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Show POLITICAL. SSAP SHOTS. Iowa forexer! Hurrah, Boies, hurrah!-. Chicago Timfii. (dem). The lonirc't poll toot the persimmon, as usual. Philadelphia Record (demi. "Tin, tin, America tin!" That rallying cry in Ohio did win. Philidelphia Pxs, (dem.). Cleveland and Boies? It does not seem unlikely at this writing. Detroit Free Frits. New York ries to remark: "I am a democrat." aud Massachusetts responds. "Me too." New York H'ocW (dem.). Better to have carried Ohio than to have won New York and lost the Buckeye state. The h-siio in Ohio was the battle line of 'M. New York l-cvrdr (rep.). New York will be in the democratic column col-umn next year, and It will supply the candidate. can-didate. It must be very blind politician that can't see that. New York T!f.t(dem. ). Sound, trumpets, sound a wailing note, a doleful dirge for busted Sloat; with dismal drop, with sickening thud, soupward he slid his name is mud! New York sua (dem.). The returns from Kansas and everywhere else indicate that the usefulness of the farmers alliauce has not been promoted by the atteint to turn itself into a third party. St. Louis Ifcpablir(CLcm.). The Napoleon of Ohio politics has won .with his greatest victory. The jubilant democrats of last year who howled themselves them-selves hoarse over his "AVatcrloo" ore now trying to spell Austerlitz. New York Tribune (rep. ). There arc victories that are worse than defeats. One of the results of republican in success in Ohio will be the retirement of John Sherman from the senate and the! election of the unspeakable Foraker. Chicago Il'i-nJiJ. |