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Show ' Ralph Jeppsen Wins Journalism Award Jesse A. Baldwin From Deseret News As B.Y.U. Student Dies Saturday Tremonton, was awarded the it was learned today. scholorship. He was born March 28, 1907, Based on scholastic and extrain Woodruff, Rich county, a son curricular work, the award earns Wins Law of P. and Stella A. Taggart BaldDegree Ralph full tuition 'for his final win. He spent most of his year at BYU and summer work on the Deseret News in Salt jouth in Afton, Wyo., attended schools there and Hpnager BusiLake. ness college in Salt Lake City. is former editor of the Ralph He married Nellie Bedford in Weber college Signpost and is a Malad, Idaho., Feb. 17, 1942. Afstaff member on the BYU Uni- ter their marriage they lived verse. Majoring in journalism. in Salt Lake City two years, livhe plans on a newspaper career. ed for 18 months at Oak Ridge. Ralph served a two year mis-- , Tenn., returned to (Afton and sion in the Hawiian islands and lived there until coming to served in the army of occupation Brigham City a year ago. in Japan for IS months. At the He was a member of the L.D. BYIU he is a member of Delta S. church and formerly was sec Phi, honorary returned missionary retary of the Afton Chamber of fraternity. Commerce. This is the second year in a Surviving are his widow, three children, Francis, Parley and Barbara Baldwin, and two step children, LaWanna and Verlyn Bedford Miles, all of Brigham City; his mother, Afton, and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs. Blanche Gardner, Pinedale, Wyo.; Oliver F. Baldwin, Rock Springs, (Wyo., Luther W. and Sol Baldwin, Sheridan, Wyo.; (Mrs. Ruby Christensen, Grover, Wyo.; It's the EXTRA service, savings and "home town" convenience (Douglas A. t, Funeral Held For that membes y appreciate. Christensen a G0C33GGG0 0CECQQ0D0O mplet o gn cggaifflfr SHUT1 C2$u5 iijfnnrfiTJ-iji'iV-Tlpj- i && e men?. ..ffOttnDtimrj Final Rites Held For John Bingham Funeral services for John M. Bingham were held in the First ward chapel on Friday, June 6 at 2 p. m. with Homer Tingey, member of the Sixth ward bishopric conducting. Family prayer was offered by Edwin Bingham ' and prelude and postlude were by Ruth Phone 163 41 lANNOUNCINGli Reeves. Speakers were Enoch Bingham, Arvil T. Forsgren, President Glen M. Benniin and Homer Tingey. (Musical numbers Included a vocal duet, Thy Will Be Done, by Erma Hansen and Juanita Steffen, accompanied by Mari lyn Steffen. Geraldine Bingham accom sang Oh My Father, panied by Barbara Rasmussen and Gae Petersen Cowley sang two solos as Harold Felt played a violin 'obligato accompanied by Barbara Rasmussen. Ryan Bingham opened the meeting with invocation and Lewis Llllywhite offered bene diction. Dedication of the grave was by R. E. Butler.' Former Willard Resident Succumbs (William Shanks Dalton, 61, former Willard resident, Long Beach, Calif., died at his residence in Long Beach Sunday at 12:32 p. m. after a short illness. Mr. Dalton was 'born July 22, 1890, 'in Cassia county, Idaho, a son of James M. and Isabella Perry Dalton. He was reared and educated In Willard where he moved with his parents while still a boy. He married Mildred Fowler in 1924 at 'Burley,' Ida., and they had made their home at Declo, Idaho, where he operated a ranch, and became a prominent stock raiser in the area. He moved to California about five years ago, where he had and worked as a carpenter builder. He was a member of the LjD. S. church. Survivors include his widow, Long Beach; two sons and two daughters, William S. Dalton, serving with the army in Korea; Robert L. Dali ton, Mrs. Gloria Neigeigh, both of Long Beach, and Mrs. Wilma Johnson, Burley, Idaho; one grandchild; and the following brothers and sisters: A. P. Dalton, Mrs. (Marion Mrs. Ward, both of Willard; Isabella D. Seeger, Howard L. Dalton, both of Ogden; Mrs. Della D. Smith, Clearfield; James M. Dalton, Declo, 'Idaho; Robert D. Dalton, Oakland, Calif. Funeral services will be announced by Harold B. Felt Funeral home, Brigham City. Life In Old Boy Yet 'KALAMAZOO, Mich. (UP) William Ridler,, who celebated his 102nd birthday, said he knows hes not getting old. I still get a kick out of a pretty girl, the retired farmer said. If I didnt, then Id know I was getting old. ISEECIAUH JUST IN TIME For Picnic Weather Complete Set for 4 Reg. $5.75 Picnic Basket Pm Contains: 4 Cups, Saucers Plates - Cutlery now j $4.59 Gifts for Dad at Attractive Prices! Two Tray II II South Main (Baldwin, Kaysville; Melvin Baldwin, Ev anston; Mrs. Nellie Averett, VeNoy Christofferson Wyo.; Mrs. Helen Mor . . . U" Graduate . . . gan, Niagara Falls, N. Y.; Dick T. Baldwin, Hawthorne, Calif.; Utah Civil Service Job Donald J. Baldwin, U, S. navy, Are Listed Pensacola, Fla., and Mrs. Her Openings The Utah Joint Merit System moine Peterson, Afton, Wyo. Funeral services (were to be council announced continuous recruitment for the following held Tuesday at 1 p. m. in the Afton South LD.S. ward by Har positions: Senior stenographer, interme- old Papworth, bishop. Burial was to be in the Afton diate stenographer, senior clerk and junior clerk. cemetery. Also public health physician, medical social consultant, phy sical therapy consultant, jun ior engineer, technician, public health nurse supervisor, public health nurse, graduate Hyrum nurse and laboratory assistant. Junior accountant, business Funeral services for Hyrum manager. Wesley Christensen, who died 'Further information and ap- May 22 were hefld in the Fourth plication blanks may be obtain- ward chapel, May 26 at 2 p. m ed at the local employment with Bishop George Nielsen conducting. Family prayer at the home was by Gordon Windley and prelude and postlude were by Marilla Spencer. Speakers Included Joseph M. Isaacson, C. W. Merrell, Hervin Bunderson and Bishop George Nielsen. t , Musical numbers 'included the by song, Lead Kindly Light the Fourth ward singing mothers; a vocal solo. In The Garden, by Shirley Hollist, and Sometime closing song was Well Understand by the Singinggoe ing Mothers . The meeting was opened with Invocation by Francis C, House, and benediction was offered by extreme Francis L. Chistensen. Concluding services were In the Brigham City cemetery where dedicatory prayer was offered by C. M. Christensen. 'Shied && asar oar Flowers were handled by the Relief society and the Singing and the pallbearers Mothers, were nephewst 'La'Vere Windley, Sheldon Windley, Cecil Wind-ley- , RayVeloy Christensen, mond Christensen and Darrell Christensen. dlerk-typis- 'U Brigham City. Utah Wednesday, June 11, 1952 Ralph Jeppsen, son of Mr. andb-Jesse Albert Baldwin, 45, died Mrs. S. Leland Jeppsen of Brig row the award was taken by a in his home, 339 east (Forest ham City recently won the cov- Box Elder county student at the street, Saturday at 8:20 p. m. afLast year Lorry Rytting, ter a eted Deseret News scholorship, BYU. short illness of a heart 1 HVE' PAGE BOX ELDER NEWS TACKLE BOX wms $,-2- Modi HIBSEPOWlR fill Value Plenty of room for all his tackle, 1 x 6 x 6 inches. baked-o- r Heavy steel with morbloid finish. Reg. NOW 1. 3.37 WM GRASS iSHEAR ONLY Value $2.49 Special Value "My Buddy" Easy operating Cel Tempered steel blades. 98c tackle box x 6 inches finish. marbloid 13'A x 4 Baked-o- n 5 Compartments. r Rust-Pro- of Galvanized t , Floating Minnow Pail FLOATING MINNOW PAIL Perforated inner pail with hinged lid ond automatic slam fastener , Capacity 10 quarts. , Reg. 3.15 H y 4rm Mmt ie Super fine, (ihf Hydrmdte Smvtma Autreme-hy- e ftwwJ m ttfra cod. No doubt about it people who buy new car today are intercut ed in power. Power for performance! Power for safety! Power for comfort and driving ease! Thats why Oldamobilca i vith more horsepower per new Super 88 SEE YOUR ... only NEAREST OLDSMOBILI DEALER Central Chevrolet Co. THE KEYS he found in any other car near the price: GM Hydraulic Steering . . . Hydra-Mati- c Super Drive . . . new Stabilized Chassis . . . plus Oldsmobiles revolutionary new Antronic-Eye- . Call us today make a date with the 88! dollar than any other car on the market is such an outatanding motor car value. Theres 160 horsepower in that new Rocket Engine. And along with all this a line-u- p of new features that cant power , 18 North Main St. ARE WAITING! DRIVE OUR SPECIAL "ROCKET SHOW CAR TODAY! i $2.19 Value See our complete stock for Gifts any man wo old appreciate Phone 163 9c BUY SPORTING GOODS FOR YOUR FATHER'S DAY GIFT! BWSaSgOBS' 41 South Main |