Show jail jan 3 30 E edvard EDWARD dyard PARRY son of ellas elias a and ud iary lary mary morris aged 4 months and 10 days at pleasant grove city utah co jan 5 ANN ELIZABETH SHEFFER widow of richard clark dark aged 7 79 9 years 7 months and 7 days at round valley volley miliard millard co jail jan I 1 lof of inflammation HARRIET ELIZABETH ellzabeth infant daughter of benjamin jr and mary jano lano jano johnson aged 13 days at south cottonwood feb I 1 of se arlet aslet fever NAOME SUSAN daughter and mary erickson aged 6 years and 5 3 days at rockville kane hane co jan jim 17 of con consumption and dr dropsy 0 p LOUISA eldest daughter of i john olin and C clarinda la r langston aged 10 years I 1 Mont month hand and 9 days pittsburg papers please copy at Co coalville alville summit co dec 31 isol 1801 of lung fever GILMORE GIL MOliE MERRIL ile he was bom in knox knos co hio ohio hlo september V 2 1808 joined the church of jogus christ of latter day saints in 1831 1931 gathered with the saints in I 1 missouri tiro years afterwards was in the battle tient at hauns mill mili travel traveled dd and suffered in all the persecutions of the saints lived at xau sau oo 00 emigrated to utah in 1852 he lived his religion loil and enjoyed the fellowship of the saints and died in the hope ofa ola glorious glo ilous lious resurrection com cou coat american fork jan 20 of typhoid fever ANNE caulter dau daughter lter of alls ails and karen nelson a aged wed ged 9 year s 4 months and 25 days in thi city jan 0 22 of typhoid fevers fever miss DAMSEL dausel LY abdai 21 year tear swid 4 1 months at big cottonwood jau ran 26 JANE ROBINSON aged 41 years yeans mil star please eop top in inisi thit this city jan jim 3 of scarlet fever GRIFFIT 11 son of heman and catharine Cath arine arlue hyde aged 4 years 3 months and 17 days kt t breret city millard co jail jan 6 0 1865 phebe PIERCE relict of the late isaac IV daugler dangler dang ther of aaron 31 and julia julla B baldit ad in aged 10 months mouths and I 1 days she was vas baptized zed sed into the church of jesus chrise of lat r day saints in the fall of 1833 an n ati tUt augu fo eo new nc york moved to far west ivest mo no in int ini I 1 S k she endured with the rest of the saints in 11 mi loso irso url uri the persecutions peculiar to that time oud and finally expulsion from the state tinder under the extern exterminating order of gov boggs she i elded resided mostly in illinois until after the exodus of die tile saints she the arrived in these thes valleys in 1852 where she enjoyed until her lier d decease e t the he blesIn blessings gsand and privileges of the sall Sali saints its COM at payson jan so 50 of measles HANNAH JANE JA NE elari clart daughter ilter titer of barles charles charies ani and agnes lapworth ageda years I 1 month and 0 9 days fall star please copy lat provo city jail jan 23 of typhoid fever J ULIA tann ANN VAN orben aged oj 59 years 3 months and 17 days clays at moroni San peto co jan 2 of measles Inea sies and canker LUCY lealh LEAK daughter daugh tei of george and 1 sarah marinda spencer aged I 1 year 10 months and 16 10 days at sugar house houseward ivard jail jan 24 21 MINNA E r daughter of J joseph and ialey aged is 17 years from nhom stepney middlesex middie Middle sex sox england in ili this city at the house of 11 21 RACHEL the wife of clife late orin erin koster of connecticut aged 81 years she embraced the gospel ili in connecticut 1832 1833 emigrated to these valleys in 1833 1855 she bile lived oad sad aled died a saint of tre the mort most iii lii high 11 |