Show TO WHOM IT max MAT CONCERN wh cas cat h entry no for the town of THAT I 1 n em embracing ngwe niwo j the S W quarter of 9 j d 4 N W quarter of section 1 mot lot land i and BE 9 55 quarter quart er of or NE N 11 gt quarter ar ter ler and E half alfons of S E quarter of section 2 lu township 0 w n 10 south of nan ran range go no I 1 east also cash entry mo no for the town of cedar fort embracing the 8 half of N NE E quarter and N X half of ae S E quarter of section 6 68 gh 68 8 half of N X W quarter N hair half 0 of 8 W quarter S half of N K E quarter lots I 1 and 2 N half of 8 E quarter 8 W quarter of othe S E quarter of section 6 5 in township 6 south ol 01 rance range N 8 2 vest v oest est also cash entry no for the town of fair field embracing emo racine racing the S E quarter of section 19 W lalo halt of or 8 W V quarter of section 28 26 N W quarter of NW N W quarter of section 83 33 N half of N E quarter N lair hair of N W quarter of section 33 in township 6 south of range no 2 west have been suspended for further proof and this Is to al I 1 claimants that on og the 2nd and of january aa 1871 I 1 at 10 am I 1 will appear at the U S land office sait salt laue laire city U T to make the proof required and show that I 1 am entitled to have the entry of said land confirmed under the town site act of march 2nd aad 1867 IM lor for the use and benefit of the inhabitants thereof at which time and place any person or persons can appear an dron iest test 11 they see pro proper pira GEO W BRAN probate judge provo city nov SO 30 1870 wai am 1 USE FRAZERS pate PATENT ENT AXLE CREASE GREAS F tiu i r manufactured Manufacture dby by the FRAZER lubricator co CHICAGO ilia arenow pledged to be the best in the world 1 lj bior for sale by dealers generally am woodmansee BROTHER 9 11 L i in DRY GOODS GROCERIES and stud dealers lt merchandise ise ISM I 1 STORAGE kno commission MERCHANTS vitt vett fireproof fire proof building main street JL 0 y W T best rest sik six cora cord spool cotton aj ja this la Is the best thread for hand or machine cewin sewing wel wil L sm zsa 0 L U M B E R M E N 1 W arme amme ANTE antea x W I 1 P JD 0 AT THE DESERET NEWS OFFICE A LOT IT or WT a civile P I 1 F I 1 a wk two inched inches and a quarter thick and from eight to ten inches wide ad BS A T GREEN commission MERCHANT ERCHANT 31 so voa sos S front street san francisco ai agent for SAMPLING CRUSHING ASSAYING k AND SELLING OF ORES shipments received from miners and the en tire business transacted with promptness and accuracy merchandise of all descriptions purchased and shipped on commission for country merchants of produce and merchandise received and sold at the highest market prices 1 sy AV refers by permission to jas Ll alforth forth 0 linforth rei kel belog co J hung hunt president pa a eldo cido insurance co A J ralston bee see pacific insurance co jos A donohoe of dou Don donohoe oboe kelly keily co falkner bell co badger linder der berger co and J JB B roberts esq tf juas JAMES ial jai wa mm tubino MR WATER in successful operation manufactured by jas leffel co springfield OHIO new illustrated pamphlet of pages sea free to any one applying by letter or oth otherwise erwim wa sui sni nover BOSTI rosti wheel wheal 0 gop go cop o P 4 us cincinnati OHIO epel sity alty Sf iEni gheens WHEELS L I 1 i t arn dpn the tue BEST IN I 1 q USE I 1 lair laar 0 send tor lor circulars ws am HOME HODIE manufacture maune MAUng 0 an extensive variety of howe HOHE TRUNKS VALISES ac c for Sale Cheap at the clothing department of Z 01 0 me is I 1 av egg ega BOXES mt APPLE arple BOXES and BOXES made hd on short notice lat at low prices at the trunk Ps factory letory tetory wal 4 11 B U supt bupt NOTICE 18 S HEREBY GIVEN that 1 I abram hatch 1 probate and county judge of wasatch county anty U T did on tb the e gih day of may A D 1870 irm enter in the land office at salt lake city IT T tor for the use nse and benefit of the citizens ot of heber city U T the following described land namely 8 6 B N quarter bee see 31 8 W quarter sec see 32 township 3 mouth south R 5 9 and lots 1 and 3 12 mee hec 6 lots 3 and 4 sec sec 5 township 4 south B R 5 E also aiso for the inhabitants of bli yli midway dway U T north half 8 E R quaver er sec see 34 N W 8 W quarter sec see 35 township 3 S rinee renee 4 E F also tor lor the Inhabitant inhabitants sot of walls Wails burg bure U T southwest of y N IS quarter of sec see 18 township 5 south of ranae range 5 59 JE any person or p parsons baving having clat claims in the above surveys of land laud wilt will file the same with the court of the county court of wasatch county qu nty as prescribed by law ABRAM HATCH am probate budge judge i vy lax 0 fari STI test aest lam LEM IN TT JL CLOTHING department i A s 9 of NEW in FALL INTER SUITS OVERCOATS CAPE capes TALMAS MILITARY CLOTHING etc HATS CAPS AND GLOVES also a FULL VARIETY ot of gents cents furnishing goods i GENTS LADIES AND BOYS BOOTS AND S hous SISOE trunks in all styles and qualities valises and carpet sachs sacks car ets M matting batting atting acting wall paper and decorations always on hand and for sale by the yard a large stock of doeskins Do eskins beavers military cloths claths homemade I 1 I 1 tweeds etc suits sade made to 1 I clothing Cloth cioth ln or military suits salts made to order in the newest style of fashion on the shor thor shortest test teat notice first class fit and workmanship guaranteed military trimmings in m ar grgat great at variety H B CLAWSO SUPT tf eancer CANCER infirmities FIES I 1 to iro tilo IA ruptures or breaches fever CANCERS J sores white swellings wens bait salt rheu rhen scrofula scald head pimple face freckles bore sore eyes asthma consumption lung D s aae of all kanda kind a Gat gathering bering ot 01 the head or running attebe at the har ear with wilh alltha alt all lne the above des diseases mentioned the D ictor makes a specialty of vf no enro care no pay DR H P TOMPKINS w gra gla BRIGHAM BRIGHA 11 CITY UT n T mx C 30 ce ca 00 ea C and isz isk ST corner of eine pine st NEW YOUR offer for sale la in bond or duty paid wil wll OL OLE SPICES S P I 1 C E S 1 p PEPPER E ib P pimento fia Pia ENTO I megs a d wit sm t i un i 3 tam J Jy A S aco co general we western tern agents jor lor amcey ameny iron works portable d stationary engines erl Fri gines SAW mills MIMS S and machinery wood working machinery machinists tools stave fc barrel machinery ac the celebrated reed buckingham FI OUR and cob con coby cobs mums complete with bolts Sm utters sc or without no S i mas RT 0 f N second at bt A AZ ja A ruil fall stock engine saw mills working and machinists tools algava on hand hind bend for circular h R j N E S ere TL BOOKS or OR 10 E eem bem delm sallie SAILIE at the Historians Historian 1 s office and the IEs les deseret leserer ERnt eret NEWS office BOOK OF M kmon KUON complete retail PART FIRST FIEST containing pages de signed for a third reader retail 75 aa idar henvy heavy Dis connit to wholesale parc baders ba seira ROBT L wad tf I 1 concentrated tiye twe I 1 the Ame amo amerlean american L lye iye ye co togy 1019 arch street philadelphia manufacturers of the MOST RELIABLE zye LYE for soap mah mab making ing JW Q ask lor for the all grocers have it sm CATECHIS C AT E C H I 1 S nig Kig CHILDREN JUS JUST ISSUED A revised edition oatlie of the tre X zdi SDI POE FOR for sale at the news sews office price paper covers 25 cents each cach A discount allowed on large quantities to sunday schools and cooperative operative co oo tores stores ri i ft ft ft REWARD aioo tilo 1 0 for any case of blind bleed I 1 y BJ ing itching or ulcerates Ulcer atea ateo 9 piles pubs that do bings dings rile pile remedy falis falls to cure care it Is prepared expressly to cure the piles files and nothing else and has cured cases ol 01 over twenty years standing hold bold by all druggists price labora tory TOBY ST w 3 20 ly tro tto dunlop WN S biml DIML fe of SEWING silky tailors twist saddlers sim iachino iachine twist 51 ki 91 ok T 1 fj EW va 9 1 mw elie FILE wens weny seg SEW JERSEY 1 neg j the first premium was wits a lous tous to us at the international industrial exhibition alum oia tia A GREAT GR CRI E ent EAT OFFER idi jok first CLASS I 1 s manufactured 1 ty Y he e CO cn esin ii vv bitgood b bit lood tood on we trie following extraordinary masy KASY carh cash ash arh monthly style ston stor I tin atvin in A 5 1 SHW sit va gow gom 6 gap gam Is i 1030 ci 5 0 45 ao 0 1200 1310 0 U D 0 5 f 13 00 X y 5 moo gaeo 1501 llo 1 21 6 A 5 mod nod 14 nto CO 45 5 5 mod pou vou OU ig leso lesu 0 O 2 47 a h IQ 2100 17 5 mil uil 0 00 oo 00 cash payments td be ba iliade when the organs are ordered and ine the bhai balance nee nce in eight monthly the first ansta t to e paid paia one month aner aker 1 I ter the delivers delivery i in freight ti V tw be j nud lud ai 4 to by 4 he no purchaser aa jtb send to iw iu r catalogues cataloguer Catal giving full de do caption crip tion or of bawl organ califa oali CALI fU bialos for tor liverpool and N 11 AL N L lin LIK I 1 N R OF royan ROYAL mall MAIL from NEW yew york YOUX eveny EVERY SATURDAY AVD TUESDAY cabin Ps passage sage gold steerage tl eur cur passage orom from liverpool to nework ew wk cabin gold sold steerage eur cur our round trip tickets issued at very low rates JOHN G bale DALE agent I 1 15 B roadway broadway new york or oram CALDER agent essly ay salt aalt etke city utah 11 CAST ail all I 1 3 will do ido we weli well I 1 to pay no attention F to etre street t ru runners n ners but come to my store tote and get i te tae M highest hest market price IN olse CASS C for vor all kinds binds of abaiy GRAIN snorts SHORTS knie bras BRAA also t D R allens aliens brands of atour ac vivo rito wit Hit nOred bushels bus bels hels of elumn clean PEAS and beams BEAKS wanted DANIEL GRENIG baker and grocer east enst side ride least temple tempie e bt st VR geba iota dirl diri 4 wholesale and retail G R 1 0 C CERY department constitution building main kt st AMPS COAL OIL NAILS glss LAMPS bladel lq POW deroian tons INIS cir CIA cular CULAh MAWS kawsh blip slip LF HARDWARE and all kinds of 1 stapie staple and ana ald fancy groceries famme F amme goods and prices bedore before pur chasin bl B AWSON CI hupt I 1 I 1 I 1 Z kerwin herwin hubent HUBERT T manufacturers importers and jobbers or 0 f ARMS ammunition cutie eutie ati ery cry fahl flailing n g and 11 sporting ortin g goods roods broad rayH ay LW YORK YOEK opposite Stewart lr 1 tn I az special to orders irom tace tories nv U sin sia |