Show TH As Necessary Higher Birth Rate Credited Brown Compares Present Stir at Capitol With Previous Ones Holds It Legal and Cites Long Use Probe Now-OSets Precedent To Recovery By HARRY J BROWN WASHINGTON July 13— Lobbying once more in the public eye is as old as representative government and will continue regardless of congressional investigations as long as there is a congress atWash-lngtdand legislatures sitting in each of the 48 state capitals Furthermore lobbying is constitutional and cannot be prohibited by law! In its proper sense lobbying is nothing more nor less than a means of petitioning congress or a state legislature save that the petitioning is done in person rather than by written document There has been fnd there still may be corrupt lobbying involving the improper use of money or other material things to influence votes but such lobbying is the exception rather than the rule Washington has had ijiany lobby investigations they come to nothing and when they subside lobbying has been resumed In point ef fact it seldom halts even while congressional probes are under way Present Probe Novel ween the president and congress devoting his entire time to the job but wielding less influence than the postmaster general But there is nothing novel about a postmaster general appearing around congress in support of legislation his presi Postmaster General dent wants Frank Hitchcock was conspicuous during the Taft administration and Postmaster General Burleson was a continuaridbbyist ijnder the Wilson administration There was passing criticism of each of these cabinet officers in his time but never was it taken seriously never did it lead to sn investigation NEW YORK July The increase in the American birth rate in 1934 after it had fallen more than 18 per cent between 1929 and 1933 is explained by Dr Louts L Dublin statistician and third vice president of the Metropolitan Life Insurance comas resulting directly pany from an upward turn in the 13-- n economic tide "Better times in both 1933 and 1934” said Dr Dublin "made it possible for thousands of young men and women to contract marriages which the depression had forced them to postpone and enable thousands of married couples to fulfill a fundamental obligation to society and to themselves — the bearing and rearing of children "The increase in the American birth rate in 1934 was about threq per cent over that of 1933— a rate of 171 per 1000 population compared with 168 for the preceding ” year The current lobby Investigation is novel in that it promises Practice As by the proponents of the Wheeler bill as well as the activity of those who were arrayed against it No one denies that since the Wheeler bill made its appearance there have been scores of power men In Washington heads of power groups heads of individual power and their attorneys companies Their presence has been well known they have been operating openly around the capitol they have been interviewing senators and representatives and making out the best possible case from their fcind-poiagainst the administration’s power bill They were fighting they congress t get legislation which claimed against legislation which presidents may want Some presi- they maintained Wbuld be ruinous dents have done their own lobbying to their business! summoning senators and congressQther Side Active men to the White House others have operated through their cabBut while these opponents of the inet officers and other representa- powet bill were making their own tives who have been rent to the fight representatives of the admincapitol to "lobby" through adminis- istration were quite as active tration bills Under certain admin- around the capitol were just as agistrations both practices have been gressive in their appeal for votes followed But no president in the for the Wheeler bill and as strongpast ever had the "persuasive argu- ly denounced the power companies ment” that now rests in the hands as the representatives of the comof President Robsevelt And Presi- panies had denounced the bill spondent Rooseyett fortified by that ar- sored by the president In the sengument nf' exerting direct Influence ate the president won by a majority at th White House and indirect of one vote and then only after infltfence through cabinet officers Senator Wheeler at the last minute and other representatives who are sprung a note which the president sent to the capitol as occasion de- had written him insisting upon remands tention of the "death penalty” nt clause It was the house of representatives that has usually gone along with the president that upset the calculations as well as the expec- tations of the president thus indicating that the opponents of the bill had waged the better fight before the lower branch of con- -' The administration forces gress refused to take their defeat with and immediately good grace opened up their demand for an Investigation of the power lobby The investigation naturally cannot be concluded before congress gets through with the Wheeler Hoover and Roosevelt have done more than other presidents of modern times to influence congress Wilson had his Colonel House a conspicuous figure at the capitol when some administration measure of importance was pending President Hoover relied on one of his secretaries fdr-m- Presidents House Changes Atmosphere All would have been well and the would power lobby investigation have been avoided had not the house of representatives reversing its usual form voted down the "death penalty" clause of the Wheeler bill in face of the statement made to the house that without this proviso the bill would be vetoed This vote of the house was a more serjous rebuff to the president than any action yet taken by this congress It not only incensed the president but angered the government ownership clique In senate and house and brought down the demand for an investigation of the power lobby This demand arose from those who stood with the president but before they got through the conservative element in congress so amended the resolutions authorising probes as to call for an Inquiry into all lobbying connected with the power legislation— that Wilson er Congressman Walter Newton while of Minnesota President Roosevelt relies chiefly on former Congressman Charles West of Ohio and on Pomaster General Farley It was mainly through West and Farley that the president made his fight for the power bill but it was by a lesser light Tom Corcoran an R F C attorney who had helped d®aft the power bill that the administration was first embarrassed over its lobbying efforts in support of the Wheeler bill Farley Real Worker It is a matter of record that Post master General Farley is the most aggressive spokesman for the president who operates on Capitol hill he Is the heavy artillery Mr West is retained as a "contact man” be- - THE MOST BEAUTIFUL REFRIGERATOR MADE GRUNOW ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR SAFD— SILEIST— TROUBLE FREE Years to Pay GRUNOW FEATURES 2 s e All steel nets o All rounded corners Dry Zero insulation Sealed in oil Low operating cost cabi- one-piec- ar $1 guarantee £or per year $10 Installs It Prices— 112950 flSSH 1 17950 DINWOODEY FURNITURE CO 37-4- 3 West 1st South Wasatch 394 14 1935 was named to head the field! 13 UP -- The Campbell said the vitamin has been widely exploited because of the Undoubted popular appeal of the mysterious substances which add so much to foods The new division will employ methods of checking similar to those the administration has used for many years Samples of the goods moving in interstate commerce will be taken by inspectors at scattered points over the country and forwarded to Washington for analysis Prowler Steals Gun LOUISVILLE Ky July 13 of by the disappearance vegetables from his garden G W Bostic 40 traded his hoe for a shotgun today While guarding his garden he complained to police a prowler attacked him from behind and made off with his 'weapon (AY-V- exed TOLY 60c Elk Delegates Arrive For Columbus Meet COLUMBUS new officers will be elected Tuesday morning and installed Thurs- Postmaster General James Farley address one of the sessions next week is expected Monday He will day morning QUARTER OF A CENTURY Ohio July 13 LPi-their grand exalted ruler andelegates to the seventy-firs- t nual national convention of th Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks began arriving today by bus train airplane and automobile Michael F Shannon of Los Angeles highest officer of the order said "Americanism’' will be the theme of the convention Convention sessions will start Monday night and more than 60000 are expected by the middle of the week Shannon conferred with Justice James T HalUnan of New York who is slated to succeed him The Led by A Ka Save £rom $20 to $50 Washer or Elec Refrigerator You Can FURNITURE CO 1050 East 21st South — Sugarhouse Depilatory $100 SALE UDMJG Six 07C Nor should the secretary of d commerce Mr Roper he Probably he takes rank or second to Secretary Wallace certainly next to Secretary Hull Roper does not confine his activities to lobbying for his own department but for the administration program in general Though' less active than former Congressman West his Work before congress is almost as diversified and his accomplishments many There are specific instances of lobbying by Utahns at the present session of congress Governor Blood himself has been to Washington urging not only liberal recognition of Utah under the relief administration but while here took occasion to exert his Influence in behalf of pending legislation which he re garded as being of vital importance to his state The Salt Lake City chamber of commerce twice sent its secretary to Washington on a lob Among other bying expedition things Gus P Backman did his ut most to further two pieces of legis lation in which Utah is deeply con cerned— the air defense bill and the bill to establish a regional bureau of mines station at Salt Lake City When the Pettengili bill tp repeal the long and short haul clause came up for consideration the Utah Citi zens’ Rate association and a score of other Utah organizations paying freight charges sent Ernest D Balm to Washington to work against that bill These activities all constitute lobbying but it was legitimate lob bying just as most of the activity of the power companies was legitimate Power Heads Make Drive G M Gadsby of the Utah Power and Light company joined K M Robinson of the Idaho Power company and th' two together joined in the general drive of power executives to head off the most obnoxious features of the Wheeler bill They interviewed the Utah senators and congressmen they presented their side of the picture they resorted only to argument but they nevertheless were a part of the power lobby they did what they could to ward off the enactment of a taw which they believed and insisted would be injurious not only to their companies but to those who had invested in the securities of their companies and those served by their companies Jr Blades 47 For 3 New Chrome see wlh 8 Cup Pcml’s 1 CO Fact Powder On Sale! SSc Cream Bottle ofl 100 Fully Equipped and 5 Cream— 50c Tube Phillips1 Mllket KIT r 1 50c FIRST MO Gem Blades Low 3$e E Bauer Black Fusuritam’s 3 11 10 Value SHAVING Miineete 2 TOOT1I PASTE 50c Tube y ”34 prices in every deportment f -i 17c 25c Size 4 oz a C 50c Cashmere DR Soap Double Quick Tooth Paste 3 tor 45c E 5-- 11 Special Prices on 20 40 FILMS 8 45 Eastman or Ag£a 25c 30c 79c 15c 19 59 Uc 3 “Certain-Safe- " Modess $125 Kelpamalt Bayer Aspirin 24’s 60c Jad Salts cond 40c Fletcher’s Castoria 55c Lysol 75c Listerine 75c Acidine 14-o- z 42o 70c 61 0 56c 69 c Filmi86o Films 93o 98c We Make the Print on VELOX 12 PcauDouac oj GOLF Thomas had left Washington bea fore the power fight reached rrisis Yet Senator King and Robinson and Representative Murdock when questioned said 6 for c 110 for $2 iiijuimmimaw! White Kid 5 l ULCA Vest Pocket Tka World i Smollett Camera 98c Only 2 50c - PROPHYLACTIC TOOTH BRUSH 1 in- deep wide - i ’ Sc Keep Coot! New Streamlined Electric Fan 1 49 -- blade JL Noiaclets and inter non-radi- o fering Handsome 19' Jar Ju Woodbury’s Creams 35 25c Hinds Honey and Almond Cream 19 50c Pacquin Hand Cream 39 60c Ital Balm 39 75c Coty Face Powder 69 25c Mennen’s Talc 17 50c Jergens’ Lotion 36 Talc tin 29 Almond Lotion 29c Ilillrose Cold Cream lb39 l'ffl Qama 39 29 5C CERTIFIED Dcficioui FRESH 25 Cremo Cigars 57 2 for 5c 33d 27 S3 STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM 40c FRESH RASPBERRY In 6-- Carton Mar-O-Q- il QT Calox Shamp 42 E Wondertoft Kotez Bo of 12c Palmolive Shav Cream23 50c Gem Double Edge Blades 5’s 43 $100 Nurito for Neuritis 89 10c Velour Powd Puffs 4 $150 Lunjinol 1 In129 grain 50's Dolph Fly Spray pint 45 Oil of Citroneila 15 Ritewav Shoe Cleaner 25c J & J Baby Talc 19 HClt 17 Bisodol Gets It Corn Remedy 24 Talc 25c Djer-Kis- s 17 for 23o MILK OF SHAMPOO MAGNESIA With Rubber Shampoo Itrush 19c 33c wf 3 E 25c Nail Polish Pint 2 1-- 75c FITCH’S 79 29o zlze 35c z Viacolized Both for Tooth Powder 40 Angelus Rouge! Vaseline Hair lpnic33 $1 Delatone Depilatory79 73 Pinaud’s Quinine Palmolive Shampoo 23 50c Dew Deodorant 34 50c Campana Dreskin 37 35c Maybelline Refill 31 $110 Coty Lipstick discon 47 CUTEX and Lipstick 60c 20 ICE CREAM Carry-Ou- t 290 4-- streamline betel F 33d Dental Perborate 25c L'sterine Powder 19 Orlis Mouth Wash nintdft 50c Revelation Powder 35 Li C'OZ 0 60c 60c 40c Film 50c Kolynos Tooth Paste 25c Pebeco Tooth 2 for Paste 35c Colgate’s Paste 50c Ipana Tooth Paste z $100 Lavoris 40r Squibb’s Dental Cream S T 37 Tooth Paste disron Cold Cream White’shoe Cleaner fBEftUTYiAIDSt 12-oz- Mtn 100 110 28c 340 48o Fllmz Films Films Films Expert Kodak Finishing 15 37 21 37 59 5 lbs 17 Epsom ’Salts 150 Anusol Suppositories 100 25c Anacin Tablets 12sl7 Boric Acid Crystals 17 8 ounces 75c Vince-- Lit Films 39c Film 115 Fllmz 50 20-o- Po-D- 45c 60c 65c Films Fllmz 10c 45c 50c 2 for 27c Package of Flmz Bio Films 260 Frtthly-Mad- e 50c 100s !b3 Hc c POWDER 24c 17a BremediesM Shaving Cream Jar 32c 25c size Citrate of Magnesia $100 Adlerika 30c Olive Tablets 60c Syrup of Figs Hinkle Pills 100’s 60c Sal Ilepatica $125 Petrolagar All Numbers 25c Boats Rolls Psyllium Seed lb dark 75c Alophen Pills 100s ar Bru$hltt 3-c- z or Perfection JUSTRITE IlrxrtivesU lilMELViNEEDSJIB 3 Dr West TOOTHPASTE POWDER 19c $fer25c BOST TOOTH WEST Economy Tooth Brush Bouquet Man-O-W- lAe DR LYON’S IOC BALLS Pe Buy one now far summer long Ie Luxe Jug Hated 18c Senator King and Representative Robinson were in sympathy with the cause espoused hy Mr Gadsby Representative Murdock differed them with Senator Kleveol X 112 SOAP Gem Razor Bromo Seltzer 30c Size OUtlNG JUGS TABLETS Aspima -- S'- 60c 35' Cram— $1 LlSetonsoy FerjCMfogif Gallos Size I RESTORATIVE IKIopjpsr’s Shaving Cream with AU Size Caldwell's — 60c Size ofPo-D- o Probak PINT PEPSIN 3 E 10 and Ogden Only Right Referred to Limit Quantities ALCOHOL MbMflO equally A large tube Salt Lake MONDAY— TUESDAY— WEDNESDAY Neet that of the Conunued on 9 A fact there are oxer-looke- bllL Michigan JULY ©her WASHINGTON July government has singlfed out 16 men to check vitamins and measure against preparations glandular standards that have not yet been set The men selected by W G Campbell chfef of the food and drug administration will see how many vitamins are in foods that are advertised to contain them and what effect others might have on glands they are supposed to strengthen Dr E M Nelson formerly associate chemist in the bureau of chemistry and soils will head the new vitamin division Dr Erwin E Nelson formerly of the University of successful lobby is farm organizations whose accomplishments are written in no end of special statutes enacted in the name of relief for the farinef What the labor lobby has beepable to accomplish through impermanent Washington representation need not be recalled the labor lobby has been just assiiccessful as the farm lobby Bringing up the rear is the fairly fecent lobby organized and maintained by the army of federal employes Its field of operation is more restricted than the others but its methods are similar and Ail notable its accomplishments four are permanently intrenched and all are pursuing methods com parable to those of the power men who flocked to Washington to head off the administration power bill Cabinet Member Count In the present cabinet are to be found a number of highly successful lobbyists none more successful than Secretary of Agriculture Wallace What Wallace with the aid of Tugwell Mordecai Ezekiel Chester Davis and their aids has been able to accomplish is enough to fill a book Secretary of State Hull a former former congressman and senator has been another lobbyist of no slight attainments and Secsetary Irkesr in a lesser field has been quite successful in his efforts to get onto the statute books legislation which he has sponsored and which has been given the approval of the president The secretaries of war and navy in this like all other administrations have been inter mittent lobbyists and have not fared so badly as evidenced by th vast increases in appropriations for army and navy that have been made under the Roosevelt administration An The "power trust” so called has long been one of the pet aversions of President Roosevelt for years He fought the power companies of New York when he was governor he inveighed against them when he was campaigning for the presidency and he carried on through the Wheelcr-Raybur- n bill after he became president meantime seeing to it that a goodly portion of his first relief fund went into the building of government and municipal power plants The president is in deadly earnest about wanting to curb the private power companies and about putting the holding companies out of business He is convinced that his is the right view and being convinced is doing everything in his power to force through the kind of legislation he wants of SUNDAY MORNING Government Checks Vitamins in Foods Exploited for Value four notable lobbies maintained permanently at Washington that have been quite as active and quite as successful as the power lobby but they have never been subjected to a senatorial or a house committee Ever probe since the World war there haa Washbeen a veterans’ lobby at that has worked 12 ington months in the year including Sundays and holidays and it has failed only In its attempt to put through the soldier bonus bllL to go into the lobbying activities of the power companies on the one side and into the activities of the federal government or the administration on the Other Heretofore only the representatives of private interests seeking to Influence legislation have been the subject of congressional probe the assurance now is held out that the government lobby will be exposed along with the power lobby If that promise Is kept the country will be enlightened as to things which are little understood outside of Washington It is not unusual for administrations to bring pressure to bear on a matter SALT LAKE TRIBUNE Woodbury’ u3 SOAP for 19 25 Feena- - n mint 14c |