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Show Page 12 The Gunnison Valley Gazette Wednesday, June 18, 2014 , '4 1 • Photo by eriLee Hammond Local scouts from the Gunnison Valley attended the Timberline National Youth Leadership Training course, June 2nd through the 7th. Pictured is Senior Staff Member Jay Yardley with this year's participants: Mitchell Sorensen, Dayton Johnson, Samuel Hosteenez, Dylan Nielson, Thomas Yardley and Kavon McArthur. Not pictured are Staff Members Robert and Ethan Hammond. nita yons unmson Ta ey azette Ardean and Melody Anderson took a walk down memory lane when they attended Cub Scout Day Camp at Pioneer Park in Ephraim recently. It was in this park, on this footbridge, that Ardean proposed to Melody 41 years ago. 4. .: • - anima . ' . L•41R k 1 IMINIIK. 11.. r I 4 g 11■ 1•511 a,• • . - ' ma MO, 'ah ... ■I ■ Ili •• X ' 41 ■ NEIIIIMINII ■■■ ..,, ......._ WI V ' ■ 10111•1•111111•11=1 S 11111MMMINIIIMII I=IMV mor ■ loallINIIMIMIMIB Ir .Z1, 11•11=11 ■•■ ••• II M ■ ■ ■ ■1■■l■ ■ •1■111■ 1=11■■•■ ■ ■ ■ 1•1111 ■ ■■■ ■ ■111■•■■■ ■•■■•••■ ■ ■I■ ■ ■ ■■■■ ■■ ■■■■•■ ■ ■ =MI aMMINIIMMINNIMI 1 INIMM IMII MMI NIMIIM• II M EM= MINIIMII 1=11M11 "agn • MMI ∎ IIIIMMININIMMIIMMINMI ∎•• 1•1111■11=1 1111111I, = -. IMMIHNIMMIINIMIII II=111111111•1M! MI 111=MIMMIIIIIMMI MMIIMMIIMI, NW, 111•11MME1 =liii 7 , IIMIMINE11•1111 I . 11 =11IIMINNIM MMIIIMINOIMIIIMMIII MINNIMOIMM r dr MINMEMI=MI=MIEN MIIIMt _a .. MINIII 11 M•111=111 ••• llin 1•11 •=11111 •IE mr I 1 IIIIIIIIINEM Alm mg= eiMillgin •.= ■ ma.. me... 1......1 ■ IIIIIIMEMMIN1 M11111111 ■ NIMMINI IIMEM ■ 1111=Illa 1■ =111111•11=IMINIM MN ■• IN= 1■ 1•11•M ■111= I GRO "I' MIK ark Henline/Gunnison Valley Gazette nita yons unmson ra ey azette Chon'tae and Ryan Thompson were two of a sizeable crew who came to help clean up the grounds at the stake center. Announcements were made at church meetings for people to bring leaf blowers and vacuums to clear debris from around the rock beds at the stake center on Saturday, June 14. Lynn Pickett's large dump truck was also filled with clippings from bushes and trees. laggitagiArkr rb 44 b, Steven and Julie Carter were treated to dinner at 40 feet in the air. Their five children, Seth, Jasmine, Ethan, Cory and Garrett, made them a spaghetti dinner and then borrowed Lynn Pickett's lift, decorated it with lights and played music so their parents could have a nice evening. ar Mk- Anita Lyons/Gunnison Valley Gazette Local children participating in the Gunnison Library reading program. 10 South Main P.O. Box 220 Gunnison, Utah 84634 (435) 528-7221 ■ en me unmson 'a ey azette Kaitlyn Hyatt and Dave Oliver working the kitchen at Lishey Lou's. y GUNNISON VALLEY BANK by alle SponsoredV Vie"\A7- Serving the Gunnison Valley since 1909 |