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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1933 PAGE FOUR " When You Think HARDWARE THINK WILSON REDING ! By Mrs. Dan Gam I Phone 11 L-I-B-E-R- -T-Y lit THEATRE TUESDAY MONDAY February - 19th - 20th - 21st SUNDAY WALLACE BERRY .... in Ricardo CORTEZ, Karen Morley, Jean Hersholt, and John Miljan ... A. E. HOLMGREN In the wrestling ring this great, lumbering giant of flesh had no equal yet he trustingly traded his his career, magnificent body, for a smile from a woman's lying lips! than "Min More laughs, thrills and heart-throb- s and Bill," "Hell Divers" and "The Champ" rolled to- (Continued From Page One) the same is made. If any said taxes, or any part thereof, is paid during the month of January preceding the date when the same becomes delinquent, a discount of 5 of the amount so paid shall be allowed and deducted from said tax; if paid during Febrlary, a discount of 4h upon the amount so paid shall be allowed and deducted; if paid during March, a discount of 4 upon the amount so paid shall be allowed and deducted; if paid during April, a discount of Sh upon the amount so paid shall be allowed and deducted; if paid during May, a discount of 3 upon the amount so paid shall be air lowed and deducted; if paid during June, a discount of 2J upon the amount so paid .shall be allowed and deducted; if paid during July, a discount of 2 upon the amount so paid shall be allowed and deducted; if paid during August, a discount of 11 upon the amount so paid shall be allowed and deducted; and if paid during September, a discount of 1 upon the amount so paid shall be allowed and ... gether. ' COMEDY and NEWS FRIDAY SATURDAY February - 23rd - 24th - 25th EDWARD G. ROBINSON .... in THURSDAY "TIGER SHARK" with . . . Richard ARLEN and Zita Johann HE TAUGHT HER TO LOVE AND SHE LEARNED TOO WELL g friendShe taught him hate . . . shattered . . Mir. lover worse her fate death. than ship bringing aculous escapes from cannibals of the deep. Suspense, surprises, sensations never before filmed. Fifty men dared death five weeks to bring you new thrills, the most dangerous picture of the year! life-lon- The Sea Runs Red g when tiger sharks strike! Deadly monsters . . , split second escapes from danger . . . Hood curdling adventure on the high seas. Facing death every minute! Stirring love story . . . action packed with surprises, thrills never before screened. man-eatin- COMEDY and CARTOONS i PRICES FOR SATURDAY, FEB. 18, 1933 deducted. Section 2. Section 6023, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, as amended by Chapter 122, Laws of Utah, 1919, and Section 6024, Compiled Laws of Utah, 1917, are amended to read as follows: Section 6023. At any time after the sale shall have closed and before the time for redemption has expired, the county treasurer is authorized and required, at private sale, at his office, to sell and assign the interest of the county in any real estate sold to the county for delinquency, to any person or corporation holding a recorded mortgage or other lien against such real estate, provided such mortgage will pay the amount of the delinquent taxes, interest, penalties, and costs thereon for the same, and to make out duplicate receipts for the purchaser of such real estate, on which he shall write "Sold for Taxes at Private Sale" and deliver such receipts to the pur- . . U tuaser. cpon presentation of- one such receipt to the county auditor, he shall make out and deliver to the purchaser an assignment of the certifi cate of sale made to the county. Real estate sold to the county and after ward assigned shall be subject to redemption at any time within four years after the date of the original saie, as provided in Section 6024. Section 6024. Real estate sold for taxes may be redeemed by any person interested therein', at any time while the certificate of the tax sale is held by the county, within four years after the date of the sale thereof, by such person paying into the county treasury ( ) the amount ( ) due the county, including the sum of 50c for redemption certificate, of taxes subsequently assessed and all interest, penalties and costs that have accrued thereon; provided, that real estate sold and assigned as provided in Section 6023 may be redeemed by any person interested therein, at any time within four years after the date of the sale thereof, by such person paying into the county treasury for the as signee, or his legal representatives, the amount paid by such assignee, the sum of 50c for a redemption certifi cate and all taxes that have accrued thereon and which have been paid by the purchaser after his purchase to the time of redemption, together with interest at the rate of 8 per annum T IFtomir lb. bag 55c 3 Packages Ify 48 Family Blend. jf&lfl New Style. Bakers. (Pan FREE with 2 Cakes.) 10 oaijp bars 18c Luna Soap. lb Bag 25c I Peanut Butter 22c dD&tfS 9 Sperry's Fresh Churned. pound 27c Crackers 3 lb box 33c (Cronfe ! Vacuum Pack Edwards Dependable. Purity Sodas. Celery Lettuce Salmon Large, Crisp. Large, Solid. Fresh Columbia River. Bunch Heads pound 5c 5c 7c T . Roy Larson of Elwood, had the misfortune to fall on the ice Wednesday, dislocating his knee, causing very much pain. He was given medical attention at the Valley Hospital. Values up to $3.00 Close Out Price 1 $ . Mrs. Eli Winzeler entertained the L. bridge club at her home Wednesday afternoon. The George Washington scheme was carried out in the decorations and luncheon. Mrs. Frank Powell and Mrs. Herman Landvatter won the prizes and Mrs. J. M. Schaf-fe- r and Mrs. Ruth Supan were special A real bargain in nearly all ' sizes. While They Last $ FLANNEL Shirts i Worth up to $3.00 Close Out Price Childrens $ and SWEATERS Boys At just a fraction of their UNION SUITS worth. Close Out Price One lot of boys union suits, nearly all sizes. 2 for Close Out Price 3 Mens and Boys Pair for $ .. UNION SUITS Odds and ends from much higher priced lines. These will not last long at . 1 lie They Last Hep-pie- r, 4 for I j If any member of your family need shoes here is your chance. Two bins full of odd pairs and discontinued numbers of high" grade footwear. rations. Harris won high score, while Close Out Price DeEsta Holmgren won low. Ella Ho mer was a guest of the club. Club Reporter. rounds and everyone wished the drug gist many more happy birthdays. Mary Dewey, president of the club. then presented him with a gift as a token of appreciation from the club. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wadsworth and Mrs. Odeen Luke were special guests. Club Reporter, ... $1 00 Shoes Shoes Shoes On Wednesday night, at the Wilson home, Pearl Bergstroro ajid Phyllis Wilson entertained tne S. O. J). 11 club. A patriotic color scheme was carried throughout the menu and table deco S. O. D. H. club, when Mrs. H. G. Scott entertained in honor of her husband's birthday. Din ner was served at 8 o'clock, after which bridge was played until a late hourf Ann Watkins winning high score while low score went to Irene Kerr. As the stroke of twelve ushered in the 11th, the fly swatter went the 1 Children's Blue and hickory stripe Not All Sizes 2 For $ Overalls Ruth Johnson gave an interesting review of "The Fountain," by Charles Luncheon was served to Morgan. eleven members and Mrs. Roscoe Mrs. Harry Taylor and Mrs. King of Garland, guests. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Israel Hunsaker, March 1st. Friday the 10th proved to be a red 1 BLAZERS The Tremonton-Garlan- d Literary club met at the home of Mrs. R. D. Anderson Wednesday evening. Miss letter day for the 1 Mens Formerly priced up to $5.00 Close Out Price guests. Doll For 3 Blazers L. $ l PSHBMJRNQ """'O Ul Hartley and Stokes Just Home Folks on the whole from the date of pay ment to the day of redemption. ( ) When two or more parties are interested in a piece of property which has been sold for taxes, either party may redeem the property in which he is interested, upon ( ) payment of that portion of the taxes, interest, penalties, and costs which his property bears to the whole, as determined by the board of county commissioners, together with the sum of 50c for redemption certificate. Section 3. This act shall take ef fect upon approval. I F every anman had perfect health, a happy home, habits, COFFEE ciXcSanb'rns (Royal Gelatin FREE!) MACARONI RIPI7 4 Pods Fancy Head 6 Pounds BREAD good invigorating occupation, and a comfortable income, the cost of life insurance might be cut in two. Only a few men have been blessed to that extent, but if you are one of them, I have some information that will interest you. L. C. CHUISTOPHERSON .... PHONE SATURDAY SPECIALS BEANS FOR PICKED MEN GARLAND Shirts Mens and Boys Mrs. Hector Haight entertained the bridge club at her home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Douglas Cannon, Mrs. Harold Persson and Mrs. S. C. Taylor won prizes. .Mrs. E. H. Woodward was special guest. While Shirley Larsen of Garland, was getting his dogs ready for the races, last week, he accidentally slipped and fell, fracturing his arm. He was given medical attention but was unable to compete in the races.. DRESS PULL OVER STYLE B. B. Wednesday evening a few friends of Henry Oyler met at the Briggs home, then went with sleigh to the Oylers, where they surprised him on the anniversary of his birth(iay. Games were played and later refreshments were served to 18 guests. Boys Semi Sweaters den. INTRODUCES A NEW TAX BILL your Or Until Sold Out r. who was BORN this girl Never has Berry made you laugh through .... tears as in this romance of the wrestling ring. He believed in her love BAD Friday and Saturday - "FLESH" with TREM0NT0N :x: Mrs. Earl Holt was hostess to the members of the Social Development club Thursday afternoon of last wetk. Mrs. Anil Udy of East Garland, had 'Everything To Build Anything" the program in charge. A. W Price gave a very interesting paper on "Our ! America," his ideas promoted a discussion in which a number of the mem NEWS AND SOCIAL ITEMS bers added their opinions as to the A 4 future of America's development. Mrs. :x: A. W. Hanson and Mrs. D. B. Jones Mrs. D. W. Jenkins, who is attendentertained with musical selections. ing the legislature, in Salt Lake, spent Luncheon was served to forty guests. the week end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Johnson announce the engagement of their Mrs. C. Tallman is visiting her sisdaughter, Rhea, to Ervil Boothe of ter, Miss Woodworth, in Ogden, this Honeyville, the wedding to take place week. Saturday with Bishop Tolman of Hon Mrs. Rose Miller is confined to her eyville, performing the ceremony. Mrs. ). A. Cannon has returned home with a severe case of from Ogden where she has spent several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Flowers. Mildred Stone of Brigham City, Miss Iris Coombs left Saturday for spent the week end with her mother, Riverside, California, for several Mrs. Mattie Stone. weeks visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Eben Wilcox spent Melvin P. Randall and June Haight Sunday of last week in Logan where of Salt Lake City, Charles Long and Valera Randall of Ogden. were Sun- they celebrated the seventy-fourt- h birthday annivarsary of their father, day guests at the home of H. P. Ran-ME. O. Wilcox. . ' dalL Til- woou leu rn jmiss imea tir mesuay lor Los Angeles, Calif., to spend the re Billie, the small son of Mr. and mainder of the winter months at the Mrs. E. R. Winzeler, had the misforhome of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and tune to fall and fracture his collar Mrs. Alvin Evans. bone, while playing at his home last Miss Ella Coombs is visiting in Og week. 39-- ORANGES GRAPEFRUIT ltton SOAP iogw,hi'!. CRACKERS .... UTAH BROOMS Representing METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY a 2iMs TO. Each 31 V 25a 25C 25c. 5c 25a 33a i9g 25c 30e |