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Show 84 WOMAN'S Palmer,- Mrs. Henrotiii, - Exponent W OMAN 'S EMMEUXE B. VELLS, AttNIM WELLS CASH ON 4 f - - .Editor. mtiia), - Sdifrvrt Cmtriiufr. m Published., in Salt Lake City, Utah. I erms: one copy one year, $io; one copy six months, 50 cis. 1N0 reduction made lor clubs: City papers dehv- erea uy mail, extra lor postage one year, 25 cts. Advertising rates: Each square, ten lines of nonpareil space, one time, $2.50; per month, Jrco. A liberal dis count to regular advertisers. semi-moutH- l,. EXPONENT office, Rooms 227 228 Constitution Build- ng, M am btreet, opposite Z. C. M, I.- Business hours from ..xoa.ni. to 5 p.m. eyery day, except Sunday.- , - Address, all business communications to PUBLISHER WOMAN'S EXPONENT, -- Entered at the Post Salt Lake City, Utah. . Offiie econa class matter. Miss . Anthony, and their Mrs. Sewall, Mrs. Avery colleagues the ballot, by means of, which so much might be accomplished towards making1 womerf" independent or at least equally Yet so with men in industrial pursuits? these heroic and magnificent women are powerless to carry a measure, except through their persuasive eloquence, or womanly, shrewdness and tact. We are not giving any reasons why women should be political equals, but simply calling attention to the perfect indifference with which the majority of women view this matter. They simply will not look into the subject, they have not its not the ime, or its too much trquble,-oproper thing, yet when some serious difficulty presents itsel they are compelled to come forward and "lend a hand" for the time being, but they even then, refuse in many instances to think seriously and study the cause though they see the effect. Men agree that there must be a radical change of some sort,yet cannot predict in what way it is to come; peacable methods are best, and women are generally for peace, that would be one grand element in public affairs a peace policy. Whether women are prepared or not for the responsibility of, suffrage the tendency of the times is in that direction, and the wise and farseeing realize and can appreciate the necessity for preparation. . Every individual woman who has the best interests ot the mmmntiihr in which she lives and of the great common wealth of the Republic at heart, should in some definite way inform herself as to the laws and measures that exist, first in "her own locality and then in the state and. the United States. It is not enough to be familiar with generalities, most of us are very fond of ancient history, r in Salt Lake City, (ftah, as Salt Lake City, IvXrONKNT. January 15, 1894. THE TENDENCY OF THE AGE. The peculiar condition of the country at the present time, on account of the financial depression is calculated to call attention to 57. a. Main 5t. are. oiknng great induce meiits in the sale of shoes of the fintsi quality as weir as useful, ordinary and durable kinds. The latest styles too in all footwear of every kind and description, can be found in this pioneer shoe store, and the prices arranged for the next thirty days are at the actual Factory cost, and are without doubt the lowest ever offered to the public Remember friends this in'this7:City. business is managed by a woman and should certainly receive the patronage of the ladies, especially as it is a reliable and well-manag- institution. 3 ed "; The Stake Secretaries, in all the several Stakes of Zion are how reminded that it is time to send in reports to be compiled for the April Conference from the Relief Society, throughout all its Stakes and also from branches where thereis no Stake organization. These reports should be made 'out for the entire year J 1 893 , from January first to December 31st. Secretaries please take special notice, direct all reports to this office, and send them in just as soon as possible, that there may be no delay in the compilation of. a full and complete report of . the why's and wherefore's that have the entire, organization. brought about this state of things, and to those who study the matter carefully some The Legislature of the Territory remedy must necessarily be sought for, arid which 4 convened on the 9th of January if possible, found, or some method of adjust has its Committees hard atr work in the ment of labor and compensation, arrived at, or some more economic way of living and variousMepartments assigned to them, and. of expending: the wealth of the world, everything seems tending towards the acthatTTthere may be sufficient for all. complishment of the results necessary for fwomen the prosperity and advancement of the snouia interest tnein selves in this great problem, for really they are the general interests of Utah. It is everywhere most deeply interested party, the ones who conceded that able men have been elected wno are lOOKing to tne public weiiare more are most likely to suffer from the disarrange ment of conditions that throw people out of than personal or sectional interests, and tn verv 1rleriyint nminhilttv thfrp annpnrs employment, and force them to go hither n j j and thither for work, or to seek their butiaiow very little of the history of the manifested by those of different party fortunes, by sea of by land poor or views, which is likely to prove of greater time in which we are actually living. wise. , ;. The women of the State of New York benefit" than partisanship. The members It seems remarkable at the present day are carrying on a vigorous campaign in the seem to be taking a deep interest in that women cannot see that it would be interests of the franchise and if perseverance educational and reform matters as well as well for them to have an intelligent opinion energy and will win, then they will the agricultural and manufacturing enter-- pluck . I . 11 ."J f out unmese suujecis, ana at least to nna surely achieve a signal triumph. A state ICXLUldCd, UUU ii.UJ.il C HiUUiLliCO cUC 1CWC1V1UX Whether the - womanly element diffused, that has such illustrious women to lead the special attention. and -- fine discriminating sense of justice hosts onward as Mrs. Stanton and Miss The woman's tribune of Jan. 13, possessed by the sex would not help solve Anthony ought not to fear defeat. What a these difficult questions. glorious victory for women would be the Washingtari D. C. mentions the recent To be sure, some do see the need of wo- Empire State with woman sunraee in its death of Mrs. Lura Orms, daughter of man's help in affairs of state, but the platform, and what a maenihcent recom-- . x'"' v": r"4" rv a j 1 "hn. multitude are not converted to tie idea of pense tor the life labors of the two . long .1 political i.1equality. And yet the crisis is I distinguished heroines and chiefs in the is a sad Dereavment. the motner and ' t l il.l daughter being closely associated "both in coming, me irumnas aireaay aawnea upon suffrage cause. Mrs. Stanton anrl w? somejyho had been very indifferent previous Anthony would such a victory be; and cer-- DubHc work and in the home. Their love iu mis wommuian vear. ana it is an tainly the needs of the day and for each other was a marked feature of their imperative acknowledged fact that the trend of the en- the hour demand some potent power to i in lives, and the blow must fall heavily u$te7 tire Exposition work was in the direction of fuse into the body the mother, but her heroism will undoubtedpolitic. equal rights for all. Women proved their The women of Utah who exercised the ly assert itself, and her labors for, the good executive ability on the Board of Lady right of franchise for so a period of of others will help her to bear this sore long affliction. Managers to the perfect satisfaction of all time must surely be better informed in reMay our Heavenly - Father concerned, and it is universally admitted gard to its advantages than those who never comfort and sustain her in this time of that women are more economical in ex have had the practical in its use trial, arid help her to acknowledge his experience penditures than men. That fact alone un- and methods. One would think having" divine will even in her great sorrow. The der existing circumstances would count had the educational benefit of the . ballot funeral services were held on Monday tEeir in favor. Not only the such women should be able to greatly Jan. 8th, at Mrs. Lockwood's home and advisspeak National Board of Lady Managers acquit- edly on the subject, and persuade the timid, " were largely attended by the National ted themselves creditably in their manageclass and convince the thoughtless1 Woman's Press Association of which Mrs. doubting ment, but the State Boards and Lady. Com- and indifferentones of the real need of the Lockwood is a prominent member. missioners and women engaged on Com- - ballot for women that all may join uuu. luijt. mu ui-- i uy xxvj J.CiiiU Mrs. Elizabeth Brooks who died in in one great phalanx ta'secure equaltogether rights 88 the great Congress of women; its manage- and for all classes of citizens ir- - T this City Dec. 4, 1893, at the age of privileges ment entirely under the direction of women; ot sex. That woman may no years (lacking a few days) was a very respective and That Woman's Congress stands be classed with idiots, lunatics and worthy,as well as a very able woman, longer among all the host of Congresses that came criminals in the body politic. had made great sacrifices for her religious after. It had no precedent to follow for faith. She was the widow, of a Ship well such an one had never been held, the world Captain Thomas P. Brooks,' arid was EDITORIAL NOTES. had not seen its like, and is it not most to do in the world when she embraced the absurd to refuse to such women as Mrs. The Dunford Shoe Co. whose store is at Gospel; her friends all turned against her, I 1 ' ,. a ,. . . l- -' ; J. -- . 1 1- - 1 4 4 . 1 A '"Li-"- ', -- pre-emine- nt . |