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Show Serving Paradise, Hyrum , THIRTY-FIFT- H llYRl $2.00 per year YEAR .M, and Wellsville in UTAH January 11, Beautiftd Cache Valley oc IS) 10 A I'M per copy REK Til 1 RTY-ON- DAVID WARNER BODRERO SCOUT COURT OF HONOR DARWIN BAXTER HOME GRANT MAUGHAN HOME POSTMASTER RESIGNS PASSES AWAY MONDAY of son L. Lt. Darwin Baxter Grant Mauahan, Following sacramental Sergeant Jay services After serving for the past j David Warner Bod-erof in the Hyrum First ward on twelve years as postmaster at Fly-ru- amved at his home in Hyum after Mr. .and Mrs. Ariel Maughan 42, of f for died Monday at the home of Logan his and husband from the the discharge day evening which will commence Cantril Nielsen has resigned receiving army at Ft. Douglas. He has mer Ila Larsen of Hyrum, arrjved at 7 p. m. a Stake Court of Honor of his mother in law, Mrs. James his position to enter other busithe in the army fcir 2 been past will be held with Stake Leader R. Cooper of Wellsvile after a years home after spending ness. Jorgensen presiding. Ion illness. 1 le was born in New in Owen Hall in charge. LogMr. Nielsen was unwilling to and overseas two years serving fourteen months overseas 1 he opening prayer was said an April 13, 1903, a son of Jeffin and Guinea the with The France the Philippines. infantry Italy, until wil following his be future were Present announce Larsen. program plans bv Lavon Grant has been in the service rendered: Color guard, Hyrum rey and Louise Warner Bodrero. and Germany. He has also made Mayor Jorgensen, Councilmen La m annoucement is made by the the past three years and w,ll First ward; prayer, Hyrum Sec- He married Miss VI yona Cooper for Switzerland to an extensive trip . Von Larsen, Verna lVLlier, Hom- - firm he intends to work with. -- I his release on January 21. ond ward and Mendon He receive been has to a rest precamp. ward; Mus ,the only daughter of the late er Petersen, Clifford Poole and medBronze the with ical Star sented numbers, Third and James R and Mrs. Annie Cooper OPERATION Hyrum A. Eliason. J. Recorder Thomas VERL of Wellsville in the Logan RELEASED LA PERKINS Unit Presidential Eur Citation, al, Hyrum First ward; talks, WellsMr. Wil iam G. Obray undertemple Clawson excused! Mr. of on September 4, 1935. LaVerl son SerEast ville Perkins, e Cpl. and Millville. M. Caddie a S. went Surviving Monday. Electrician operation major City The ptrindipal speaker of the are his widow and one son, Fred- vice riobon, Good Conduct medal. and Mrs. S. John Perkins, receivmet with tfie Council and told of service ed from the his discharge JAMES H. NIELSEN SERVICE Victory Medal and Bronze Arrow evening will be Scout Executive erick Davell Bodrero, his parents work which had been accomplisPhilin 19 months after the Preston Pond. Awards wil' be and the following brothers and spent A well filled house met in the head. hed with men from the Cache Valand Guinea New a as Darwin gun-the from ippines ward chapel on Saturday graduated presented to all who have quali- sisters: Jeffery, Par ey and Edley Electric on parts of the power1 Third He with ward Bodrero and Mrs. Evelyn anti aircraft unit. an 1 South Cache School fied. their relast High m. to prior at pay p. system in town, and further has and thiee battle has of Logan, John Bod his induction the stars to Steffenhagen into A and Nielsen H. of to lis James army Hy special in the next spects will be made made to appeal irum. Mr. Nielsen died at the has now registered at the USAC been in the service since October, the parents of the Scouts to at- rero of Wellsville, Llewelyn Bodfew days. for the winter quarter. He is the 1943. LaVerls wife is the former tend this ceremony and witness rero serving in the Pacific, Mrs. Mayor Jorgensen has a trip Cache Valley hospital on Wednes Eaine Dutson Perkins, daughter their sons receiving their awards. of Mir. and Mrs. John B. Margaret Crager of Lewiston and son fracfall which fo lowing a .planned to Salt Lake City for eq- day Mrs. Mary Louise Maurer of Nib-le- y. Dutson of Mr. of Eben Mrs. and tured his hip. uipment and street lights. Providence. child have one They Counselor Thomas Eliason was Bonds wer issued, signed and Mrs. Perkins is at Bushnell hos- INJURED IN FALL Funeral services will be held in in charge of the program which JENSEN BOYS HOME Councilmen to Mayor, approved with with burial in th? Wellsville a Logan pital appendix. ruptured been the had Mrs. Marie Christiansen of Hyfamily. aranged by Pvt. Rodney Claine Jensen has and Treasurer. under the direction of Mrs. Beulah the cemetery Jensen is was at receved his honorable discharge rum Duties of City officials and apreceiving treatment at the LEONARD JORGENSEN HOME Cache Val W. Loyal Ha I Mortuary. the and and the the played has inand been prelude from visy hospital following army pointments of city employees were crgan 1st Lieutenant Leonard Jorgenpostlude and also an organ solo. iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. juries received after a fall on the read and discussed. home on a furlough visitFLOYD LEISHMAN SERVICES A letter asking each town to Mrs. Noirma Baxter and Mrs Otey Hiram C. Jensen. His wife is the sen is icy pavement. She is also sufferhis and with Funral seYvfces wej-Mayor ing Benson hold on parents. have a Centennial celebration was ing from a bad burn. We wish sang.' They were accom- former Coy Mendenhall of ClifW. Jorgensen. Leonard for Mrs. John in the Wellsville Thursday taberMrs. Muriel her have Wright. panied by speedy recovery. ton, Idaho. read, and it was decided to has been in the airmy over three nacle for Floyd Leshman, 55, who Mrs. and Larsen Mrs. Lois Mrs. Lit Another Margaret American Petersen is and Mrs. Legion, ihe Lions, enjoying son, Claren, Allen sang. They were ac- - a fur ough in Hyrum. He has been years and served overseas in InRuth Moss of Hyrum enjoyed a passed away at a Logan hospital erary clubs and others to cooper- - Marge dia for two years as an engineer. after a years illness. Bp. Preston ate and make this a good celebra- companied by Mrs. Beulah Jen- serving in the Navy for the past trip to Salt Lake on Saturday. LeonBefore the was in charge. The entering Brenchley army sen. 26 months and overseas for 24 tion. USAC choir directed by Chorister Lewis Prayers were by George B. Niel- - months. His duties have been in ard graduated from the A letter from City Engineer FL Brenchley and acc'(mpar?d Thomas Adams was read on the sen and Russell Hansen of Logan the Soijh Pacific and he pias and was employed far three years FAMILY REUNION U. the, on by the Geological fj. Survey two numbers. the services at were organ Speakers from Okinawa. sang returned sewer A pproposed just system. family gathering of Mayor as an engineer with headquarters ) Justice of the Peace A. A. j John A. Israelsen, Leonard Mrs. John W. Jorgensen took Other musical contributions were and in Texas. a vocal duet by Parley Hal' and came to meeting and sub- - sen and S. A. Dunn. Their re FLORIN M. ROSE HOME place on New Years day when Nellie Leishman, a vocal duet by f mitted report of fines and for- marks in part were that Mr.. Nie-se- n Pfc. Florin M. Rose, son of ten of their eleven children held had been an excellent ath- Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Rose of Hy- WELLSVILLE BOYS ON LEAVE a reunion. This is the first time Mrs. Ruby Thornley and Fay feitures collected during the 4th of Logan accompanied by carter of 1945, a total of $137. lete inhis younger days and had rum has returned home after Joseph Parkinson of the U. S. they have all been together for Jensen Mrs. Ella Maughan. Speakers inbeen very energetic. He was al- service in the army since Novem- Navy is home on furlough with many years. cluded Bishop John J. Hendry of Delinquent ight and water bills ways willing to lend a helpinw ber 1943. H has been 18 months his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dinner was served to LtCoI. Wellsville and DeWight Ward, a checked over and a number of de- hand to his neighbors and friends. in France and Germany and is Parkinson. and Mrs. Ronald G. Bowen and of Mr. Leishmans of He had the reputation of being linquencies to receive red cards Sgt. Leon Ha l, son of Mr. and two children, Patricia and Robert nejglibor wearing the Purple Heart, four College in his ward, honest He Floyd Johnson, a and if not paid in said number very dealings. battle stars and the Distinguished Mrs. Russell Hall spent the past of Denver, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. brother in law of Logan and Bp. of days service will be discontin- was always kind and generous to Unit Citation. He has a wife and week in Wellsville from his base Arthur Jorgensen and two child- Brench'ey. ued. Amount delinquent to date all. He had ben blessed with a child, she being the former Shir- at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. He left Jolene and Geraldine of Chey ren, devoted wife who was also a kind ley Hall, daughter of Mr. and Tuesday for his base where he They told of the wonderful $819. 49 Mr. and! Mrs. character of enne, Wyoming: mother. She hat a Mrs. L W. Hall of Wellsville. Floyd, his love for Thg following appointment of and loving expects his discharge soon. Jack Jorgensen and two childern his friends wonderful and neighbors, most and family, character, city officials were made by Mayor Sic Eldon Glenn and his buddy Dean and Jimmie of Los Flqrins parents went to Salt Angees, and the for be ir wishes were that she little children. especially Jorgensen. Lake City to meet -- him upon "his Sic vm. Adams,whose home is Calif.; Lt. Leonard Jorgensen, reHe was a good and respected citiJ. W. Jorgensen, Law enforce- blessed with better hea th so that arrival in Utah. in Nevada, spent the holidays here cently returned from India: May- zen of Wellsville and she will be able to live and enjoy came of a ment. with Eldons parents, Mr. and or and Mrs. Jorgensen and famfine respected family and had her son and grandchildren. Lavon Larsen, Light Dept. Mrs. Haro d Glenn and family. MAUGHAN BOYS HOME ily, Max, Virginia, Gladys, Gloria, The grave at the Hyrum ceme married into a good family. Verna Miller, Road Dept. Mr. and Mrs. George N. Maugh Beth boys came from Korea Reid and Joan. Charles an are A. J. Clawson, Finance Dept. tery was dedicated Prayers were by Seth Leishman by happy over the safe arrival for a furlough and expect to reOne son, Howard, who is sta- and John C. Homer J. Petersen, Water Dept. Unsworth. The Brenchley. home of tjaerr three sans, two turn to Korea about the middle tioned in Manila, although exClifford Poole, Public Grounds Following the services the rel- from overseas, and aU receiving of the month. grave in the Wel sville cemetery home, was unable to make was dedicated atives met at the home of Mr. and an honorable and Buildings. Lt Paul Selley spent the past pected by James E. Dar-le-y. discharge from the connections. Bills for the month checked Mrs. George B. Hielsen where military service. The last one to week in Wellsville with his wife Following the dinner, a family and motion made and passed to dinner was served to all. be discharged is Cpl. Marvin EL and little son whom he hadnt picture was taken. group HYRUM SENIOR LITERARY pay bil s. Meeting adjourned at Maughan who has spent; thirty seen. He is stationed at Seattle. 10:45 p. m. the social activimonths Norin four Leishman the Grant Sic from Highlighting area. European CYNTHIA BENSON CAMP Benediction by Thomas Eliason. ties of the Ladies Senior Literary Cpl. Charles E. Maughan spent TO MEET I;,1 i we,lcome , home, . thirty months overseas and Society of Hyrum for the winter Mrs. Victor Jensen will enterI At a welcom home party for season was the beautifully arrangRUPTURED APPENDIX E. c. , Maughan was in the two weeks furlough with his par--1 i tain the Cynthia Benson Camp of George al returned veterans of World ed mid-yeTwo Welsville people are conclub social held on DUP at her home on Thurs- service for four years and spent ents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Leishman I War II of the Wellsville which num- fined to Bushnell hospital with in the time the States. evening, January 7 in the a"d I Monday fahllIyday January 17 at 2 p. m. with her around 85, held New Years the Bluebird at of ruptured appendices. They are Vice Banquet Hall in Captain Mary Larsen night at the tabernacle, the foll- Mrs. LaVerl Perkins and Crosby Logan. charge Garland Geaiy and .family left Mr. C. R Sorenson of Salt Lake I owing program was rendered with Glenn. A gracious wecome was exMrs. Eldrid Larsen will present funeral of Bishop Frank Leishman conduct- - tended to members and guests by Tuesday for Mesa, Arizona where City attended the the esson and Mrs. Alice Jensen they will make their future home. James Nielsen America". FVayet Mrs. Ruth Moss, vice president CELEBRATES 80TH BIRTHDAY ing. SJnging Saturday. has prepared the musical program Mrs. Lizzie U. Nielsen observed by James A. Leishman, vocal solo of the club who presided at the Hostesses for the day will be by Archie W. Maughan. Opening function and voiced the sentiher eightieth birthday on Monday i d Mr8 remarks by Bp. Leishman. The in J"7 Beside. hom MrSReta, her at Hyrum. , ments of the club officers and 01se": MrTs n: welcome home address was made members in ,Ida, friends called that Hyrum many wishing all a Flappy and Ahce Jensen- by Mayor Lamont M. Allan. .her grandson, LaVoy Facer and 'Nie,sen New Year. THIRD WARD MEETING wife of McCammon, Idaho ajid Rena Leishman and I cal reading by Mrs. Nellie Leish-Edit- h Miss Bessie Brown in charge I l A officers her sister, Mrs. Ella Ellis of Salt of and teachers the Leo C. Nielsen, Stake Chairman introMaughan and Readings by man accompanied by Mrs. Reta of the evenings program I Lake City were present to wish of the Old Foks committee has Third ward Sunday School are Mrs. Della Francis. Poppleton. Musica selection with duced the guest artists who dethe her many happy returns of the announced the following sched- urged to attend j piano and xylophone by Miss Lila lighted the group during and folmonthly HYRUM SECOND Sacrament meeting for the Hy-- 1 Rfly Clark and Bobby Price. Talk lowing the banquet. ule for old folks parties for this meeting at the home of GroveT day. Christensen on Monday, January rum Second ward will convene at I by Mayor Vance Walker of Men-- 7 season. Attending were 60 members y' I HYRUM FIRST, WARD OLD p. m. in the ward chapel. Prin- - don. Vocal duet by Mrs. Nellie and guests seated at a large Januairy 18, Hyrum First ward 14 at 8 p. m. Refreshments will be served. FOLKS PARTY JANUARY 18 cipal speaker will be Ned Allen I Leishman and Parley Hall. Bene-wh- o January 26, Avon banquet table artistically the The Lets start has recently returned from I dictio by Bp. Preston Brenchley, decorated with bowls The annual reunion and Old right. ferns Paradise of 2, year February best way to start the Sabbath day duty in the Pacific area. Special j The program was followed by and Folks party of the Hyrum First shaded roses. February 12, Hyrum Second yellow ward will be held at the ward in a series of beautiFebruary 13, Wellsville Second s n Sunday School. There s a musical numbers wil' be rendered a dance held in the Junior High Appearing for eveTy member of the under the direction of Reta Allen. I School Gym where the Mendon ful chapel on Friday, January 18, February 22, Hyrum Third, Pla string trios were Shirley Degn, MIA will begin work at 7 : 30 1 orchestra was in attendance, family. Wellsville First and Nibley. 'commencing at .12 noon. cellist of Ephraim, Ut., Norma Da13 has been and tjifc Special Interest Sunday January Millvile. Special guests will be all the .23, February group vis, vioinist of Logan and Marion designated 'as 100 per cent Sun- - wi continue their lesson work. people of the three wards over Bennion of Delta, Utah. February 28, Mendon. Relief Society meeting will con I BRADSHAW BOYS HOME the age of seventy and their part- Every Person in Hyrum 3rd Other members of the stake Mrs. Moveta Cardon of Logan ners, the Stake Presidency and j committee are Parley Hall of ward s especially invited to at- - vene at 2 p. m. on Tuesday and I Mr. and Mts James B. Brad-th- e presented her large class of stuwork and business officers shaw are happy over the return dents, freauli.fuIJy costumed, jn partners. Bishops, Counselors and Wellsville and Olivetr Taylor of lend Sunday School. Bring Clerks of the 3 wards and part- - Mendon. will be in charge. fyiend. Sincerely youVs, of two of their boys from over- - j a Dance Revue in Miniature. Mrs. the Stake Old Folks John A. Israelsen HYRUM THIRD seas duty and receiving honorable Cardon accompanied her talented 9mers, and wives. Old Fo ks comLaMont Larsen At the Third ward on Sunday I discharges from the serice. groups in a variety of clever and WARREN RALL DISCHARGED Blair R. Nielsen mittees of the Second and Third entered lovely dances. at 7 p. m. Dish I Cpl. Clark Bradshaw evening beginning BMlc Warren N. Hall of the U. ward, service men and their partSuperintendency The final op Earle W. Allen will be in I service August 8, 1942 and program numbers S. Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray HYRUM FIRST 1 o? married people I ed 33 months in the Pacific, ners and a of the ll Talks selections trombone were splendid program. the ward and those of marriage- -' Hall, is home again with his disFollowing sacramental services be gven by all departments ing action in the Solomons and by Miss Dorothy Madden of Ogcharge after spending the past on Sunday, which commence at of the priesthood froim Deacon Philippine Islands. He received den able age, accompanied by Mrs. N. W. 7 p. m., a Stake Court of Flonor to High Priest. The First ward committee con- four years in the service. sic his will Ft. on at mu Christiansen j of Logan. discharge Douglas Special Mrs. Jane B. Maughan left on will be held be a Far'tone so'o by sists of Bessie Swanson and J. P. I December 26 by the Boy Scouts Hostesses for the evening were to Angeles Relief Society will be held on Maughan of Logan accompanied with Thursday for Los W. Jorgensen, chairmen, Bessie entered Mrs. Ruth Moss, Mbs Cpl. Lynn Bradshaw the following members: Mr. and pend two weeks wit hher son Tuesday at 2 p. m. with the work j bv Mrs. Maughan. the service Fbrtiary 8, 1943 and Brown, Mr. Irma NicLols. Mrs. buifmess Mrs. Floyd Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton and Relief SoUety will mt t at 2 served 24 months in the European Louisp Petersen, Pdiss Lila Eliason in coming tees Mrs. "Melvin Liljenquist,, Refreshments ! p. m. on Tuesday and feature theater with the Military Police. Mrs. E. J. Wilson, Mr, .Clifford J. W. Maughan and other relatives. charge of events. will be served. the monthly work and business Fie visited Berlin after VE Day. Poole and Mrs. Me'inda Jorgensen, John B. Baxter, Mrs. MIA wil commence at 7:30 Annie Hall. CLIFFORD PARKER HOME Bqlih boys attended the USAC pf meeing. MIA son of m. In .the Special Interest group f n? at 730 p. m on I before entering the war and are Sgt. Clifford from WellsMiss Betty Christiansen of Salt Mrs. Mary J. Parker, a rived in a musical evening! Tuesday ca ring. The Spec. I In - j now relased and again attending L,ake City was called home from We lsville Sunday morning after ville will be enjoyed. The program tcresl class will hear Mrs. i lei - 1 college. Mr. and Mrs. Bradshaw have an Ler employment there to assist spending the past four years in v nl consist of Bass solos by Ray j moine I taws Rose who will with the cere of her mother, Mrs. the srvice with thiee years in the Leishman, soprano solos by Edith j on aTt ere also display many of other son, Lloyd, who is with the Riags. Elmer is employed in Buhl, Maughan, vocal trios by Venice her paintings. U. S. Navy in the Pacific. Marie Christiansen, who is ill. Idaho. European theater. HYRUM CITY COUNCIL MEET By Thomas Eliason Regular City Council meeting convened at 7:30 p. m. in the City office with Mayor Jno. W. -2 j -- nr cor-lecti- on ft I A 1. O : Lar-Sava- ge 3. S-S- he,r gt. is pAm ar Ghandt AiutouHcemaviti n, 1 , serv-char- ge see-wi- ' 3 lfkjr, 1 j I A X, K r ' I |