Show LOCAL ang AND OTHER MATT MATTERS ERS FROM TUESDAYS DAILY k tub tun BAZAAR we took a look through the Z 0 M 1 I bazaar last evening we expected there would be a fine display but we were wera not prepared for so delightful a picture as was presented to our gaze the e eagle eagie agle agie emporium joriu had ad been metamorphosed into what appeared almost like a fairy scene mr r candland had bad evidently brought all his artistic taste into ederd exercise be in arranging the goods chinese hanging lamps nicely ornamented with wreaths of or flowers were suspended and other fancy lamps larna a were placed to the the best advantage opposite and between me the two front entrances the fancy jewelry was arranged the display of this class of ghods wa exceedingly line and included a cabinet in which all the articles were price one dollar next in order were the japanese goods this dopart department part ment was so elk eli elaborate borate bonate that it would be difficult to describe 14 lt it consisted maini mainly of ladies ladles work boxes jewel glove and other cases music boxes ono knoof f which discoursed several tunes while we wera were present miniature caban cab cabinets ineta and a host of cother mother numerous to ali ail all to tor f begu begh titu 11 and intricate workmanship wo we not if omit to mention a fine ottoman cover of black velvet exquisitely ornamented with flower work the ornamentation having been done by hand band in id this city next and last we came to the dress dreas goods department where there were silks satins gatins moire moke antiques and millinery goods sufficient to satisfy the taste of the most fastidio us lady connoisseurs was thronged thron ged W with ith admiring visitors who had come to gratify thel their r eyes oyes with the fine sight and purchase christmas gifts brother david Candi candland and superintends superintend super intends the bazaar and much is due to his hia good taste and manage ment mont for its brilliancy I 1 SLEDs mr D W parkhurst bas bag a s at his lumber yard a carload car ear load of large bob sleds sieds which lie he has just received from califor nia they are of different sizes sizes varying I 1 in n hauling capacity from fron three to ten tons the largest were used in ha hauling iron 0 oyer ehr the sierras for jor or the construction of the central pacific railroad rail Eail road an excellent opp opportunity is here presented to those e engaged in who ma may want such auch articles as mr parkhurst has bu them on bale silo petrifaction A eat FACT uon rob tuf tue I 1 ENTis enlists Ts the prevailing notion iri ill the mhd scientific world ig that the process of petrifaction except in certain springs possessing rare and very peculiar propertied requires an indefinite period of time for its iti accomplishment but this theory which has had some opponents is at length finally exploded by a circumstance which has ha staken taken place 0 i in n this office namely the petrifaction of a potato in the course of a year in the fall of last year several pieces of potato were accidentally thrown under the imposing stone in the typos types ottice office where they have remained ever simce no notice was taken of them until loday today today to io day when it was found that the tha process of petrifaction was going on being so perfect in some of the pieces that they had more the appearance of dark flint rock than anything eiso elso and required a smart blow from a hammer to bre break ak them this is a brief but truthful statement of facts if any feel disposed to doubt they can try the experiment for themselves A DA DANGEROUS Narmous CHARACTER A man named william killingly was brought before justice clinton yesterday yet erday afternoon for examination on two separate charges which were as follows for having on the night of saturday last entered the sitting room of the omaha house firing off his pistol there and using abusive language to tile the inmates and otherwise disturbing the peace the second charge was for immediately after leaving the upper part of the hotel entering the saloon in the basement of the omaha house where he called for liquor and when In informed farmed that it w was as n not nob ot kept on the premises he threatened the bar keeper A man named mckinnon who was in the saloon at the tho time remonstrated with him whereupon he beat him over the head with his pistol inflicting five wounds some of which aro are so severe that dr davis who was called in to attend him thinks his case critical and that it will require close attention to enable him to recover augustus johnson who was also in the saloon endeavored to induce the prisoner to desist when he be also was set upon and severely beaten the case was adjourned from yesterday afternoon till to dagand was in progress this afternoon when our reporter left the court room it is more than probable that killingly on the second charge at least will be handed handed over to the jurisdiction of the district court i the first charge was stated as a breach of the peace and the second as assault and battery wi with alth intent to do bodily injury I 1 FROM wednesdays DAILY THE MAILS malls AGAIN the following was received per deseret telegraph lne this afternoon ST GEORGE dec 21 geo goo Q cannoni cannons the mall mail arrived last night bringing the NEWS of the and the herald and letters of the six days and a half from your city schedule time four days and a half ault ft lond lend white splice the connections better thermometer at tit sunrise this morning 22 coldest day remembered here hero GEO A SMITH CoN CONCERT critT the seventh ward meeting house has lately undergone au an enlar oular enlarging wing ging reconstructing and general beut ral rai metamorphous ing process and now presents a very inviting and comfortable appearance tomorrow evening a concert under the man hemenc of if professor careless and mr air W fl foter roter will be held bold io in ii it the ability of the leading conductor combined with the r I 1 amob amount tit of ais mis possessed es ed brall brail who bo w wil wll part in the performances 1 mances manees canno cando cannot f fall fail ii i to ilke make tle tha entertainment q nt complete A success professor Cir careless eless name is on the iame for foca fora a violin solo mrs L careless i r two songs besides which s she bhe h a will take part in a number of duets trios etc mr david mou MoR mckenzi Mu Kenzi enzio enzlo the accomplished actor will appear in two recitations i W H foster poster and john chamberlain will each perform per forin a solo the former on the concertina and the latter on the ol organ gan A number of glees choruses etc etc will be sung bytho by the choir of the ward the price of admission is very low being on ony v fifty nitty cents tuo the receipts will be applied to assist assis tto to defray the expenses of making the resent regent recent improvements oa lri the meeting house tab THE CUSHMAN Ti A concert will bergiven be given by this troupe on thursday tomorrow evening in faustd hall on second south street mr buehman has lately been entertaining the people of ogden and the performances were highly spoken of by the junction with re regard regard gIrd gard to the concerts lately given at cheyenne the wyoming W omit cewa lewa says asa Vs a vacal vocalist and zelin lelin delineator cushman is inimitable he sings with spirit and abd infuses a proper feeling into all his performances some of his hii songs were thrown off with an almost electrio electric energy which awakened enthusiasm in the breasts of all present his S voice possesses rare qualities which havo been heightened ed through culture and ana long training mr burke is also mentioned by that paper as an organist of high attainments and miss lettle lettie burke as a bewitching singer tub THE worx WORK IM IN LONDON the following ia is an extract from a letter published in the Mil mii millennial tennial st ir lr of nov from R P F president of the london conference we have already found the good of advertising ver our meetings are greatly on the improve so far as attendance and a spirit of inquiry are concerned I 1 have attended several very warm hearted and encouraging meetings lately things are certain certainly I 1 Y improving with us INDIANS IN ix SANPETE we WO think the caution to the people south contained in the following communication both timely ind judicious judi judic oust spring city dec 1870 editor deseret news the indians in these hese parts are inclined to be peaceable and friendly but they do not like the white people to hunt and kill their deer they say that white men have gold and silver mines but deer is all the mines the indians have they are much displeased with the conduct of the whites in this respect the bishops in all these southern regions agi n q are requested to caution their men against this practice respectfully OKSUN HYDE teb TEn terrible catastrophe AT KANAB the following was received last evening too late for publication in yesterdays NEWS ST sr GEORGE dec 20 editor news james thorp has reached toker from kanab and reports that the wife of brother levi lev stewart levi jun and four children were burned to death there were in the house at the time of the fire two kegs of powder and ten gallons of coal ceaf oil sister stewart and young levi lev rushed into the thy burning building to save the children and while they were in the oil exploded killing them both and badly burning a young man who was assisting in trying to save the children GEORGE A SMITH the news of this great calamity will be received with grief by the numerous friends of bishop stewart all over the territory he is one of our oldest and kostre most respected citizens we deeply sympathize with him in his present trouble THE ZITHER zether we WO we WO were shown today the lastrum instrument ent ont used by mr aseh of the tyrolean company call ed the zither it is a beautiful little instrument something after the style of the dulcimer with the exception that it is played with the fingers and emits musio of the most delicious character and similar to a com eom combination bina blua tion of flute harp and violin the wood and straw instrument is indeed a curiosity and should be seen to for form an idea of what it is like mr G has another instrument which he be calls the zither with a bow and resembles a fiddle very much only that it is played with its back upon a tible table the troupe we believe are all excellent artists REDUCING 0 ores OKES RES we WO have seen the bullion referred rel ret erred to in the lowing following loi lol communication ni eaton abid think it a a very nine fine specimen I 1 showing showing that that mr pascoe 14 is thoroughly acquainted quain ted with the bu business upon wn which he I 1 b has bas rece recently Atly ent entered bred 1 l lu J MUSEUM december 19 1870 ed editor it 0 r deseret 2 news V ems D dear deac ear sir As I 1 know that you yon in connection with every well to zion will be glad to hear bear of any success in home manufactures I 1 beg leave to lay before you yon a specimen of bullion aullion I 1 presented to this institution as the first made from the buckhorn ophir district I 1 do so the more cheerfully because cau I 1 cah can form norm some idea of the great difficulties our brethren labor under in manipulating our ores and when I 1 reflect on the fact that a large amount of labor may be profitably employed among us that is supplied to other places I 1 feel that this subject is worthy of attention more parti as an impression is abroad or I 1 lat at all events at home among a few who either willingly or ignorantly conceal the tho truth that we as a people tal tat tae e no interest in our mines or metals sir there are evidences in the tho cabinets of th this 18 institution to the contrary for many years iong long before prospectors came amongst us minerals in were reduced here there were me men n among us who labored diligently to develop our mineral resources and successfully too to a limited extent there are difficulties which evel ovely every y practical L man is acquainted with in getting together material for reducing melis profitably mr pascoe has at great expense erected a suitable building for the common operations of sampling smelling smelting and refining this specimen gives evidence that metal is reduced by him with skill from our ou ores and that he be possesses the ability to separate and refine our ores will be evident to those who inspect some of the silver on cupel pel I 1 led ed by him at his works near the warm springs with great respect rr roemain emain dear sir yours respectfully W jos ti AVID SELBY SEIBY in answer to a requests re blushed in the millennial star of nov th tb made by henry selby for informs it on concerning the tho above mr thomas donkin called today oday to t o day and sald said that david selby and his family arrived in this city something over a year ago from tates that ho he died two days atter after his arrival heig here and that his wife and two sons shortly after went to california millennial mar mam diar giar please note nota the above ACCIDENT AT OGDEN yesterday about noon a little boy the son of mr ilir job ein lin rin r in gree ree was coming down the stairs at the ad district schoolhouse school house when whom another boy struck him across the knee with an ax inflicting a serious wound the tho little fellow was immediately taken home it is not supposed that the wound was inflicted intentions intent iona ly but the boy was 1 fooling boolin 9 with the ax and unintentionally struck his companion this should be a warning warnings r to all boys not to play with edged tools ogden junction dec 21 tur THE catastrophe AT KANAB we have received from elder levi lev stewart the following account of the terrible calamity which has overtaken his family kanan KANAB 18 tda via toker s editor deseret N news nees e w 8 one on 0 of t the he most heartrending heart rending scenes took place on the morning of the letb at about am a m resulting in the death of my wife margery and her sons charlea charles 0 heber 0 and edward also my sons ij H stewart and U V stewart who perished in the flames fl aines alnes although there was a guard on at the time which failed to know anything about it until the cry of firo fire by myself at which time lime two rooms were in a light of flame seven boys were sleeping in the back room two of whom escaped through tho the flames there being no other opening to the room my wife rushed in through the fla waken her children and perished before there was any chance of rescue although there was an opening made in the th back part of the house within five minutes from the time we awoke but all had perished by the explosion of the coal oil which was in tha the room with them E ff stout and alonzo stewart were the two who made their escape before getting badly hurt they are out of danger at present uie the latter only slightly burnt the origin of the fire is a mystery to all this is the most appalling calamity we believe that has ever occurred in the ter rimmy since its settlement and we feel foel convinced that the sympathy ind and con condolle dolce ol 01 the entire community will be with va oro nuo levi in the fearful dispensation of providence which has Overta overtaken ken kea him A HELD TO ball BAIL dell who killed fisher in sacramento a pw P w days ago has been beon held to 10 bail in eisber fisher vas was buried last sunday the day before the e funeral dell was in a very precarious us condition and delirious from tee the di rece ived in i k i 2 J the affray Y |