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Show BEAR RIVER VALLEY LEADER, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1933 "PAGE TWO Entered at the Postoffice at Utah, aa Second Class Matter. James Walton. Editor and Publisher Published at Tremonton, Utah, on Thursday of each week. Subscription Rate $2.00 One Year, in advance Six Months, in advance 50 Three Months, in advance Tre-aaonto- worst witnessed here in years, and cepting a few colds which we are very thankful for. caught many of our people out of town Melvin Wolverton was in Garland and it was with some difficulty that and Tremonton on business Monday of they got to their homes in safety. The last week with a team and was forced school van made its regular trip to to face the blizzard on his way home. the high school Monday morning but Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Miller have on its return in the afternoon found been visiting here with Mrs. Miller's the road blocked on the Malad hill parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phines Pierson with drifting snow and other cars during the fore part of the week. that were stalled, one of which was Mrs. Jesse Hess is spending the Alvin Smith with another car, who in week visiting in Ogden with Mr .and company with his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Thornton. Mrs. Jesse Lamb, has been shopping Mrs. Hannah Hess and son, Ellis, in Garland and Tremonton during the with Mr. and Mrs. Stan was day, when he found it impossible to go Hess visiting afternoon of last week. back Sunday ladies had the sent farther any The married folks of the ward were to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Udv while he sent to town for treated to a very excellent feast at teams. Ernest Nish and Joseph Arch the ward amusement hall Friday afibald picked up the s. o. s. call and ternoon where the young folks enterwent with teams to their assistance tained them under the direction of the and arrived just in time to help the activity committee. Tables were arschool van through with its load of ranged in the hall and a spread of very children before they suffered from the delicious eats were enjoyed by about extreme cold. The roads are still ninety guests. It was planned to have blocked with snow both to the south the old folks of the ward in attendance and to the north, however we have but on account of the cold weather not been able to receive the mail each many of them were able to get there. day. There is from 2 to 3 feet of After the tables were cleared away. ennu? Tipro nnur anil ie narkprl an hard Alvin Smith took charge of the day that it is almost impossible to get. and called numbers from the audience through it with horses. Some of the and an excellent program was the men have had much difficulty in keep outcome of the day. In the evening ing the road open to the canyon where a short play was given by members they have been getting out wood this of the M. I. A. dramatic company, afwinter. Our district school has not ter which a sociable dance followed been stopped on account of the bliz- with a large crowd in attendance. There was over 100 in attendance at zard and there is no sickness here ex ; BEAR RIVEB VALLEY LEADER PLYMOUTH n, By Mrs. Don R. Lamb Xxtl to tVMi $1-0- 0 and plca ia die ). S. wbcralm eatalo. a buineM pjf dratiuna matter eoverin obtained Free Without be km er product can rnduatriai TKe only Library. Obligation i the Ameacan Write for fioaineM Adveitiains Mattel yon are interacted in;aame will bepromptly forwarded. AMERICA! IIDUSTSIAL LIBRARY EasiaoerUa Boildlai, CUmAo, IlllaoU To Your Town as well as to your Country 1 PATRONIZE YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS It must be admitted that at electYou should praise your home city ion time many things are said and and boost with all your might. promises made which are promptly A woman often blames her husband forgotten as soon thereafter as it is for things that go wrong about the possible. famitv hudcpt. Often it is because One dramatic symptom draws more the wife is a little smarter than the attention than masses of statis- public hnshand sometimes she fears that and tics dry dissertation. the husband is inclined to attach too little importance to the household The man who does not take a news-- : She finds when the nrnblpms. and read it will always remain paper husband buys he uses poor judgment behind the times. ana He seldom investigates prices quality and, when given a list of Too many people prefer dabbling in thintrs needed, pavs little attention rather than the facing of hard theory and comes home with a lot of "just facts. oua ' as good articles that the wile not want On the other hand, the wife Some cities need more business men is a careful buyer. She reads the in business. advertisements newspaper carefully keeDs nosted on Driees and Qual ity and when she does shop she buys the best at less and keeps within tne family budget. When it comes to huvinr for the home, the averaee wife knows more about how to shop and save than the majority of husbands will ever know. Kh EAST GARLAND fore- - A home town booster is an asset; a knocker is a liability. -- Free to Public that visited our valley part of the week was the The blizzard the PENROSE j Ed-mo- ' We are all familiar with the post office pen. It has been productive of more bad language than anything we know of. Most of the time it does not function at all. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Miller are the proud parents of a fine baby girl born at the valley hospital on February 13. Mrs. James Jensen is visiting with her daughter in Ogden. On account of the teriffic blizzard the students have been unable to attend school. On Tuesday the Relief Society women met at the home of Mrs. Merlin Grover and spent the afternoon quilting a quilt for her. Mrs. Grover serv ed cake and ice cream. the sacrament meeting Sunday evening. After the preliminary exercises of the meeting the bishop turned the time over to Mr. Dewey Lamb, one of the seven presidents of the 187th quorum of Seventies. Bro. Jesse Nish another member of the quorum, spoke of the pleasure he had witnessed in his labors as a missionary in the Field ing ward. Bros. Wm. J. Hess and Don R. Lamb, members of the High Priest quorum, were called to assist them in making the meeting a success, who spoke some on the life of Abraham Lincoln and the power of the priesthood. Bishop Clary Rudd was the concluding speaker and gave some very good instructions for the members of the ward. By. Mrs. David Larson -I- - :x: Wednesday a group of friends had a sleighing party to the home of Mrs. J. M. Sorensen to spend the afternoon Mrs. Sorensen has been house bound for the past several months and her genial personality has been missed in the community. The time was spent in reminiscing and social chat. A delicious tray luncheon was prepared and served by the self invited guests who with the guest of honor numbered twenty. Mrs. Hilda Petersen is slowly recovering from the after effects of a severe case of flu. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Larson, daughters, Bonnie and Barbara, were last week guests of Mrs. Sophia Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Gustaf Larson and Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Holman. All are relatives. Mrs. Fanny Capener is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alf Capener of 1 Pork'Beansg lge. can 10c Pierces Pork and Beans will sell at 10c per can Saturday. These always make a tasty healthful meal for the whole family. This is a real price, don't you think? CORN 7c Riverside. Eugene Isaacson and Urscl Rhodes left Monday for a warmer clime. Hope they find it on their trip to California and Arizona, This weather makes us all wish for a winter home in sunny California. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hansen attended the funeral services for Mrs. Evan Morgan in Brigham City Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan lived in Collinston a number of years ago where they were engaged in the mercantile business. Messrs Dean Hall, Leroy Manning, Rulon Manning and Wm. Brown of Garland, were visiting in the south part of the ward as home missionaries Saturday. Miss Knudson of Fortage was a Tuesday night guest of Miss Luella Atkinson. Niel Nielsen, of Tortage' spent Tues day night at the J. W. Rhodes home. The blizzard of Tuesday night and Wednesday was the most severe in the memory of o'.d timers and pioneers. .Because of the roads being blockaded the school vans were unable to get to Garland Wednesday and Thursday. Tomatoes 8c Did you receive corn or tomatoes last Saturday on our sale? Many did not so we are again featuring these two items. These are very fine quality. Buy several cans. FRUIT Oranges. Lemons, and Grapefruit will be on sale Saturday at these ridiculously low prices. 3 Fresh, Sweet Grapefruit WOMAN LOST Per For Can Campbells Tomato 2 lb Pkg. Loose -- Macaroni Lost Her Prominent Hips Double Chin Sluggishness -- fat first Pep 9c Genuine Cocoa Castile Bar the remove in America (lasts 4 weeks) and the cost is but little. If this first bottle doesn't convince you this is the easiest SAFEST and surest way to lose fat your money gladly returned. Adv. ...WANT COLUMN.. 2-- 9 tf. CASH PAID For Dead and Useless Cm and horses. Brigham 493J2 Reverse call tf41 5c Pork and Beans 10c O. It's true, a housewife can understand your desire to economize. But it will surprise you to know that c large cash outlay was not necessary. Only a few dollars down placed these beautiful appliances right where you see them, and the balance is paid from our regular budget, in a small amount each month. Thanks to a combination rate which decreases as the use of elecis cost than no the bothersome increases, methods of the past. tricity operating greater Large Loaf P. S. 5c Bread Milk Maid 2 for ... 5c step-dow- n -- Lb. Service Brand Coffee Embossed And besides, mother, I'm doing exactly as you advised. Often you yourself cautioned me the drudgery that steals a woman's charm. Husbands like to see a woman graceful and against happy. If the wife is too weary each day to welcome him well, can she expect to hold his admiration? These labor saving appliances help preserve a woman's youth. Now there's no more drudging over a hot stove, for my Hotpoint Electric Range is automatic. My General Electric Refrigerator saves many marketing trips, for it preserves perishables perfectly. And as to the Electric Water Heater why, I couldn't do without it. Leisure and comfort and home charm mean everything . . . Well, there's the story. And my electric servants will last a lifetime. 20c 50 to Pkg. Paper Papkins 5c Meat Tender Beef Per Lb. Boil 5c Sliced Ter Lb. Bacon 15c Pure Pork Ter Lb. Sausage Any Cut Steak FOR SALE One Holstein cow, and one young work horse. See Paul ... It's a great responsibility, this business of homemaking. Women nowadays are interested in the appearance of the kitchen and its comforts, too. Look around and see how many people are already enjoying a modern, electrified home people who are no better fixed financially than we are. I tell you, mother, I decided that we couldn't afford to remain Lge. Can Heinz cause! Take one half teaspoonful of Krus-che- n Salts in a glass of hot water in the morning in 3 weeks get on the scales and note how many pounds of fat have vanished. Notice also that you have gained in energy your skin is clearer you feel younger in body Kruschen will give any fat person a joyous surprise. But be sure it's Kruschen your health comes first and SAFETY first is the Kruschen promise. Get a bottle of Kruschen Salts "from any leading druggist anywhere Heitz. Per Pkg. Soap, extra lge. Gained Physical Vigor A Shapely Figure. If you're 13c Kellogg's ANY WOMAN CAN ENJOY THE CONVENIENCE AND ECONOMY OF SERVICE COOKING, REFRIGERATION, WATER HEATING. DROP INTO OUR STORE AND LET'S TALK IT OVER. ALL-ELECTR- . 10c Per Lb. 15c STOWS IC We cordially invite you to visit the model kitchen displayed at our Salt Lake Store. CLP. SKYVGCSl FOOD times like these? "Yes, Mother, We Switched To All -- Electric And I'll Tell You Wh- y-" 7c Soup OF FAT In Doz. 15c Lemons 20 POUNDS For 10c I IIIAH POWt-R- K ITCT EFFICIENT PUBLIC SERVICE |