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Show 4 I' AGE THE JOURNAL, TWELVE deehi non LOGAN CITY.- - Saturday, February 27, 1926. CACHE COUNTY, UTAH t FUNERAL HELD FOR MRS. 1 v'f-- i RICE LETTER TOTHE Fun. FRO VI PENCE, Feb 23 eral services for the late Margaret Mathews Rice, were held in the First Ward chapel on Monday at 2 P. M. Bishop A. M. Hammond conducted the ser(Continued From Page Seven) vices. The choir sang, Come, Come that women have become as inYe Saints, Prayer was offered veterate smokei s as men, it Patriarch Joseph Zuihell. by could be found in the following The choir then sang, Nearer notice outside a motion picture My Cod to Thee". theater In Paris: Brother Jacob Zollinger then To assure good visibility, told of .his acquaintence with please do not smoke in the halts. Sister Rice which had extended Tills request is addressed ' par- over a period of many years. She came here as a small girl from ticularly to ladies. ensembles have Wales and through all these become great favorites with years she had remained a faith, for spring ul, loyal member of the Church, the the for Which she left her native black, wear, displacing land. Her life has been well winter. the color during ruling in the service of the Lord. out of not has Black style, spent gone but it is usually contrasted with The next speaker was II. B. some shade of red, purple, or Campbell, a nephew of the deeven yellow'. .Among the most ceased. lie told of the kindly, A (XlIiOEFUIi MERMAIP copied two color creations is a hospitable disposition of his ah with her printed tnunr silk navy blue coat with pink crape aunt and of her great patience Male all gay la reds and grams, de, chine lining, decorated with in her long and painful illness. black and blue. It la cut on the Eden duct vocal unA Land, worn pink kasha. The dress assist tinea that a mandarin flapder the coat should also be of was then beautifully given by per might laser. Trunks are gad pink crepe de chine. Equally ad- Norma and Kenneth Campbell. C. M. Hammond then related mired is the exact opposite effect in colors, a pink coat worn manygsof the hardships of these periences bf these early pioearly proneers and paid a high neers: It Will only 'be a very Over a blue crepe de chine. Colored suede is being widely tribute to those who came here fevy years When we w ill be unused to trim dresses, and one cinder such trying conditions as able to hear these incidents res mode! in pink has a suede waist those of the Hand Cart compan-icthose-wh- o lated endured by coat in grey. The palest of green 7 them. of W. N. Craokston Brother , shades, trimmed with cream, A Male Quarete consisting of famof the North spoke Logan with silver taffeta edged peach and black taffeta, With gold ily history and related many ex- - John Spukler, A, M. Mathews, Ezra and Kenneth Campbell, ::embroi(leryr hem :are popular before their applications will be then sang One Sweetly Solemn models in evening dresses. considered. Thought" 27 BERLIN, Feb. Thirty ' Womens clubs which are deBrother of Soda department store owners and manding a modification of the Springs then Horsley He said spoke. managers from various parts of law claim that a mechanic is not was need of their murning nq sail will Germany shortly for necessarily, a safe driver. They the United States to study point to statistics for 1925 for Aunt Margaret as hers had spent life. store management, especially which show there are only 200,-00- been & long and well He then showed how-th- e Lord what the Germans call "jazz automobiles in Berlin, and hah blessed the Latter-Da- y ' 'band advertising. , . there were 143 persons killed the department and 4,929 injured in 11,156 Saints during the past fifty Although store idea was imported from .traffic accidents, a record which years, Hammond made a few the Uattwl States by Herman,' j3 gaj(j to be unsurpassed by Bjshopremarks. closing Tietz, bf Berlin, years' , ago, other city. The choir sang, The Resnrec-tio- n thd, Gel mans still profess amazeWine growers of St. Martin Day. adverment., pyer the vigorous and Edenkoben, in the Rhein-is- h The closing prayer was offerand artistic tising campaigns have banded ed by Couns. palatinate, H. A. Theurer. window displays used by the together and agreed that every Members of the Daughters of stores America. in big time a federal revenue collector ibe delegation plans to visit appears in one of these ' two the Fioneers acted as Honorary New York, Chicago, Philadel- communities he shall be festive- Pall Bearers and the teachers of the Relief Society carried the phia and Detroit. ly received by the tolling of numerous and beautiful floral Secretaries and other func- church bells. . offerings. T tionaries of the Russian The purpose of the bell ringMany friends from far and in Berlin are preparing ing is announced as to put the near crowded, the church, to for an orgy of banquets, ordered collector in a sentimental frame the of mind, which, when rein- show their last respects to one by George Tchitcherin, of ourtirst pioneers. 'sotiet foreign minister. forced by a few glasses, of wine, OBITUARY become known here may lead them to overlook , It has ' Margaret Mathews Rice was that Tchitcherin, having re- few taxable items. In reality, born in Swansea, Glanbergan-shircently admonished his diplo-mat-s however, the villagers have South Wales, June 11 to devote more attention agreed to' warn each other of 1819. She was the third child 'to their personal appearances," the collectors impending visits of Hopkin and Margaret Morris and not hesitate to consult the so that when a owner Mathews, . vineyard smartest tailors, has passed out of Edenkoben hears the chimes embraced ller having parents the word that banquets are an of St, Martin, he knows who and the Gospel, desired to emmi effective bankground for diplo- what is coming. grate to Utah. So when Marmats. The tipping problem in Ger- garet was seven years old, the The Russian embassies in man railway stations has leen family consisting of the Father, Berlin, Paris, Prague and War- simplified by law. The legal mother and three daughters left saw, especially have been desig- rate station porters may expect Wales and took passage on the nated to entertain the hated in tips is about seven cents for old ship Samuel Curling, a bourgeoise" libel ally. carrying baggage weighing 55 sailing vessel. They landed m The amazement with which pounds or less from the station Boston on the 23 of May 1856. a woman automobile driver is platform to a cab. For an ad- They left Boston traveling to regarded in Germany, womens ditional 55 pounds or fraction Iowa City by train, but so poor organizations say, is due to the thereof, the law reads, a porter was the accomadations that a fact that a person has to be a is entitled to an extra four good part of the way they rode inechanic to obtain a permit to cents. If a traveler takes up inr cuttle While here in cars. drive a car. more than 15 minutes of a Iowa City they made their preThe motor vehicle law pre- porters time, the tip ought to be paration to cross the plains with scribes a written and oral ex- fifty per cent more. the famous Hand Cart Company, amination with two trial trips The law requires porters or Theirs were the experiences for all applicants for a drivers employes to explain the legal of many others of that sturdy license. Many women and some tipping rate to any traveler who band. The father was sick and men who cannot tell the differ- asks the porter how much is ex- disabled so the mother and eldence Iwtween a carburetor and a pected. est daughter took their turns beradiator, must take a two pulling the carts. Margaret weeks course in auto mechanics v k German walked the seven Although everyday ing only L contains 658 different but being young she was carpolitical titles recognized by ried across the streams. the republic in place of the They arrived in Salt Lake former designates bestowed bv City on the 1th of Octolwr. havthe kaiser, no mention 4s made ing made the trip from ales to of the title president. But Utah in a little less than .six von president llindenburg does months. From Salt I -- ike City uot feel slighted. He is in an un- they went to Ogden where listed class by himself. w ent to school for a short Officials and employes aie time. divided into thirteen' groups, In July 1859 she came to based on position, salary urr Cache Valley to live. There bepension allowances. One of the ing no boy in the family pld Oddest titles ) that of a ferry enough to help support the famFoe Double I n it $98.00 boat skipper, fahrschiffer, in ily Margaret was obliged to It is guaranteed to be standard class 1. It is more than a mere work at farm wink or anything and designation. Theaproper way to that could be found to do that construction in design, equipment, and t owork as ef- address the skipuer would be would help. This she always fectively as any, power milker Herr Fahrschiffer. did willingly and cheerfully. on the market regardless of Chancellor Luther is the only She was active in the church price. person in the group 18, the and social activities. For Demonstration, Call chancellor group, but no adShe was married Nov. 15 1869 ditional group has been created to Oscar L. llice by whom she WM. L. LARSEN for the only other single poss s had four children and with Newton, Utah a tiths the president. 8or whom she lived happy for a fewF, J Two-colore- d dress-make- rs Z'i' Announcement of1 tremendous price. reductions and vital improvements was followed by the greatest January in Dodge Brothers history. - . t Retail sales for the four weeks ending January 31st were 14,943, an increase of 67.4 per" cent over. the samq period t J of 1925. 4 s . - i business in January! . '. ;A j When the drastic reductions went into Mid-summ- er "1 . j effect, Dodge Brothers, Inc. said frankly that they were offering the greatest values in their history. ' How well the public realizes that these really ARE the greatest values is proved in a definite and emphatic way by the remarkable record for January. - Touring Car Roadster -Coupe - -Sedan - Dtlivttd em-Tts- sy e, $ 965.00 $ 960.00 $1020.00 $1060.00 Frank W. Blair Company 68 West Center Phone 175 RQTHER MOTOR.. CARS -- ear-boo- Fords Milker Mar-gar- et - 1 X short years. But in 1880 her husband contracted pneumonia and died leaving her with three small children to support and care for. About two years aftei her husband died she left the old man of American Fork. Cart Pioneers. Dated this 22nd Resolutions of Respect from of February 1926. the Hand Cart Company of the day Rachel E. Smith Daughters of the Pioneers. Sarah J. Law Where as: It has pleased God in his great plan to call Sister J. Burnham. Mary Mathews Rice, A Rice homestead and moved up Margaret into Providence where she has Hand Cart Pioneer and long a Cache Stake High made her home ever.sinct. She members of this organization, has been active in the Relief and. Council Appointments Whereas: By reason of her Society almost from its organization and was one of the last years of association with us members of the' 1st. Sun. School both as a friend and as a memCouncil appointments she forHigh organized in Providence She has ber of this organization, Cache Stake, Sunday. Feb. has endeared to been exherself always us; regarded as an Be It Further Resolved, By 28. 1926. cellent help during sickness and has bei n much sought after the the Members of the Daughtejrs Benson w ard Elder Frank last few years as a maternity of theTTandCart Pioneers, that L. West, Bishop Karl C. Schaub nurse. She hase been an activ we appreciate her beautiful exmenfber of the Daughters of the ample of a Christian life,-- her Hyde Park ward Elder Alma Pioneers. At the Annual ball of untiring devotion to duty, her Sonne, Bishop L. Tom Perry. that organization last year,, she love for her churchy and her rLogan 3rd ward- - Elder Aim and her sister Mary Marler, faith in God. Olson, Bishop John H. KempBe It Further Resolved : That Logan 4th ward Elder R. E. (both over seventy) led the Grand March, pulling their hand we do hereby express our great Yeates, Bishop William Evans. cart. She also went to Salt Lake loss and the less to the communi Logan 9th ward Elder WilCity to help advertise the Cen- ty at this time, and that we tend liam A. Noble, Bishop Serge B. tennial held here one year old. er our deepest sympathy to her Benson. She died at the ripe old age of family. Logan 10th w'ard - Elder John Be illness seventy-fi- x an after of It Further Quayle. Elder A. E. Craiv e, Resolved,That four months. She leaves the fol- a copy of these resolutions be liey. North Logan ward Elder lowing children ' Hopkin Rice presented to her family and that and Mrs. Retta Fuhriman of a copy be spread on the minutes George Dames, Bishop Janies Providence and Mrs. Ethel Chap of the Daughters of the Hand W. "Seasnons. LOGAN temple notice There will be two sessions held in the Logan Temple on March Wednesday evening, 3rd' (Cache Stake night) and also on Wednesday evening March loth (Logan, Stake night). . Itecoids for these es- -' sions will be taken as follows :t for the first company from 5:30 to 6:30 oclock, and for the second company from 6 :30 to 7:30 oclock each evening. Joseph R, Shepherd, President . - - For inspection and emergency service a southern railroad has mounted a seven passenger juIto-- , mobile on flanged wheels that grip the rYls effectively at high r speed. 1 |