Show 1 30 tea rt TT S ea BUXTON at washington washington county utah I 1 sept 7 1886 of consumption con lou john buxton WOO who was vow bal 4 1918 A at t busby england he held the ollice office of high priest mill star please copat pik IF LANCASTER at washington washington county utah sept 6 18 of ge general iVeral debility right kight lancaster born sept 23 1809 in ama mayne ne co N 0 lie he held the office of I 1 an ali elder el ver and leaves a wife band children i BOWMAN bowmam at washington washingto U W washington ashington I 1 county utah september 9 1886 1986 Abra abraham bowman bo born n in switzerland nov nj 17 1824 scandinavian candi please copy cop STARK at deseret millard county september 1886 of paralysis elsie stark tar born june 1827 deceased embraced the gospel in sweden in 1857 and died in full faith Si Bi kuben please copy H JOHNSON at central Graham County arizona september 1886 of a fever lars magnus johnson deceased was formerly mainus I 1 0 of Or derville and in d was a member of the order there he was a native of sweden was aged 58 years and dad died in lull full faith of the gospel daunis at central grahan grahams county arizona september Sap ath 1886 of old age lovina wite of john fl harris arris deceased Dece deceased asea with her husband were among toe first set tiers of utah and lived principally lin in juab and iron counties couil ties she was 79 yedra years of age COM hawklis in marsh valley idaho ter july ath of a tumor matilda hawkins wife of josiah W hawkins it r WHITTLES at brighton salt lake county sept david IL son of day fc id M and maryra whittaker from the kick of a horse inflicted on the dinst deceased was aged 7 years nine months and four days SALTS BUIRT at nephi juab co sept of fever inger karle marie daughter of david and ann salisbury born beat 29 1870 she was wag beloved by all who know knew her cox COM R in the sugar house ward september of dropsy mary wife of james dunster Dun stor aged about 49 years jameson JAx at minersville Miners ville beaver co utah september charles jameson aad aged 83 years 6 months and U days he e was baptized oy elder david evans evanson on the ath of april 1834 1844 was wounded at the hauns mill massacre bv four balls three of which he carried in hii bis body till the day of hi his death he enlisted at council bluffs iowa in the mormon bat battalion tali Y I 1 6 t h 1846 and was honorably dl discharged afke d a at t L los 0 s angeles cal july 16 1847 7 he ed died led in full faith of the gospel as revealed in these last days cox COM idaho papers please copy dangerfield in the bilth ward salt lake city of cholera fentum in antum adam vernon infant son of jabez jabee and mary ann dangerfield Dau gerfield born bora october ISM 1885 died sept IM 1886 hawkins at deseret millard county utah september john joan S hawking aged 68 years gammil in the sixth ward of this city september ia 1886 of cholera antum charles A H infant son of charles B and surah sarah S gamer born september 1885 |