Show immigration caits hodgetts and hunts companies with those who went to their relief have been arriving W within the pas past t few days and are now dec 16 all in except a few who will tarry at fort supply during the winter ardd arid the small coin company pany previously mentioned as bein being sta at the devils gate bishop L W hardy reports the new cew arrivals to be in fine spirits notwithstanding their late hardships and those who so liberally turned out oat to their relief report themselves ready to start out again 4 were it necessary but few in the two rear companies were frosted and of those only one or two severely bishop hardy at once threw open his bis doors to the family in which were the ones roost joost severely frosted and under his judicious nursing nursing without am they are rapidly recovering recovering though the oae one most frosted will perhaps be somewhat crippled in her feet 0 world orid orld what have y you ou to sly bly siy s iy and do about the works coupled with faith mani tested by those who have hive gladly faced winter on the wasatch Wd satch mountains Moun taina to rescue fell felt fellow ow beings most of whom they had never nver se been seen en or what abbat the rescuers rescue da ds bein being 0 so joyous and so littas injured amid such perils perila and hards harda hardships hips or again what about that thai spirit which causes so many to operate as one upon the side of truth and humanity |