Show PASSING OF OFA A PIONEER Death Announced of Christian H Madsen in Sanpete County C Manti Mantl Utah Aug IS Patriarch Christian Chris Christian Christian tian A Madsen since 1876 until three or four years ago bishop of the Gunnison ward In this county passed away Friday Frida last This word came over the wire yesterday to the church authorities authorities ties in this city from the present bishop of Gunnison Mr Madsen was always aiwas considered one of the foremost men m n of this community and is for his energy and at attempts tempts to make cake this county the place for Cor fora Cora a sugar factory He was a man of con eon considerable considerable education and contributed con considerable work In the line of newspaper articles toward this venture during his lifetime He came camo to Utah in 1858 1853 and for a number of years ears he made his home In the state metropolis In he located In and in 1876 was ordained bishop to preside c over th ward in he lived He filled many civil positions during his residence In Sanpete county some or of which were justice of the peace and cap captain captain tain tam of cavalry in the Utah militia In 1867 through the hack Black Hawk war He Ife was post commander from 1867 to 1870 notary public in 1871 IS 1 chief of staff of third brigade of Utah militia In 1870 was county count commissioner or selectman from 1870 to 1876 and a delegate to the Utah territorial convention In Deceased d claimed to have an account of 1000 against the government for sen services services ices d during the Black Hawk war Mr Madsen was born In Copenhagen Denmark July 23 3 1822 1 and In big boy boyhood boyhood hood received a Funeral services s were held today from Crom the Gunnison assembly room and the re remains remains remains mains burled buried beside those of his wife who passed away a few years ago |