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Show 1 Lakeside Review, Wednesday, August 12, 1987 3Cv More peregrines placed in area; future looks bright NORTHERN UTAH Ten jears ago, there were only a few peregrine falcons nesting in Utah and the birds were in danger of extinction. northern Utah, and if nongame biologists with the Division of wildlife Resources have their way, there may soon be twice that number. Fifteen young peregrines were released to the wild two weeks Today, there are five nesting pairs of the peregrine falcons in The Layton United Strikers undsoccer team captured the championship of hte Pioneer Day Soccer Tournament at the Cottonwood Heights recreation complex in Salt Lake City. The three-da- y tournament completed a competitive schedule on July 25. Under the coaching of Andy Johnston and Kim Henderson, er-10 the Strikers under-1- five captively bred peregrine falcons in each of the northern sites: two on man-mad- e towers near Team registration fee will be $180 per team for Clearfield teams (having no more than five residents on a roster) or $210 per team for other teams. For further information, contact the Clearfield Parks and Recreation Department at out-of-ci- ty 774-727- 0. 3-- 0. and Cougars, Bountiful, Western Alliance, West Valley, 0. The team members include: son Barrus, Phillip Connor, Jake Drosher, Brett Gooch, Adam Hill, Scott Henderson, Eddie Jackson, Trent Nielsen, Dusty Stettler, Trev Payne, Mark Cucu-licBrandon Peterson, and Sean Now Only $30995H Hand 12YEAK Propelled Roar Bagger LIMITED J WARRANTY! Pope. Clearfield lists y winners all-cit- All-Cit- y Slow-pitc- h Tournament was held July 28 to Aug. c&s KAYSVILLE SMALL ENGINE REPAIR POWER YARD EQUIPMENT 544-139- 9 546-131- 3 o Cabinets 527 No. Market St Homo Improvement Hardware o Much More Don't miss out on your chance to save $$$ Our Layton Store Only 200 W. Gentile (Service) (Salas) ds Scratch & Dents Clearance Items $50.00 Havent you done without a Toro long enough? The Clearfield Parks and Recreation Department is now ford mulating its Fall Softball Program for all teams still desiring to compete. The program will consist of h two mens leagues, an A league and a B league. Games will be played at Steed Park softball complex twice a week on Monday and Wednesday evenings starting Sept. 7 and running for five weeks. Team applications may be obtained at the Clearfield Parks and Recreation Office located at 40 South 125 East. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Registrations are being taken now through Thursday, Aug. 13. Only 10 teams will be allowed to participate in each league. Team registration fees will be $190 for Clearfield teams (having resino more than five dents on a roster). Outside teams will be $220. For further information, call the Clearfield Parks and Recreation Department at One-of-a-Kin- KaysviSIe slow-pitc- h, Mens 0. Watch For Our Annual Garage Sale... 1987 Coming Aug. 19-2- 9, Fantastic Savings on: Reg. $359.00 Trade-I- n Die-Har- Ja- Annual 774-727- Die-Har- 2-- 1; The For further information, call the Clearfield Parks and Recreation Department at Trading Block Clearfield sets d softball 4-- 4; will be $180. Save $50 to $100 On Purchase of a New Toro 21 life agency. out-of-ci- ty Put Your Old Mower On The 3-- 2; City, In the playoffs they met the Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The fee for the league is $160 for Clearfield teams (having no resimore than five dents on a roster). Outside teams 4, Model 20588 The peregrine falcon reintroduction program began in 1979, however we did not see our first successful breeding pair in the northern portion of the state until 1983, said Don Paul, regional nongame manager with the wild- the Great Salt Lake and one on a remote cliff along the Wasatch Front. It is hoped that these additions will help reach the wildlife management goal of 10 to 15 nesting pairs in the Great Basin portion of Utah (between and the Idaho border). East, Clearfield. Office hours are The Womens C League (4 players between the ages of 25 and up unlimited) will be held on Monday and Wednesday. All leagues will start the week of Aug. 24. All games will be held at Fisher Park. Registrations will be accepted through Thursday, Aug. 13, at the Clearfield Parks and Recreation Office located at 40 South, 125' fered. worked their way through five tough games to capture first place in their division. They played the following teams: Western Alliance, West Valley, Cougars, Bountiful, and the Firebirds, Salt Lake nonprofit organization, placed were released in the northeastern part of the state. Peregrine falcons end-of-seas- on team 0 addition, four more birds In 1 Tuesday and Thursday evenings at Fisher Park starting Sept. 8. Team applications and league rules may be obtained at the Clearfield Parks and Recreation Office located at 40 South 125 East, Clearfield. Registrations are being taken now through Thursday, Aug. 13. Only 10 teams will be allowed to participate in the league. An tournament will be of- wins soccer tourney are still listed as endangered, but their future looks bright. DWR, in cooperation with the Peregrine Fund, an Idaho-base- d -- Sports briefs Layton Strikers team ago in northern Utah in the continued effort to reestablish the endangered falcon in its historic range. , 1. Winners of the Mens A League was Tonys Angels; second place, Northern Utah Traders; third place. Sellers Masonry; and fourth place, Daley Tile. Most Home Runs Award went to Wade Hall. Winners of the Mens B Division was Nakaishi Heating; second place, D & B Towing; third place, Clarence Knight; fourth place, Dustys. Most Home Runs Award went to Ty Nielson. Winners of the Mens C League was Utah Power and Light; second place, Lcvolor third place. Chandler Video; anc fourth place. Coca Cola. Mos Home Runs Award went to Kiri WANT MORE SAVINGS? WEVE GOT EM! That's right! Our big insert, going on now through August 15, is filled with super savings on the items you need most. From alternators to wheel seals, we've got 'em and they're 5"49 A79' 321 Clearfield Parks and Recreation Department will offer three womens soccer leagues. The Womens A Clearfield registers flag football teams FLAG AIR FILTERS for most domestic and Import cars and light trucks VALVOUNE MOTOR OIL Limit 12 30 WT., IOW 30. , 20W 50 10W-40- 891 -- ALYOllliE' VALYOLlnf MOTORCRAFT SPARX PLUGS Limit 16 for most cars light trucks. 20t Super'HFCT cill-Clima- te RNAL COST... QT. and RESISTOR League (most competitive league, ages 16 and up) will be held on Monday and Wednesday. The Womens B League (2 players between the ages of 0 and 5 players between the ages of 25 and up no limit) will be held on Tuesday and Thursday. The Clearfield Parks and Recreation Department is accepting registration for its Mens Flag Football Program for 1987. The league will be played on tb09g 0. Clearfield schedules women's soccer Bill. come on in and save bucks. You know where So rlOMSPNCl;aS out-of-ci- ty 774-727- all on sale. 78' ty 16-2- 21-2- 4, thermal mir2Sw cotmrm? cums at Antelope Drive 1-- (across from Little Tree) Layton, Utah PRESTONE ANTIFREEZE COOLANT UmtM automatic m n tm fo) SALE PRICE SAIF PRICE ON 2 ADMfeMCi M formula MAH IN ON 2 REBATE RNAL COST PER GALLON figBElEII with up fill gasoline 379 PRESTONE SUPER FLUSH 22 07 Car Wash wfill Jeaeeeeeaeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeaeaeeeee Wash, Wax, Dry with FREE Fill-u- p & Dry-N- Super Wash, Way FREE & Dry, No Fill aeiods MOTOR MUSCLE CARA A CHOKE CLEANER $400 up. Wash Validation Good within 10 Days of Purchase FREE Wash, Wax & By 12 07 51346 Permotei With this Coupon Dry with COUWYEY CUSEIMS 1-- WYNN'S FRICTION PROOFING net I01 1370AM46-1- at Antelope Drive (across from Little Tree) Layton, Utah SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH o Fill-U- p Expires Aug. 19 if tor ,....$300 Fillup o See oockoge $2 Wash, No Fill Up... Wash, Wax PROTECTION $200 Super Wash, Wax, Dry with Fillup umn FLUSH PRESTONE GUARANTEED RADIATOR $f 00 JEJ m tD Piffle) fW7i DAILY 8am-9p- ROY 5418 S. 825-741- 1900 W. 2 SUN. AUGUST 15, 1987 AUTO PARTS Sale prices subject to stocking items and special orders where applicable. It an item is unavailable, a ram check will be issued. We reserve the right to CO limit quantities. 9am-6p- LAYTON 1997 North Main 825-2672825-26- 56 Our FREE Do It Yourself Guides And Video Learning Center Teach You How To Do The Job Quick And Edsy. changes to brake system overhauls, we can show you how to do it right' From oil rra y: |