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Show B I -r "" mis- . ifpiiiitiiiifi!iiii!!iii yyl lfl I j Soft, warm I Blankets H Now hurt: in abundance. H The cold weather will soon H be here, and if you are H wise you will provide your- H self with all that you may B need in the line of warm I Wool Blankets m and I Underwear H We've different grades. K , styles and sizes. B All good bargains. I Logan Knitting I Factory, B LOGAN, UTAH. I BANQUET rsaVgehI B From $36.00 Up. B A Strictly FIRST CLASS KAMJK B wltliKuw ICquuls and No Superiors. I ' WM. EDWARDS m Furnitnre and Carpet House, Logan, VAw I .. 4 E. J. MERRILL H Osteopath. H' '' Rooms-Over lloclulale Stoie Of- J lieu liolits-U to IL' :i in and 1 to 6 in J or by appointment. Estray Notice. Ill the Melens HIMrll'l l'f ("m-llt' coil Tl IV. I ham In my iKiv-i'stluti Hut followliik do- crllnd .titlmnl whli'h If mil olnlmid and liiketi away. Hill he sold at niihllo (iiictlon to the lilnln-.t i-oli Mihlur. nl inv ri'-lcli'iire In osld iinrlni't. mi I'tldai Hut '.Mth day of Oct. IKl'i itt Hie hour of I'.' to. 4)in dark luown liorte ihNtltHle, nlioitl l.'l teitrsolil, liramled Poo left slioulilcr. I' I mi left thlk-li. IV m. tlvtiKi:. I'oundl.eeiK'r l.cllnii I'rti'lnct. Estray Notice. Male of Utah M County of Cache In the lAtuait iireelnct, Ihaiulniiy ai-u-loii the followtin; lie-scrllied lie-scrllied unlliiiiU which If not claimed and tiiknii iiuny. will ln Mild lit tuihlli' niiclton to the hlBhcl eiixlt Itldder. nl lt!nn city Rlrnv ihiiiiiiI nn Mimilav. Hu- SM day of I'cloU-r. IHCi. ut tliolionr of UoVloek. Description of animals. One yellow nnd .vlille ciiw, ilehorned. ili:hi I'lininarler under croinnd. left ear i-roiiped, in audi l ln'nch Ton left rllx. line luown mare. alKiut 4 er old. while Mit In forehead, liramled Hon lefl llilcli liuiKiiiiided on inh Mild on -trd of OcioIh-i at I'JiKKin . .1. H.flNtllM. I'llllllllKlVl'IT B ii it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it H ij: Physicians Dentists and Nurses Hi f Of Cache-Vallev. & B M t For a limited Time we will Exhibit an $ Bi t H II Anatomical Atlas of I;i Hi f. The Human Body, jt H i Pronounced by experts to be the most 1 H it perfect illustrations ever produced. ijl H -it You are cordially invitedjtojsxamine fc H i if the above atlas at the ?f m it it H & I 1 (Bity Drugstore. Rft j i " LoKtin and lllchmontl. Utah. V rjH'l I t! The Front is White. $ Hm ,; V HL' I rg g SMART CLOTHES Successor to Ours is just &(tJl 17 T V "l'hatclicr & Hansen A Bit Different fffj si f- U fi J 0NE pRICE A mite Smarter C ( riAAyyCtXJCr, ! QUALITY A Shade Newer . ' STORE 27 Main St., Logan. EARLY Riser Flour 4 If ou want tlie fi .very best Hour In Xn. market, buy Bor rjtJf lv Riser. Every r 3BPJ sack uuaranteoa. ''(VWF HIGHEST Cash SBSHWBK work promptly u ttendeil to Deseret Milling Co. SAVE FUGL Ity using a Cole's Hot Blast Stove this winter. It makes soft coal do the work of hard coal, because it is air-tight; has a smokeless smoke-less feed door, and bums the gas arising from the coat, lost with other stoves. Sci it at Kvcrton& Sou, sole iivfunts U5 First Noithstrcct, l.otf.iu. rjiah. . JUST A POINT I U, may not seem like much of a point but I it is n fact that all Great BUCK'S Ranges I and Cook . Stoves (when so ordered) have a greatj big, honest white enameled I resesvoir. Plenty of good hot water all the (ime. It's only a point but a good one. B WE ARE MOVING To our new store on Main Street, south of Studcbakcrs about Sept. 15, I and offer several second hand and slightly used pianos and organs at i fcA bargain prices. ' Gall early and get first choice. ' B u, ; W Second hand Pianos from $55 up Pianos eyerr.shown in.theStatc oi I Second hand Organs from $2o up Ftah- ' ' I "n ffi iv , fad We have sold 36 HENRY F. I Beautiful new Pianos $165 69 -. 5SE1 MILLER PIANOS in Logan I First-class Sewing Machine $20 Igffll ,, u.. n I h mm have sold as many of and Numerous other bargains. J SIX othea makes. " I We are opening our new store We will be pleas'ed ,to havcyou I with the finest and largest stock of . cdll and see our goods. . I I j We Always give Car Load PRICES TO EVERYBODY I Thatcher Music Call B |