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Show EDUCATIONAL. Manual training in the primarif and oraiuniar school does not aim til making any body into anything special. It has no object but the mental developinc-iit of both bovs and girls, ti deveiopu ent roiinding out their faculties and giving them what do not get now power "of close observation of tilings, power to reproduce iu drawing li;u ),-,, v see or wliat tliev conceive and power to create tilings by skill derived de-rived iront tins training of eve iU,d band. This training is as natural as iogier.1 and practicable a j a: t of a day's schooling as grammar. Children do not lean; graniiuai for its own sake, but to enable them t-j use language efi'uieritly to ex- press tnotignt. Mutual training is the drill of eye and hand ; it isthe aritlinjctia of design. Ex. Pleasant View school is cloScrd on aecotmt of diphtheria. The National I.dueational .,sj, l ation will bold their meeting next. J July at Saratoga, N. Y. It is reported that 1 1,059 children j of school ago ia the territoa aij r.-ot attend .-chcol last yean x- ' A bill has been introduced iu the ! cisUture changing .the name of the iiniyeifity of Dcseret to that of university of Utah. The biennial report o! tim com-niis.-io:. or of schools for Utah has teen given to the legislature. It is to be ho,ed that copies will bo furnished all school oilicers. j |