Show THE 10 SALT LAKE TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING JUNE PROVO Jm?L Southern Utah Business Office: 24 No University Are Phone 333 Correspondent 429 East Third No Phone 1150 Agent Phone LEADERS ACT Boy 8 Injured GROUP Son’s Disgrace Too Much for Indian When Hit Near TO ASSEMBLE Spanitdi Fork Ground Calls D PEACE Happy Hunting RECLAMATION Inventor Dies LEADS KEEP UP Gov Shafer Maintains His Alajority as' Returns Are Tabulated MURRA- Y- Members of the county fire department with Chief Jack- - Clay- - dtretmg were called to combat a fire in an eight-acr- e wheat field on the dry farms near the Bingham highway Thursday afternoon Origin of the fire was undetermined Several ' hundred acres of wheat Just ready for cutting were menaced and water was two miles away About fifty farmers gave assistance and the fire was conH fined to the one natch Jensen was owner of the ruined crop An oil stove exploding In a summer kitchen at the home of George Hall 1475 Woodland avenue East Mill Creek caused the loss of the building at a cost of $200 County firemen flames prevented reaching near-b- y buildings Resolutions at Conference Bark U S Policy of Eagle NORTH DAKOTA Famous Auto Fifty Farmers Combat Fire in Murray Field IN DEFENDING 425-- 27 1020 INDIANAPOLIS June 28 W’t— Falling to rally following anO operaBtutz tion for appendicitis Harry widely known automobile Inventor and manufacturer died here today He was 53 years old Stutz returned to Indianapolis last Monday afternoon from Orlando Fla and entered a hospital that progress fol- night For a time his was satisfaclowing the operation tory but he declined rapidly when infection set In stutz founded the car which In 1911 through Its performance In the race here became initial known as "the car that made goodun-In a day" It finished eleventh and til the race little was known of Btuts or the car he built FARGO N D June 26 (45— All three of North Dakota’s congress- men and Governor George F Shafer maintained their leads tonight as ad- (Conlinutd from Pat Elclit ) riltlonal returns were tabulated from Wednesday's primary with the gov useful work likewise the 138 banks1 Five Hundred Guardians ernor's majority for Republican rewith deposits of more than 1150000-- 1 nomination exceeding 30000 ooo mostly the accumulation of these of Utahns’ Safety Heady The primary was mostly a Republipeople can affair with only one contest on for Annual Meet "It Is estimated that the Increased the Democratic ticket— for governor value of lands and other properties' — and Interest tn that so slight the' on farms and In towns within enter win little attempt was made to tabulate BPRINGVILLE — Tills five returns on The battle the Republl- -' welcome more than can ticket was between ihe Indepen-- I a family of sons Beverai sheriffs deputies police °f f totals one best and lie 'hoy run from behind the load of peas 000 000 moxt ago years picturesque dent Voters’ association and the Nonrailroad agents patrolmen and pub- - known Ciararters Loses too proba-lloa leg In an accident But inbd did not see the second lad "But they charge that 'thousands oeeotives ait nirm-- j lie and Pthai-of Its loss he was stalwart and partisan league each backing a comsuffered a bad cut on his of misled settlers have suffered losses Iast oJ lhosc ho ere nvUig-spltHenry Ujp av-o-plete slate of candidates her of the Utah Peace orilcera n t()e Toole valley when the Don-- 1 strong and probably would have llvedlface his right leg was broken Just be- - of savings and years' The complete me Shafer's renomination by the Inelation Friday at the owning of across the bum- - many years ir tragedy had not come low ‘lie hip and In another place Just answer to this charge Is that In the struggled rty annual ronveiiUon dependents was virtually assured isolation of the alkali deserts in Into the life of hU family above the knee Frank Bcott who hands of competent farmers the' eighth Jing whpn 1147 of the state’s 2228 precincts The convention will start with band saw the accident said Mr Veater was project farms have been and now are western part of what Is now His youngest son Pat In had reported giving him 68364 votes concerts on the streets at 8 a ni by Tooele county eloped this spring with an - not to blame Mr Veater stopped the a big success as shown by last year’s against 38313 for ills nonpartisan the Sprlngvme and the Salt Lake Cltyl Born tn the lat thirties or the early dlan girl from the Indian school atl'ar ari(1 brought the Injured boy to crops valued at $161179880 Prior to the World war our country opponent E H Brant bands and will Police and Dave ErrIc wan a boy when Ibapah Because of her tender agethe ofUce of Dr J W Hagen for Considers was a debtor nation owing huge sums 8 In the congressional races O Bl continue until Saturday night Charges of settlers came the young Indian brave was sent to treatment He was taken to the of money abroad and had prospered Burtness hnUul the to In school sre be held slons Independent: J H Sinclair high Rather Inconsistent from foreign capital Invested In Into Tooele valley Attracted by the the Utah state penitentiary auditorium nonpartisan and Thomas Hall inThe disgrace and the grief killed Ills ‘The third charge Is that 'enough American enterprises This condition dependent superior intelligence and manliness all had majorities A From the day of the young of the Indian lad the late Apostle father 200 Delegates unnecessary output has been thrown had existed practically from the very C Townley once leader of the non-- 1 C Kimball adopted him and chap's arrest the old man lost Inon our Heber of down the to markets beginning government for depress prices Salt From Lake partisan faction In the state war' to the World war the name of David Kimball terest Day after day he lay on Ills him farmers In natural farming areas gave in an attempted “comeApproximately 200 of the delegates by which he was known lor many crumpled blankets and wept He re“It Is rather Inconsistent to first “Had not the war entirely changed swamped back” running" a poor third In seekwill come from Salt Lake while the years fused aid medical that have we our condition would financial have there 24 been might charge 7 project from the Third con- majority will come from practically He lived with the Kimball family helped him During a recent visit In failures next that thousands of set- still be depending on the American ing nomination na‘ tmtrlct’ every township and county In the until after he was grown to manhood Tooele friends tried to persuade him PROVO-Madls- on tlers have been misled as to the value farms as one of the principal supports g Burtness W Merrill in the First district had stale of the Provo Klwinls club of project farms and then claim of our foreign credit Almost over- 22898 against 9541 for T J Clifford attending the schools In Grantsvtlle to go to the hospital but he preferred sight- and In Tooele Peter M Clegg presi- t° r° back home And ther he died president Sprlngvllle has arranged these project farms have been so pro- night and like a miracle we willed wife left his Thurs by accompanied nonpartisan when 352 of 591 preHe survived by his wife Kate seeing trips to steel plants the Utah dent of the Tooele County State bank ductive as to unduly Influence crop out our foreign debt purchased prac cincts morning lor Atlantic City to had reported and apparently wnd three sons fihoehone Bob day state fish and game farm and to helrecal)s whPn he was a small boy In the national Klw&nts conven- values tn other parts of the country tically all foreign Investment in was renominated fend southern part of the county FTank Eagle and Pat andittlP fin(t grades of school Dave 28 to July 3 These lands have added to the food American enterprises and became Mr June tion Merrill In the second district Hall held dancing swimming and other forms will represent the local club supply and raw materials necessary possessor of most of the world's gold a 5000 lead over A 8 Marshall nonof recreation for the visitors i 1 1 Daily from Chicago moment you never to until that Up Merrills health will the of and comfort to all The the go Washington partisan returns from 283 precincts Friday morning Governor George Tooele Makes Plans D C to visit with Clarence Coitam people without displacing other prod- heard of an agricultural surplus as a out 777 giving him 15828 and Marof MANHATTAN LIMITED ‘ H Dern will arrive from Salt lake former Bilgham Young university ucts to any great extent As to many menace to farm prosperity because shall 10723 Fourth Festivity aIIM AM in an airplane piloted by Patrolman Lt to we our Chlcafto needed all It and In pay exturn foreign Mrs have C’ottam a made products they professor They J H Sinclair nonpartisan had a A r Ntw York Sherman Falkenrath of the Salt Luke IM AM pect to arrive at Atlantic City Sun-- j market for certain otherwise surplus debts 3549 In the of TOOELE— Plans for the Fourth of plurality Police of force Chief Joseph ’The rehabilitation of agriculture police of (products the ‘natural’ In Tooele race to day be held evening 180 Returns celebration from prefc Burbldge of Salt Lake president July To attend a seminary meeting at Following the convention Dr and farm areas Is now In the farmer's hands w here it BROADWAY LIMITED cincts out of 860 him 6950 auspices of the American Brigham Young university of the association will preside over under the Dr Jo- Mrs Merrill will visit Mr and Mrs and he will adjust his pro- Staale Hendrickson gave belongs The UMNooi been Lr Chtcafto have completed Thlnks Independent Legion Adds to eduF Merrill Sugar of to commissioner current the convention conditions duction meet seph former In Utah residents 3411 and Townley who ran without Ar Nw York Ray Opln 444 AM program announced by the committee cation of the L D 8 church drove to New Wraith Is no occasion to abandon any of Nation There York From New will York is Indorsement on a wet platform 22311 Revolver Shooting they as follows: Provo Thursday morning He was de go to Montreal and other Canadian we only acre creation fertile of God’s "The 500000000 of two of and sugar constitutional pounds 1 1 8 a tn sunrise salute Adoption r raising companled bv Professor E C f Part of Program Dalby Titles and Niagara Falls Buffalo produced certainly added directly to need to know its best use amendments to Increase terms ofl the flag by the American Legion of F L D 8 college and R L Judd local The first day's sessions Include en of “We were needed to help win the district and Detroit St Louis and other the wealth of the nation We still V court Judges was Lr’ chlr“"'' Chicago 9 30 a m at concert band Liberty 454 FM New York tertalnment and speeches bv Mayor attorney mldwestern cities en route send several hundred millions of dol- war we made great contributions ofndlcatPd andllt appeared the voters Conditions which must lx met In lars abroad for much of the sugar food supplies enough to offKet had upheld the legislature ln two order to make Bible Instruction acneeded by the United States Our thousandfold the errors of judgment mpasurps re(erred t0 thfim Schttol Budget Meeting were credit outlined at da" ceptable for & farmers should be encour- - and consequent losses as to some of Irrigation the meeting Dr Merrill reported All Held in Sfsanish Fork wed to produce the entire sugar re- - the early work like A"? wiidrSu attaltou'th seminary teachers at B Y U tills fleer and a reColver “Who shall say that one day the of qutrements of the country now comshootU exhibition by G E Becker summer are taking a courae In the SPANISH FORK— A defense of the Pacific boundary may meet- ing from abroad public pUvunS of Ogden snd Captain Frank Hardy study of Bible teaching with a view ing for the discussion of the budget "A large portion of these lands is not be vital to our nation? It Is the to foster this of the Nebo of Los Angeles district was held devoted to growing alfalfa hay for part of sound statesmanship m exhibition of girls 2:15 p ground next from E will be William lsubject absolutely free Speakers st night Wednesday evening at the office of livestock The forest reserves and and encourage by every reasonable of Just criticismyear under supervision clog dancing on sectarian and means the development grounds the Nebo school board Schoppe superintendent National MLss Genevieve McLaws 230 p growth open ranges adjoining the Irrigated injfe Auto Theft bureau Judge Joseph E In addition to the members of the areas could not assist as they are of these western states that there To meet the new requirements board here found a strong be Nelson Fourth district Juvenile now may were Anthere always doing In supplying the meat and present J H The woProfl PMor Dalby isKrttln8 a iew text- - drus ff snd N Merrill Valentine Salt Lake classes president of the tax commis- wool for which there is an increasing virile rare of patriotic men and fmes arid 5?Tp?ALt1Le book on the Old Testament men ready able and willing not only demand James TutAnderson county deputy sheriff sion: for Ammon but winter the feed prochildren's races and siiorts P tle and E K Ferguson all of Span- duced on these irrigated lands Thou- to protect our western border but to Saturday’s program will feature exhlbt- talks by C R Jones Kolob stake and swimming and diving ish Fork and J Pierson and Justin sands of these animals in turn go to contribute largely and always to the Mll- Loveless of Payson The budget was the middle west feed lots for finish- good of our great country In every ing thus making a market for much ease of need" adopted without change 11:30 a m in College hall The total of the budget Is $409322 of the corn and other feeds produced Professor Thomas spent a numW Rev the Harris J and Kennedy J 8 The sports committee consists of the Some of the largest expenditures are: In those states Even with all the Young University of Utah ber of years ln China and the Orient Administrative Egan department of Justice Wash- lollowtng members under Chairman expense $19000 meat and wool produced In this counas a student and president of the Instructional expense $228975: op- - try we are still importers of large ington D C: Judge Davtd W Mo- Ernest Barlow’ Max Owens George Japanese mission of the L D S will ffat Salt take Commissioner of Pubchurch His lecture will Include ConChtlleon Halllday 81 semble at Lehl Saturday for the tenth '$24850 and maintenance of plants quantities particularly of wool” lic Safety T T Burton Balt Lake MUltncovIch Mr Shepherd analyzed fucianism Buddhism and Shintoism Joe Rose and Reed Russell anniversary family reunion It asig5i 372 buddings and furnishings theSimilarly John E Booth Spanish Fork mayor Morgan of production dairy pioducts Lacey L chairman of the fl announced Thursday by Frank Frans — 28 Jesse N Ellertson Provo mayor elec- Peter J (15 on marketed coast the Ark OSCEOLA of June seeds hogs beans and fruit tion of officers and selectlun of the nance committee Ray Cooper 22 of Jefferson City Mo next convention city and H I Bradford Ogden Utah emn ons Loss Accident and OffiPolice Fete Brings Mayor Anderson ployees of the Woods Brotheri Con- In Wines park adjoining the chapel to d cers F H Celventte snd L 8 Temper struction company drowned In the to Miner to be followed by a dance I11 the Sec- PROVO— Roland Williams of Trjlng UJ 1 uo of Sprlngvllle compose the "But there is wheat” be river near Pecan Point ond hall ward amusement committee In charge of preparing the Maho Falls manager of the Inter-iue- d "the gambler's ciop the great Ark last night Thetr bodies had not — Ieo Rubaleaba 35 vui— e Mr Mri HFLPFR work according to H L Bauer secre it mMounUl11 Flrfwnrk® company was political stand-b- y story rivals been recovered tonight In No 2 mine at Castlegate Is chairman of (he in “ No one saw the men fall Into the alt Lke' (Working a car marge of the progi am aHLemenu vlRRor ln Provo Thursday arrunglng cotton In the Congressional Record to sprague attempted Thursday of but when fellow employees at- secretary the association fjnaj W0Y on two bi battleships’ All the wheat grown on all the when Ills left hand was caught be to hv their cries for help uent ln used American Provo he the ‘gated land of the west would not tween the timber and the car badly rC()()(l llnmner legion post's annual Fourth of Julv gin to pay for the automobiles and to thetr aid rp they were clasped In each Crescent School House Amputation mangling ttie fingers celebration A crew of workers will trucks bought each year by the peo- - others arms stniggUng to keep afloat of the third and J WUI lit fingers was a a i To Cleaners' Building arrive Monday according to Mr Wil- pie living on these lands I can hard- Cooper was regarded as a good Hated iicw Structure necessary Rubaleaba has been work- ly keep my temper w hen considering swimmer while Bradford could not for the past 14 PRICE— Fire believed to have liams lng at Caatlrgale Mr Williams also checked plans this charge by these theorists swim They sank before rescuers CRESCENT— The old brick achool months rubbish In a caused erectwill be for float whlrh originated huge the the of Irrigation could reach them “That extension heap at one of Crescent oldest the houe considerable damage to a building ed by the Utah county fair for par- and of new farming FORES! LR RETURNS In the Jordan district has been raed the Cleaners and ticipation in the Fourth of July pa- areasdevelopment should have proper relation to Aged American Fork to permit erection of a new $55000 EPHRAIM — Supervisor J W BanltarybyBarberMyers everade The float will deptet a scene the needs of the country for their shop Tueesday building for scliool in September Humphrey of the Mantl national forThe blaze caused approximate- from the spectacle “Craters of the products we do not question but that Resident Passes Away Salzner and Thompson were est returned to the offices here Wed- - ning In to $900 Moon” is no sound reason for discontinuing ly clothing (stored damage awarded the contract by members of neday Mr Humphrey has been nearihe'rar the FORK — Mrs Emma AMERICAN bureau cleaning company the or ceasing Its reclamation the board of education with W W Alton Wvo for the last two months according to an estimate by Hank B Y V study of work yet to be done and Dickerson Kershaw 74 died at her Drama Division There arr to be aldlng with an Insect control project Averill Wilson president manager making preparations for lt or of not Ihome Thursday morning Cause of six class rooms and an auditorium ln the Teton forest The fire started ln two small rear hnvanis I rogrant dhmpletlng work now In hand which1 her death was given as general de- nrooms and traveled a patlx to the will require most of the bureau's pijpy Mrs Kershaw had been roof To reach the blaze firemen were SPRINGVILLE— The drama de- - funds for the next ten years or more resident of American Fork since 1872 Utmost in MatcLIew Flavor obliged to chop up the roof which partment of the Brigham Young uni-- 1 coming here with her parents from Winwick England iverstty furnished the main program nwfr complaining an suffered the most damage Nothing oli cooU and invigorotM to twtftly at the regular meeting of the local Eastern Taxpayer She is survived bv the following winta S Bishop of ay Gus John- - “Now— as to the fourth and lat children: William H Byron S and charge that ‘the government has Earl Kershaw of Salt Lake Josenh MEDAlfor Hw If eils Salt Lake Woman To celebrate jrowa night the sustained heavy losses at the expense H Kershaw San Diego and Mrs x a club Orlom hold will of Clara Asher of Lehl The following T PUw special iSprtngvllle CwmnMlbv rr-taxpayers’ PRICE — Announcement was made session Monday evening ln the Third "Some complaining eastern tax-- brothers and sisters also survive: Mrs Protield recently of the marriage ward hall Dr George A Anderson (payer says the government ought to Mary Jane Waterman Pomona Cal of Bishop George Ruff to Mrs Llla- - mayor of the city will be toastmaster make money out of the western Mary Ann Boyd Taft Calif and Ar- Ann Burdette at Salt Lake and an address on “Kiw-anlIdeals" lie domain and use it to reduce taxes thur Dickerson Salt Lake June 7 will be given by Walter Adams Provo (for the eastern taxpayer No one has Funeral services will be held 8a Bishop Ruff Is a member of the There will be no regular meeting ever questioned the right of the oth“r urday ln the First ward chael In- Carbon count v school boa id and was Thursday states or their citizens to make use of terment will be in the City cemetery bl hop of the Scofield ward until their natural resources without un- rently when he was released T'c I due federal Interference or the great Faces Named for Pnxsessiir was performed by Bishop ceremony 'advantage this has been to them The Delegates Labor Conference entire money expended ln construcfad Term or turn of these government irrigation ROAD Ol’lN PROVO— R H Kirby and C S PROVO — Piatt Hill of Spanish projects Is derived from the sale rent- F PHRUM— The Fphrtmn Orange Fork was sentenced to pay a fine of al and royalties received from the Hatch were appointed delegates to illle toad over the mourn him rad of $lo) or serve luo days ln the countv lands oil minerals and water power represent Provo tn behalf of the Is now open The last snow hank lall hv Judge Maurice Harding of resources of these states No part employed men ln the United States wa t ut through the first of t lie week the Provo ntv court when he pleadrd of this fund has come from taxes nor at a sperlal convention at the Salt It a to a of crew from Emery covndv bv road gulllv rhaige possession of has the east or any other section or laike labor temple June 29 to Julv 3 men were named at a meeting the fedeial treasury contributed still is netev'ary however to taketh liquor Popular priced companion to the world These detour through the Alpine station of HU1 was arrested by fode’-a- l officers nanclally to the work unemplnved in the Provo K P was re- - sources of the western states have hall Thursday afternoon J Feds the (heat Badn experiment stall m vome time acn but lus ra-famoui Standard Model No 1 1 m order to av old the mud ruined bv mended to the Provo city court He used to aid In their own develop- - How national organizer of the Na -Fso will of was left the county and airesled upon ment and properly Unemployed the dir snow hank Tilts (oiuiition jttmial F'ederation 'millionaire hobo" was the princclear up w itlun a rinv or t wo and the hts return Thursday morning by Discusses 9tli Kafct at Tilt Goniinimil v al (hanged lie made w ithout Iff Shei Mr Kell ran over G the J ipal speaker top trip Deputy — 9tll JSoutli Agricultural Conditions The convention ln Salt Lake will Market double Ahrady a number ol cats have pulsed over the entire distance! STUDENT IIE4DS BATTERY “Just a word as to the recent be held during the governors' n ‘enee In of the road SPRINGVILLE— Charles C changed conditions senior at the University of Time Only i Utah has hern appointed battery 3 Nl C SERVICE1 'commander ot the R O T C at Fort For a limited time only we offer to loan Francis E Warren at C'hevenne Wvo T he to word here received according you this marvelous new Eureka Spe$150 Sedans 15 Minute appointment was made bv Mr torIs cial during housecleaning It is full it Janies E Gillespie of Salt Lake $123 Coupes Service sized powerful with handsome gray bag and steel the slated Yeung Thorstcnsen $1 Cars to Rid Your Tells How Open grandson of Mr and Mrs D A Cranhandle Real quality and beauty at a popular price Sea (Northern Fresh Complexion of These Ugly dall of this city Rusty-BrowDR APER BAND PRACTICES ISpots DRAPER -- The Draper band un— k‘ e E fi L it kle rally yet find these (tor the dnection of n what sen ix hoUlii’g regular practices hard to remove this marveloua new Eureka Special for ten days I o of women do to lade out preparation for the Fourth of Julv as t evnv freckle and gam a clear celebration The Dratwr band has just if it were your own After you have put it to use been enenaed to appear at Soul h boautitul complexion They sumevery test— if you want to keep it pay at little a two 4 no longer dread the dsn on July ln connection with the f mer sun and winds dollars down balance eaty payments with small 'Independence riav celebration Pio- saKSf 14 You too will fil’d that after a few peer clay at Draper on Julv 24 also interett charge nights u e of this dainty w lute creein will see Ihe Diapir band in action even the worst tickles have begun Z4WxWv o to (UsapiH'iir while the lighter ones! PHONK OR CALL TODAY BAD (1IMK BRINGS FINE have vanished entlirlv It is at Idum PROVO— Silas S Owens of Cedar NUMBER TO BE LOANED LIMITED ONLT A that more than an ounce of Othineix pty was senlenred to pav a fine of POLISHING-LUBRICATING— GASOLINE needed to itcar the skin of these ugly $n) In Maui ice Harding Judge blotches 'the Provo ntv court Thursday when lie sure to a k at anv druf or de- - P ploaoed guilty to the barge of More inr Oihino double umg a fraudulent check Owens was strength Ii s alwavs soli with gum- - Brrps'ed at Cedar Citv bv Sheriff J Public Sendee ai’tee of monev back if It doe not gj Lcuth for Utah county officers 27 EAST 9TH SOUTH Wasatch 1455 — remove evpn t he 'rt heckles ami 47G4 EGIVi: S A IF GRFKN SWING STAMPS Was com- e More thuh 2'iivvotk'O ‘gojdnsh arc give v mi a lovely re E(rtv K E a AUv) sold each year ill li'icxlon Japan for pete AT SPRINGVILLE SPANISH PORK— Henry Morten-so- n Jr 8 son of Mr and Mrs Henry Mortenson who live near the Utah Packing plant a mile south of here was badly Injured Wednesday at 10 a m when he was run over by an aula man dead then was grown to Dave tomobile driven by Earl Veater 1358 TOOELE— Eagle (ball going East Seventeenth South street Salt According to word received In the same school But the call othls heritage was too Lake The little boy who was play- Tooele this week the aged Indian la-d strong Deserting the white man's lug with a smaller brother ran from died at his "camp" In Skull valley of life Dave finally returned lo'bchlnd a wagon Friday and was buried Sunday ac-In mode his tribe In tribe his Skull valley He dropped of They evidently did not see the car eordlng to the custom Development Boy Too Modem Elopes Jailed I st e 600-mi- le © bese swift trains route from I11- nJt 6cs-lh- the cool travel Chicago and St Louis ’ Gateways to the East 1 Educators Plan New Bible Study For three-ccr-ner- s nr AH K akTthe" Uj“tU 1 iimttfb I' & courtsr“ Ogden Man Dies in Mississippi River " Hay-mon- finger Glaus Coffee Shoppe ronttn-Misstssip- pi auvv m irrt-'riv- er fanp for Will Open Saturday 6 a m Instead of Friday as Previously Announced G( ' VrTr cotpl n ScafiM lO DAYS FREE at pub-be- th t- During Housecleaning re-- 1 latinr tine -- SPECIAL un-he- re Standard Market Co rc-'- of OODSTUFFS— I1 confer-agrleuHu- Thor-istense- Great Offer --United rimi iu:i mm SALMON lb 25C 15-- FRECKLES X 1 'A 25c Loin Pork Chops lb 29c HALIBUT LAi'’iB 111 Chons vi C’hriMtan-t'’iemi'hr- rcd Ihou-vmt- o Vv "(Al Ue n i la-- Only $2!5 Down - MS’ ibfOc RAPID AUTO LAUNDRY vv mk-wh:’- co Utah power£? Light Oficiait |