Show NAMES OF passee passengers GERS IN THE THIRD COMPANY OF THE 1 11 EI E FUND exl EVI GRATIO TAKEN AT tun THE POINT pointe MORMON GROVE NEAR ATCHISON K T AC AU GUST 4 1855 1853 1 UILO MILO ANDRUS captain of company Com panr pany israel barlow re from mylon ra rawlon vlon archibald an derson roer pitr rid nid william stocks and wife wire james jamel woodard lucy hea p emily emliy st pridmore dianah dd ihu vId avidson son elizabeth eiza Elia betit bettt palmer james boyack borack wife and 9 children william J anderson An denon deMon wife and 4 children tuomas thomas campbell wife and 2 children chi dren john Camp compbell beily belij patrick lynch wire and 2 children widow catherine lynch anti anil 2 chii chil children dreng william wife and daughter john strong wite wife and 8 children john ac borab wite wife and 2 children an and S children ann kallop P william jonesb wife ana anil child josiah cotto cotton and wite wife bannah smith 2114 nd 3 children chr tn wm mary pries ean and 3 3 thomas jamef Ja mcf W wile wife and 2 children karyi alaton wife wite and 6 5 children an Ballie baltic and und 3 sam uel sully wie wife and 3 2 children thomas tew wife and 6 children ra hugh S gowans wife and unit thili child gowans a and u d brifey wite wife george bur ridge wife and und 2 caldren ma marearet r ar alexander G fraser william will VV Illis walter waiter waltert walterl haiti and an d wife ed ward broadbent deorge george anderson andersen jacobia patten and 2 children hannah daniel sarath saratt broadbent ann ann Aun mckay mary riste ritte and anda dane datiz liters liter elizabeth whitehead arld arid nd 3 sons fons on isaac daw antl ann parks parka cla cia clara 1 ra whitehead joseph wife wite ani ant anif unit 3 children william kingdom wife and 2 children archibald mckinnun letitia staf Stal statford liford leford edward jones wife wifel and child henry humphreys earna emma lloyd and son elazabeth eli Elj rabeth zabeth richards louisa king kins will aai ani smi smith th and wife james merrick Merr ick lct wire wife and child parnella pamella and susannah visha mary and daughter daughtery thomas and eliza st stephenson eb luke ford foni and vire wire mary ilary A and arid sarah lacky laek lack charles barnes and wire wife john herdsman wife add ardd child Wi william wilstan litan illan turner handgun and gon mon ton ann turner and 3 children 2 the youngest died richard biow hoai thomas morgan forgan li wife and 3 children james jenkin jakins and 3 children juhn john barker returning from mirlon mirion nillion ml nil rion ilon sion arid and wl alap f e lcy buntley Lun tiey thos tres fres seder and 2 brothern brothers leoree fox 3 children 3 elizabeth thompson and wid 4 children mary needham andlee and andl wifel fe william needham alfa vifa and childe george warburton and wife wite ann milner daila david and lant suan M harding martin stack slack wire wife ire aud L 4 thild joseph hall wife and 2 chil chii children dreng james jaines bon con U bet et david 0 roman ronlan and so son james dixy Ms wife and 2 children thomas M inix wife and ancl 2 children davies and 11 12 children elizabeth and john dead win Web wet webster wife and 6 5 children alice cockle ann loader lader anid arid son thomas wilson wite and 6 children G W NN misa vise lle ile and 2 children edmund 11 kindred wite wie and 4 children richard johnson wife and arli arlt child james burri Burrl burriston ston robert Pr preston eaton etton john joba latham Lat bann barn william brivio wife and 8 children james Jamea mercer wire wife and 4 children mary hall nail and 6 children sarah 0 braband Bra yand daughter daug dang liter ilter henry stocks n wite wife lre ire and 4 children william G mlis mills and mil wife elizabeth smith R ichard wife wita and 6 children matthew willey and wife sarah saarah A trite and 4 children mary stickland and anil daughter charles oharles jen wite wife ite and anti child joseph and thild john lindther iia lid ther wire wife and 2 children marjory mather marjory waterhouse arthur and eliza ellz t harn hard george crookston wito and thomas adamsson adamson Adam sion syon charles lille nilie robert bick beck I 1 parks wire wife and 4 n srah sarah smith isabellc Isa beila belld burton and 7 children spain Slain sir sar nuil nuki uel rudford Ruh ford rord ullen lilea peeling ann olenard Ov enard george Wf beman ceman john cottares Cotta nut rei and wife witt ellen peeling peplin and son peter piter punter rebecca vlod TV ami and 4 children james drysdale and gife wife john mcfall nil ell eltz hogg an 2 children john done mother wife and 2 eb children ildren lidren ann RobbIns robbing and 4 children mary sarah sarali broomhead and son jos leese I 1 ill trl painel amnel amuel bryson wife atia and 4 childrens childre nj joseph crooks wife and 4 children john Bl Black blackham aChham himi bimi wife and 2 john leese leeso wife wite unil and hild harriet II arriet knott and 3 DA wife and 5 children ch Cath catherine TrIne mclane and 3 children child thild reny rens bedrij E R NAMES or OV independents lathis IN anis courant i 1 milo andrus andru returning from mission henry humphreys jane antt anit anneli a brown brou n juhn john S Fult puit foltmer Fu limer mer returning from mission ann canh cash and daughter daniel A foster poster mother and 4 children youngest dead margaret entwistle Ent west westie vast A after a name nama denotes that the i person erson died d led on ott the plain |