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Show The Rest Man (making arrangements) arrange-ments) And er It is klsstomnry to cuss tho bride? Sketch. M. D. Broadmau, 673 W. Main St., Helena, Mont., gives an Interesting account of his improved health thru the use of Foley Kidney Pills. After Aft-er giving a detail account of his case, ne says, "I am almost 79 years old and have spent hundreds of dollars for medicines, but find that I havo received more benefit from ?jley Kidney PHI, than from all other medicines. med-icines. Further particulars sent on request. re-quest. For sale by Co-Operatlve Drug Co. PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS At various times during the summer sum-mer via the Oregon Short Line. Reduced Re-duced fares to Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles and other coast points. Consult any Oregon Short Line Agent or write D. E. Bur-ley, Bur-ley, General Passenger Agent, Salt Lake City. Utah. Mrs. M. A. McLaughlin, 512 Jay St. La Cross, Wis., writes that she suffered suf-fered all kinds of pains In her back and hips on account or kidney trouble and rheumatism. 'I got some or Foley Fo-ley Kidney Pills and after taking them for a few days there was a wonderful won-derful change in my case, for the pain entirely 'left my back and hips and I am thankful there Is such a medicine as Foley Klkney Pills.' Co-operative Drug Co. I Have Yot Tried An Acme Machine? I If Not You Ate Unacquainted With I Acme Quality I I Acme-Hodge Headers, Binders, Mowers And Rakes I ; J ' " Are Moderate in Price But High in Quality. When I ; ; J you pay less for others depend upon it you get less. I SIDNEY STEVENS IMPLEMENT COMPANY i I UTAH AND IDAHO Helped to Keep Down Expenies. Mrs. J. E. Henry, Akron. Mich tells how she did so: i was bothar' ed with my kidneys M had to nearly doub!.. I trie - samPie , Foley Kidney Pills and tfey did , so much good that I bought a bottle and feel that they saved me a hiJ .doctor's bill." Co-operative Drug Co DIRECTORY Intermountain Protective Protec-tive Association (Collectors) H. B. JOHNSON, Manaaer orrices: Cardon Jowelry Dulldlng 41 North Main, Logan. Utah. Phono 625 Ited. QUICK COLLECTIONS. Bring In Your Claims. BRING YOUR Buggy Or Wagon 106 North, 4th East And Have Them Painted. Charges reason-able. , TO THE FARMERS Bring your HIDES, FURS and BEESWAX to the reliable re-liable firm, THE LOQAN HIDE AND JUNK CO., of Logan Utah, where you get the Highest Price. We pay 5H cents per pound ror old rubbers. I centa per pound ror old metals; 50 cents per 100 pounds for cast iron. Don't forget the place, 146 South Main, Logan, Utah. Tel. 62. Don't give away to Peddlers. I Save Yoti Money BY Making Your Furniture New Uphohttring and General Repairing Couches in Imitation Leather $5.00 Bed Springs Rejtreched - . 75c Haif J"01 Matresses RemadeSS. 5o ALL WORK GUARANTEED BY J. F. Schirmeister Shop 34 S. Main . 'Phone 393 b j Tremont Hotel 50 Bast Center. Lotjjn. Ut. Mrs. H, Steadman, Prop, Board And Rooms Home Cooking RATES: $1.50 to $2.00 Per Day Rooms 35c. to $1.00 Free Suit Coupon. No Name. ... To Be Given Away The hest suit mado to wear, sure given iway rree hy Scheuy, the tailor 46 West First North. .... YOUNG MEN GO WE8T .... got your suit made to measure and save rrom $3.00 to $5.00 on all suits mado atter latest style. You have tried tho llest, now Try the Best. Ladles and Gentlemens' tailors. Also do cleaning, pressing, altering and repairing Oood work or no pay always, with each 50c worth or work will he entitled to a chance on the best suit mado arter latest style. Urlng this coupon and get your number. num-ber. Keep It until July 15, they will bo drawn out hy disinterested party Tho lucky person will be given the best ladles' or gent's suit. Suits sponged pressed 50c Pants pressed 20c James G. Walters Attorney-At-Law Union Block, 75 North Main St, J. C. Mathews i Painter, Decorator and Paperhanger TILL WORK GUilimSTEBD lleildence 45 East Fourth North Tel. 601X. John Thomas MERCHANT TAILOR Special Rates For Student I All Work Guaranteed Flrst-Clas I Cleaning And Ropalncg a Specialty I |