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Show V CHICAGO GRAIN fjew May wheat $1.65i2; old, S1.64'i; July $1.44 Vi. Corn, xtoy, $.80; July $.83 Vi. Oats, TODAY'S TT CHE WEATHER 1 -- May $.41; Jiy VOLUME XLIX. BEAUTY -- A A A. M2M,. HER Friday and Saturday, fair; little change in LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY, UTAII, SUED gyiTHREATEIi CORRESPONDENT WITH PRESS VIOLENCE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1926.; E BECAUSE HE TELLS STATES TALL BID FOR THE DIVORCE of OF TRADE TERMS MADE U.S.-EA- SY (Bv Associated Press) Declares Thfy SubstiTUCSON Ariz Feb 27 Three tute Passivejfor Active Mexican States Morelos, Sonora Recreation and Juven- and Chihuahua w ill enter a cutcompetition for the ile Delinquency Is Tak- throat divorce trade by adopting That amended laws to make ing on New Form divorce easy quick and simple. Most Is Shocking " laws a residence Says Hips Are Not Mates and Teeth Out of Line. P LLOYD F. SHAPLEY Am-en'ea- to Be (By ABfeoctated Press) Wealthy Maharajah of Indore . Is Forced to Abdicate in Favor of Ilis Son Involved in Immoral Conduct With Dancing Girl. nisi iTt-sa- SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 27. Miss Fay Lamphier, adjudged the most'beautiful girl in Ameri- - AssiK-IjIf- line. re-por- ts Sixteen Mainland Teams Invited to Play in Hawaii (By Associated Press) Feb. 27. HONOLULU, 5? mm Feb. 27 ' The dancer, Mumtaz Begum, abdfcat ed this morning in favor of his son, Prince Yeshwant Rao Hor-ka-r, 18, who now becomes ruler of the rich state with an area of nine - thousand five' hundred square miles, and a population - , of over a million. - m Almost Breaks 7; ' Monte Carlo Banket By Playing m " . wealthy Maharajah of Indore, the otorrn center of a scandal involving the murder of the mer chant friend - of his . favorite kiliTsTlTwhile thing on the grounds that he of fared his service free. No reply, is ipade to Jacobs charge that her nastrils7 and hips are not mates, and her teeth are out of ill (By Assoclaied Prune) BOMBAL. Vop-ularit- y ca at Atlantic City, answered the suit of her' ' Louis Jacobs, who seeks, nine hundred dollars for his services, she owes him any. denying NUMBER 50, SCANDAL DRIVES violence against the Rome of the correspondent Londay n Daily Express unless he leaves Italy is voiced by the extreme Fascist paper in an open letter to the Rome association of require of about two weeks to secure a di- (By Associated ) on acforoign correspondents vorce. There will be mutual concount of the correspondents WASHINGTON, TFb. 27! of the movies worked sent divorces at bargain rates, story to the effect that Mussolini is in such ill health as to be against child health and moralforced to live on a starvation ity, by substituting a poor APPEAL FOR HASTE form of passive recreation for diet. active recreation. Miss Grace IN BINGHAM RELIEF Abbott, chief of the labor debureau-tolchildrens of partment the house appropriations Chairman Frederick P. Champ ON BRIDAL TOUR dub committee this morning. and Treasurer II. J. Hatch f She said juvenile delinquency in the Cache County Central on America has lbeu (B since nineteen ten. and Committee of Bingham Relief, Press) St Louis, Feb. 27 Landed is now developigj new ways, report approximately $1800.00 Chew a wealthy newlywed who and foravs which I surprise, and received to date toward Cache Col. B. Frank Cheatham has been She declared that County's quota for the Bingappointed quartermaster general of came here from Lander Wyo shock you, Cpt, Llod F. Shapley, U, S. N., since the ham Relief Fund .Progress the United States army to succeed the n.irg orr Fcbruaiv first with his changed condition was recently appointed by Preeldent from the -- communities late Maj. Gen. William H. Hart. He war forced the," application of who have emaval governor of Guam, to not yet remitted in- Coolidge is a native of Tennessee, and entered bride of a few days, died last Meet the situamethods hie now duties in April,' 1926 tb new' leaume dicate. with one or two excep- He succeed Cept John Prince. Cajy. the regular army in 1901 after serving night of a self inflicted bullet tion. t , as a major, United States Volunteers, wound in the head. lie was tions. that full remittances will tain Shapley waa formerly w ,0"m insurrection; during the Phtlipptne till death. The motive be receved later today or not of lha Ninth dorpe area. United State During the World war he had a comnot been determined. ias later than Monday morning An army, at San FrancUco. H Wa born bat regimental command in France In Hamilton, N. Y., and graduated intensive effort is being made from the United State Naval academy cover twro of three towns In 1899. to FRANCE CONSUMES which have not yet raised their Thing She Is Supposed . (By Associated Prens) ROME, Feb. 27. A threat COL. B. F. CHEATHAM . THREE MEXICAN PAPER OF MUSSOLINIS ILLNESS And He Intimates That She Isnt The Lovely tempeire. Sixes (E Associated Press)' O Feb 27 Sixes but no sevens, was the system by which a gentleman', from Cannes nearly broke the ACCIDENT bank at Monte Carlo recently, winning $70,000 in one, sittings 0 Had he won an additional bank would have had to the LIVES' close for the day. The player explained jthat his Christian name and surname were both5 composed of six Setters each. his automobile license number w;as 6,666 and when he first eirt Bv Associated Trees) iered the rooms, he heard the .Feb. ROCHESTER, N. croupier call out six as the win-v persons in an automo- ning number. lie then staked, the limit on" bile, Glenn Smith, and wife' of and all multiples of six number August, Roy Betteridge of this and won steadily, city, and a man, believed to be ' Dewey Ernst, of Spencer Port, were killed this morning When SUZANNE IS BACK their car was struck by the Twentieth 'Century Express, of IN GAME AGAIN the New - York Central - at a crossing. The twentieth- century (By Associated Press) was held twenty minutes. ; , MONTE CARLO. Feb 27 Pale, and racked by coughing, Religious Devotion Suzanne Lenglen returned to - MONTE-CARL- , Sixteen-- quota. GREAT DEAL OF WINE football r Lams have been invited to come to Honolulu for games agamst the University of Hawaii in 1926-2- 7 lias The University passed ithont a through two seasons mainland Bv l The following towns and communities have either sent in full quota or more or reported that they are going over the top: Avon, Benson, Cache Junction and Newton, Gove, Cornish. Ilyde Park, Lewiston, Millville, North Logan, Petersboro, - Smithfield, Amalga Richmond, Wellsville-Trenton and Paradise, , Reports are awaited daily from Clarks-ton- ., College Ward, Mendon and Providence. A little more than half of the one hundred' thirty block captains in Logan City have report ed and the blocks which have reported are in most cases well Associated Press) AUTO $80,-00- The conPARIS, Feb, 27 sumption of wine in France The . following 7 interesting last year was over a billion defeat. was sent I to a Logan Ions letter reall previous' txceea.r.g Three dates are to he filled cords. It is anticipated this year friend by Miss Mabel Thprpe Dec. 4 Dec. 18 and Jar. 1. The (By Associated Press) the Frtnch will use wine for who is labor in grin South Carolina team that plays New Years ROME, Feb. 27. Engineer merly r:ld in the United States as atmissionarj'.. day also will meet another local Nobile, and the Norwegian, and ancf Russia. team Christmas lay. S. C., Feb. Italian members of Amundsens fjgpEENVILLE, Teams which have been in- north Pole expedition now' here as 18. In as much you have tellvited include the Universities of mode a successful official trail WALES TO APPEAR letter write a me to asked Alabama. Kansas, Oregon, flight in a dirigible at Norges ing of the sunny South, I shall Georgia, Idaho, Utah, California this morning. IN SCOTCH KILTS gladly tell you what I can about Texas, (Southern Branch), Greenville, South Carolina where Missouri, Washington,- Nevada I am now laboring. over the top. A final intensive Auto Records and Arizona. Georgia Tech, Worlds Before! coming to Greenville, drive js made today and Suhday Tutyne and Drake are others. I labored in Atlanta! Georgia, in order that all remittances Go By The Board about one month. While there, may be' in the hands of the on November 28, we held a very treasurer by Mondays morning., Moscow Puts to and inspiring confer- Mar. 1, when the Central Comsuccessful Associated . Press) (Bv on and Sunday, November mittee has agreed to forward ence, Death 10,000 Animals MILAN Italy Feb are said to 29 the new chapel was dedicated. the balance of Cache countys worlds records Elder George F. Richards of quota to the state committee to have been broken during the non e Monthe quorum of Twelve offered meet the requirements for on the (Bv Associated Press stop automobile run A degen- the dedicatory prayer. spiritual portionment among MOSCOW Feb 27 Moscow za, track. The car has covered Caused Her Death in all at Bingh'am was and sufferers by feast dents enjoyed plagued with vagrant dogs put nine thousand two hundred and Monster Colorados without . to death ten thousand homeless sixtl-eig. attendance. ,who are left wholly miles in one hundred I was then transferred to .state compensation aid as a re- animals during the past 'year. and forty - four horn's. Pi ess) (By New Cement Plant Greenville, S. C. My companion. suit pf the deaths occurring out- DENVER, The fats recovered from their Feb. 27. Mrs. bodies in high Miss Olive Berg, from American side of the line df their regular Sarah R. Barnett, aged 68, died pressure steam Are at kettks was manufactured into Says People this morning as the, result of Folk, Utah, and I arrived here occupation. time to help prepare for The Cache County Ceutral her devotion to her religious scented soap. , FORT COLLINS, Colo. Feb 27 just In the South Carolina conference Committee, consisting of F. P. faith, her death being caused by begins on March fifte-- w'hich was held in Greenville, Champ, Mercy 01 Macnineryj-Wo- rk Messrs, Chairman, icnth on the Colorado Portland December 8 and' 9. I feel very Alma Sonne, Harry Parker, burns received lastinnight while . the candles j cement (By Associated Press) companys two million fortunate in having the oppor- George D. Preston, Vice Chair- lighting rites which mark the The Feb. CHICAGO, dollar cement plant here, which of attending two such men. H. J. Hatch', treasurer and beginning of the Jewish sabRICKETS HINTED AT people are now at will employ four hundred men tunity conferences in so short M. R. Hovey, secretary, in their bath. She died despite the splendid the mercy of machinery', says all season. time. final appeal to the citizens of heroic efforts of her soli, David a Dean John F. Clark of the econmis- Cache rounty urgently request who rushed to her and rolled her (Bv Associated Tress) thirty-tw- o We have t n, U IIC AGO Feb 27 Substan- omic department of the Uriver-sionaries in this conference, that padi citizen aim to have in a rug, forth- - jTOVCIS 3.0(1 MOOCS , ' ce 'winch enables certain foods sity. of Chicago, in his. the hands of in term contribution short are whom of his twelve block "ben exposed to the" ultra vio-b- 't coming book on social control ofj missionaries, and are elderly his Mayor, Bishop or local business. From Italian Pugilists men PEPPER AND HOOVER Monday than not later in lay, to cure rickets, has of experience teachingcaptan We are livmjyn the muWj will inaction Such at Chicago University Their testimonies morning. thp gospel. . of a revolution which is trails- -' announces are strong and injpressive as sure Cache County meeting her TO ANSWER BORAH of every TriJ!?r?''o-7atcharacter forming tri; and living up to her retell of how they quota Eimino they Spal. lif tccnoniic bud'ness and the God, cord in responding liberally to e called by the spirit of moment Gold or Silver Necklet of every citizen", he declares. K once for a brief I By Associated Press) All are on missions. come very all meritorious appeals from the a potential successor " CHICAGO Feb statepenalty for failure to . of our missionaries. active needy crown the, worlds heavyweight Is New York Fad crease efficient service of theisland George Wharton Pepper, of I am enjoying every tlay, Bruno Frattun, also a well machines we have developed Newton, of and Secretary of Jenkins John Mr. Pennsylvania, minute of and hour every in an Commerce Hoover, are coming inabiltv to mairttfn our g row-- j known pugilist, wrote - short every . I was injured not am who seriously when for the time, and novelette, race! stones Bv. Ah.soclnled Press) bull . atii.g numbers. The human to im-- j eating, and sleeping, -- 1 am attack made upo him by a re- - to lllinois soon to reply' to N K Spalaslatest claim describ-wefirYORK Feli 27 Smart has become confirmed irithe hs-world far court so the made tacks oil since, time some and rt or talking trading New York Lo- - in the reeent addresses of Senwomen arq sporting habit of multiplving and unless mortality is a novelette adven-w- e studying about the gospel. We meet up covered as to be able to visit amorous an a bund new ling idyllic ri(i this of slav-Lget ators Borah, and Reed. sign of their characters today. all kinds of with gan Frattinf offers a to fashion. It is a solid gold must go on increasing thejture. to aftd Im as Bay Africa glad every day nr silver of our producing sys- story with darkest necklet, in its plain met the great majority are kind, '.the setting. u design much- - like the-ir-on CESARE-ROSSI-IS-REAtern, courteous , and pleasant to us. DY "cddnig ring worn by brides do meet the with we However, nf certain primitive African v opposite spirit, just enough of tribes. In fact it has been called the bitter to make us enjoy the the TO : - ) TAKES X 27-Fou- r - 27-Thi- rty-six ap-th- , ht Angi-clale- d a J newTureIor the tennis courts for the first time since her collapse at Beaulieu, paired with Didi Vlasto, defeated Missu) Radcliffe , and Platt of England, in the semifinals of the doubles for the Beaumont cup, six' three, six r 1 naught. frencTsenate IS pre-Saturd- ay BACK OF BRIAND ,27-Amcii- can f j - ; dis-rour- nl, e AssoclHtad Press) FRENCH Feb 27 ,Tho Frtnch Senate today gave the Briand ..Government a vote of to confidence of two fifty-eigon the Governments thirty-foutaxation program. ht r, ARGUMENTSINTHE . con-Th- 27-Se- - r S p short-efficien- cy " Twentieth Century Ling, or by rapid Wed-,n- g altera-tio- the Alimoirv Ring.. Introduced in Paris by ,Ra-(iu- n. rl AIRPLANES TO TAKE PLACE OF DOGSLEDS AND; SKIS Meller, French singer, , the necklet was brought here tv Gertrude Lawrence, English (AP) It will fost fat (WINNIPEG, Manitoba, Feb. 27 new gold strike region to the travel to shr in one of the Broadway big money is begun out of service Dne fashionable shop alone at Elake, when airplane passenger will be charged at Passengers reports that it sold more thaft 2000 of the necklets to debut- - so , 'Km elSwayl d to equipped with eki. for wtoter. !S ' fteSKSt i53M & TRIAL (By Assort a trt Preaal - B ROC KTin (N M ss Feb 27-. defense of Anthony Bimba in the blasphemy trial this morning. Attorney Harry Iloffman. said he was not concerned whether- - Bimba is convicted of blasphemy, he asserted the evidence is lacking to prove he urged the overthrow of , the United States Government. said he was willing to Iloffman sweet The majority of the to court on the blasa go higher people here are Baptists." Abecause he is con phemy charge lthough there are many 'other man constituvinced a the has Itossi says NICE, France, Feb, 27. (AP) General Cesare denominations. , to belief ill a in tional Facismo rise of the right inside deny world of the will story give the This city and suburbs have a he testiGod. In of an the analysis It was created for good cause, then prostituted by population of 50,000. A nice Italy. to Bimba Hot did threatened been mony prove bodily hes with, Even though cleanweH kept city and the peo - j Mussolini, Government the overthrow bureau Press Fascist of the head urge General Rossi, formerly harm. pie seem to be a quiet, law in Italy, arrived here today, having fled from Rome to Genoa. Manuel Rubin, prosecuting at- d are abiding class. Rossi charges Mussolini as the man responsible for the! torney,. said Bimba intended to General negroes and they are indeed murder of Deputy Matteotti, the Socialist leader, who was kid- - lessen- - the regard of his listeners for God. Continued m Page Three) napped and killed shortly after Mussolini rose to power. s 1r BLASPHEMY nator . -- Arguing lit GENERAL EXPOSE FASCISTI One-thir- - i t i |