Show Improve improvement menI in art A thing of beauty la is a joy jo for ever we were never more forcibly of 0 the truth of this quotation than when examining the pictures produced by mr newella Neivel ls newly discovered process which he has named the newell pictures a term very plain in itself but bat one which we ave have no doubt wiil will become known to the whole civilized world mr air newell kewell hw has not heretofore been known to the world as an artist he has pursued his studies nd investigations with a quiet erse erbe lorance lerance ver ance chic which it commends itself to our admira admiration he ile has never announced to any the in lne a sight lit L which he had hadi hadt from time to time gained avato ito iyo that arcana arcaba a of mystery which nature haa hag ha in store and which rhe phe bhe she yields up to him only who toils and studies and struggles for the prize long days weeks and months have been spent in an beavor endeavor to improve upon all alt the present podes of producing the human likeness ile he had noticed the former productions admired their beauty and regretted their defects for striking defects they certainly had it has always been most difficult to obtain the proper roper expression of the face and vold void avoid a certain cert n stiffness which was ever shown by all the old processes of the daguerreotype bro type or photograph these defects mr newe new ell eli I 1 has as most successfully remedied the specimens which we have examined are true to life beyond anything we ave ever witnessed of the effects of either the camera or pencil indeed it needs but the power of speech to be convinced that the person represented is really there before your Y our eyes dlf dif differing derin ferin 9 only in dimensions we formerly heard much mich of the Hillo type and various lo oty types pes have since been announced and have had as they deserve successful 8 fu runs they have many of them been exceedingly hine fine 36 but even the claim of the hillo type which chic were never realized sunk into hito insignificance by the side of the newell pictures mr hill claimed to produce the colors from nature by the operation of the camera and chemicals he used but when that was d done 0 ne tine thre pers perspective ec t ive lve of ibis this new invention wa w as 8 not ob obtained obtained taine in this you ou can hardly persuade pers jade yourself but that you look through some glass to produce an optical illusion or that more than one surface is 13 presented so completely does the picture stand out cat in exact tion of tile the gereon the arm and hind seem to round up S BO 3 that they could be grasped the features 0 of IT the race tace stand sand band out like nature itself the drapery hangs in its fold so true to the original that you instinctively listen to hear the rustle rustic of silks and the fluttering of or ribbons the hair hangs in ringlets ot or is combed up tip so as to leal leat many to suppose that the actual hin hir D ur has been obtain obtained pd and fastened listened on the piet lire tire p add to all this the fact that the colors of the flesh hair and drapery are true to nature and that the stiffness and want avant of ex express presson on of many of the daguerreotypes and photo graphs is is entire entirely lv 6 y the th s bourd expression I 1 of tb thc jhc c orl iori lorl ori p taking t llla MiiA wv av tb tag JT lyv ih aop arac f t the lie rist ri st fi iv 1 p pui pul ii albi eibi el ab 0 gr graph aph alid iott ui 8 i e u t vyt ava will 1 U endure endri e fur ce centuries n and we can ti hardly t arvy ima lma imagene gine anything an thing to exceed ed this in in future discoveries th the tho 0 neil nell neales est ich teh vv e a have ever pe sf spen seen en to th tbt 5 nav n av disco dic ey e y n lb h 2 1 a 1 t iq n the finest kind of minia minla tui tul es 01 i loy loj ery ory bul buit bult if far exceed that in beauty and finish all le the I 1 effect of the stereoscopic pictures is fg produced I 1 with the vie advantage of the natural colorin coloring which they do riot not possess is still won wonderful darful is the tha fact that this pr process icess nor no greater length of time tine than t the e common photograph it is an invention of bf such decided merit mid wid nd the improvement is BO so lir tar bev beyond nd all the of te art at the present time that thit we are glad to beaming be among tho the th 9 first to bring 0 it before the public lva IVA bave a aen and stronger motive for fei fel 1 fr I newell proposes to teach h b art to otan 4 i I 1 it is one in which women might eli elt ka avith ith profit and honor to themselves we would ouid rejoice edolee r to eee see ee them take taka hold of th s beautiful art we are assured that any female of good taste and ordinary ordin ary arr Y capacity could learn fl it with avith facility why v id i 1 7 adt akib hold of such things and lift ih ves yes from froio the drudgery of beai ig and other oher I 1 n a luera lucrative tive employments mr Newel newels 3 pictures can be seen at hs ir a room 1 61 arch street above ninth philadelphia I 1 comans womans Wo mans advocate sep 15 13 |