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Show . i Monday , November 17,-19- 41 . ' I THE DESERET NEWS Salt Lake City , Utah Page ll Schettler Docket Dominate Gridiron Tilts Traditional Weeks TppsState v w j( . jourJVIaj or Bowling Play Teams Carry CleanSlates- - Ensign Moves To Second With A 1965 OGDEN, Nov, 17. s lifted Stanford, Texas DeflatedEoi Second Time Eye-brow- ten-jpi- a Yale-Harvar- d Cambridge. meeting Saturday atextended are to be 6ther series Dame, Southern California-Notr- e St Ohio Marys-FordhaKansas-Missour- State i, and Oregon-- ash-lngto- is un- Of that lot, not a team beaten and. untied although-Notr- e Dame has only a 0 to O deadlock with Army against it. The list of to 13 last perfect teams was cut week, with four major powers Duke, Texas A. & M. Minnesota, and Duquesne still among those those present. Only Wisconsin stands between Minnesota and a second straight unbeaten season and retention of the Big Ten title. Duke, hopeful of a bowl hid. muj surmount North Carolina Stat, while tinwhed Its season with a terrific 16 to 0 triumph over State. Texas A. & M. has yet to play deflated Texas, November 27, and also has a meeting December 6 with Washington State. This weeks program, by Mis-sisip- sec-tion- EAST Yale sends one of the weakest Blue teams in history to Cambridge to oppose Chub Peabody and his Harvard mates. Yale lost its sixth straight to Princeton Saturday, 20 to, while7Harvard7trounccd 7. SttH itts Yale vs. Brown, 23 to is almost Harvard and that enough to fill any stadium. Army, 14 to 7 loser to Penn, takes on West Virginia while Navy goes against an 'improving Princeton machine. Columbia, tired out holding Michigan to a 28 to 0 win, closes its year against Colgate, held to a 19 to 19 deadlock by Syracuse, Boston College, spilled by Tennessee, 14 to 7, mixes with Boston University. Fordham 'entertains St. Marys, whipped 35 to 13 by Santa Clara yesterday. Pennsylvania tangles with Cornell, 33 to 19 winner over Dartmouth, and the New Hampshire Indians are the guests of Georgia. MID-WES- Northwestern, beaten 7 to 6 by Notre Dame, looks too strong for Illinois. Ohio State, 12 to 7 victor n over the Zuppkemen, tackles Michigan. Iowa, after losing to the Gophers 34 to 13, goes to Lincoln in hope of giving the Huskers their- - sixth straight setback. Nebraska was a 14 to 7 victim of Edgar (Special Delivery) Joe of Pittsburgh, who for the second straight week stamped himself as a great back. Missouri, boss of Oklahoma by a surprising 28 to 0 margin, hopes to attract further n in Its meeUng with Kansas, while the Sooners tangle with Marquette, coached this year for the first time by Tom Stidham. Stidham left Oklahoma last fall. Wisconsin punished Ptirdue, 13 to 0, In getting ready for Minnesota. The Boilermakers tangle with Indiana in the Hoosier state classic. once-beate- bowk-attentio- SOUTH -- r ,- -- the University of Mississippi. The Jatter two meet November-79- . Tennessee collides with Kentucky Duke's game dominates in the southern circuit, Although - North Carolina State Isnt too strong. Wake Forest plays George Wash-ingtoThursday. Virginia Poly meets Virginia Military. Clemson, proud of Its 29 to Q verdict over Wake Forest, is atFur-maSaturday. n n SOUTHWEST Both Texas and Texas A. & M. are idle until their meeUng a week from Thursday and turn the spotlight over to Baylor vs. Southern Methodist and Rice vs. Texas Christian. The latter still Is in the Utle picture, after Texas 14 to 7. The Homeddumping Frogs could share the southwest crown by winning their remaining two games and if Texas repeats its 1940 win over the . AggiesT-jFAR WEST Except for the wm done to the scrambled c Coast Conference standings. ?nfilf0rd Pended a second time It eeeson. goes against California November 29 after losing to Wash-ingto- n State 14 to 13. Oregon State, 6 to w master of California, takes on Sami ClaUn& State has Gol wga asTu foe.g Oregon-Washing-mi- e Pa-cifi- Grant Stake (right) booted the baU (in circle) over the. crossbar and between the goal posts in the Hurd period Saturday "at Evanston llL, he brought NotreDame a victory over North WHEN STEVE JUZWIK western.. - -- e XlltnKk Urandi ipw Sprtnmew W ilford .... hal wnk'i -- A Steve took aim and kicked teammates dark-shirte- d blocked with precision to keep every Northwstem man many feet from the kicker and the balk Players include Matt Bolger (51) of Notre Oregon State Is Leading Bowl Chase Prep athletes through the state today swapped gridiron togs for basketball shorts, but Jordan, Box Elder, Park City and Bingham, bemoaning the weather a bit, stuck to their pads and readied for the state grid finals Friday and Saturday at the University of Utah stadium. Friday, Bingham and Paik City clash for the B crown, and Saturday the Beetdiggers of Jordan will run smack into the powerful Box Elder eleven from Brigham City for the A tide. Both kickoffs ara scheduled for 2 p.m. , Mixing up the statistics a bit, i e number of games played, won, lost, and the points scored by and against each club, the arm chair BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS pickers are favoring the Bingham The Big Seven grid scoring title Miners and the Box Elder Bees. he won two years ago may come BINGHAM FIGURES hack to Jsadore Spector, Utahs Up" to date, Bingham has turned veteran right halfback. in wins over American Fork, 19-Right now hes tied with Lewis Tooele, Murray, Cyprus, Dent, Colorado State fullback, ; ; Davis, Delta, 25 6, and, with 33 points each four touchyes, even the Park City eleven. The downs and nine points after boys from Bingham Canyon met touchdown. But Dent has only Park City In a practice game, the one more game and Spector has second one of the season, and shelin counting two contests . Coach Bailey four, lacked them the Hawaiian Islands during the Santistevans crew have lost two Christmas holidays. ball games, but these to A elev- EIGHT POINTS and Granite, ens, Jordan, He added eight tallies Saturday Bingham has run up 134 points in while Dent was collecting only 54 nine games against by their op- one. Third place goes to Ed ponents. Denver Estlow, wingback, with Park City, coached by Max Warn- 26. Vern Lockard pf Colorado er, former BYU star, has won sev- and Earl of Wyoming are en ball games, their only loss of next with Ray 24 and Dee Chipman of the season being to Bingham. The has 23. Warner machine cut down Evan- Brigham Young Chipman is the leader in mak ; Wasatch (Heber), ston, Wyo., conversion points with 11. 46 6; Morgan, last years state ing Huck Adelt of Utah paces the 21-; North Summit, champs, conference in throwing touchJudge Memorial (Salt Lake), 19-- down- passes with and Lincoln (Orem) on UTES FAR AHEADsix. Lehi, 12-a yardage basis, the teams battling to a tie in the state semifinals. forByitsposting 164 points to 38 opponents, Utah stays on Park City has tallied 169 points, top In team scoring. Within league their opponents, 37. boundaries, however, Denver BOX ELDER IMPRESSIVE Box Elders Bees have a more ranks as the touchest defensive outfit since five foes impressive record than the Jordan have scored only conference 25 points. defending champs Beetdiggers, Leading acorers. Coach Earl Fergusons Brigham Player Dent, fb, C. A. C. ... City outfit is the only unbeaten Bpeetor, hb, ttah .. team In the st$te. Granite came the Estlow. hb, D. V nearest of beating the Bees, work- Lockard. hb. C. U. ... ,, tie in the first prac- Ray. qb, Wya. ing out a qb BYU. tice game of the season. Smce then Chipman, Sperry, fb, ttah ...... the Bees have humbled South Riddell, hb. D. t ; Lo- Hatch, hb, Utah ; Cache. North Cache, Gardner, hb, BYU. ; Weber, 14-gan, 14-Ogden, U. Adelt. hb, Ltah and Carbon, Bear River. 174 Td, has amassed Box Elder points and have held their oppon-en- ts to a mere 45. .T'3Beetdiggers.Lave 4ost four of 10 games, but three of these were to cham.s, Butte. and Mont. Casper- - Wyo.. Davis Grand Junction. Colo, , in one of "the upset Jordan. 32-- 7 major surprises of the year. In circuit Dlav the Beetdiggers, coach103 ANGELES, Nov. 17. (AP) ed by Snyde Taylor, have turned in Defeated but not downcast, the Granite, wins over Tooele. 124); Bingham, 35 20; Grantsville, Creighton University football team . 40-and Murray, They whip- turned homeward to Nebraksa toIn a day. ped the Provo Bulldogs, 14-semifinal battle at Provo last week. Jn its first Southern California Total points scored bv Jordan were appearance, the Omaha - club met of a 32-defeat at the hands 161. Opponents racked up 82. Loyola University before 10,000 fans in the Gilmore Stadium yes. terday. Creighton's touchdown was the first of the game, with Halfback Tony Porto carrying the ball. Hunt-KnifThereafter the Omahans were prete W although in ty well bottled-u- p, the third quarter they reacned the Here's a bear story a big one Ixiyola 14. A fumbled lateral and and the fellows who Jell the storv a Lion recovery ended the threat. brought back the proof, so help irf! Immediately after the Blue Jay Wilford wVzeltine of Ogden and score, Loyola went for a touchDarrell Sizemore and John Barton down on a pass , play, of Mill Greek were hiking In Por- Fullback Vince Pacewlc to Bob ters Fork of Mill Creek Canyon Schmidt, but it was called back yesterday afternoon when Azeltine and Loyola was penalized 15 yards stumbled on the edge tf a hole. for unsportsmanship. The hole drew the mens IntertouchPacewic . scored three est, and a checkun Indicated it was downs on spinner lunges from no more than a winter bedroom for the . 10, one and lines, a bruin for its hind legs were ob- and passed 68- - yards for Shother. viously left hanging out. Having The last final the Loyola score, in no gun. the men tied a piece of utes. followed a twomln pass rop.'atound the animals l."s yank1. interception which was returned ed it out r the hi-',nd k'iled it 31 yards. w'th a huntino knid. Mr. Bruin wejybed 150 pounds- - d 1 6-- 6-- 19-0- 20-6- 19-0- 20-3- 0-- 27-6- 44-0- 39-7- 14-0- 27-1- 25-f- l. Creigliton Eif Route Home Loss After 6-- -- 12-7- 14-0- 26-6- 7 Utah Hikers Bag Big Bruin itli -- d d Western Conference Minnesota Michifan Ohio State Texan A and M h 1 4 44 33 Northwestern Tejcan Christian t .3 1 1 133 3fr Wisconsin ,, Tpxm .i...,,, Iowa ........ 1 a 1 3 tb Bavlor 63 Purdtie Southern Methodist t 34 rv ia a, 1 3 C. Rios 37 71 Indiana 40 U9 IlliDOlS a ee ea e , ArlumM ............... ...0 PTq WIT s o o m ,,,.,,...3 ,., ,'.1 OP wli mop o 3 t 3 3 3 1 0 13 40 11 9 111 03 11 a 14 49 07 18 77 30 a 48 M a n KMPAU 3 MARKING 15 Elevens MULLENEAUX 2 OPR Still Unbeaten Heres Secret Play Which Saved Cougars PLAY which saved the THIS WAS BYIIS tie Saturday at Provo, The day for the Cougars in their classic practiced on it all week for exactly the emergency that developed in the last minute and a half. Fullback Gerald Marking took the ball from center and handed it to Grant Mulleneaux. Mulleneaux headed toward left end and when he had pulled the defense that way, toss to Vaughn Kimhe faded back, turned and shot the ball, who was out there all by himself and needed only to step over the goal line. 13-1- 3 game-savin- n ' g 14-1- 3 Sidelights On BYU Colorado Grid Battle n -- 0-- 0 20-2- 0 -- Montana Outsplashes Vandals Spector, Dent Tie For Scoring Lead- - : S3, Grandview 19. Wandamere 19. HUlcrret 11. East Mlllcwk 39 Wilford 38. Nov, J7 til Granite Hleh. Thundar, 7 P Ol. EmI Millcrrrk va.- - G Andvie w. p.m. Wi ford va. Wandamere . Sprinxview, t8 p m MUIt1 d While Bingham, Bees Favored In Finals g 1 ast W andamrTO . (Herm) Schettler, the leader. The runnerup was 35 pins behind last week, and now he Is closer than ever with his home alleys coming up, The field oY 30 'entries moves to South East next Sunda- y- and then finishes the following week on the Temple Alleys. LEADER BOWLS 1943 Schettler turned in a 1943 series here last night, holding up well on alleys flat were expected to hold the averages under 200, Not a contestant went over the 200 Dame and these Northwestern men: Bud Hasse (82), Ray Vincent (78), mark and six were over 190. Don Johnson (59). George Zorich (67) and Otto Graham (48). A -- W. R. Worley was high with Jpr. pass, Angelo RerleUi to Bolger, produced the touchdovm which pres 19r"average, collecting 1978 pins to move Into eighth place with ceded the kick. (AP Wirephoto) . a 3834 total. Ensign was next with 1965 to raise his total to 3997, just under a 200 - average for 20 games. Schettler held his 200 average, however, as his 1943 total raised him to 4010 Ed Howard, the former San Franciscan now registered from as continued the tourney Ogden, dark horse with a 1942 that moved him to third with 394L Norm up BY RUSS NEWLAND Shultz turned in 1941 to SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 17. (AP) Dizzy as a roller skat- into fourth with 3903, while lump Herb ing derby, the Pacific Coast Conference football thampionshlp Wessman climbed to fifth on his home 1937 a 3859 for totaL cl alleys race was knotted three ways today an getting no where at a JENSEN TO SIXTH brisk pace. Perc Jensen dropped from third to sixth with 1834 and 3842. Frank Until the returns of Nov. 29 . Williams is seventh with 3835, Dr. games are in and tabulated, the Worley is eighth, Frank K. Baker Bowl Rose nominee will leagues dropped to ninth, where he has not be known, If It is then. The 3798, and Doug Muir rounds out the first ten with 3767. faculty athletic representatives Three big games of '237, 255 whose votes put the team In the 16-- 0 and 244 put Dr. Worley over-Th- ey new year's day classic at Pasadena were his only games above 200. with 203. 213, 20O may even wait until Southern Cal Ensign 17. Nov. MOSCOW, Idaho, (AP) and 204,opened then went Into a slump lfornia and the University of CalMontana Universitys Grizzlies, he finally snapped with a 258 -ifornia at Los Angeles have played unhampered by rain and ajloppy ninth finished with a game,-H- e 16 to a DecT and field, last IsThe 6TR their game," 226. plowed splashed Perc Jensen started to pull 0 to of over the victory University conference contest of the season. away with a thlitf game of 246 and Idaho Vandals Saturday,. fifth of 235, but fell Into a slump Pending any clarification of the A dash the cen- he never could overocome. title chase, Oregon State, Stanford ter of the Idaho through line in the first and Washington share the lead In quarter by Lefthalf Arnold Scott, the matter of defeats, each with who got Terfect interference on two. Oregon State leads In victories the play, gav eMontana all the points it needed to win. with five, compared to four for its Eso Naranche, Grizzly fullback, rivals. scored a touchdown, point conSTANFORD DROPPED version and field goal to discourage moved into the any challengers to Oregon State his position as NEW YORK, Nov. 17. (AP) most favorable position when lea- leading Coast Conference scorer. Fifteen elevens, including such widely-knowoutfits as Minnegue leading Stanford was stopped ONE VANDAL DRIVE A. St sota, Texas flat by Washington State in one M, Duke and Idaho, Its reverses and laterals of the stunning upsets of last Sat- stymied by the retain unblemished rec-slippery ball, made Duquesne, football-seaso- n about as It ords the calendar. head just urdays only one concerted drive Rose Bowl ended on the Montana 26. and that Into the final fortnight wrecked Stanfords Miami and was The score and Trinity hopes. It was sparked by Sophomore were - University the week-end- s failure to convert an extra point Lefthalf Howard casualties. Manson with a s booted touchdown after possibly series of short passes, but Idaho Trinity being spilled in Its final of reach out of fat chunk Florida con- - money could get no receivers into the game by Wesleyan of the Indians. quered Miami. clear for a fourth-dowcompletion. Stanford made something like Montana pounced on a break In Of the perfect elevens, those which have completed their sea$57,000 out of its Rose Bowl ven- the second period to set up its sec- sons are Midland ture last New Year's day and until ond Teachers, DuMilo touchdown. Anderson, the conference changed the set-uKearney Teachers, Mill!-kiIdaho wingman, fumbled and Right quesne, Rose Poly, Thiel and to give all ten teams a slice of the Half Bill Jones recovered for the St Cloud Teachers. western teams take, the big post- Grizzlies on the Vandal 29. The unbeaten was teams, worth approxiseason game MONTANA IDAHO (0) (16) showing Mufieti M Anderson games )s played, points scored and mately $90,000. Keir ........ t KKonopks scored Bowl points against The best bet for the Rose . cermsk lr .... Teachers Midland, 198 8S now seems to be Oregon State, Draxt .c ... Atchenbrenner Duquesne Neb, t 143 S3 rest water 6 0 to last brands of California, Lewis Kearney, Teachers ... t 904 13 Neb, rt J Piedmont Millikin t IS 367 10 week. If it wins from Montana Clawson re Brellus Duke 368 38 this Saturday and from Oregon the Tyrend Avidolf Texas A A M qb 8 363 33 8 303 10 the conference tones LujMA444 Bradley Tech sitTurr following week-end,- .rh.. Niochols Rose Ply .7 339 38 heads undoubtedly will name it as Naranche lb Micklich Western Mlnchtfan ............7 160 13 The Beavers Idaho 7 0 6 0 0 0 Minnesota 7 thq representative. a 3 1J Caae 7 7 167 48 already hold wins over their chief Montana Montana acorinr- - touchdowns, Scott, Na. Pacific Lutheran 171 33 ....7 rivals, Washington and Stanford. ranche point after touchdown, Naranche Thiel 7 1 I WASHINGTON CHANCES Iplacekick); Field foal, - Naranche (place St Clond, Minn, Teachen. .... 7 108 9l kick).6 144 33 Colorado. Collet. Oregon and Washington meet this week in the outstanding game and the outcome, evenjf it is a tie. "will serve to clear up some of the confusion. Oregon State figures to turn in a winning job bn Montaha Disappointed Stanford lays off a week and will wind up Its confen ence program with California, Nov. This Extra Point From Placement By Steve Juzivik Gave Irish Win Over Northwestern 21-0- Alabama needs a victory Satur-- -day over Vanderbilt to remain In the Southeast Conference race, " now manager of the South-E- ast Bowling Courts in Salt Lake, turned in a 1965 total for the second block of the -- elimination and moved within 13 pins of H. B. . d Michigan, n Ensign, formerly of Logan and Football rivalries that grand-pback-I- n helped Inaugurate and uniforms of the days qdilted mustaches present Jhandlebar week-en.. their 1941 editions .this three to days stretched Is which this of years first the by Thanksgiving days. the (Special) throughout circuit today, at Utahs the true significance of Hugo perform Ensigns outstanding ance here yesterday in the state match play eliminations began to take hold. BY HAROLD CLAASSEN NEW YORK, Nov. 17. (AP) T6B honors go to Series" p Les Goates As exclusively predicted in this son is Mills of the Cougars. column, those BYU Cougars proved Against CU Saturday he was takcoltougher than the back end of a ing outf more men than the widow. lege shooting gallery In their homecoming Football Classic against Colora- -- The BYYYU partisans went so do U Saturday." Just like we said,' wild over this game those clawing, clouting Cougars completely Henrikson, their social had the spirit that would not admit that Les was brought to the game defeat even though they were out- chairman, he Les in a played most all afternoon. When- wouldcougar cage. a livepromised cougar for produce ever danger threatened the the occasion or get in the cage got busy and ..kicked like an tussle saw the shot gun or passed like himself. He 'bars. MORAL: Dont through the a weeks vacation. , count "your cougars-beforthey a a Eddie Kimball and his little are caught. brother Vaughn. dug up the new Between halves the BYU cross Secret Play to stave off defeat and pull- - through with a tie country runners finished tbeir in the last half minute. In one two and a half .mile jaunt- comminute and 23 seconds, the Cougar ing into the stadium from- the Cats threw four passes, three of "road through the field west of for the park. From the press box which should Jiave clicked scores as the receivers were all out it looked like a glp as the first in the field was mounted on by themselves on or over the goal guy one a bicycle. However, they didnt line. Gerry Marking flipped to Gay. Mills, who dropped it and count him. How these chaps in Grant Mulleileaux lost a perfect their seanties got into the stastopping to get a strike pltchel - by Dee Chipman dium without crossed ,paui from . Prof. C. Lavoir JenThen the -- Y strategists confound the most everybody up, especially the CU sen, is one tocrashers. . , boys when Mulleneaux spiraled one expert gate to Vaughan Kimball, substitute The game was played before the quarterback who took the ball on the line, all by himself and fell biggest crowdY tkat ever saw a0 Stadium, some over for a score. .Then Dee Chip-ma- game in the moi e or Jess. Not only was this with., B YU's chance for the conference title hinging on his the biggest crowd, but it was the most partisan. When it trusty toe, booted over the tieing also was announced that Colorago Agon was drammer sheer It pint gies weie leading Utah 7 to 0, the the loose! multitude whooped ""Colorado's pass defense In that at a scalping. If theT wins this last minute was as open as an conference' scramble, we want to gar ad e. TheY reciev-er- a be about for the big V parade. It were as lonesome as the Lone will be something new in the Ranger os (hey stood ont there line of cageless zoos. r to take the throws. Only hotter, Neither team wore its regular fingered catching save the Buffs colors. The Buffs wore black from even worse embarrassand white and the Cougars navy ment. blue and orange, - - Guess that a Both the Blsons and the Cougars must have been- part of the musta were very considerate of each oth- strategy. Both teams it ers mistakes in the second quar- got ail mixed up and thought laying somebody else .TJ followed up by exchanging recovthey didnt want the Ys to know eries of fumbles. For awhile it whom they were playing, is evidenced bv the fact that they looked like an Alphonzo and Gaston act. didnt even hoist Colorados colors on the flag pole, This chap George Wing sure worn em, when they sprung him The BYU coach kept sending Bob loose for three "nice gains in the Orr in to pass, but the Pocatelloan fourth quarter. He was harder to could not hold onto the ball long clutch tnan a soap bubble, enough to throw it. , For our . money weU take- Dean Gardner - Best end weve seen this sea. for fullback. .Also e- ' 13-1- 3 12.-00- like-reds- kins all-nig- - '", - ' n. con-quer- -- 146-3- -- 29. The team that has turned In the most arpazing record of the season, Washington State, meets Gonzaga and the latters unimpressive record causes no fear. W. S. C., wound up Its conference schedule with the upset win over Stanford and previously polished off Oregon State, Oregon and California. Santa Clara, defeated by Oregon last week, takes on U. C. L. A. this Saturday. It is a ' game. Idaho, beaten by Montana, 16 C, meets Montana State ?nd may win a game after three successive setbacks. California, completely out of the running four conference with losses, is idle while preparing for Stanfords week JateF, San Jose State College and vast- ly improved University of San Francisco hook up in the only gridiron attraction in this section. Paul McClung of the Blsons for a tailback. . die was vastly more of the CU back-fiel- d than Saturday, . . - Folk with valvular hearts got an awful scare when Loren Creese, CUs crack placement kicker, levels off for a boot with one-fourt- h -- d game. . r The ball struck the bottom of the horizontai bar near the upright and fell under the goal. , , That was a nice punting duel between Gardner and McClung, Dean averaging oyer 41 yards and Paul 40." . . . Eddie Kimball was the happiest man in the Stadium. . That tie was a moral victory for the Cougars and enabled the to stay In there and pitch for a final tie with Utah for the title. , close to AGAINST CORROSION |