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Show 4-- H Richard Hunt In Home Ceremony May 24 Miss club Home nuptials were perform-e- Grunig sang "Because; The Modem (Miss Saturday evening, May 24, Bunny Reese entertained with a held their meeting Tuesday, in marriage Miss Brook humorous reading. "I love You June 3, at the home of Ann uniting Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Truly was sung by Miss Lynn Squire. Mrs. Bert Taylor, and Mr. Bich- Huffier end a duet, 'Always, The girts cut out their aprons. ard Hunt, a son of Mr. and Mrs. was sung by Sharon and Olsen. After the bridal The meeting concluded with Melvin Hunt of North Ogden. dancing iwas enjoyed by serving of light refreshments. The double ring ceremony waltz, the guests. was solemnized at the Taylor home with President Glen M. The young couple are making Bennlon officiating. their home in Ogden. The (bride was lovely in a ballerina length gown of white Relief lace and net over satin. Her Eighth Ward waist length veil of bridal il-- Society Reorganized cap of pearl encrusted satin, lusion was held in place iwith At Sunday Services She carried a bouquet of carna"PICK O THE PICTURES" Sacrament services- - in the an orchid. It's Cool at the Capitol tions centered with maid ward Sunday evening of hon- (Eighth Miss (Ada Hadley, featured an address by Sterling or, wore a ballerina length Tolman and reorganization of WED.-THURS. gown of pink tulle and taffeta. the ward Relief society by Mrs. Miss Phyllis Mueller, attendant, Lucille Wight, stake Relief sowas attired in a similar gown ciety president. jTlrf,"Yc of acqua shade. Their bouquets It seni Sustained as new president were of sweetheart roses and was Mrs. Phyllis Call, and Anna Chiiyoyvn contrasting ribbons. and Tingey, , first counselor, Mr. was man best as Acting Mary Bott, second counselor. All ynirspintj of Kunz North Junior Ogden. other officers were retained. the following Immediately Re (Eased were Mary. Jeppsen, ceremony, a reception iwas held president; Anona May, first at the War Memorial Home. counselor and (Dorothy Lilly, Guests were greeted by Mr. and second counselor. Mrs. Richard C. Alston. Mrs. William Hadley was in charge of the gifts and she was assisted 4-- H Club Holds Meeting by ILeAnne Hamilton and Karol Jean Pett. Refreshments were At Gunderson Home .rn nn served by (June Hadley and Jo. Ann Hamilton. Roy Olsen act The Saucy Scissors group ed as master of ceremonies for met at the home of Mrs. J. D. the following program: Max Gunderson on June 6. the Mrs. Gunderson spent time in teaching the girls how to make a seam and how to make a hem for their article of best dress. RlASCAfiEI finS " tEH a t Roberta Roberts gave a re. snr. i ots.trTi( tv tucn tt on how to have an inter port OtM-raiSOlCTesting hobby. igiw--a . Meeting was followed by serving of ice cream and sandwich Co-H- it es to members by Mrs. Gunder son and Karen Gunderson. PAGE FOUR With a large attendance the Mr. and Mrs. Edgar 0. Richt t ardson entertained recently in Brigham City Golf and Country ELDER BOX NEWS honor of Bertha Munger and club enjoyed golf matches and Gordon Jensen who were marBrigham City, Utah a hot spaghetti dinner at the ried Monday, June 2 in the Salt June 11, 1952 Wednesday, municipal course last Saturday (Lake tfemple. were in charge of the gren Former Third ward missionar- afternoon and evening. ies and their parents were presActivities opened with mixed prizes. ent and presented the young golf, matches at 3 p. m. Wincouple with a beautiful iwoolen ners listed were as follows: Mr. blanket. Sid Farnsworth and Mrs. Scott Delicious refreshments were Horsley, most 5s; Mr. John Larserved to 24 guests and the host sen and Mrs. Carol Williams, low score and low puts; Mr. and hostess. Carroll Williams and Mrs. John Larsen, Mr. Fred Owens and Return To Homes After Mrs. Eliot Ward, Dr. Reed Merrill and Mrs. Russell Fishburn Attending Funeral Here and Mr. Tom Matney and Mrs. nine strokes Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ohler and Beverly Petersen, hole. Dr. Rus on number seven of Deon son, Truman, Minnesota; and Mrs. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Vear L. Mortensen sell Fishburn won a prize for most Merrill and son, David, Richland, Wash ington; and Mrs. L. H. DeLa putts. Grange and son, Joel, San Diego, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Jepperson is Cal., have returned to their were chairmen of the commithomes after attending the fu- tee in charge of the arrangeneral of their father, Hyrum W. ments and were assisted by Mr. Christensen. and Mrs. Milton Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winzeler, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Baron, Mr. and Mrs. Guests Visit At Home Delbert Hadfield, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Of James Jensen Paul Merrell, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mr. and Mrs. James Jensen Reese. Mr. and Mrs. Ross BowMaurice Burt-chehad as week-enguests, Mrs. M. en, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Les Bundy, E. Munger of Seattle, Washington, Mrs. H. L. Pittenger of Los Mr. and Mrs. Alf Freeman, Mr. Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. L. Crosby and Mrs. Harry Bloom, Mr. and Bott and children of Inglewood, Mrs. James Powers, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnard and Mr. and Mrs. California. Elmo Lish. All were here to attend the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winzeler wedding of Bertha Munger and . . Gordon Jensen. and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Holm d 4-- . . De-Ann- a AM a V : out of & Vs 'vr; 4 4 ' - 5 t r an j , 1 r, d 4-- Pr Miss Brook Taylor who became the bride of Richard Hunt in home ceremonies. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tay. . ", lor. Baseball Tonight! , E J WED. and THURS. Tropical treasure! Typhoon and Temptation! ntmt .S' Shorts - MARA MARU , Hvia starring Cartoon - News ERROL FLYNN and 4 . - RUTH ROMAN i Engagement of Joann Richardson And Wayne Kimber Is Announced Mrs. LeRoy (Richardson of Bertha Munger Says Vows In L.D.S. Rites In Salt Lake Temple With Gordon Kay Jensen Miss Bertha Munger! became the bride of Gordon Kay Jensen in the Salt Lake temple, June 2, officiawith President Young ,, ting. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Munger of Seattle, Washington. The bridegroom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. James Jensen of Ji Brigham City. The wedding ceremony was followed by a dinner given by the brides' parents at the Temple Square hotel. JUNE Ml. and Mrs. Robert 0. Vowles Become Parents of Baby Girl B after which they will returnto Provo this fall fo resume Studies at the Brigham Young Uni' versity. The bride, is a juniori student at the B.Y.U., majoring in elementary education. Mr. Jensen is also a Junior student and is majoring in chemistry. He serv ed 2 years in the navy during World War IT, and has also eerv-- i a years LD.5. mission Denmark. in 24s BEAR RIVER CITY-M- Gay-nel- PEACHES -vs- j Invest at terms to fit YOUR budget at -IMA ) Hf Come Out And Support Your l home ' economy. r iss five for beauty, utility and 8:15 P.M.4 City every freezers sold in Utah-ldah- o last year was an International Harvester. . International Harvester freezers and refrigerators are tops From River Sir... out of ACCEPTANCE ARE. FACTS ear one Here's PROOF of PARK , Calfornia. t Upon their return they will make their home for the summer months, in Brigham City 11 Yes REES Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Vow les of Salt Lake City announce the birth of their first child, baby girl, born on June 9. Mrs, Vowles is the former Patricia Hansen of Willard. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, Charles Braegger of Willard and Mr. and Mrs. Orvil VoWler of Garland announces the engage ment of her daughter, Joann to Sgt. Wayne Kimber. Mr. and are Mrs. Lawrence J. Kimber the parents of the bridegroom elect. Ogden. 'Sgt. Kimber is with the U. S. airforce, stationed at Lackland A. F. B., Texas. Immediately following ' the, The young couple plan to be young couple departed for a wedding trip .through Northern married in the near future. ' - 4 Large Attendance Featured At Golf And, Country Club Contests, Dinner Saturday Bertha Munger And Gordon Jensen Honored Changes Name Miss Brook Taylor Says Wedding Vows With Club Modern Miss Holds Meeting June 3 GSl IMPLEMENT Home Town Team! Johnson of Bear River City June 4 for left Wednesday, Cleveland, Ohio, where she will be employed for the summer at St. Lukes hospital as relief dietitian. She is a senior at US.A. C., Logan and will graduate from the school ofchome economics next year. She was recently made a member of Phi Upsil-oOmicron,1 honorary and s professional home economics or- 230JS& BRIGHAM AUTO SUPPLY CO. CONOCO PRODUCTS Lubrication And Tire Service n Anto Repair ganization. BIRTHS Gifts for that swell guy Dad! Any of these hardware or sporting will really please Him on HIS DAY. t goods gifts Lt. Carl . Hendeson left last week for New Jersey where he will embark for Europe to serve the next three years with the 12th air force. He spent a thirty Announcement from Cooley day furlough visiting friends Memorial hospital tells of the and relatives In Cache ' county following births: , and .Box Elder before leaving. Kenneth and Donna Larson His wife, Elyse Johnsen HenderNewton of Brigham City r be son and baby daughter, Gloria, came the parents of a gir on are spending the summer at the home of her parents, Mr. and June 6. Mrs. Austin Johnsen of Bear A daughter on June 7 to Ver non and Dorothy Glenn Stokes River City, and plan to join Lt. Henderson early in the fall or of Brigham City. , John and Shirley Hill Reed of winter. r LeRon Johftsen Is home In Bear Brigham City are the parents of a boy on June 9. River1 City after a successful Ralph and Martha Whitaker year at the VS.kC. At the "A Williams of Brigham City are Mens banquet recently he was the parents of a girl born on awarded the Cardon medal giv- ' PICNIC CAMP STOVE Makes picnicking easier and more fun. It is sturdy made of woven reeds over hardwood frame. Big enough for food for six persons. Instant starting pressure type stove. gasoline camp windshield. Folds flat for carrying. BASKET Has Vacuum JUG ; Reg. S7.95 SPECIAL Deluxe hand style Indoor chair. Folds compactly. hunting from $42.95 AND Attractive new folding chair is useful as porch or lawn chair or extra and . M- June en annually to the most outstanding freshman track star. The telephone Mr. and (Mrs. Austin Johnsen number is 1,000. hav& returned to their borne in Bear River City after spending a verys pleasant Winter in North USE T- FOR j Logan. ATHLETES FOOT V " BECAUSE Baby California condors, .which It peeli oil the outer ekin and exposes are the rarest of birds, living buried funci to kill it on contact. If not pleased IN ONE HOUR with stay In the nest as long' as six back 40c at your months before trying any drug atora. Today nt Hamilton 9. News-Journ- $2.00 $5.95 tery inner lin- er. Keeps foods and liquids hot ,or cold as long as 24 hours. j fishing KNIFE .CHAIR AND UP 1 gallon capacity, glazed pot- it on trips. Hunting Utility From $1.69 PORTABLE RADIO Motorola, the ideal Father's Day gilt for Dad. He can take UP L quality ' boned finish mirror blade. Leather handle, blade. 8 inches overall length. inst- their ant-drying wings. Drug Store. z. A DRIVE-I- N, THEATRE BENCH PLANE ELECTRIC DRILL fine, sturdy shop tool for all but the heaviest jobs. Trigger grip switch. With fittings, can also be used as grinder, or buffer. A pol-she- r, Has screw and lever adjustment endwise and sidewise for coarse or thin shaving. Cadmium finished. Fine hardwood handles. A plane for every purpose. , !ow Adeline is doing fine . . thanks to one of the greatest services ever offered the service that helps enmotoring public-g-gines last longer, perform better, use less gasoline and oil! Its exactly the same service that kept teat cars new in Conocos spectacular "50,000 Miles No Wear road teet! j In that famous 50, e test, with 1,000-rail- e drains and proper filter Service, test car engines showed no wear of any consequence : in fact, an average of leas than one inch on cylinders and crankshafts. Gasoline mileage for the last 6,000 miles was actually 99.77 as good as for the first 5,000. Now you can get this same 50,000 Miles No Wear Service, at your Conoco , Mjieage Merchants today! a HERE'S CONOCOS 000-mil- WRENCHES, Set of 6 Box end wrenches in a most useful assortment Made of finest scientifically treated and hardened steel. Non-rufinish. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY FAMILY NIGHTS $1.00 PER CAR DOUBLE BILL . st FLIGHT TO MARS TECHNICOLR Marguerite Chapman and Cameron Mitchell Hmic. WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE . CO-HI- T with Lee Cobb and Jane Wyatt 7 CONTINENTAL O WEAR" SERVICE O Recondition all air and ail flllersl 0 2". ,h.f.ronkea? wi,h Motor Oil I GASOLINE AND OIL! Oi52 MILES-N- At proper interval. Your Conoco Mileage Merchant willt Drain out grit and sludge, preferably while the engine is hotl HELPS YOUR ENGINE LAST LONGER, PERFORM BETTER, USE LESS . Man Who Cheated Himself 50,000 Oil COMPANY 8 Conoco Super |