Tooele to county undergo the most will continue to be one of the Pasteur to treatment prevent the depopular subjects for discussion for the of velopment hydrophobia. nert few years. The proposed federal Mrs. R. Phillips of Salt Lake at aid for road 'building, providing to be spent during the next tempted suicide for the third time last five years when a similar sum is raised week, swallowing carbolic acid, but It is believed she will recover. She hai, by the local community, means that a Is to become quarreled with her husband. national system of roads The Pioneer day celebration held at Ogden, July 24, under the auspices of the Weber County Daughters of the Pioneer, .cost $3,560.30, according to a financial rejkirt made last week. James A. Frltsch of Salt Lake City who fell into a crevasse on Mount Ranler, Wash., while climbing the mountain with a party of friends, died from the Injuries received. There are 128,000 children within the public school ages In Utah, accord. Yng to the estimate of Dr. E. G. Gow ans, superintendent of public instruction. In 1915 there' were only 125,000, Camp was broken at noon Saturday by the citizen soldiers at the military training camp at Fort Douglas, the men returning to their homes after months coaching in military instruction. Tabby Whlte, the Indian sentenced to serve a life sentence for murder In the first degree, and who already has served eight years, has an application for clemency before the board of par i dons. In accordance with tentative plans ' - well-grade- d - log-dra- e get-awa- y . CARTERS LITTLE only-thin- g UVER PILLS responsible they - - sotonly give relief -t- hey perma- nentlycureCaa itipth. Mil 'CARTER'S 1ST, Si Ions use them for Uimufffp Sick HcaJackc, Sallow PUL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. UftttMa, SMALL d for-cit- Constipation Smaller b Crowiag and Drained Earth Road, When Dragged Regularly, la 'Quite Satisfactory. STATE HEWS' road-ruakln- We-predic- t Genuine must bear Signature g. d $75,-000,00- FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved ia water for doachaa steps pelvic catarrh, ulceration and inflam-natlo-a. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co, for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, tors throat and sore eyes. Economical. Ho nwdtry dcaanas and twoniocU prmrr. SJzxiA more no- TYPHOID than Meiturr Ann? Smallpox, experience bar denonatratwl the almost mlrncnloo a efll-ttand hannlcawwa. of Antityphoid Vaccination. S vaccinated HOW by your physician, yce and e. It la more vital than house ycoitaaiUy. cn Insn-anc- Tta e send for Typhoid Vaccine, from Typhoid Carriers. , and danger Ask your physician, yoa had Typhoid telUnf dragr. of doom frame arm labocatccy, Ktsanr, cal i taccuas a asauaa aaaca thc pi.im.ikum iCllEHe3mSE?;SSSiKsK An. Expert There goes .Stivers, .the famous beauty jeclallst." ''One of those chaps who undertake ta remodel .your face If the style of architecture doesnt suit you? Oh, no. Nothing like that. He se- People Living in the Township lects the chorus Through Which This Road Runa Do girls for a producer of Rfflsleal comedies." Not Care for Engineering Advice. a reality. The states, likewise, are beSound .to ,B Heard. coming more liberal in spending money Mr. Flaibush Did you ever bear From an agricultural child cry a loud .as that- one uext for highways. the most desirable help to - door? - - viewpoint, now just Flatbush No; but you know the come frompropaganda the individual farmer must when be realizes that good roads are the proper development father are sof necessity la The Farmer, the country. good-roa- d Mrs. the reason, I suppose! ' "No; I dont Why, the mother and deaf." r OH I R2 Y BACK A stubborn backache is cause to Pct kidney trouble, When the kid-?- )' are inffamed and swollen, stoop-- I brings a sharp twinge in .the email the back, that almost takes the "reath away. Sooa there may be other ynptoms; scanty, painful or too urination, headaches, dizziness, w rheumatic pains. Dont wait for these troubles to become serious oe Kidney r:li st snne. You'll u4 no remedy. ire-Qae- i - Pn better-recommend- A Utih Cass Crooks, Jam.. - ?7 West First North, Ameri- Fork, Utah, For ton fra fears, I suffered T sharp paina back and f- waa helpless. kidney secra-o- n caused me po fi "Jf ahnoyance,, in baa Gravel Is Mixed With Heavy Road Oil, Which Acts as Binder Us a Concrete Mixer. formulated by the Freed Interests of Salt Lake the extension of. a branch railroad to Emery county, where the Fteed coal fields are situated, may be in progress early next year. Nate Springer of Midway, a miner working in the Miller Hill tunnel, near American Fork, had a close call to losing his eyesight by the premature ex plosion of a blast The doctors say the sight of bis eyes can be saved. An increase of 606 In the total school population of Salt Lake, as compared with last year, is shown in a report issued last week by the city depart ment of education. The total school population of the city is given si BOY WHO FAME WON li JJ wi I r "?Wit.Doans They be-- 4 hldnevs- -i benefited me in every way, riddui me t tn m mJ T n pain, MlWtriAayStas,IOetBs DOAN'S iSSE? psxt&xsLMmn ca buffalo. icy. . kind-hearte- - Aught-Indm- prin-ciii- lt2 , Vlo-torl- JiM-- W. DOUGLAS L.- 53.00 S3.50 S4.00 $4.50 & $5.00 factory at Brockton, Mas-- , They are made in a by the highest paid, skilled thoemakert, under the direction and supervision of experienced men, all working with an honest determination to make the beat shoe for the price that money can buy. Ask (! dnlsr kr tt, I. Dmi(tM Hms. Itnoh canother Is, . with the Unit you want, taka not pint yon upply make. Write for !nteretln( booklet asnlalntne how to ' ahoe of the highest ttaniJnrd of quality for th prlco, get return inatl, ptwlog freo. by LOOK FOR1 W. L Dongles . FOR WEAK KIDNEYS A medicinal preparation like Dr. that Kil- real curative value almost eell itself. Like an endlei ehain ytem the remedy i recommended by those who have Wen benefited to those who are in need of it. i Swamp-Roo- t Dr. Kilmer' a physicians prescription. It. ha Wen teted for year nd ha brought result to countless numWra who have uffered, The socccm of Dr. Kilmer Swamp Root i due to the fact that it fufill almost every wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder disease, correct urinary trouble and neutralise the uric acid which ciuie rheumatism. Do not Buffer. Get s bottle of Swamp-Roo- t from any druggist now. Start treatment today. However, if you wih first to text thi great preparation send ten cent to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a ample bottle. When writing 1 aura and mention this paper. Adv. mers Swamp-Boot- , ha - and th retail price stamped on the bottom. name1 - -An Yes, ills Is gt W N. mty fcaf , - Easy Job. n high-price- d - p 1 "Yes." etTBfFii U, Said Lake City, Nj. SS-tf- lie - , You dont mean It? Yes, I do; I know Baboons doi-sn- t ihixmck a remarkable ln sinct for finding water and have been used for that purjmse tn South Africa. The buildings of Amsterdam are built largely on pilings. The town hall stands on 13,000 such supports. t, Boston now has 348,202 names in Its city directory. Rome men look upon religion Cold storage Is a failure when It come to keeping nn engagement. 0 In Either Case 133 BakINg Powder will help you. Its goodness , recommends as a sort of moral fire escape. istabeginner it. In disturb hint, and a ns ns den f mf, so there Isnt lies a chance for him to he drawn Into an argument about the war," the papers )ur cooking SKLrcsws, akbkhso1 that old roan. cant rend, so the war news He s , t There goes a innn 1 envy." '"That shabby old fellow with a spade on Ids shoulder? bath-hous- e ! test le the oM $3.00 $2.60 $2X0 - Fortunate. sure tin easy Job. ever had." well-know- Preltent (J Boys' Shoes W ! Ilntiglw HhnmCn,, cinch 1 charThe sMnker w a a acter of the New York East side.. Ills wetrtmrbered aspect and Immaculate evening attire did not altogether disguise him, and therefore an astonlsliel friend a newspaper man was asking him quest tons. The encounter occurred in a, very refined and dancing resort at Brighton- Beach, on the border of Coney Island. "Dry had a couple o fusses down here, early In de season," continued tha The Bathers. Pntlehee Arent you coming In the East Slder, "un den dey hired me, see. o' to look I got to wear dls tnnke-uwotcr? right. It's all right when y git used IBtrlc Ye ; how is it? to It. Dey pay all right, too. Twenty "Pretty, cold." I thought no. This bathing suit a week an eat. What do I do? Wy, when I ees anybody I knows I puts isn't very warm. 'em out Duta all." Where are you going now?" to get my Back to the Mrk Harriet M. Martin, ninety-eighfur ba." work as office girl" for a physician The world supply or black opal In Newcastle, N. II. Is practically exhausted, in the opinion A shrewd jiolltlclnn Is one who of a London gem exiert. knows Just how much the dear enple Mexico has 13,000 mlie of railway. will tnnd for. For the purpose of consulting with local capitalists regarding the construction of the proposed railroad from Wendover into the Deep Creek mm ing district. President C. M. Levy of the Western Pacific railroad stopped off in Salt Lake last week. James McAfee, who owns a tract northwest of Myton, declares that he 'will make $S0 an acre on eight acres of alfalfa seed this year. Figuring bushels or 4,480, pounds ol sixty-four- , seed at 20 cents a pound, he would net $896, leaving $256 for expenses. By s report to be submitted to the Lincoln Highway association by A, N. Johnson of Chicago, a highway engIs exineer of aattonal repuKv-Ctah. the expenditure pected to benefit by -- " W. 20,722. The modern scheme of protecting road surfaces with sprayed oil has de' veloped a new method of patching ho es. Gravel Is mixed with a heavy road oil, which sets as a binder. This is prepared in advance and carted to the place where the patchingTs to be dooe Less gravel Is needed thanwhen It Is used dry, because the hole need be filled only level and tamped, while with the ordinary method the patching norgravel must be heaped above the mal surface of the road. Where patcha ing on M large scale Is to be done, to used prepare be can concrete mixed Popular Mechanics of approximately $350,000 In outside the mixture. capital within the borders of the state. Mrs. Lillie & Wolstenholme, at presLoce Money on "Boarder. member of the legislature from ent Rome farmer. would bn better off If Lake county and' until last week Salt milk they sold their cows had boughtrealize a candidate for nomination for state and butter. Yet 'they dont ticket has senator on the that they are losing real money on withdrawn from Republican to race the give greatTest every "boarder la their herds. to the only other woman er strength each cow. seeking senatorial honors, Mrs. Annie Cannon. Wells Using Sky as Shed. three-dauses session of the Sevier A who The extravagant fanner In closed at Richfield on was fair is county blue sky to shed his machinery his scour and it is declared to be to 16, brickbats September the market for numerous repairs to the largest attended fair since the for and plows that have first began to exhibit About supply the places of those taken lit s gate fees. .2.309 ras rusted one. - Save the Babies. y Zr -- -- -- ! METHOD OF PATCHING HOLES Time' Revenges, Paw Knows Everything. Willie Paw, are there any women "The Authorities wouldnt let m ' wear iny new bathing costume," Bald Queen Victoria Gave Silver Cup to aviators? Paw Yes, my son. The married ones the queen of musical comedy. They Jtam Singh, an Indian lire always going up In the nlr. said it w as tod flsky AriistT Mow Willie if you nsk that ohl "And jou hud to throw it away?" Oh, no. I'U wear It in the show The story of Sirdar Bahadur llnm hsd another question Ill bent you within an Inch of jour life, Iltts-hurg- next season. 'Then .theyll pay money Singh, whosr death iveurrod recently, is Chronicle-Telegrapto come and see it." that of a Sikh hoy. imru in humble circumstances. who rose to honor and The Right Kind. Too Refined. distinction by his own merit and endeavor and who remained, in spite of I wonder i f Mrs. J ones could make Modern steamers are floating that distinction, unspoiled, n this KindoT" a tart answer for the hotels." utodv-t- ,. Do they employ the tell buoys?"genuine man to the church supper purposes! end, L J. writes In the Indiaman! My dear man. Mrs, Jones Is too Baw Yincti. a lad. attracted the mm h i htd - to make a tart anWise Is the Instructor who learns attention of Lockwood Kipling, father swer for anything. more than he teaches. of Rudyard Kipling, and under the auspices of the famous atlst the j ouiig son of a Punjabi cultivator became almost equally widely .. cnown fis h dcsTgio'f. 'l.ater he suct NFANT MORTALITY U.sdmcthing frightfuL We can hardly realize tha ceeded to Mr. Kipling's ast s La1 of the Mho Scm.cl of Art at hore. per cent. . Tn 1SP1 Bam Singh was ordered to they are fifteen t We do not hesitate to way that a timely use of Cantoris would save proceed to England to design and to say that many supervise the decorations of the Durmajority of these precious' Uvea. Neither uo we hesitate of these infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations. bar ball at (istwirne house. The new Drops, tluctures and toothing syrups sold for childrens complaints ex n tain room was to be In Ldiim st le, and more or less opium r morphine. They are. In considerable quantities, the work was eecutsl with remarkIn any quantity, they stupefy, retard circulation and lead poisons. deadly able beauty and effect. The queen took to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria operate exactly the reverse, but Castori great personal interest In the work you must see that It bears the signature of Chaa. LL Hotelier, causes the blood to circulate properly, opens the during Its progress, imd much adiK'red pores of the akin and allay fever. Bam Singh might It on compie'hin. Genuine Castori always hears the slgastare of have obtained ninny commissions In England nftcr tht. but lie wns a singularly umimhitimis.iuoihst man. He loved hl work, but In the strnnge surUseless. Dangerous Place. roundings he was often homesick, and That's a peculiar looking bruise you Time is the most precious thing we he returned to the Punjab in have, and yet there's not one of us have on the back of your nee "obswith tliiMreMiired jiossesslon of a sll who doesnt wuste it as If it were of erved the doctor. a ver cup given to him by Queen no value whatever." Yes," said Ills pntlenLxTm sub and a letter In her majestys own t to those. You HinyFin a clarinet Yuu'ri' right about Urn t, oldjnnn. I handwriting. dont suppose, theres a day goes by that player lit un orchcsjrri?' I don't see how that cun produc I dont attend half an hour or more Of Military Aga. on tlie hack f your neck." is she wife bruises convince that to my tr.tlng The number of men of military age spending more money -- titan we can It doesn't produce them exactly, but ltv America Including citizens and nfloriL" It phps me In a position where I am men who have declared their Intention vpry liable to get them." pf becoming citizens Is said to be not It'll y Isnt a family tree with a ghost llovv Is that?" far from 21,0O0.(HXt. This estimate Is roosting on one of the branches a I sit directly In front of the maw based on the assumption that there shade tree? who plays the slide trombone," has been an increase of approximately ID per cent In the population oft he country since 1U10. When thnt census was taket tko total number of mule citizens and prospective citizens eigh"THE SHOE THAT HOLDS ITS SHAPE teen years of age and over, but under an5Vo7 was BVl.kn.ooo. Of this numTorty-slx- , """ """ Sava Money by Wearing W. L. Douglas ber 14.iiUt00 were native whites, shoes. For sal by overpOOO ahoe dealers. 2,Kn7.txi Were foreignhorn cirizens In the World. The Best Known Shoe dewho had become naturalized or had L Douglas name end the retail price k tumped on th bo clared their intention of doing so, tom of all shoe at the factory. Th valu ii guaranteed and 2,052,000 were negroes, and 50,000 w ere the wearer protected against high price foe inferior shoes. The wtail price ere the same everywhere. They coat no more in San Indians. Men of military age In TenrVtncuco than they do in New York. They ere always worth the nessee, at the last census numbered t' price pid for them. 434,041, of W, L, Douglas product k guaranteed by more quality phsthan , 40 yean experience in making fine shoe. The smart r the leidcn ifi the Fashion Centre of America. style OLD PRESCRIPTION SIKH |