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Show Local Items Mrs. W. J. Itolfo was a Salt Lnko visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Yates woro Salt Lako vlsltorH Wodnostlay. o Mr. nnd Mrs. Lovi Phillips woro Salt Lako visitors Wednesday. o Say, Nlggah, moot me at tho Southern Panorama, Tuosday night. o Mrs. Prlmo Jacobs Is visiting In Farmlngton with her daughtor, Mrs. Roy Dahl. o Miss Irono Anderson of Salt Lako is vlBltlng hero with relntivos and trlqntls. A swell lino of silk blousoB $2.98 and up now stock at Peoplo's Coop. o , Misses Ruby and Lavorn Klrkhnm woro Salt Lako vlHltors Saturday and Sunday. Mr, nnd Mrs. Qcorgo Soutliwlck and family nro spending this week In American Pork Canyon. Half Prico on all canvns sumtn'or oxfords for nil mombors of tho family at Peoplo's Coop. adv. Mrs. Floyd Schow of.Drlggs, Idaho, Is visiting hero with her pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dorton. o Mrs. Horbort Taylor roturned homo from Loa, Utah, Monday nftor visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Quy Evans. Jamos Powell, who is employed nt Topliff, spont several days hero last week visiting with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Kirkham spont tho wook-ond in AVost Jordan, visiting with their dnughtor, Mrs. Norman Hoglund. o Mrs. S. A. Smith, Mrs. Joseph Smith, Miss Eva HutchlngB and Cheater Chea-ter Smith autocd to Salt Lako Satur-day, Satur-day, o Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. AV, E. Rntker and Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Adamson woro In Salt Lako visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Rackor's. daughter,. Mrs. l' A, ODrrenft v t-- ' : -' i o Half Prico on all canvas Rummer oxfords for all mombors of tho fnmlly at Pooplo's Coop. adv. o Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Hadlock of Ogdon spont Sunday In Lehi guests ot Mr. and Mrs S. W. Ross. Thoy woro accompanied on tholr roturn by Miss Ethel Hadlock who spont tho wook with Miss Edith Ross who Is taking training at tho Deo Hospital In Ogdon nnd Is homo on her vacation. Spoclal Soap Salo Friday nnd Saturday, Sat-urday, Soo Peoplo's Co-op. ad. adv. Miss Dolva Allrod and Miss Iva Carlson of Salt Lako woro Lohl vfclt ors Tuosday. |