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Show 4 ' i THE DESERET NEWS, SATURDAY, World Of The By Elder. " By Oswald Garison Villard Former-Edito- r The Nation," author of "John Brown" d of'thefuture is to ' For be-- " tlon of something divined In the wisdom of the Almighty we are, not left without a guide in the great adventure of life. We are constantly called upon to make a choice between right and wrong,' good and evil Constantly there is a still small voice telling us what to do. If we do right there comes into our soul a sweet and comforting assurance. If we do wrong there comes a sense of shame and s insupportable; that ijs chief victims ire men in civil occupations, women s mil children: that its financial are beyond the power of the richest country to support long; that the cities of, the greatest nations cannot ie defended from attack through the air; that unemployment, famine, pestilence, poverty, utter misery eome to all who participate; that the destruc tion of goods, as of lives, is beyond bur-len- remorse.- We quote Christ, - Farrars Life - of p. 74: ke Arm Of Fellowship Needed To Combat Forces Of Evil By Elder Elvon W. Orme President, Australian Mission kAANY times I have a whole ' garden- - droop and seej die for the want of rain, and I have often hv wkenat came it could not restore the bloom again. How often 'ouf fMends. rike the gar won-Jiere- d i not built as symbols of national pride nor operated mentTas arfare - d In a weapons of w trade, but frigates of peace, free of every harbor, welcome w hatever their flags, wherever they go. We want a world in which private greed and proRr shan yieid'totTie common - min-Jster- . y computation. For the poorest reason alone, the materialistic one, war must be banished fiom our new uoild or civilization falls. In our future it will be no longer possible for rulers, whether in dictatorships or democracies, to take the pawns, their people into war. With war out of the way, we want an ordered wot Id built on the knowledge that, as William Lloyd Garrison ..T,utjn,my coiujtjyjs the, world. rpy? countrymen all mankind, an ordered world recognizin- g- mr'liic'on testable truth that Richard Cobden. that great Englishman, told when he said that free trade and peace are synonymous. With' peace achieved the desire for high tariffs, and for and self supplj ing countries, for war pul poses, will have gone forever. A cooperating world is what we seek 'next with peace guaranteed by a federal government, or a parliament, or a Senate which shall not be dominated by victors in the war, or by any group of great nations: in which large and small nations shall have equal rights and equal privileges. It shall be a federation of nations, not run by prime ministers or foreign or used by the most powerful countries as an instrument of nation- al policies, but buttressed by a World Court which alone shall have the right to decide on all disputes between nations. , We want to live in a world without colonies: with backward peoples held in trust by the federal authority'until self governing, their lands developed primarily for their inhabitants and secondarily open to access by all nations on equal and just terms, with full recognition that fixed bounties of nature are irreplaceable and are vouchsafed humanity only for the use of all mankind. We want .true freedom of the seas seas free of all ships of destruction, utilized only by the transports of traffic and trade, vessels requirements." The gospel plan is so arranged that each member receives his reward la proportion to his" efforts Hand his observance of the prinCiplesi No member is deprived of his blessElder Hinckley , ings because of the failure of someThus was Christ .victorious one else. As individuals we earn our own rewards and blessings. through that self - renunciation The principles of the gospel are through which, only, can victory be won. And the moments of such Intended to prepare us to receive and honest struggle crowned with vicenjoy greater blessings, to improve our minds and bodies and to enable tory, are the very sweetest and hapus to progress to a higher sphere of piest that the life of man can give. They are full of an elevation and intelligence and happiness. a delight which can only be deThe Glory of God Is Intelligence.1 scribed in language borrow'ed fiom' The light of the gospel and the exthe imagery of heaven. ercise of its privileges should-ma. Latter-daSaints the most intelligent of all people. If, as a people we shall keep the commandments, take advantage of our glorious opportunities, accept and follow the teachings of the gospel and magnify the great gifts of the Priesthood we shall truly become the light of the world and the den, have needed us and cried in vain, of all people. and then like the rain when at last happiest Those who fail to accept and diswe came it was too late to restore and mend the friendship.. Friends are charge their responsibilities, particularly those who have received the Aijce old fences, they need repairing often.' To members of the Church, we Priesthood, will forfeit the blessings. But those who and discharge give this special message to keep re- them shall haveaccept the promises fulpairing Jfriendship. filled. Remember the words of King Ben- It is for each of us to decide to jamin, When ye are in the service of what extent we shall follow the teach'our fellow men, know ye not that ye ings and claim the blessings both re the service of ur Gd and slirne oHroubre, n here,I, the hereafter. Lord, am bound when ye fe0 pepl! do what I say, but when TSF' V1? ye do not lon ant what I say, ye have no promise. friendship than there are people starv. ... Dqc. & Cov. 82:10. ing for bread, extend the arm of fellowship to all of our old friends within wlirrecaR lhal' In the "early the Church. Those, wrho for some days of the gathering of the reason do not attend services regularSaints it was considered as good as an ly, extend to them friendship and love. insurance policy when a company of Our Heavenly Father once called Latter-daSaints embarked on a vesa great man named Abraham, The sel crossing the Atlantic.- - I recall Friend of God, and to members of reading in my diary of the Church in this day the Savior re- a time W'hen thegrandfathers boat upon which he to all who had gone into"the was ferred so sailing was in waters of baptism and received the much so that the great jeopardy, of the boat captain gift of the Holy Ghost, ye are My came to him and pleaded with him to friends. Brethren and sisters, with intercede with the Lord m behalf of . . , the absenee-- of full time ter the commandment Thou Shalt September, 1941 full benefits of the gospel are T HEsecured" onlyby living up to the ure Not Kill applies to nations as well as to individuals, has now come rein-- . Torcement in the fact that total war e- - -- weal. Most of all we want in this war-les- s world we vision, a recognition'of the absolute dignity, equality and lib race, creed or color, with his rights and freedoms as inviolable as his, Own , life. We want in our no race discriminations, nor arrogant belief that some are born to rule and others to be slaves; no pride of . race, ,,o p., ,0 bre supermen jo and dominate the globe. We want mankind ruled by the example of the gentle Nazarene, who wished not only that children be suffered unto Him, lout all men and all women as well. In that world we would gladly barter even prpgress in science for the right to advance with speed and surety in the art of human In the love of mankind, along the road of go6d will for all and enmity for none. And we know that, with half the will and zeal that goes irito wars that accomplish nothing, our entirely practical aims can be achieved. world-to-be- s. . on our shoulders. Be kind, be . loving, be thoughtful to those whom Jesus has said, ye are My sng friends. Further He has said, Wo unto them by whom 'offenses come. Think on this and act accordingly. Freely ye have received, freely giye . . . and above all, when ye become lax in our ways, of friends, of our breth-eand sisters in the Church, remember that the Lord has sanctified His Church as a place of refuge for all who are weary and - heavy laden. Join hands all of you, who have entered t, i - If s III I i i ' n j t " I M.HI- - n 3 L v..l . 1 ,hat he hfd should have power aver the elements, walked out on deck and raised his hands to high heaven and rebuked the sea and the waves, and they were immediately calmed, and the appreciation of the captain of the boat was so great that he offered him the use of his private quarters during the balance of the journey Bishop LeGrand Richards. the waters of baptism, and be truly sons and daughters of Israel, whose children you are, and Israel means soldiers of God, and to be a soldier is to be a protector. , . . Protect your brothers and your sisters against the forces, of evil, against the forces of .loneliness, and friendlessness, and heartbreak. At left is shown the proposed chapel and recreation hall to'be erected by the Driggs, Ida., Ward. The building also will serve as'the Teton - Stakehouse7 Construction is to begin at once. Ashton and Evans are the architects and vid L. Davis of Rexburg has been awarded the construction contract. r H you y erty of every man. without regard fo ' ihi, Ward Teachers Message some-meas- s -- Bryant S. Hinckley. read in Matthew 4.11, Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels cam and mipistered unto him. No man ever battled victoriously against temptation and sin who did not receive in' the reward which came to the Mas-- fit to live in, it must be war less. To the arguments of peace-loverand humanitarians, of disciples of the belief 'hat Of The Gospel: Temptation , Fthc-worl- Church Deportment Victory Over War Must Give Way To True Freedom - I SEPTEMBER 6, 1941 lntl JJuman s$cliteveni en I" Je(igion Future 4 - . H i If I |