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Show I - mi- Girls Softball WATER UStKa have bfti application In Elder Boa water prints County, State oi Utah, throughout the entire year, and all locations being from SLBfcM, mice otherwise designated In South Box Elder stake girls n and Karl A. Oman Yost, Ut.l 5 ec.-ffor irrl Willard beat Sixth, well bet. 100 softball, gsrtion use from and 500 ft. deep ait a point S. 200 ft. Mantua whipped Fifth and Per-t. and E, 400 ft. from NW Cor Sec. S, ry downed Second on Monday TI2N, Rl I W.. The water will be used Maintaining first place tie In. I I to 250 from Apr. Oot. to irrigate evening. softball stake acres of land embraced in said There will be only one round (South Sec. 5, and for year-rounwith 3-- 0 records, Mantua-- , anJ, incidental of softball this summer and domestic and stock watering purposes. took their games' 23568 Evan O. Kimber, Crouse will be followed with other ac- Perry each last Thursday evening, the ' for irrigation Creek, Ut. 12 sec.-ft- . 60 use from four well ft tivities," a stake spokesman Rees Pioneer park Grade A" Pasteurized , and in amounts said. t . i deep at points a follows: (1) 3. 6 ft. and W 4 MILK & CREAM - ward 16 of Remainder is 3 the downed Sixth schedule 8 eec.-ft- ; 3 ft ft. and Perry (2) W. 400 ft. 3 ec.-ft- .j (3) 3. 6 ft. and listed: to 'll and Mantua won a 7-- forDELIVERED W. 800 ft. 3 sec. -- ft. j (4) 3. ft. and felt from Willard. In" the other W. 1250 ft. 3 sec.-ftall from NE June 16 TRY IT . Cor. Sec. 15, TIIN, RI6W. Ths water vs. Perry 'First contests Fifth ward beat the In' will bs collected In a ditch and con dian school 6 to 4 and Second Willard vs. Fifth. veyed 1250 ft. where k will be used I 200 IS to Oot. to irrigate from Apr. won a 7-- forfeit from the First Second vs. Mantua. of land e mbraced in E14 said acre SUPERIOR DAIRY t ward. , Sixth, bye. Sec. IS, and for year round incidenand stock tal 23 pur culinary watering June Phone 540 for Schedule the Thursday," Sixth ve. Fifth. Associa23609 Utah Idaho Crazier June 12 schedule is Sixth ward Salt Lake vs. Mantua. tion, 351 S. State St., No. 5,stock-wateFirst r .03 sec ft. for vs. Indian school and Fifth wardf City, Ut FURNACE Willard vs. Second. An use from an Unnamed vs. Mantua at 7.-3p. m. At 8 We Vacuum. Clean and Repair Inng Patterson Canyon, I rib. Spring to Great bye. Perry, Salt lake at a point a. 63 deg. 09 min p. m. First ward and Perry will All Makes of Furnace i W 7008 83 ft. from NE Cor. Sec. 36. June 30 t BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE T6N, RI9W. The water will be collectplay on the Perry diamond at iPerry vs. Mantua. 8:30 Second and Willard widl ' j ed at pointof of diversion by laying 264 Phone "ONE" vs. Second. Sixth lineal ft. concrete open Joint meet at Rees Pioneer park. ; In the spring area, which Is de'First vs. Willard. SAWS filed and retoothed. 95 pipe scribed as follows: Beg. at point of Fifth, bye. diversion, thence S. 10 ft., S 55 deg north Fifth west Phone 821-39 min. W. 90 ft., N. 81 deg. 00 min July 7 ' J 4,6,11, 13,18.20-25-27-p- d W. 50 ft., N. 37 deg. 50 min. W. 92 .Fifth vs. Second. S. 86 deg. 55 min. E. 180.37 ft.. ft. 210 ft. to beg. The water will be 'Perry vs. Willard. carried through 4 in and 2Z in pipe Sixth vs. First.- to metal a distance of 520 5 ft. WANTED Used bookcase. Ph. troughs, where tt31 will be used from Mantua, bye. to Oot. and from Dec. I to May 1000. , July 14 Mar. 31 to supply 12.000 sheep. 2 36 0 --Glenera S. Hunter, P, O. Box iMantua vs. Willard. 247, Brigham City, Ut.; .20 sec.ft. for Fifth vs. First. use from an Unnamed Spring Area, trlb. to Great Salt Lake Perry vs. Sixth. at a point S. 1550 ft. and W. 2120 ft Second, bye. from SE Cor. Sec. 14. T7N, R6W, said ' f s , point being embraced within the spring MALE HELP area described as follows: Beg. at a J point S. 1530 ft. and W. 2140 ft. from WANTED SP Cor. said Sec. 14, thence S. 10 deg At Very 50 min W. 1320 ft.. S. 79 deg. 10 min E. 150 ft. N. 10 deg. $0 min. E. 1320 Reasonable Man for permanent desirable ; ft.. N 79 deg. 10 min W. 150 ft. to The water will be collected by Rates 1 position in Brigham City and beg. series of trenches and drains and will advancevicinity. Salary and be pumped through a pipe line 2,000 ft ment Local man desired. where H will be used to supply 10.000 sheep and 200 cattle 23679 -- I B. Maddox, RFD No. for mfs Brigham City, Ut.; ,13 see.-ft- . Sewing rellaneous purpoiei from a 6 In. well bet. 60 and 200 ft - deep at point 2456 Wash. BlvcL N. 710 ft. and E 40 ft from Wtf Cor. Sec. 36, T9N, R2W The watsr South Box Elder stake Ex PHONE 5771 will be used for air conditioning, cafe and sanitation purposes and from Apr plorers wtill play their second 1 to OlL 31 for irrigation use. round of softball in the first Protests resisting the granting of any of ths foregoing applications, with half Friday, June 33 on the Box reasons therefor, must be in affidavit Elder high school diamond, ac Probate and Guardianship No form, with extra copy and filed with and State Engineer. 403 State Capitol, cording to Jay Mathews tices. Consult Clerk of District the Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before Martella 'Nelson, directors. Court. Brigham City, Utah, or August I, 1952. Remainder of the . first half , Joseph M Tracy respective signers for informaSTATE ENGINEER schedule is as follows: Published In the Box Elder News, tion. Brigham City, Ut. from June 4, 1952 June 13 to July 2. 1952. TO CREDITORS NOTICE 7:30 Fifth vs. Perry. Jy-- 2 Estate of scar S. Lee, also known j 8:30 Sixth vs. First. ae Oscar Lee, Deceased. claims with Creditors will present 9:30 Second vs. Willard. PROCLAMATION Vouchers to the undersigned at her WHEREAS, many of our citi- June 20: residence, Brigham City, Utah, on or before the 15th day of August, A. D. zens in 7:30 Mantua vs. First. neighboring counties 1952. have suffered irreparable dam8:30 'Fifth vs. Wlillard. . LETT IE R. LEE, Administratrix of the estate ages by reason of this years 9:30 Sixth vs. Second. of Oscar S. Lee, also known as Oscar Lee, Deceased. devastating floods and are in Perry, bye. 1 Date of first publication June dire need of financial "assis- June 27 1952. and R. tance, 7:30 Perry vs. Willard. Wm, Davis, Attorney for Administratrix, Utah Flood WHEREAS, The 8:30 Mantua vs. Second. BOX ELDER NEWS SALE Table model radio FOR SALE Used garden tracLlndallcieus straw, FOR tors 95.00 and up. E. J. Anderphonograph. Plays 45 rpm berries at Halls. 405 north son. 32S west Seventh south. speed. Price $49.95. Call 410. Second east phone 417. . .Phone FOR SALE Brigham City, Utah Wednesday. June 11. 1952 M30-tf-c- 913-M- For Salt FOR SALE J. 421 v . MILK h Aluminum car top canter; lightweight sturdy; will take big load; hinges on back Reasonable. bumper. See it at 68 south Third west FOR SALE Spring fryers, Ph. FOR SALE One good milk cow. west Third south, See at 424 west Sixth south. Phone 866-- 506 New end used guns, FOR SALE ammunition. and fishing hunting equipment; boats and boat motors. Rubber boots, baseball equipment shoes, bt cycles, tricycles and scooters. All for sale on our FOR SALE 12 foot Higgins outplan. Buy now end ,be ' preboard boat and 10 horsepower season when the opens. pared Johnson motor. Motor has Bee Sport Shop. 13 West For neutral, forward, reverse est. Phone 815. gears. Call Dee Smith, Phone Jll-13-p- d lay-awa- y OSS 58 or 281 M. EVERY CAR MUST MlS-tf-c- large jack Phone west Fourth south. 24-HOURS 235 217-d SALE FOR A DAY hens, Leghorn laying apiece. Phone 0191-R- $1 4 h WE NEVER CLOSE REGARDLESS WRIGHT Associated Service 704 COST!!! h FOR SALE Good electric motor 7 ; H. P.; 1932 Ford car. One OPEN GO THIS WEEK! OF SOUTH MAIN Excellent building lot close in; curb guttering, perpetual care, east front P. O. Lox 343, Brigham City. . FOR SALE FOR SALE New Mercury with canvas 5hp. motor cover. Call 173-- out-boar- d 140 bass accordion, concert grand modeL and beautiful guitar. Very reason- FOR SALE 1941 Buick. radio able. Contact Rennie Demars. and heater, spot and fog 222 south Second east Brig lights, $300. See it at 475 north ham 'City. Third east SALE 1937 Chevrolet FOR SALE Lindalicious strawFOR coupe. Radio and heater. Ex berries at tbeir best for cancellent tires and condition. ning or locker. Phone 552. Private owner. Phone 209-NJl. or 498. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter. 14 in. carriage, good SAY IT WITH condition." ' FOR SALE Name Your Own Terms! d PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 1951 8 Delux 4 door sedan. Radio and heater. A local car $2395 1950 BUICK sedan. Radio and heater. Dynaflow. 4 door ,2 tone blue. One owner , 7. 1950 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN fHAC 11 vw FLOWERS FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS . , For Any Occasion We are an F.T.D. Member $2095 1949 PONTIAC STREAMLINER 6 cylinder, 2 door. Radio and heater. Standard transmission. Many other accessories BRIGHAM FLORAL AND GIFTS V 1333 437 So. Ph. 99 FOR SALE 1937 Chev. coupe. $150. Motor practically new, FISHER MOTOR CO. ' Home Of Really Clean Cars r East 2nd South Main Phone new gears. 2 new tires, new brake lining, new battery, new muffler and good heater. Inquire Bldg. 9. Apt. 15, Indian school., 74 FARMERS For sale Cedar posts and corral poles. , Howard L. Jorgensen. 337 east First south. Phone ATTENTION There's no other way to express that warm feeling than to send flowers. 8 4 door sedan. Hydramatic drive very low mileage 17 Inter-mounta- 518. O For Rent or Lease ENJOY BEST MONEY SAVE Attractive 2 bedroom unfur-nisheapartments for rent Decorated in pastel shades in beautiful ramble type build' logs, tile bath with shower: large storage closets, play' shrubs. spacious grounds, lawns, outstanding value at $70 per month. , Bushnell Homes, Inc. 115 east Seventh south, Brigham City, Utah. , fur-- , One 1 bedroom nished apt. Marie Apts, North Main. Phone 450-- FOR RENT kV , v - This Is Your Brigham City BUSINESS GIB RECTORY ELECTRIC floor rent Beehive for Appli ponsner Coal & once, 68 North Main. Fl8tf-e- FOR RENT Lovely two bedSupplies unfurnished room, apartvtOST ments Play yard for children. COMPLETE UNE of TYPEWRITERS, MachAdding Peach redecorated. Newly Nationally Advertised Home Cash ines and Registers City Apts Ph. 723-J- . Furnishings in Box Elder Counsold and RErented, bought, ty. North Main Furniture Co. PAIRED. The Reminder Office. Phone 250. FOR RENT 3 room modern furniture Appliances PRODUCTS, Stokers, Furnaces, Radios, Washers, Beehive Small Appliances. Coal & Appliance Co. Phone 1. KRIG1DA1RE Radio, Ranges, ers, Refrigerators. Hoover 20 . A handy reference guide to Brigham City, a Sales and Serevice institutions. PHILCO Tied For Fire! layed Monday In S. Stake Ball ; - Page Seven , ,5'erry lt TO NOTICE The loliowing HIJ with tha State Engineer to appro Freez- Office Paints And Glass Vac- Furniture Moving uum Cleaners. Nortn Main Furniture Co. Phone 250. Private entrance apt. and bath. Laundry facilities. at CLEANING .j; Wanted .FOES'; Help Wanted KENT- Explorers Tangle In South Stake Center Singer Leaol Notices FIOORSANDER and J lM8-25-Jy-- Relief Committee has been es- tablished to cooperate with and supplement existing agencies In providing funds for the relief of flood victims, and the Governor Utah, on or before the JOth day of of the State of Utah has . reJuly, A. D, 1952. NANCY J. WOOD. all counties in the Administratrix of the estate of quested that State assist in raising said George J, Wood, Deceased. Date of first publication May 28. A, flood relief funs. ' j D.. 1952. NOW THEREFORE,' the Board J. Quill Nebeker, Attorney for Administratrix of Box Elder County Commis41 118 sioners hereby proclaim to the NOTICE TO CREDITORS citizens that a serious flood reEstate of LLMER P. JEPPSEN, lief problem exists In our State, known as Elmec Jeppsen, with which requires the kind Creditor, win present da. essis- voucher. - to the under, gned et her idence, 137, Sduth 2nd East Street, tance of all to relieve the euf Brigham City, Utah, on or before the fering caused thereby, and i re29th day of September, A. 1952, be HULA S. JEPPSEN, quests that contributions Administratrix of the 'Estate of mailed to Board of County ComElmer P. Jeppsen, also known K. B. Olsen, missioners, as Elmer Jeppsen, Deceased. Dete of firit publication May 28, A. County Clerk, Brigham City, D, 1952. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of George J. Wood, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned Nancy J Wood, 136 West Forest, Brigham City. I D-- , 9:30 Fifth vs. Sixth. First, bye. , juy 7 , Second. 8:30 Perry vs. Sixth. 9:30 Mantua vs. Fifth. Willard, bye. July 18 7:30 Willard vs. Sixth. 8:30 First vs. Fifth. 9:30 Perry vs. Mantua. .. t Second, bye. ' f July 25 7:30 Second vs. Fifth. 8:30 Willard vs. Mantua. 9:30 'Fifth vs. Perry. . Sixth, bye. AT v c-- o GLASS AND PAINTS 11 north Third Wm. F Phone 816-R- . . Utah. Davis, Esq. FOR LOCAL' or long distance Residential, commercial and au west. Dated this 2nd day of June A. Attorney for Administratrix. line tomobile glass. Complete moving of household effects, Auto Repairs D. 195(2. of General paints for inside FOR RENT Four room, upstairs phone 79-- J for free estimate DEPARTMENT OF THE INTFRIOR, LEWIS S. WIGHT, 8R1G11AM AUTO SUPPLY CO. , and out. Andersens Glass and S. A, May & Son. , partly furnished. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT. apartment . Chairman 36 service. Salt Lake Land and Survey Office, years friendly 30 east First north. Ph. 814-Paints, 85 No, Main. Ph. 480. GEORGE H. DAVIS, City, Utah. April 28, 1952. Notice is , Goodyear Tires. , Garage. Auto D. G. Nelson, Jr. hereby given that ROBERT J. POTTER, . Furnace Sftowville, Utah, filed application Salt Repairs, . Phonograph Records Lake 069966 under section 8 of the Board of Box Elder County Real For Sale Estate Taylor Grazing Act, as amended, to We vacuum clean all makes and Commissioners. And Body Auto select lata 3, 4, section 26, lots 1, 2, sizes heating equipment. ImFOR SALE Brand new 2 bed- 3, 4, section 27 Jots I, 2, section 29, AUTO PAINTING, body and fenmediate service. Phone 420. S', section 34, T. modem WM NE R. , 7NW4, GET READY NOWI room, completely W, S L.M., Utah, in ex- Old Book Tells How I5N., for E4 P Larsen Sheet Metal der work. Burt's Body Shop, Clyde See Us For AU Your hardwood floors, change section 19, all section brick home, Mass. (UP) . STORBRiIDGE, Works. 604 North Main, phone oil furnace, electric hot water 23, T. II N., R 13 W., SE!4 section NEEDS 1 Meters His Dog OnJook Ind. (UP) j LINTON, ers chuckled as an unidentified fnan here led a large black and white dog to a parking meter, tied the dogV leash to the - me-er- , put a coin in the slot, and walked atway. MERREU.S.Inc. Walk A JBlock - Paint FISHING Sales Books Beers Lines Leaders Hooks Flies Creels Fly Books Boots - Camping Equip ment Rods Jewelers RESTAURANT checks, manifold SIMONSENS Expert watch, . books, salesbooks of all kinds, clock and jewelry repair Work save We can tags and tickets.. guaranteed. 38 So. Mn, Ph.868 you money. Order from the ; . Phone News-Journa- Laundry Cleaners MOUNTAIN STATES ELECTRIC . WASHERS, STOKERS. Furnaces Refrigerators, Small Applian A Appliance Phone 1. Coal Merrells, Inc. Lumber Hardware John Deere Farm Implements BEEHIVE COAL & APPLIANCE Phone L Dealers In Utahs finest coal, oiled stoker ' slack, nut, lump and stove. , Coal Electrical Service Benjamin Moore Paints and Varnishes Norge Electrical SERVICE Appliances s Markets on all makes of Washers, vacuums, irons, etc.' We fix anything. Just bring them in or phone us. SHEFFIELDS I. G. A. After 40 years of serving the eommun- Ity .every day low prices on Quality Meats, Groceries, Frozen Foods, Fresh Vegetables. BREITENBEKER ELECTRIC 120 So. Main, Phone Mark Brightenburg's very best Kart's Food Fare Ph. Floor Coverings Service Stations 69. TiHtHTTMARTrMeerMrr Thrift. Good food at its 84 S. Main PHONE 559-For Fast Expert REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Commercial and residential on Refrigerators & Appliances Day or Night SAM RICHARDS REFRIGERATOR SERVICE ' Dean Richards R Knights Spring Canyon y south h 3 house with 256-J- , ' . r li I R. 16 W.. S.L.M., Utah. Old 15, Tt, 10 N Sturbridge Village curators This ttotlce is for the purpose of allowa wooden press ing all persons claiming the selected reconstructing land or having bona fide objections to used by the 18th century Amersuch application an opportunity to file ican printer, Isalash ThomaS, their protests or other objections in the Land and Survey Office, Salt Lake found the necessary directions evidence with that Utah, together City, a copy of such protest or objection has in a book .published in 1683 been served upon the applicant within John IMoxons Mechanical Exthe first 30 days from the date of ercises, or the Doctrine of ublication of this notice. ERNEST lOUSIL Manager. .with complete Firet publication June 4, 1952. ' ' ' 3 this five year old two bedroom home located in FIFTH WARD. Requires about $2200 baL on very reasonable FHA terms already finan-ee- v - ,, THREE BEDROOM BEAUTY This line home is located on beatifully landscaped 1V acre lob Attractive fireplace and wall to wall carpet in living' room and two bedrooms. Requires about $7010 down. INCOME PROPERTY WE HAVE LISTED TWO DUPLEXES. Both of these McCormick SEASHORES Sheet Metal Phone 25 Heating Roofing Air Conditioning 48 North Main 4 FARMALL SUPEj Less Gas Uses 20 places will pay high return on your investment No investment is safer than Real Estate in our opinion. Why not make the down payment on one of these places and let your renter make the monthly payments To Do All Of Your Farm Work ' Phone 300 For A ; 1 SHOWDOWN DEMONSTRATION On Your Farm Today ; OUR SLOGAN WHETHER YOU RENT OR EUY YOU PAY FOR THE HOME YOU OCCUPY. C. B. WILLIAMS Wear 4 104 : 1 17 MOHAWK and GUUSTAN Car-- Men & Boys pets. and Rugs. Gold Seal, r Nairn and Armstrong Lino- BLOCKS, The Friendly Store for leum and Tile. Free estimate Men Quality merchandise, North Expert . installation good service and lair prices. Main Furniture Co. Ph. 250. Phone 53. , v , bedroom brick fireplace, hardwood floors, living and dining room carpeted. Full basement and young orchard. Phone FOR SALE t 1 352-J- $3200 FULL PRICE Repair Service ees. Beehive Coal - Phone 1190 Dry Cleaners Lumber & Hardware MODERN CLEANERS. Sanitone dry cleaning, fur storage. Free pick up and delivery. Ph. 86. i. & MESERVY LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS. 144 South Main Ph. 62. Free pick and delivery. REEVES 'rELiTbLE CLEANERS Specialize In Quality Cleaning 132 South Main. Phone 31. - CALL 410 1000. heater. Phone Fourth , west. Sw1 And Z7 Cleaning Checks EDGER Better Service ALL WAYS Phone 165 180 So. Main REAL ESTATE Phone 6 1 INSURANCE 140 So. Mcdr WRECKER DAYTIME SERUICE SUNDAYS NIGHTS CALL . 935-93- 8 S0S-874- W AND IMPLEMENT CO. I 1 r Grfc'nM |