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Show 1 Wanted Lady cook at Canyon hotel, ho-tel, Cache Junction. Write or phono Remember the open air band concert con-cert In (rent of the Tabernacle tonight. to-night. , m - ' Mrs. S. G. Splllman and baby of Fc-vjP Fc-vjP catello, Idaho,' are visiting relatives and frlenda In Logan. Eat Sunklst strawberries from "Glen Ellen Fruit Farm," Smlthfleld. Phone iz-y. W. J. TImmlns, tf 'n Mr. and Mrs. John Ward left yesterday yes-terday afternoon for their home In Riverside, Idaho. Everybody meets "everybody else at the open air band concert In front of the Tabernacle tonight. m Miss Eva Hobbs left Thursday morning for Idaho Falls, where she will visit with her sister, Mrs. Lis-zle Lis-zle Reader. Mrs. Florence Hanks Pyper, who has been visiting with her mother has gone to Lehl, where Mr. Pyper la employed. em-ployed. They expect to make their home at Lehl for some time at least. Call and tee the wonderful Domestic Vacuum Cleaner. It will do the tame work ae the best Electric Cleaner, and as easy to operate at a carpet aweeper Price $12.50. Lundttrom Furniture & Carpet Co. Sidney Stevens Implement Co., Is headquarters for the best Manilla and Sisal rope and twine. J29 DUNBAR A HYDE Can Save You $5.00 On Your Suit. , - 50c On. Your Shoes. . 50c On Your Hat. 25c On Your Shirt. Any And Every Day In The Year Hon. Norman G. Allen Is the latest to Invest In a dry farm In the Blue Creek Valley. He was In the city recently closing up a deal with John L. Baxter, of Howell, Utah. Miss Elizabeth Peterson entertained dP , at a prettily appointed dinner party Tuesday evening In honor of a number num-ber of the principals of the Salt Lake City schools. Covers were laid for ten. The Wilson, one of the leasing Ho. tels of Salt Lake City; rates $1.00 per day and upwards. Music during meal hours. Headquarters for Cache i Valley people. i Wanted Four or five men for steady work In the Utah Condensed Milk Co., Richmond, Utah. Ages from 23 to 35 years; married men preferred. Make application In person per-son to C. E. Merrill, Supt. J29 m Miss Margaret Knowles entertained a few of her girl friends Thursday afternoon. af-ternoon. Tho time was spent In sewing, sew-ing, after which dainty refreshments were served. Thoso enjoying the afternoon af-ternoon wero: Margaret Knowles, Mary Anderson, Nannoh Cash, Blanche Worley and Mary Thaln. Master Junius Smart entertained a a number of his friends Thursday afternoon. af-ternoon. They wore taken for an auto ride, after which the time was spent In playing games and serving dainty refreshments. Thoso present were: Rachel Balllf, Ruth Barber, Adeline Barber, Mary Thaln, Delia Smith, Emma Eccles, Helen and Uar-da Uar-da Smart, Junius Smart, George Eccles, Ec-cles, Nathan Nlblcy, Wllford Carlisle, and Wesley Howell. ' - "" Modern house for rent. Call 285-k For your strawberries, phone 290-z Providence. tf Be out to the free open air band concert In front of the Tabernacle tonight to-night All working men should read the 11. G. Hayball Merc. Co's. ad on page five. Get your fishing tackle and license at R. M. Rolfcn's store. Every farmer n Cache County should read the Sidney Stevens Implement Imple-ment ad on page six of this issue. t Highest prices paid for cattle and fat hogs. Hansen Livestock and Feeding Co. Phone 5o0. Everybody meets everybody else at the open air band concert In front of the Tabernacle tonight. Dr. J. A. McCausland has opened new dental parlors at 91 North Second Sec-ond West street. Logan, Utah. Wanted To Rent A three or four room house. Call at OiIb office, or telephone 48. .. ( I. O. O. F. the regular Decoration dayservlces will be held on Bunday, June 30. All members please meet at hall Sunday morning at 10 a. m. Mr. M. F. Dalley, of Pocatello Valley Val-ley was in the city during the week. He reports crop prospects first class In that vicinity. - Sidney Stevens Implement Co., reports re-ports a heavy business In Acme Mowers Mow-ers and rakes so far, due to the reliability re-liability of Acme machines. I . Manager Olsen of the local telephone tele-phone exchange announces that ni rangements can be made for receiving receiv-ing the report of the Johnson-Flynn fistic battle, July 4th, by rounds I conferring with the company. Special Fourth of July services wll1 be held In the Second wnrd"tomorrow night nt 7:30. A muslcul program will be rendered followed by an oration by Mr. H. Bullen, Jr. For Immediate service the Inter-mountain Inter-mountain protective Association Is ocmlns right to tho front and is able to handle all collections, regardless of their nature. Reasonable rntes. Ofllces, Cardon Jewelry building, 41 North Main street, Logan. Jl 'Knitters Wanted In Salt Lake City.' Oi oraton. on the flat or lamb machine, ma-chine, desiring work, can receive advanced ad-vanced vnges at Cache Knitting Works, Salt Lake City. Apply to Manager E. T. Lloyd, No. 30 Richards Street, Salt Lake City. tf 9 There will be a free baseball gamo between the Sugar Factory team and the Mlllvllle players on the B. V. Campus at 4 o'clock this nfternoon. Both teams are In good condition and tho game promises to be a fast one from start to finish. On Thursday afternoon Miss Rettn Maughan was hostess at a Kensington given for n number of her girl friends. Dainty refreshments were served, after af-ter which they went to the Oak theater. the-ater. Covers were laid for the follow-Ing. follow-Ing. Melpha Houtz, Alto Straw, Dora Koffman, Lou Clark, Jessie Grocsbeck, Bessie Maughan, Ada Maughan, Minnie Min-nie Thomas nnd Leila Almond Mrs. T. D. Roberts will sell ri.J summer hats and all summer goods at reduced prices. J-29 Remember the open nlr band concert con-cert In front of the Tabernacle tonight. to-night. The Stake Presidency will be nt the Scandinavian meeting, Sunday morning where Elders John 11. Anderson Ander-son and Peter Lundgren of Idaho, will deliver lectures. Large attendance requested. i At the Presbyterian church at 11 a. m. Sabbath School. Mr. Crothcrs will give on account of the recent assembly as-sembly at Louisville, and In the evening even-ing at 7:30 will preach on "Twice, Born Men." Services In commemoration of tho signing of the Declaration of Independence, Indepen-dence, 4th July, 1776, will bo hcldj tomorrow evening In the Seventh ward chapel at 7:30. Prof. Henry Peterson, a member of the General Sunday School Union, and who Is now lecturing to the teachers at the Agricultural College summer school! will deliver the address. Mrs. W. J.I Wlmraer will sing, and other musical numbers will be given. All are welcome. wel-come. Mrs. Harriet Boudrcro, wife of Dominique Boudrero of this city died nt her home 194 North First Wcs street, Thursday, June 27 at 5:20 p. m. The Immediate cause of death being general debility due to old age. Mrs. Boudrero was born February 8, 182G, at St. Germain, Turin Co., Italy; emigrated to Utah In 1857. She lived In Provo one year and has spent the remainder of her life In Logan. She was married In Salt Lake City; Brlgham young performing the ceremony. cere-mony. She was always very faithful and active In the church. Mrs. Boudrero Boud-rero Is survived by a husband and five children: '"Mrs. Mary Splerman, Jose-1 Jose-1 phlne Boudrero, Mrs. Arthur Bateson, Lehl, and Louts D. Boudrcro. Eleven grandchildren and three grcatgrand children. Funeral services will be held Sunday, June 30, nt 12 o'clock In the First ward meeting house. |