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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1933 Every once in a while you read the discovery of a city long buried and yet bearing unmistakable traces of an early civilazation. A lot of towns are so dead that some future generation will discover them. However this cannot be said about ut It is a habit among a lot of people who live selfishly to sneer at the folks who take an active part in community work. If that four-face- d few knew ii DEWEYVILLE By Mrs. Thomas Ault .1 I $2.00 AThousand Per Year ne uses Monday. The masquerade ball was well attended here Friday night Saturday night Mr. and Mrs Walter Sudsberry entertained a number of friends at their home here. Mrs. M. A. Lish spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. A. R. Bur-ban- A "hired hand" to help you quickly market your crops, stock and other oroducts to protect human lire "?toclc and prop k. If a lot of people would spend half the time getting men back to work that they do in getting them out of BOTHWELL work, better times would come sooner. One of the best ways to cut down ' :x the cost 6f living is to buy from the Mr. Reed Anderson and Jule Harris merchants who advertise. They sell were dinner guests of Kuby Anderson the best f6r less. in Tremonton, Sunday, The program for sacrament meeting Louis Cannon of Stone, Idaho, is vis Sunday consisted of talks by C. E. with his family here. iting Summers, S. Mills, Helen Christensen H. L. Richards spent last week in and Ilia Perry. A saxaphone solo Salt Lake City. Mrs. Frank Wood and played by Tommy Stark and accomdaughter, Rhea, accompanied him. panied by Leila Stark was also rendered. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Anderson and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Harris. Dr. and Mrs. Eli Hawkins received a long distance call from their daughI what the rest of the people thought :x: Mrs. Fred C. Farmer had as her of them, many of them would change their ways or hide their faces. guest her mother from Brigham City, during the week. Mrs. J. A. Fryer was in Ogden, Subscribe for the Leader J By Miss Ilia Perry , ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lish were call ed to Smithfield on account of the ill ness of Mrs. Lish's father, John Har- ter, Georgiania, of San Francisco, Fri ry. Mr. Harry passed away before day, wishing her father and sister a they arrived. They attended his funeral Saturday at Smithfield and re-- ! turned to their home here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Germer and Mrs. Chris Hansen visited relatives at Salt Lake the week end. The Sunday school will present an! operetta in the near future. Mrs. Leon May and Zella Wheat-le- y of Harper, spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs T. L. Wheat happy birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Summers entertained Monday evening at a farewell Crty to avoio needless trips party in honor of Miss Esther Schmied at the home of Mrs. T. V. Summers. and do a multitude of other There were over twenty guests present and all of them enjoyed the turerrands that would otherwise be key supper. Cards and parlor games A telewere enjoyed very much. costly or impossible. George Eberhard of Chicago, is visphone on a farm is a business iting his uncle, Herman Eberhard and family for an indefinite time. ley. asset as well as a social necessity Mr. and Mrs. Theres Sessions are A valentine dance was given under The vaue of a telephone in the direction of the M. I. A. Tuesday the proud parents of a baby boy, born Sunday. night. assisting in everyday farm work Mrs. Joe Summers and Mrs. Roy Friday night the drama committee, Bates I from Montana, arrived here M. the direction under of the NothA., unlimited. chores is and presented a one act play to a well Sunday to visit with relatives. Miss Esther Schmeid and brother, ing can be bought that gives the pleased audience. of Salt Lake, have been guests relatives Marble Miss Alta visited Arthur, farm so much for so little as a of George Stark and family, for the at Tremonton a few days. Mrs. M. G. Perry and son, Alton, past week. telephone. You need a teleMr. and Mrs. J. B. Hobson, Mrs. T. and Louis Spackman attended the funeral services of William J. Bart-le- tt H. Priest and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph phone 24 hours a day year in Oleason and baby, all of Brigham, held at the Kanesville ward and year out while visiting at the home of J. A. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jensen announce ' Hunsaker, and family, early last week, the arrival of a girl, born at the home were snowed in. They remained here of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs all week, visiting, CO. The G. B. club met at the home of Geo. Jensen, of Hershey, Nebraska. The granddaughter arrived February Mrs. T. V. Summers, Saturday even ing. The occasion was to celebrate 2nd, 1933. A birthday party was given to Miss the birthday of Mrs. Louis Anderson. Thora Dewey at her home here. The Refreshments were served to the twen guests present. Games furevening was spent in making and eatnished the A ended a ride evening's entertainment. very sleigh ing candy. Miss Beatrice Hawkins was a Sunpleasant evening. There were eleven day guest of Miss Ilia Perry. present. The deep snow and drifting winds made it quite impossible for some of our community to go shopping only by rail, while T. R. Ault carried the mail to Tremonton by horseback. The By Mrs. Roscoe Stoddard road from Deweyville to Tremonton was blocked the first time for several :x: years and the only time T. R. Ault's With blocked for the past roads old dobbin could not make the trip. and couple weeks and no transportation Men are at work on the road and out of our valley, our The merchant who advertises is offering the readers of the sleighs are being used to gethere, to the going in made mail two trips to Tremonton has a. vme no ucyvb papei mat nas sei oDiigauon atxacned to it. They highways horse back. These are the only trips xrw news 01 can ui tne products mat sive be had in your home with mail that we have had within IUWI1. that time. Mrs. Edgar Nelson has been confinMAKE THE ADVERTISEMENTS IN THIS PAPER YOUR ed to her bed for about 10 days thru SHOPPING GUIDE illness. She is improving slowly. Mrs. By Mrs. j. v. tiaofieid Frisby, Mrs. Nelson's sister, of Tremonton, came out here Tuesday to :x: A large crowd of young folks en- stay for an indefinite period at the joyed a basket party Friday at the Nelson home An explosion of a water jacket badward chapel. When You Think Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Forsberg and ly wrecked the home of Mr. and Mrs. HARDWARE daughter, Doris, went to Salt Lake L. B. Gunnell, Thursday. Mr. made a fire and almost immediFriday and returned home Monday. ' Miss Norma Udy has been a guest ' ately the water jacket exploded, throw of Miss lone and Nina Udy this week. ing the top and front of the kitchen "Everything To Build Anything" 11 Miss Thora Durfey of Beaver has range in every direction. Pieces of Phone The Best In Optometric Service been a guest at the A. A. Forsberg it were thrown through the kitchen In Northern Utah window shattering the glass and one home for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Anderson of Both of the lids of the stove was thrown well, were Sunday guests of Mr. and with such force that it went through Oil Miss Shirley the ceiling and did a good deal of Mrs. Oscar Forsberg. Anderson returned home with her par- damage to the house. Fortunately no NO. 267 ents after a short visit with her sis- one was hurt as Mrs. Gunnell and the children were not up when the exter, Lucille. GOOD NEWS Archibald plosion occured. of Ivan epent Plymouth After July 1st we can reline your the week end at the T. J. Udy home. Mrs. Ed Rock of Brigham, has been brakes with Miss Melba Udy of Rockland, Ida- here a couple of weeks with her husRaybestos Brake Lining ho, who is visiting with her sister, band. MAKE GOOD OR WE DO A surprise party was held at the The Best That Money Can Buy Mrs. Edith Byington, of Garland, was a guest at the R. D. Macfarlane home home of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Gunnell, Co. Diderickson & Goldsberry The occasion was Monday evening. Tuesday and Wednesday. Phone 21 Tremonton, Utah Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nielson were Tues Mrs. Gunnell's birthday anniversary day guests at the Delose Jensen home. The evening was spent with games, afThey were unable to return to their ter which delicious, refreshments were home at Portage on account of the served. storm. Miss Edna Allen of Portage, spent Thursday at the Thomas Udy home. J. A. Capener and son, Leland, of Salt Lake, were here for a few days and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. By Harry W. Solomon Capener. Nationally Bishop and Mrs. Russell Capener en Known Hotel tertained Friday for their daughter, Winona. The children greatly enjoyOperator ed the sleigh ride the Bishop gave them also the dainty luncheon which CHICAGO. was served at the Capener home folTREMONTON, Y make. Y I ALT XT ) lowing the ride. 36 : : It li the sound. world the Miss Edna Mae Ward of Logan, go hotel OH in the end of virtues week her with the parents, spent keystone 4 K 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ward. She reand business worlds. 88 turned to Logan Monday afternoon. ' BEAR RIVER VALLEY TELEPHONE PAGE THRE tiT'ifrirT'i HOWELL And Directory RIVERSIDE THE LEADER YOU ARE INVITED TO BE PRESENT Conducted By LA LJCiO TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. Lovely New SPRING ARRIVALS at Gepharts Ruffled Curtains inches wide by 6'i feet long, complete with Valance and tie backs Made of good 18 quality Marquisette. Assorted colored ruffling. PER PAIR 25c While They Last Bias Cut Slips Fronk Chevrolet FOR ICE Beverages & Coal Solomon Says I0 - SEE BESSINGER BROS. UTAH : ASSOCIATED GASOLINE & OILS LEA'S SERVICE TREMONTON UTAH H. G. Scott Drug Co. PHONE 47 LEA DUNN. Prop. POULTRYMEN, ATTENTION! Favorite Laying Mash with Purina Concentrate Costs You Only $1.25 per cwt. by using your own grain. Very Best Laying Mash Money Can Buy Call for Particulars GARLAND-TREMONTO- N Pure silk, trimmed with non-clin- MILLING CO. . . . TREMONTON, UTAH Prescription Specialists 'FINEST OF FOUNTAIN SERVICE AND LIGHT LUNCHES This is your drug store, come and make yourself at home !! g twill. plat-val-lac- 98c Step-in- s New arrivals in pure silk and extra quality Rayon lace and net trimmed. $8 Others to $1.95 See Our Windows Ladies Rayon Hose 300 needle ,extra weight, silk to the top. Newest colors One of the best values you ever saw at this price. PAIR 25c Gephart Stores Co. "BUY FOR CASH AND PAY LESS" Tremonton, Phone 33 e, All sizes. Station TUBES Own- BEAR RIVER HIGH SCHOOL Friday, February 24th, 9:30 A. M. THINK WILSON TIRES i M IWW Jim KUfiwmmafW Gun-ne- ll BATTERIES r rj"" . Tremonton Business Guide : f- -n A Free Tractor School for the Benefit of Tractor ers and Prospective Owners Will be Held at ty-fi- I " FREE SCHOOL... Tremonton, Utah Utah a rtiri |