Show news from our immigration br david wilkin who went out to meet some friends returned on the list just and on the tha informed the tha congregation ia the tho bowery of the position of the tha companies yet due I 1 llo iio went as far east as tho the devils davils gate with the tha missionaries who started during the tha tore forepart of september and while there therom panties panics crossed the he summit tins this side of tile the willow springs i in lit the following order A charles A harpers company milo andrus isaac allreds allredd All Allt eds reds T Sy lliams cos coa 2nd and merchandize merchandise dize train j soon afterwards captain andrus company took the lead and were still sil sli ill ahead while mile hey they were weno at athe the ath crossing of the sweetwater oct 4 a now snow had fallen during tho the night so that it lay 3 inches deep and it if snowed quite hard haid through that day but since then the weather llad lad iad been leen warm and und pleasant the tha different camps were well and ia in good pints spirits but were traveling slowly the tha scanty feed not affording sufficient nourishment for the tho te teams arns they hav have had no trouble with tila tile though thou h br wilkin reports that the government troops had a brush with the sioux not far from ash asi hollow in which they killed took several squaws squads and an a children prisoners and had bad only ony 5 of their men killed orders to cease ceass trailing trading rith with the tile indians had reached the trading posts pests at the devils gate gata and hams fork and those traders had packed up their goods grass is good and plenty between here and fort 13 bridger ridger and if teams are soon toon taken back all the companies can urrie arave a before inclement weather ana and much docs ba be saved that may odier ovier virGe b be f lost ost furterer fun FuR idi N 12 since writing the report from br a 6 U I 1 P th V at foo per of the tha firm or T S co arrived abut ap n bof lof the bringing t the tha following additional particular particulars i capt hooper left their thele 2nd and merchandize merchandise dize train at the pacific springs on the ath dinst and te port s that the cattle cattie were dying atthe rate of about 1 7 head daily in each compan yand that tile the c companies om patties parties cannot get further than bridger bridgers unless I 1 I 1 they are furnished with more cattle I 1 ile he says that they iad kad llad had no wo trouble with the i sioux until after deli dell Har ha harveya alleys neya attack upon them that several visited their camp just before I 1 that at attack and were very friend friendly fy expressing a strong desire to make m 1 kea a treaty and be at peace and ana a perfect willingness jo to give up those who killed the mail mall party the capt names instead in of as the number of indians killed and aud alin alln says that since then they have hal had to be constantly cor corst antly stanlly on thel theu r guard those having spare teams and experienced teamsters who are not very busy buss busy basy would probably do welt weir to forthwith respond lud lua to the wish expressed by P fresti rest 11 young during the forenoon of last sabbath ag as the president is not here to further direct in the matter having left for cache valley oil on tile tha J ith lath a th ilist list in company with crests kimball and grant lt geni DH wells and br V 1 kesler kesier Kes hes lerand and will not probably ie be belack balack lack before the or bowery bi I 1 SUi suf day DAT oct oc 14 1835 1855 at 10 am singing by the choir prayer by elder daniel cam carn singing elders eiders elde eide re william pitt and dEarl earl lately returned from froni a mission emission to england gave brief an and interesting accounts of some soma of the incidents in their travels and were exceedingly rejoiced with the privilege of again enjoying the society of their families and the saints in these peaceful valleys preste presto B young called elder david wilkin u upon pon the stand to give an ac account caunt of the i gratic ni still back the purport ochia of his remarks will ba found under unde r the head news irom from ou our I 1 I 1 tuut N immigration elder thos bullock B u read two letters from elder milo andrus to prest BJ young 1 dated sept 26 and ind oct 1 giving garig an account bf the positions and circumstances afflis of his company tv he also read a list of thai that company which 13 the ad P r E fund company preat B young wished some sore of odthe the brethren bret lizen to take teams and some provisions and go to the assistance of their friends on the plains singing benediction Benedic ilon by elder E snow a 2 p m singing prayer grayer by bishop L D young singing S ginging elder erastus snow addressed the congregation upon tile the text it is far lai asier easier to convert persons person and gather them than it is to keep kiep them thern to their duty after thy are gathered lie ile also touched upon faith I 1 tha iha holy spirit and good god works during hs remarks the th sacrament was administered bit edwd hunter asking a blessin blessing gr upon the bread and elder E snow upon the water Sing singing ipg benediction by bishop E D woolley woolley Vo olley tha the tha I 1 day ay was warm and very pleasant i FORT FRi oGin by letter from geo W boyd to ar b r I 1 william A hickman dated the lath hintt we learn that the indians indiana are oca occasionally sio nally illing wiling Ii cattle both those belonging to the F ort ancho and to the mountaineers ve ue writes arites that capt hooper had just bought 20 7 ohie ofie of oxen from jack robinson to supply su the deficiency in his train trains and that two men iad lad just come from br andrusin andrus in quest of ani rotis motis to his company was at green nver and unable to roll br andrus also wrote to br boyd that many of the men wom women en and children were almost barefoot and very ii ties es of clothing THE during the past patt 7 days has been and still is 19 very warm and pleasant late peaches eaches are now ripening finely i |