OCR Text |
Show r - ,..w.-(--svr"i,)!va'.r ...-.- , .. r,.v ..rs- r?i' mTHoas,'- ' " " ,"' ( pnd Coviirol, : . r;.;;-;l:.OV,il,f 'i XV . J , l -. - V VM 'i. crcioi-s cSC.. J , H e i j ' - , ', Ki eft S' ' : 1 " .X . ". -' -e-- " -: : " . :. a .: ; ' a -'' V r" -IB pi-epartil to bK.ail or.hrs bo- bie.ie largo or sm ill. will lwSWlivvT.l 'to any pari of lb.-' town or Cor.iily, s.t ;i t-n.t able priecs. rWiysic Siuic. ' ' A .r r. y r IDAHO FA LI..S. PFAl.UR IN AI.I. I 1..-.CK! Ti lONS C-F Miutcal Iustmmcnts, S' rinys S: Ti -m uiin.'s. iV.-st I'.rafs band liliunienls. All kinds, Orchestra & band Aiusk. Sheet Music and .Music F,.ol:s. Soiul for mv new Catalogue just ,iil -it has a sketch of 0:0 i'nli's Viobn Pi.1yi11.tr ia it ami much yocd ir.Ionna-Ku ir.Ionna-Ku i" fr musicfaus , Send me y.iar orJeis fur what Vol: a:.:.o fcvclrv, 'Cu'teiv, Klc, "ltc. Molt H.ii.ire U;aHm; l-'.i-r terms Standar V V'tlTn 'v.'7; .fv-f ' A'E.ViF.P C5 TJE TKACEi. A ''c : -ic'v ;:rrf of MirriowHi b't 1: a 1. .! Ml IV-uM-.-y !-! cia-.-d u-'''Yvv u-'''Yvv , '. ': t-i ."'ts. ?:.:ic irr of rir.-i, Flnrt- BiLiiY CiiiN'iV liAlciAIN.STt'i'.E OrEnyvil ie, E rr.et-y Co -. I. tail-J tail-J a t'i. e t 1 - ' ' - o- a 1 I i: is- J)ry Goods G -rover yes K". fi.il t.'M in 3. 10. I-" ' .vs.t i'-tnati r U;-.-.ls. .t-; ii.-mcai .ier- ,ci- j : '-i'l f-j'r' li-h s,' D-y,- a'.-.) i'lirs. -is'', a;. ': ' ti c a.'ncuui vf n c-:V a pi-;--, j p ci -. J-'.ni lu Cidi ami Huy Veurse n,' , tto t lo r S t1 I t ' V ' , 1 11 V 1 t1 1 ! ir t -r-r "Tiie Rochester." M'pnn-cs iwm Till iiW ClOPf f H. G. BRADFORD General Agent I no, j ,-... :,--. d t 1 i':ir:.i.-li anvl'iuig ;i: ice f cH-.-ol-'urnishing j - - vlv' 7- -: -L-.v CCXoTo'JCTIDH i '' I LIGHT RUfiNlNG AND Dl:3A3U GIVES Pvi.3- SATISFACTION L j AMERICAH BKOXSEWIKACUiriCO'; FRiHCIPAL. OFFICE FACTORY j S.W. C0f!.2OST. &H!;iS it AV&, PHILADELPHIA, PA. j Vf?LESALE BRANCH HPUSE3 I CHICAGO. ILL Af'o CIKCINHfiil CliiO. I . UMJrSjyrj S-rpei;' Va.i:; FiH'Jwp.y Vm:-; TAiti--:'. Mb 5. To take (do ct V-, dij . :i.;y, l'cc-"i.J-;o a.!".1' '';'- S L'.rs F p::7r,-S':' I ' I T.-:ii"sFt.;. :U stations md i-J only U j umiiMic nacr.-vc-;, m-iicr.-.i .ta,in!r.-r. 1 S U I'ii r"t:' fc OVE.Fl DISEASE 1 i S.OMK N-iT.l!l,K i ADVANCKMKNTS ' IN 1,! K All'!' OF IIKAi.INt;. j The Kemaik il.lv Hncccsful Vicil.o-i I of Treat ill!! IVnsntuplicii. Ca-'itrrh, Ca-'itrrh, Dealness, Rheumatism, Paralysis, Genera! ih-bilny and Oilier Distressing Chronic, pleases pl-eases by Now located at 70 V.-t S-,-,.t..l j South Sticet, ;:.! l.nU. ritv,! Utah Evidenced' a Larg.- Xum-j ber ol'Kx!r.u.r.lisi:n-V Cur.-s Af-.-r Ordinary Tieatnicnt Had F u'. i j and Hope of K-ovor;' Ah,m-1 (lolled. j This! iii Ai.-- i it!! AT CHAU.KN-iE j REIT hi-'. 1 . . I Uustiiiiasse-l Faciiiiios ihr the So.-- j e. :-.''.d Treat inciii add Ib.dicl j l.'tnv of the Various Wir-.-aM-s ' the Eve. car, licad, Tbr.-at, 1 ui-"S ' ll-art. i.iv-C- Kiai.c-v. Nc:vous Systim ami l.r..,.,,-: Do.vii Constitutions. i aiicn-ooii and eMiaoubnai v sauvs : sr.iine.l a ie:auatioii wii:c'i en's i.tt:. t i j iioni ail nans of ilit: c .1:1:1 iv l- t:t.i 11 : .i.luce. and wnltoul hoaslin-, he- can i say that pr-.b-t! !t nootnci pli sic: 01 in j l!;e WL-stern states . i lenmnics .s ; llealii.;: at tin- present nice so in. my cases ol chronic diseases. : 'Phcdeveh-iac- nt ol inii.-.itai.l ai.-i j snneiior reine.iial a-euis and mod. s el care, have eichiie.i Inn to sccvi-cd ; ! holed. "The iiciiaii,-icd .-! : wn.ciihe h;is tientcd duncn't at,.! ice:' so clied "incioi-le cases" acs to oil. w '.hat no one should -cue u;) in. de-,p,n. tines oiivsc. a.n- who may n.o.e loc.d "UhVVi'h"iie iiooeof ic .cinc.c; m .1,5 yield "iiu"' but lot llw leal 8Uiif.a;i.,i. el doiaa; -oud. and lelitvnc: llaj pains IheartToi'thouJnds of aili ci'cd l,-d,,u j cic.tttues vlui arc eiiuuiinc; :.;ic,u s.ille-r- j iiic- toe beyond human siu.d. 'i iic-se ia: I is ics-.lved, shall hcarot imn. and u-,.l-s-I ll'.c liuiil of liie sfty.n-;, tii.u, "wane these is lac tneie is hone." XO IDLE -ASTJN(! READ THE EVIDENCE. ,. E. Spencer, 667 Stale ioad;euied of constipation and an ohsiin.ue c.-s,- e! skin disease. iV.-l). be-.iis, the ('alien: cataiih and laoiieiuti-; cuied. 1'. J.ai-sen, J.ai-sen, citv waierwoiks; ,ala:ia, K. M:I-icr, M:I-icr, luus troubks cutcd. I:a Souupei, 212 Third S tuli East: poicciS 1,1 ,,H cuit and oOsoniUe skin de-ease) ennieiv cured. .! llenciev, . liast l'li r.l South stieet; lung tioiil-lcs u. ni la- ri'.mhh's'etired.1" M'rs. Raid, r,; (mine slieel; caiai ih cured. .Mis' Kail t;al-h.un, t;al-h.un, l-iast Mill Creek; riii-nin.iti'm cured, ans. A. Reynolds. 55." Kv-t Thud Soinh street; cacinh. p:i-s. e:c. ere. :,':n Paisons 79 Oak str-cei: -, : J 'ndated evehds, hh.od disease and .avcl. D. S. liavidson 5'.o bast P'oiuth js-jtun; iivei trotitiles and eeneial v, eakness. lo. ha ker.b42Ea.st Thud South: llietunatism and cataiih, v. ha h pal tial death, ss. M:a hiuiice Caaipiieii, Center stieet, n,-ar t'rospeel; v;u:ous tiouhles. ls;n:ella Wil-son. Wil-son. 957 I-'irst steet, corner O; scialiaa. oSep,ii KeiieV, dyspeps:.!, will) constipa-tion. constipa-tion. Mrs Susan Hancock. 2 .-.6 West Sixth South; neural-ia. .t) 11, Lund-piisr, Lund-piisr, niemher c-f liiu fnai t-f .Messrs. Sandbertr oi Co., lunnmie inanul.ict-tireis inanul.ict-tireis and dealers. !f. Oliver, 0 West l'niid South; dyspepsia a:ul o uslipa- inmhago and cms-iiiati,,!:. Jacol. liowxhurst, ,",5S '.'e-t i il : h .Sou:';;; consumption, con-sumption, so ca'ied by his ph saiaic. cured so as to 1 e able to so to woik in two weeks. 1 lenry ". Ciyf, 260 renter street; dyspepsia, diariho a, liuni ,c; .. and general deisiuv. W. Knc-s. Sia-e sueet, seut'h of the Jordan; cataiih and well known carpenter and laiihler, 7,:5 t'est North 'I eumie Mieel: piie, dyspepsia, dys-pepsia, etc. William Heal -y. of.Munav. now at coiner ol P:uii icst mid Second So::;h; ciiied of parabcis. I L ai. A. bimker, of Pooeka. Kan., and loinieily iisavor ( Washington, I.i , now at c, r nc-r ol Second hist and Third South; catai rh, fh-hi 11V and dvspeps-a. Ic II l-'uiier, lepicsciilinjr liie luhograp.hina company ol Colorado, now at Tempie t,.-u; dyspepsia with eenetal tlehiiiiy, )olm Piice. y-t.i 1'astThud stieci; htai! disease, lahv.ud Giiiliih, 41 Clair. I, stieet. Mis. P kennc .r-6 1'ast lo u:ii, Soulii stieet; various doubles for win, i, she doctored for vc.ns without ! etoii, sacs slie wo 11 hi lie in her eiave now il i; Mis. Ciowiiieis, 509 l-'iuli Sotnli anc reend Last, j. b. .Mahrv, 17-, '0,-0 Seventh Siie.-t; dvspcp;ia. 'i neodoie Nelson, 312 V. t-l 'ihiid Soulii; a re maikabie' cine ol conea (a!. it:,s daSic-e). This patient has been midei tlealmenl in Colorado and other place;; for some tune, de: iVintr no benefit, iu. McLennan eilected a euro in two week-;, ! Thomas Pant. Esq , -the well known milk man, e,tt2 Second stieei; dyspepsia and heart troubles, etc., etc., etc. .Many mole could he- inferred to, hut we are not .11 liberty to publish lh.eli names. Tiieir names and addiessr-s e. ill he hu niahed to tilose u ho are snfa-ciemly snfa-ciemly uneieso d to c.,11 on llieni per- ' sou aily. (mly cases upon whom ie-niaikabie ie-niaikabie cm es ha e been wronht aie pubh.hed or leferrtd to, and ihec. enlv by permnsiun. .Mr. J. Jl. Howell the .vell-ko-, nniiiii nian 55 West Siecbnd Siauh siieet, kidney troubles with biekcii down consiimtion. .Mis. Kast of Sande. L'taii, iietiialeni that had I .allied theskal ot seveial pliysieians. Mis. C. titevvau also ol" Sandy, Utah, bronchial consumption, con-sumption, heart disease and dyspepsia. J. ii Urr, Nevada house, -Last Second South street, heart disease. dr. McLennan May now he coiistdted at Jus ollice, oid Tiibtine building. 70 West Second S ailii St. where he tieats with equal success all curable ca-es, cmin deformities geneially consideietl incuialile. Con suiiipuioi, Blight's disease and Dyspepsia. Dyspep-sia. Cataiih and Fits cmed. Special organic weakness an.d d se:e-cs of the sexes positively cuied, or no he. - Any patient cmi.-uitiug Ur. Mcf-!-aaa from 'hid tidverttsem-tit will he allowed al-lowed $5 from the regular f; es. 1 ,,t- Salt Lake City A V, w""- , .-.-9 ee, . " ziJii . ' " '- --e k - iJ ' i s- WicCA-,- j alMilc liiill !n.i;;!-Fi:r (jaab? En'.'.-r y.-Viiot i;;",'.r ,-,.. ,a,e-',!l',l 1, a-.' VV-f wiHt '. 'i'.V.V'J'i.'e et'tla-'in" 'sf 'i'rin-e Al-A:c Al-A:c r,o,,c- t. aata.o,- i. lr.-e of e'mV::,-. j ?T I P' to ; 2 ST" i 2 ''si'-t, '- . : $ z .1 f. ?' sO 1 ?L - 3. I ft U I J- vm a ! lihbi 1 he hM Slios signs of failing, bcuin at oacie the use of AVer's Uau- V ior. Tins prupuraiion strong iliens tlie seiilp, proinoU;s the giov- th of new hair, restores the natural color to gray and laded .hair, uiul rcnucis it suit, pliant, and glossy. "We have no hesitation iu pronnuneing Aycr's Hair Vigor mieqiia!t'd tor ihcssiiu,' the hair, and wo io tiiio afit-r long expeii-enoe expeii-enoe in it:i use. Ttiis ireparatiO!i preserves the hair, cures daiiuimt ami ail diseases vi the sealp. niaUes roun and hsiule hair soit and pliant, and pivwms baldness. While it 16 not a dye, those who have used the Vigor say it will stimulate the roots and coiur-jUarnls coiur-jUarnls of faded, gray, lidu, and. red hair, iiauging the color lo A Rich Grown or even black. It will nut soil Hie i,ilkvv-case i,ilkvv-case nor il pockei-liaiifikeiclilef, an-t is ai-v.ay.s ai-v.ay.s acreeaiile. .U th? dii ly. uitiniiiy liair lu-i'liarations stioul.t l-c disclaced at once l,y Avcr's ltaii- Yieor, ami tiinasanus who eo ihmlui with hends le.okitiej like - tlie fretful ileui,inc' shotil.l liini-y to the neatest hu stare and pureha.se a buttle of thd Yior." lht Kimlli. Atlanta. Can 'Aval's liair Vieor is excellent far Hie iiair. It stiin, dates the (rnnvili. cares baid-li-ss. restores tin- natural color, cleanses the M-alp. t'l-cvents dandrnlf. and is a itoad dress-hie. dress-hie. We know lhat Aycfs Hair Vicr dilleis ti-,,111 most hair tallies and sin.ilar pivnani- tieiis, it iH-i.i" .n,.tlv- himiili ss:" Fialll lunwrnk-cl 7:,,to,i--a- ;.,:7, l.y Eliza R. I'arlter. Ayer's Hair Vigor DE. J. C. AYER & CO., Lownll, KLasa, Sold by Druggists and Peiiuruers. Now is the time to subscribe for fTprsj r?--- r; y- tff p I M il Ur, nVi Un 111 U Fihl 1 1 Sfl . t-i '-:;?;:--.: s5 f a f 1 io j'ft i I N 8 ?! H it i . -:s U i-,i L"ia' 4S gia W iJl m il Only $2.50 per year, -I1AYFIELD CO-OP fcIrTt f Mf1f W.;iwWirIuwj L S Are carrying a fit.e line of M-en"s and Boys' Clothing, also Boots and Shoes. - MAYFIELO, SANPETE COUNTY, UTAH. . ' Best Stock of I Olotliiugj In M.tnti. I . I 1 u I xjji1j iv, IjU., o(DEAI.KU,S lX)n - General Merchandise- Are Still at Their Old stand, Main Street, iVianti, Utah. r-ar toots & siioesj BOTTOM rRICKS.j-J- THE S1ANTI LUMBER YARD- ,M, Al.W.'.Vs O'CTIAP A full line f,n'iiri,isliins, I.iuuIh-1 r.nfh, you Idin Ss-, Orvvn and Gcorcia Pino Moorinc;, f- bint; es, Crestine;, Windows, Do 1 Villi! Ibiiiustevs, DViK-intr, Uustic, Poor Pcreciis, eic, at I'ro and Sal!; T.-iko prices. . Oniers hy 'Mail Viomty AUoiulod to f -:7No!tii rf floaii's Id.i.d.sniir'i 8hop;f Cir.-'S. 2 EyXJXXi Jent. JOHN GUI Eli,' Pop rictor. PICKS. Mr. Williams' Iiniinu File Ointment ilviU cure Eitml, ilieediii?, and itchiiig ' Files when all ether Omtmeuls have failed, it absorbs tlie tumors, allays Tlie itching at once, acts .as a poultice, gives instant relief. Ur. Williams' Iti-lyau Iti-lyau Tiiw Ointment! h prepared only auj tiles and Itching of tho private parts aijdttolaiusfei.se.' Tjyeiy box is warranted. war-ranted. Sold by riniitpi.sts, i,r sent by ;;iail on receipt of price, 5-jc. and jl.Oti per bos. Williams U'f'o Co-, Pn p's Cleveland. Oiiio. : I j Tension rustnl, I.nntl mill lmliiii j Deloi-Uatill!: oi;,i;u I LAW iiH'lcE OF jiixamingr Barsau cj j O'aiaiixxjs j U.vnKlt THE lUIIKCTiON" or. Vi, R. HERsT, Eil f tor aii'l J'n -riitor f iVo.w.v i Haii'i Ji.viiutiiii v.) iJOHri W E DDERBUN 61 8 I VI I- ''' .". OUT V. I -VT, WASHIoiGTON, - C- V" -i'-H practice in the SnrTfiaf- Court. ! ,,f the Ui.lti t States, tt-aconr' ntCn-ims. ''i .si-nral Criii!- of the lisiiicf o ' c'.ueahtn. before Committer ef Con pros', and the Kxo-ciitivc l'cpartiio'bts. -We obtain Pen:- ions niul PtiU-iil Ii di:ui IVpredation Claims ;,, :,1 casses of I.niul Claims, Miuiurr pre cu.ption ami JIoniest.o:ul 'Caso Prnseeit'pil lipfore Tl.ft ttcneral L-sini "flice 11 -(.artno-iit of tin- Intel io, ami Stipienie Joint. MANTI CITV. .tj.f si y I h i ia - t :-'k-, T,. T. TttTTi.i:, President. IT J. P.hi!Itkn'?ox. Vico-Pnsf.. Ai.nrnT Tutu.k, Cashioi-. -I. P. J.rAIlIKN, JAMKS CltAV, i'Oltii, Jr. Wm. ti. CitAWFOUIl, J.VS. Ml 'IOATF TraPlsaCf!'Cr:illl:-.;;!ii:,? hmi R,t,-!v. -p di-posUs prynl.tc on it, mjiid. Five l-r cent paid ou.av, nes d-i,sir. Fir..rfl.)fVaa!L hk Ak-iulcly linear IVoor Monry to loiTi on ril rst:ilo. 'i(y dti-1 fpnu prv.ix'l ana otluii -Jiiii-OVe 1 .s - fU'.'ilV, f-itch.sr's QSESi'ia. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. ! ! When Baby was sick-, e gave her Castoria. J Wben she -.is a Child, sho cried far Coloria, j When she became 31 iss, she cluajt to Castors, I When she had Children, she gav e them Ca't.-.ria i j |