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Show m tm vvuMAN'S EXPONENT. A WELCOME TO TlU- OLD FOLKS; - T honored veterans! ye aged sires! in our midst today, VVe bid yew Icome Prophets, Apostles,' God's own noblenu n, With gran J dames by your sides, we welcome YE all. ": '" . full three score years . ana len you ve sojourned 1 here, reached tne aiioted time to mortals 7 .. .1 gven. V And still through Father's goodness ye are here To bless us'with your smiles,as rays from heaven. Ye have bornefthe heat and burden of the day, Have bravedjife's battles with true faith in God; Stem duty for.your motto; ye have proved That ye could bow beneath His chastening rod. Twould fail my humble pen to tell all ye have -' : 77' ; 7: wrought; To tell what ye have not done, would be easier You've ' ' "7" far; But the crowning glory of your lives sublime, t wi in the rearine of our Temoles. four. ' ....1- - I I . tint. . m " she is familiarly called i,V widow lady of about 1 H,?rf ,JL want to impress upon the minds of our Mexican lady friends is; that it is honorable mteen of age ,to learn some trade, or several if nnd necessary, as terard left wid a so that they can gain an honorable f f dath "of her" the living, husband and save themselves soul and body; and as oe of the prominent men of the that labor is honorable, and saving to the a wife before "Pan. moral 'culture of the nation." ,1 Our people in L ?..a?d a.familr of several children who the colonies have set this example before eP"mother as dearly as they them and XT beginning to realize it; feve done their own mother" Those we see theyofare the Mexican ladies making many children are all married and live in El Paso straw hats and other articles that" are useand Chihuahua. They often come'to Casas ful. More anon. vjianues to see Pan rh tn S. T. Brimhaix. her welfare.:; Once while we lived at Casas brandes and . one of her came to see her, WOMAN SUFFRAGE COLUMN. they resolved to take a . ,ul e-- 1 " r . step-dautrhte- rs ride over to the colony and we were invited to go along so we fixed tin thf hnhv nA twelve year old daughter. Snnn th 1 avert ld Jashionedcachme bouncing up to and wevvere soon romfnrtnhlv chaf ed and started Panchita's " brother " "iiu viiv. lauico S. L. C. W. S. A. Minutes of W. 7S. A. held in 13th, Ward-Ha- ll in the chair. Dec. 19th, President McFar-lan- e "Sang "Proud state of lhe Union," "prayer C. R. Wells. C was coachman and just how to manage his Sang Come, come away.' ' Roll called "Let us depart in peace" for we have seen four mules as thev elided alow iin and and minutes of November meeting read The Temple of our God 'mid mountains reared, down the hills. The Chihuahua lady was and approved. Discussion followed as to a And swelled the hosannahs to his holy name. quite interested in informing: herself about place of meeting. Mrs. McCune offered 0 noble fathers, mothers ye have set our people. We arrived in the colony had her parlor, which was accepted with the For us to emulate, examples'grand; a good visit and returned home in the hearty approval of all. Vice President Thy children's children, walking in thy steps, Druce was interested in this work and evening; felt that we had spent a very proShall ready be to obey all God's command. fitable day with two refined ladies. The would like to see the franchise extended And were it not that death is passed on a'l, Mexican ladies are veiv fond of their- - woman at an early day, thought we ought How gladly would we always keep ye here, ourselves so that we could vote mends and never forgot a favor; they are Not still to plant and labor,T)ut to'.bless, very" sensitive and inclined like" ourselves to intelligently, read from' The Woman s And in our days of trial give us cheer, be jealous. I must not forget to say that Tribune a good article on Woman's But soon you 11 pass beyond the shadowy river, Panchita" is a model lady, very polite, Movement, Vice President- - Price made Reunion hold with friends who once were here; and esteems virtue as beyond price; she lives some very intelligent remarks on fallen And as you meet with hand clasps, still rememb with her father and mother and is their women, wished something could be done 7 er . a better life, also. spoke of only daughter, she generally teaches a a1to help them to ,. - The Old Folk's parties on this earthly sphere. jr j existing aii tne present time m small private school of little girls. We ine neeas And we too shall join youjn that circle, consequence of so many unemployed. happened in the other day and were sur and the us take Just kindly Vice Prest. Eardley thought wre ought to hand, say: by prised to see girls so small doing such handYou'r welcome'to our King's Grand Party; some fancy work, of lace, flowers, work on be more ; parliamentary in our meeting referred to some club of boys and girls Card, and canvas, it would be a credit to .she had listened to, was surprised at the July iSth, 1893. any children. manner in which they conducted We remember next our dear friend Julia, intelligent referred to the subject that their For the Exponent: she is a mother to everybody and takes Mrs. meeting, Price spoke upon, thought many of MESSAGE FROM NEW ZEALAND. pride in doing charitable deeds, she came them could be reclaimed if they were over here the other day to see her "com- - dealt with President Mc. Farlane Containing news of the bill bestowing full sufas she calls us, and she was really followed onkindly. adre" the same subject, would like to frage upon women passed ' by both houses of taken neatness of see Women and with the industry up the "ballot then we could Legislature and signed by the Governor. our thriving colony, and expressed herself work better get for all, had noticed a great imI was down on the beach, this morning, as much pleased with all that she saw. We provement in women, some men can say Walked alone'bythe sounding sea, entertained herself and daughter the best the right thing at the right time, John G. And from the'wild waves in.their sobbing, we could, and she went away feeling quite Carlyle was one of this kind; he was A message was wafted to me. happy. possessed of tact and if he had to refuse a It came.from'a Don a dear Victoria We must not forget Country, request, one went away feeling as good as HiW Dolores Don wife That is washed by billowy waves, of little beauty, the if it had been granted, we should try to do A land rising Queen-lik- e and are and lovely, sparkling good in a quiet way, read an article from bright dalgo. Her eyes is Tar out fronfthe sea and its graves. C. C. R. Wells sugand her pretty wTavy brown nair always The Inter Oceaii. in is she and combed general gested that each one inform herself upon neatly It told of the'graveiandjthe'noble, and neat and dean, very intelligent and I the qualifications of a voter. Moved to Of manhood andwomanhood true, 7; think that she could represent her sex and adjourn until the third Tuesday in January Now striving to make the world better, at Mrs. McCune's, 270 West South Temple "Paiganas" quite as honorably as most any With'freedom'for alLheld in view, is at 2 p. m." lady in airy land; but women's rights wois Regardless of .sex or of station, Mary E. Irvine, Sec. scarcely thought of in Mexico, it to Of whatever caste, or of creed, man's right here to be strictly obedient her They'll silence the voice of oppression, husband, and as a general thing they are, is announced from Washington that And work for.humanity's need. he does as he pleases and she tamely sub- -' theIt Secretary of the Interior as resolved we account for such subhow is that mits, O, glorious message! mostl welcome; to abate the smoke nuisance in his departoften cowardly sons, as we and missive A forecast of'vision'sublime, ment, and that henceforth smoking by the crush liberty the natives; meet often among official force during office hours is to be Of a full free emancipation of the mothers, out action and of thought At last of all nations and climes. but prohibited. The clerk devoted to the their of sons, cowards make and you L. M. Hewlings. cigarette, agar or pipe must decide whether 7 this is not the invariable rule in Mexico, for his smoke or his job is the more valuable to, Chicago, Oct 1893. men in this d there are many him. This praiseworthy precedent by the : nation who delight in respecting women Secretary of the Interior might well be and protecting them. in all the government departments. SOME. OF OUR tADY FRIENDS- that is here error most The prevalent National Temperance Advocate as class better the looked by upon There are- among our Mexican lady labor is to woman, Dispatches from Italy foreshadow a which mistake often interestdegrading and friends some very intelligent What we general revolutionary movement. and crime. immorality to or leads Francisca Vega ing women. Like Simeon of old, ye now can say, seemed to know . . to-educ- ate " , far-aw- ay . . -- liberal-minde- fol-low- ed . - Donna , |