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Show THE CACHE VALLEY HERALD FRIDAY, JULY UK GJl'l LID FACTORY MAKES Carload lot Shipment! Going All Pam of America; Lid Makes Big Hit To SC, 192 California, where Mrs. F. W. Richards spent last from Berkley, she has been visiting. and Mr. of as here end guest week Mr. Val W. Palmer. . The Logan Dancing club motored to Salt Air Monday and returnMrs. E. A. Bowen of Ogden ed Tuesday. Wednesday mm came came to Logan home Monday. returned and Miss Mae Edwards who is stayThe Clio dub entertained Wed- - this week from a two weeks visit in Los Angelas has arrived a ing afternoon Anderson a at Bridge tea gave nesday Mrs. Ross home to spend the Bummer vacafor in compliment to Miss Mary Sorlast luncheon Friday bridge Covers tion with her parents Mr. and Mrs. ensen who is leaving soon for New j Mrs. Owen Woodruff. & A William Edwards. twelve York where she will attend the guest for laid were Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Needham! V oo- awarded was Columbia University. A gift was motored to Ogden Sunday to spend guest prize WilMrs. to I score a and EL prize Miss Sorensen. ruff Mrs. J. the day as guests of Mr. and Mrs. given bur Skidmore. Hatch, Mrs. W. B. Preston and Fred T. Farr. Mrs. Vernon Crockett were the w-- M EmmM of committee on arrangements. TwMrs. Vernon Oliverson, who has S,rf- Mr. Rto mi Jta. KiWl rad mt been on a visit to Malad forsev-er- al e enty-fivwere present The party Mr. and Mr W. H. Harri. of Oe- rprat tot Mrs. Roland Emmitt. wa3 given at the home of Mrs. P. den days returned home Tuesday. gave a dancing party Tuesday W. Eliason on North Main. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Egan and , evening at the Harris home. The children returned Thursday of last Mre. W. B. Fes n an attended following Logan a week from the National Park. Falck ofSalt Miss Nathalie Jacobs entertain- the Mr. and! Mrs. G. W.: at the Heston sur They made a quick trip only gone ed a few out of town guests at her Thatcher, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman home Monday evening. The even- Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Champ. mer home m Logan can on m com six days. They visited Bear Lake Miss Flora Ammussen, Star valley and Jacksons Hole ing was spent in music, dancing Mr. and Mrs. Luther Howell, Mr., pUment was announced also. engagement and games. Light refreshments and Mrs. C. L. Jones and Mr. and Idaho. Olsen returned 0f Miss Aleine gensen Whitney, were served. Miss Jacobs left Mrs. S. S. Eccles. will take place in home the later part of the week yhe marriage Wednesday for Salt Lake where September. The Japanese idea from the hospital at Preston where she will finish her musical studies Mrs Ben Meldrum left Sunday with, parasolls and lanterns. A she has recently undergone an opat the McCune Conservatory of for her home in Salt Lake, while Am-heDr. G. eration for Appendicits. guest prize was given Miss music. score and two high the following gave two prizes W. States did the operating. les of bridge: Mrs. FTansis Champ awarded to Miss Martha Thatcher Dr. S. E. Nelson of Preston was Miss ComHIe Christiansen ar- Mrs Luther Howell, and Miss Ruth and Miss Norma Watkins. Covers a Franklin visitor Tuesday afterrived home Monday from a two Mrs. C. noon. were laid for twenty-fou- r, , Nibley. " weeks visit in Bear Lake. Ammussen assisted. Mrs. William Kingsford and FRANKLIN The Standard Equipment Manufacturing Company, Logan Utah ud has only been organized since January 27, 1926 and has made a , , record that only a few companies ,, in the United States have. None have ever made such a rapid growth. Three patented articles are resupr sponsible for this organization today. One article in particular found immediate sale all over the United States. Salesmen as well as dealers immediately saw the practicability of this article and the demand was eminent by the thousands that have been sold. This article is a ventilating milk can lid. One or two methods is used by Farmers marketing their milk. In milking and placing same in the milk cans the old lid was tipped so the animal heat esFriday at Fish Haven the memMiss Mary Eastow gave a chiccaped or a cloth was used to keep bers of the Budge family held their Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Falck of dogs, cats, mice and other animals ken dinner Thursday evening. The reunion. annual The following Salt Lake spent the week here as from getting in. The cloth wa3 al table had for its centerpiece a baswere Julia B.i guests of Mrs. Broborg Ammus-Niblethere: from Logan ways unsanitary and if the can ket of phlox and sweet pea3. AfMiss,' sen. Luther Mrs. Howell, was closed up the milk would spoil ter the dinner the remainder of Ruth Nibley, Dr. and Mrs. D. C.j and lose value for the producer. A the evening was spent in cards. Budge and family. Dr. and Mrs.j Mrs. Thompson entertained in-farmer will immediately see the Covers were laid for sixteen B. Budge and family. Dr. and formally at two tables of bridge value of this ventilating lid to inguests. Mrs. Hayward and Children, Dr. jn honor of Mrs. E. W. Robinson sure perfect sanitation for his can and Mrs. Scott Budge and Mr. and before her departure for New of milk or cream after he has gone to a great amount of expense to Miss Farris Eliason returned Mrs. William Budge, Dr. and Mrs. (York. The rooms were decorated O. H. Budge and family, Mrs. Ann vrith garden flowers. Tea was produce it. and Mr. Annie Miss close at served of the Budge, the Budge, Mr. W. W. Craner the inventor their product in car load lots. J. R. Budge, Mr. and Mrs. J. of the lid realized the field for These points of distribution are All thf such an article, secured the patent located as follows: Northern Stat- E. Passey and family. reside who members of the family Mrs. Joseph Newbold, Mrs. Tho and started making the lids by es, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Cenin Bear Lake were also there. mpson and Mrs. J. E. Shepard mot hand, easily finding sale for all he tral States, Kansas city, Missouri ored to Salt Lake Tuesday and recould make; and then the problem Eastern ' States, Rochester, New Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Crandall of turned Wednesday. of making them in quantities and York; Southern States, Nashville, still make a profit come up. The Tennesee, and Western States, San Springville Utah spent last week inventor realized it would take Francisco, California. The J. F. end here with Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Allen Knox of Salt Lake is thousands of dollars worth of Rhodes Company, 461 Market St., E. Carlisle. visiting here as a guest of her brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. machinery to turn them out any- San Francisco, California, are getMiss Mable Lindquist gave a X. W. Kimball. where near as fast as they could ting some very good business in be sold. Having very little money our Western States, and the pro shower Wednesday evening for to operate on at that time, came in duct is becoming better known Mrs. Vergil Hansen, formally Miss Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foote of contract with the present manager, here at home. The J. W. Robin- Maud Coombs, a June bride, whose Los Angeles spent last week here Mr. A. E. Lloyd, then considering son Company, 140 East Lake St., marriage was not announced until at the Hotel Eccles, Mrs. Foote two other patents, and the Stand- Minneapolis, Minn., has been the July 4th. The rooms and table was formely Miss Mable Picot. ard Equipment Manufacturing producer that has contracted to were decorated with sweet peas. They left Monday for their home. Company was organized with Dr. sell one million lids this year. He Refreshments were served to H. K- - Merrill, President; T. W. has sold up to date nearly one ty-five guests. Mrs. Hansen reMrs. C. W. Woodruff and dauW. 0. Dar-le- quarter of a million lids, and they ceived many beautiful and useful ghter Katherine and son Chris of Uoyd, secretary and treasurer; Dr. see no reason why hi3 full quoto gifts. Salt Lake came here to spend the 9 iPandall, director; A, E. Lloyd, dir- cannot be sold. Another car load of week with her parents Mr. and ector and General Manager. These fifty thousand lids will be shipped Mrs. Aurthur Caine and children Mrs. Mose Thatcher, Mr. Woodruff men together with other stock to him in the next week or ten of Soda Springs are here to spend will join them for the week end" holders put up sufficient money to days. The inventor of the lid, Mr. the week with Mrs. Mary E. and take them home. buy machinery, raw material, open W. W. Craner, located at Kansas Smith. a factory and start men in the fi- City, Missouri, figures to dispose Mrs. A. B. Squires and son Boyd eld selling. The growth came so of a couple of car loads yet this A surprise party was planned of New York are visiting here as thousand lids. Tuesday night by Miss Amy Pratt guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Chrisrapidly, and orders came in so fast year it was necessary to work a night Mr. Craner received ene order of for Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lindquist, tiansen. shift for six weeks to fill orders. fifty thousand lids from one con- in celebrating Mrs. Lindquists Miss Ella Bennion has returned Realizing that raw materials cern. The Eastern representativ- birthday anniversary. Supper was can be purchased in carload lots es should do as well as the rest served after which the time was from a weeks visit in Bear Lake. much cheaper, discounts to be tak- also Southern representatives. spent in playing games. Covers She will return to Salt Lake with en care of when due, the Company These two are just getting into were laid for fifteen guests. Gar- Mr. and Mrs. Morris Christiansen. may offer for the first time, to the field. In fact their Northern den flowers were used to decorate the public, a small block of the representative, Mr. Robinson, Miss Ruth Bell entertained at the rooms. common shares of stock for sale at two tables of bridge Wednesday Minnesota, has kept the The following ' couples motored afternoon in honor of Miss Delma $5.00 per share. The purpose of Factory working night and day to is to these cover shares all out to his bride of the near futbut with preselling Honeyville Wednesday evening, Holdaway put orders; territory of the United States, buy sent equipment they are in a posi- After an hour of swimming a pic- ure. Tea was served at the close raw materials in quantity lots, tion to put out over ten thousand nic super was served afterwhich of the afternoon. ' take pare of discounts, insure lids per day if necessary. This they attended the dance: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Newbold will entermadeup articles and prompt ser- would make a production of over Mrs. Bennett Blair, Mr. and Mrs. vice to the men in the field selling a quarter of a million a month, or Ross Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Har- tain at a reception Saturday afterthe product. As the Company is three millions a year. This can be old Craggs, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur noon from 5 to 8 in honor of Mrs. only organized for 100,000 shares taken care of with present equip- Skidmore, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cyde Squires of New York. 25,000 shares in 'the treasury of ment. But should they be requir- Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. William the Company, the outstanding shar ed to turn more than this number Budge, Mx. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lind- are leaving Saturday for New es are equally distributed among a out, then they could put in more number of men whereby there is machinery. So if three millions quist. . York. not any one or two men having were manufactured yearly and control. Mr. Alfred Alder of Manti was this number sould be sold then if The Kiwanis club entertained The Standard Equipment Manu- only a few cents per lid was earn- their wives Tuesday at a dancing a guest of his son Byron and famfacturing Companys channels of ed one can readily see that the party at Earls camp in the Logan ily during the farmers encampdistribution are through the Whole Company is a very big asset to canyon. A progressive picnic sup- ment. . sale Jobber, and they ship most of Cache Valley. per was served before dancing at Earls camp. Forty couples were Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Alder and present. family of Manti were week end guests of Prof, and Mrs. Byron AlJudge and Mrs. Noal S. Pratt of der. Salt Lake returned home Monday afternoon being the guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Alder motand Mrs. Andraes Peterson. ored to Salt Lake Monday and returned Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John O. Peterson entertained at a family dinner Miss Bonne Nibley of Los AngeSunday afternoon: Judge and Mrs. les, California is here as guest of Pratt and Mrs. C. M. Bergstron Miss Ruth Nibley. - i 0to' wk W: . . ; Miss Viola Harris few days including visiting friends at turned to her y, T. family attended the funeral held at Weston Sunday of Mrs. Fred Day, who died at Preston Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Shipley were among the Preston visitors on Pioneer Day. Mr. Alfred Alder of Preston was at Franklin Sunday afternoon. V??. NeSfc Miss Rubadore Of Franklin er resident fromSaltLake as rJest Dorothy Jensen, until school 5? mences again. Mrs. Backman, who has living at Downey for ths is at Franklin arainT011' home of Mr. and Mwufo sen. Pres. S.W. Parkinson and lly spent Pioneer Day t I Mrs. Elizabeth K. Lo f! Su?ky at Lewiston with heS Mr. Md MrS; mg Butterorth 22 Haybum, Idaho is vijit. Mr. and Mrs. W.C. ShipU daughter Fern, Miss Vai Whitehead and Miss. Thora attended the party given at field by the Morgan Canning Con pany Tuesday evening. gj hyrum A number of lady friends re tab-jmuss- I at the new home of Mr. and V. A. Spenny on Tuesday of W week in honor of her birthday mversary. A very sociable aft, noon was spent during elicious which d- refreshments were semi to about 20 guests. The lady was the recipient of many valuable tokens. The out guests of-to- were Mrs. Orson Smith, Mrs. Watson and Mrs. J. A. Wahlen, of lo. gan. At the approach of evenk all departed wishing the lady many happy returns of the day. , after-Mrs- . ! twen- . y, End of The SALE OF HATS $1.00 ed Min-eapol- is, Season Saturday, at 9 oclock Just 35 hats. Sale Starts at 9 Saturday and lasts as long as the Hats do. Be Here on Time as they are Real Bargains. Values to Surprise Everybody. See the window. O ft 1 StocktorD'ChristiansenCo S 0 (Formerly Shamhart-Christians- Co.) en Loh-ma- n, . Service Steam Laundry A City Service and niece Marjorie were special Mrs. Grant Nielson and Miss guests. The tables had for its centerpiece a basket of sweet peas Phyllis Nielson entertained at a and nastertums. Covers were laid miscellaneous shower in complifor ten guests. ment to Mrs. Roscoe Hess formerly Miss Blanche Zundel. Refresh.Miss Charlotte Dancy has re- ments were served. turned from Honolulu where she Mrs. Christine B. Clayton will spent the last six weeks. spend two weeks in Salt Lake beMiss Drue Eliason and Miss fore her departure for New York Hattie Merrill left Wednesday for where she will attend the ClSlum-bi- a Baker City, Oregon. University. For the Country RURAL DISTRIBUTERS FOR - Logan Laundry KT, Dry Cleaning, Rug and pet. Washing Car- - Agents in AU Cache Towns Valley Mrs. C. M. Bergstrom of Salt Mrs. Lura McCulloch and daughLake will spend two weeks here ter Anna entertained at a week with her daughter Mrs. John O. end party at the home of H. G. Peterson. Miss Marjorie Thomas Hayball in Logan canyon. also of Salt Lake spent the week here. Miss Charlotte has arrived home ONLY BIGSHO W COMING Logan, Mon. Aug. One Day Only. M EK D Fair Grounds TT BROS. 0 OS LCC 2nd E A $ OJ 0 3 AAGS -- HUGE STEEL MEN ANIMAL 6GT&' IOO CIRCUS ACTS 4, 10QTRAINEDMD , , BO A BAND FUNNY CLOWNS, BANDS OF MUSIC OF SIOUX INDIANS Big Wild West j-B- ) , |