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Show . - , 4 - 1 10e , , IP4E D'ESERET NEWSt . November Alontray, - 17,-19- 4,.........1111V Sugar Beet Farmérs,Get -- - a , 1 7 I p, 7 . ."., l , 7 1., . . , es- -7 ini------ sugar 'beet; ,, -, - - , received,---it-portecta- -$5.500,00a was ' , , , - Emergencies - away. (i (V e500 ( ' - A, naissance-Squadronsince- ' V .A,, 4-- ; :...... .. s -- -- -- - - , 11d . 4 '4fiwout ,t, - , , Factory o 1 , i 0 ) - ,, ,,, i r - - - ' . 24-3- ' , ,, , , - - , ears , ,'.. , ''.,, 7 , 0 - i 14 t .., ill Pond ' ,,,, ---- -- FOITIOUS 211) Turey 0, at No E x .r a . , He ) ,, .. ), Fil) - $ 5. , t - r 1 I. -- IIACKACSIS PWYSSCAL Water Board 7----TI -- -- acIAT21 If you now have piles, 1 abeceettr derbe 1 any-rec- 100NEI PROSTATIC SYMPTOMS . - I ' . ItA IIRIrsAtAftiTtISSmi IttitTAL AISCISS I!ANEMIA'1 1 - Ik , PAINS . I opt d STUR vezril , 1) If I rcoNsTwAno, I II. ZoNISSIpki, 12".1- -- --' fistula,- Considers 15Cent Assessment Today tal cnimwhenia,manayd the rectal - Gasoline gouritouz ' ' - automobile .11- - , cense taxes provide per tent-total state rceevnesnuuse of ouftahth, fig. according to ures. and-- lt For Your Cough ,, vi . - ,, - - 00 .,,,, -- CREOMULSION CoughsChpt 47;.1 1 High Councilmen men fire -- A unt , I . Ilet - The Telephone Hour r--, ' ,... - . - - . 7 ? ' 1 -- ' . kd i of :AnOtrer is that you can't watt for somebody, else to get an extra blanket when It turns cold In the night." - - Pr Chafes gently cleanse the tender v partssoothe smarting torment. end quickly induce comfortrely on 3 ItES113011PANNTollxt" , ' , ... - 1 I - Station 'KDYL. , ' - 1. ,... a -- ' - ' , " 4.1.44,0,.., - LbTurkey'i , bl. Ill l'' 1 j ---- - --- - , g wrkosi . 95 1 Iglig) . , ., ' 1Q;;;;r , - . 1;Z ' : ' A, 16 , , ' 6 50 Monthly tut, perit-C- or. , , I,Boautiful et I enamel., It fully control., lamp, -- - - -- - tad Floor - - ' - , , I ; -- - ' - - :1 1:' ,,, , ., 111".' , DIAL ' ' , -- , BALT - , , kt:14;li t;ritSt141414 atIlli) NA1N AND )ROADWAY fcr i Stoat Solos Tan. Prices Quoted De Not Include I OPEN S:30 A. St. TO 8 P St EVERY WEER DAY - I - t ' Chg. porcelain lig 111017414scit automatic insulaton lotrodroisteisek eon elootris thermostat. i r- I J C40" I -- - - I . . 1 , -- - - r""7.1".""""""111"""1"0,7"600,011001.smomoow,",,,,,,.."0"70, -- . ' S t ci i I El C c t r i c R a nge ., , - bash. and to tho coctottuodom wall white Glowing porcelain onamol. Ste leVeelleill Inch fully automatic oven. Lamp, noun and 54tt. thritt cookoc pot. Turkey included. Ind hoot ' , . , - Z , . - No Extra Charge -- i , , ... - Mr. , , 7., - ,. , - 10 Ix . 7 , ry Monday - "$6 Month! I - t;g4P ' 1' . disadvantagp I , -- 1111 - 1 sot , , i ELI,1Wtl 1 - ,,,,,,, I - -Cv r Reg. DepositCan . - T.:::rjj 95 - coot" - 1 . - b Clocil - .-. . ;c ;T ' I I: ----., A . ----" - - , , . -- Turkey at No Extra Charge 1 fiffil - - - -- iii;; ,11441, C 1 ..., ,,,,,--,- --, :,-,..- . ce for-Oth- - DeluxeE se' ctric Range ,,,,,,, I it , . ,...ii:14 Two New AR E at. ,.., Teton Stake by; DENY ANY FIRE 0 '''' 5 - s- - . - e 00 at - , of the officers and Louis Hagen and Darrell Corstated that there was no prior to the crash and said that. son' today had been installed as members of the Teton Stake Park City residents who report ed seeing .a streak of fire in the High Council and Bryan JFull, a net became stake clerk following he State of tmpIoyment Security today had sky had undoubtedly seen conference sessions flare which had either been requarterly sent out a call to employment offices in Utah arid in some surheld yesterday leased or shaken from the ship. Driggst Ida. rounding states to recruit., eu.,Kulecc and, xeypersurinei fortneL.Major Pirtle's body wag found with Elder Stephen L Richards of the Council of the TVvelve' of. at 8.30 a.m. by Prvt. Ludwig Ordnance Plant which Remington Arms Company will Schmidt of Ft. Douglas and Bill Relating operate.' Elder Richards reported foun. Brady, 18; William Robinson, 19, not be found here. The state department took acbacThe will k comnanyalso Saturday-betweetion ' qualified Utah workers who Ray R. Adams, executive state have left the and desire to director, L. E. Therien, service return. superintendent for the Reming. In addition to using facilities ton, Company in this area, and ' of the the com- I 1,,e,1. s..pmayet., thief of the eiTILC department, N v . 'drvisvion of maintain its owit peri pany t placement. disonnel office will and hire ,..3: Remington will use Utah work. '. ers in all cases possible but it rectly through this division. 1 "..011 Employment is expected to be. appears likely ,that men will be ,..: gin.in large numbers within two recruited from outside the state if enough skilled workmen can- - weeks. Mechanics qualified to . .... training as tool setters , 1 , - accept and essential lobs will , ,t, .. be hired first. They will be sent , , i to .other plants for training for . . II , their duties. I ,01 I ' specific Remington ow 1 , . ds,;, also is looking for engineers, exf' and fore perienced stipervisors, ;By Robert Quillen men. - --- -- -company has placed an or', ",:'" der with W. E. Peacock, manto L.ijten 1.4 .1 . ,f ager of the employment service office in Salt: Lake for 200 pro. ttilitil' -duction foremen, production suf PI . perintendents, civil, mechanical, ' . (Popular Bell System Musical Program) . electrical, chemical and 'Mining , ' engineers. Since this personnel is not.. . 't ' NOW ON.THE- - AIR I ,', available kere,- Mr.' has , - sent clearance orders to other - , t1 ,, . offices in the state and to some ,7 I , (7 111 At outside the state. eS k, ' Men selected for key positions -- i ' ' , will be sent to eastern plants , , - 6p . for training on full salary. , , . al- tn. - - - aae - r A.,t Last Relief, -- -- . , ter-Dist- rict - ,'-- . - -- - grow them. Also know Ithe difference be- tween mild and radical trecrtmen-tswith the advantages and disadvorn: ," tcrges of each. Write today to the McCleary CTrnic, it t1149 Elms Blvd., Excelsior Springs, Moe-f- or ' i h their -- 122..pag FREE BOOK. d le : It cmd colon disorders L.rectal explain In clear- kmouager also describes a Mild treatmónt used at comparatively 1 Creomulsion relieves promptly be-their clinic which has brought relief to thoitsands of men and women. They . cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel . . will also send you former patient refladen phlegm, and aid nature erence from your own section This 13! Interesting book Is free and is sent Telalnydourhedrualraggwistuidereeu, eyinou. I postpaid. Use- the above address and 2t. s. I a bottle of Creomulsion with the unask for - it todayby card or letter. must like the way it 77-It would- be helpirtillnwriting you- if derstanding you - you would check' In the above- - chart quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. any ailments that have been named by : 1 , your physician. Please mail the, chart with yout leiter,-AdCold. BrOOChitiS - for ..... f,- -- J Shortage Of Skilled WorkersMay,Foice Outside Recruiting The Salt Lake Metropolitan Water:District board of directors will meet'Tuesclay at 12:15 p. -at the University Club, 130 East South Temple Street, to consider a 15 cent a share assessment by tharrovo River -- Water -- Users'. Association on the 46,000 shares held by the water district.The assessment will amount to $6,900 as the Salt Lake district's contribution to the operating ex. penses or the organization. The last assessment totaling $11,500 was paid in 1939. Other water organizations as. sessed are Provo Reservoir Wa. ter --- Users' - Company, 16,000 shares; Metropolitan Water District of American Fork, 500; Met- WaterDistrict of Lehi, r5o00p4.olitan Water District of Orem, 1500; Metropolitan Wei. of Pleasant Grove r Lindon, 500: Highland Conserve. tion District, 5,010, and the Utah Lake Distributing Company, 15,. 200, sure that you understand these treapchsrous State Aids Arms Plant ToFindKeymen Scans Costs Esq. ; IllitiVf .., Charge! Prosperity G a s 'It a n g e d ), i .: .. - Lake-Ogde- - I II 1 , .,,',1:,,-4.,,';- ' E .ALI,IIETAAVZot4 AI L , ,f- ,. s , .... t , - an,it, sgivingt, 4, , it . . 4 ,, -- . he'd-'-ha- , , shown in the chart below.. . has-sev- ,, , -- r-- . . - Defense Train nd EIMDACH. : ayannedadr - It is a fact that piles and colon disorders may be a factor in yinfectioni hist causing- - foccd the same as diseased teeth or tonsils. Where this occurs, the sufferer is apt one or several to be troubled with-an- y of ths "refles'!-- - associated ailments 1 RtHolladay e- , Mrs. Charles D. Crandall, 79, of Warren, Pa. ' mother of Mrs. George M. Gadsby of 1352 Third Avenue, (died Sunday in a Salt Lake hospital. She had been ill since Oct. 10, when-- a ifall resulted in a fractured hip. Complications of this accident caused her death. She was born in Warren, Nov. 28, 1861, daughter of Judge Sam. uel P.and Martha Brown John. son. She attended Elmira College, and was married to Charles D. Crandall at Warren in 1888, who died in 1927. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church, the Warren Philomet Society and the Warren Shakespeare Club. Surviving her are two daughMrs. ters, Mrs. Gadsby and Charles M. Noyes of Butler, Pa., and a son, Leonard J. Crandall of Allentown, Pa. The body will be taken to Warren this- evening for services and burial. 44! 00 The-30,0- 1 I- well-know- i W oma n Ii ee p'i 9 7th Birth day -- - Affect General -- Health . . I - ri,. ,,,', '!. How Piles 1 - ,,,.,Lkl,,,,... , I --- - . - - s ---- ' Expires In East - - 30,000 Persons To Learn Duties For ' . . - ' I e , ' - -- , - -- ,, er said., ; She urged early completion or:, plans for the committee:since It includes wOrk. and antififth column work. Scheduled to attend meetings in addition to Gov. 'Herbert B. May's- - , were'L- - Gus - P.--- Backman. Selvoy J. Boyer of Springville; R. C. Glasmann and S. T. Jeppe- Ben of Ogden; MM. Maud N. Leaver and Joseph I. Nichols, . Salt Lake; , Lawrence A. John- son, housing director, Dan M. and tj Wiohseeplahn'H.reAciKnaayi. lisireettate, rcOo' . 7 - Mrs. C. D. Crandall I , ,.. - , . lc- in 4populous , , rirciWihei I Woman's Mother. Dies ' . v --.. oths are important only: arm, Mrs. Schrein,, aU . - ft , : ' ..jo", 5 ''' - S.714 i , - October harvest would total about 65000 tons. ' . , I that the I, 41' ' J Utah Plans Trainnot -, Of Defense Aids . i i '.: Utah growers will receive ap$1,000,000 of - the $t750,000 mailed to growers in Utah, Idaho and Oregon by the Amalgamated Sugar Company H. A. Benning of Ogden, vice president and general manager, had announced today. He said that this sum covered only liveries in October and represented only Ipart of the total pay- ments. A 75 cents per tontigher price was reported for these pays ments over those of last year. The Layton Sugar Company to- had paid approximately day $200,000 to Davis County growers as the 1941 initial paymest. James E. Ellison, general manager, had announced. The factory is processing an average of 1200 tons daily and has approximately 60 per cent of the anticipated crop al the factory Mr. Ellison said. reporting that the sugar content is slightly over 16 per cent. The Franklin County Sugar Company. Whitney, Ida., will pay $5.10 per ton on the first beets .- . ' Squadron Commander Parachute Tangles. With 11 I - proximately - . . ,,i . said. t I - ' - A , - - , itI ' . -- . i ' , - ' , ' I r . o ,o1,,, U .,,,, ; Sugar paid by the Utah-IdahCompany to farmers in Utah, Idaho, South Dakota and Montana,- Douglas -- E. Scalley,' vice 1 ----, president end general manner,"" had announced today. ' About $1,500,000 of this amount was paid to Utah farmers, he said. I , In late No- vember and early December an i additional $500,000 will be- - paid 1 by the company. I, The rise in beet prices from approximately $4.15 to $4.85 per ton made this year's payments considerably higher, Mr. &alley 41 - 1 l' ' ,.. : '', , 1 Ii I 4 ,, le growereft'li the bet Approximately- ,ilm ', - and Clifford LeathemT18, all of (Continued From Page, One) , --4)W.Park . .prittnor Inree Jamie(' t1 they had seen something white tically be ' ' ,,.,, , , completed, Utah today on the hillside from the 'Park , ' ' ) gan plans for training n early, Doctors would not allow Lieu; City Junction. e-,citizens 30;000 for of duties its in was The body , tenant Baybe the pilot, or Lieubadly broken ., war. of times was tenant Simmons, the copilot, to be up and partially swathed in ( , ,N. Mrs. Helen Schreiner of San the white silk this ripped pars. 1 , 4 questioned, but Lieutenant Smith. (. -Francisco, of the ahip's radio A chute. representative of the the said ; ( that the piece t, .,, plane navigator, :' , -- 4 ... . ' VolunteerPffices of the Office mast wasI entangled in the Silken drafts struck several ,,e a powerful 0, ti. " ,,' , , , -- 4r , of Civilian Defense made plans : while flying at an elevation of canopyand the shroud lime. I ,.. ,t lc', TTC-TLar..", ' U ' the of establishment state '' 1(),1 '' '''' i 14.000 feet. 'c'k , Major Pirtle had been In 'cott L ;t Mrs. , t .1unteer headquarters and 29 ,', ,, Reetiii:i',., ..., 'The plane was shuddering and mend of the Eighty-tigh- t . (1,-A ( county volunteer offices. ''...' , 1 s o t to heoavteenesntot '''''l Itwas t At Honored Midvale ' illejmoredPiar lue ped. transferred taSale Lake front:': llembers of the Utah State ,.' li!', iI. .. , told Li , t , . N '', ' to gain- speed. He pulled back Hamilton Field, Calif.In Sep. Defense Council,' conferred --with be .., ' her this afternoon. Midvitle. the in Salt Oldest $ '.. ' was-a resident of veter.-mr the stick- to dive it a little , ' tember. 1940. He ofLake of k Commerce '''', Chamber , was 'born Mrs. Sarah Chapel Bennett, cele- and'when we still failed to gain an flying officer and ' 1,'7 ( .i.1 ) ki4 Jan. 29, 1907, in Council Grove,.. lice speed, Major Pirtle said. 'Let's get brated her ninety-sevent- h 'birth..., Etat had i I regiskI out of here,' Lieutenant Smith Kan.. ' ,,..: as . it the mdeof .4 recounted. wteur'encingtwtoo indoonnattehs tams FAMILY LEAVES --"-I tgLuenil wentout-arid- - --- He-llurviyed by, las widow,- - to the state 'and national govern- J. ' ., after waiting tO be tertain.I had Mrs. Margaret von Leonrad Pir; ments. cleared the ship, pulled the tip tle, and three Mrs. Bennett was in early con- Under-th, ' .daughters, Vir- plan advanced by cord. I thought the 'chute had vert to the Church and walked --Suse Mrs. Shreiner, the 30.000 ginia Geprgeana, Utah failed to open and then when it ' 'k.:,,,,::;. , - would be classified, I beside oxcarts to reach Utah intsand - Helen, - Christine, registrants, --of i. cligUjhought I hadliton a co 186,1-ome them interviewed . oth- , trete floor," Lieutenant Smith , Nov. .16. Devonshire, erg referred to instruction class- England. Major- Pirtle was reported to ' .., said, describing his sensations ea and made ready- - for duties 4 .184- 4his have and driven wife, family ''iltovolummonowimologeobalownioldakollostavomem660.3 I during the fall. "When the' chute She was Williamto married It was also announced of on to first the Denver that leg one of my shoes ,,. snapped open Bennett a year after she arrived-- - Attorney General Grover Giles a trip which would have taken slipped off from the force." in Salt will have charge of the protec- Valley, - to Hutchinson, Kan. He them, lifekeir-- he first ( ) LANDS NEAR MILL ,... 11., tion of division De- Utah the , bomber was the met , by ,,.... ..,. , .. Defensa tent married Lieutenant Smith landed- near at Lowry Field and was return-Quinc- e fence CQUIWIL outs on the site of the present,: Included In that department about two miles Lieut. .:,,:.,.,,z,.,:. Hill, Second to Salt Lake.. ing , ,,,., 1 1; ,4..........."oeldnEoaEft are policing, fire, debris clear- ,, north and west'. from the Park S. V. Jones, a member of the ... , He.:-i .., ance, rescue, first aid. demblition- - iMnidmviadlyealbe.ust,ness. dist.rict. Junction- .- He found his way' Eightreighth Reconnaissance-t- - - -of Unexploded bombs ,U. S. Highway 40 and was flown from who eyacuahad en Squadron, Mrs.- Bennett ,Hon. air- raid precautions- - and I living wners--Nisit:- : Salt Lake to Denver on the brought to park City by a passer. children. Her husband died sew, . , by. Ship, remained at the Colorado-H- e air craft observation. .. ago. She has been a! 10 recounted that during his Except for the last two items, I lead&years capital. , in various Church aul!"--- fall he had been choked by the Crew members reported that he fI..,,, breast strapof the parachute bar. was not on a regular assignment datlons had been poured for the Mary Organizations,-,., t'I ( ) : had volunteered to make the Imes and had become violently Ill and new Driggs Ward Chapel. A new ) About 62 per cent of the men: ,4 ( ...0 ' , ,. I crew. to the complete and 85 per cent of the women 14 during his fall. His chute col. tril7 bishopric was Installed in the 're , (Continued From Page One)) is flying mates reported that , ' ' ' ,, ton la Ward, Including Herbert lapsed upon landing and he laid the Utah labor force were ern,. , l,,, 'z'' ' - a:. d a . "date" ,, ( with . It4.... , ,,. . down on, for several minutes A. Egbert ,1 - ' 411chard ployed as of March 1940;.. try now-i- s some of the .,,,.. '. Lake girl Sunday night and had to recover from his illness. i'vs. the Census shows. ' and Ralph A. Helleson. . ,,,,,,, ,, and initiative , ,,,, , , ', ,..., to Lake return I Salt to , He said that he could seelights expected I, ' ' ,.. evidqnced by the Mormon pio. : to time in last ' on complete the highway and began walk. ,, ', night neeti who built this state of it. , ) ing toWatimes thim. "It was about 0. yours," A. M. R. Fitzsimmons, , ' 1 ( t IN PLANE TRAPPED ',.'',.; 't as :' far as it looked," train manager said. 1 N,..i v r he added. His decapitated body was The train was not open to the ii,i, .. .. Private Torgersen said that found in the charred wreckage ,....lki. , public because "this is a work ' ' t i f,. when the order to abandon ship ' of the plane. His mates opin. 1 ., program, not a pleasure trip," . was given he seized his parachute ed that he had deliberately re,, 1,, '''' officers said. to and made for the rear door. "I ,11 mained in the ship in order t MANY THINGS NEEDED , , ii only had time to buckle the chest s Exhibits included gun parts, give the rest of the crew time unbeen 't to jump and then had 4 strap and went out the door with fuses, bombs, flame throwers, to the leg straps unfastened. My - able to make his way the fire , i extinguishers, propeller door of the careening plane. big trouble was wondering howparts, aircraft accessories, pumps t I was the to Searchers who viewed going stay in the chute 1 and field hospital equipment. , during the opening snap." 1 ,,,,,,;it body of Major Nrtie and crew The navy alone needs 60,000 difbelief members joined in the he ferent items, LAeut.- Commander. ,,,t :', ,,,, I' 41 ulled the Till cord, andthen , nirman's parachuteliati C. E. Kirkbride, senior project 1-... A, - A...,,tt (7) buck.' ed his hands across his chest. S been hooked by thewildly "Yo0cw" N ict7 engineer for airplanes, "There was a terrific snap when Also displayed were many aring tail ensemblage. - too, expo-- - vMajor-Pirt- ie the chute opened and I thought it ticles not generally associated . . . ,brokenam- l' neck,-bu- tI man.c rienced- en officer --my as such s:t withdefense needs, r r , ' " he recalled. , ,, , ,, ed his parachute prematurely," ,.; chairs, ,harnesses, saws, pipe sagastouhGaHnfrson, , .? , one of the searchers said. His , ,0 y and normal products. , ..' ,,,,,..i,,:.4.4; ,Priyate Torgersen said that .as. body probably struck the radio I, 1 -fittings ,..4.... The regular 36 man -- staff In. 1 :,,, , Is '' 0 he and floated the see rear down he of two could the mast at ship eluded. 16 army officers, eight ,,k,,.... 1444 I other chutes In the air between i,,,,,,u- -, the metal past pierced the pack , -c navy officers, a representative as they , him and the I shroud lines could see t4 ' the ,,, z ground. , of the Maritime Commission, fouling - v the autoof Park . and lights City i , opened. eight representatives of the OPM t mobile lights on the highway, but 1 and representatives of the Infor, .. ' , ,, 17,(AP)--Sergea- nt Nov. we when OGDEN, started to. ,,.. ) , ittete walking mation Division of the EmerDuane them 20, ward Jack were Anderson, Iss about three they WITH 's ',. Management, as far as they looked.' - gency who was aboard the army bomb- A J. M. Leisner, in charge of ttie RANGES ' ' .,,,' , :. v er, was the son Of Mr. and Mrs, He said he when struck the : .34 Intermountain field office of the , ,. BELOW ' Gottfried Anderson, 366 Seventh , ground he was pulled head over OPM division for contract dis00.00: heels, turning a complete soiner- Street, Ogden. He was born here tribution, and George M. Gadsby, sault, and striking his head on a ..,,.,,,,,,.s., Sept. 29, 1921, and attended Og. district OPM coordinator, were rock. He said that during his fall den City schools and Ogden High facilitating movements of the lt. was a member of the A many persons aboard. ''' '''' , 12-1-1- 3. ' concern- Ward, having Gov. Heber B. Maw, especially --' Turkey ad with keeping his hands lock- been active in M Men athletics. ,,. ,, .. Interested in the state's place in . Upper picture shows, left to right, George M. Gads. ed together to He enlisted in - the army air keep himself the defense program, conferred OPM Gov. local B. Maw . Herbert No and Extra chairman; by, from falling through his harnesa .. corps at Ogden in Oct. 1939, and Charge with the ()Metals as did Lieut. . , A. M. R. Fitzsimmons, OPM officer in charge of the attended a special air corps train. straps. t Col. Elmer G. Thomas, construe. ' 1 course .. Chanute at said he dove Field, Ill., Sergeant Bynum ing defense intion quartermaster of the Ti. S. discuss train, special problems of vital '''''' ''" , out the door headfirst and-feand was made a sergeant in the n Army for the Salt terest to nation; below, Commander C. E. Kirkbride. 88th Reconnaissance Squadron head downward until 'his para. district.-j ,' .......-senior project engineer for naval aviation, and chute opened. "I didn't have a but two weeks ago. He was an The train was scheduled to an of with bit mechanic ad. theru trouble. Just NV. airplane hung out for James of p. the Boise, Ida., Silver, manager pull tonight Ogden Iron Works, In the harness like sitting in a ditional rating as gunner. He had where a similar conference and aluminum casting aboard train. inspect been stationed in Salt Lake for swing. When I hit the ground I No will be made. . $5 MONTHLY showing ' IIC? ' rolled head over heels and hit the past year. Surviving besides I Dopeaii--Cloc. Chg. brothers-this parents are four my head on a rock. You ought 11 feel the bump up there." and three sisters. :a 11 y insulated, porcelain -Private Torgersen and Lieu. , 111,tod cLuill,tiosi7x,15-inch- ) vows. 11,,,,,-,,otheach two tenant Simmons located sir. top humors. Finished in 1 er in the darkness and made , hoavy porcolcdn on. their way to the main Salt Lake-Par- k amol. You receive a 1241s, ,t were !Gets City highway and no sutra at charge turkey 1 Ind Floor brought to Park City by passeralma - western states today were receiv., ' ing payments totaling approxiby the Utah-mately $8,450,000 - Idaho Sugar Company, the Amal- gamated Sugar Company and the, , Layton Sugar Company,; Further payments will be made In Decern- 1 UtahPage ' - ,, Bornber Crash Kills . 5 Two; Leap Scifels)r 1 I , , - , , ) ' Checks Sent Out I II 11 By Three I , ' I , f,,, ,, ' - $8 ActIA(111:IL: , Bomber- -. 1 : . WWMONOME.NMN ( .-- - , , 1 - 4L ,. - II 41 . -' ' - - t i uurx art. IrrAli - 0 a 1 ", . i - |