Show Tin: I — REHU3 W ® in e im PXCTES SEWING EL’iTS FOR THOSE WHO BUDGET THE KOHE 1'RIPAY MORN'IXO JUNE M © wm e C Playing tll6 Game Moods in Modes :By MARY MARSHALL 27 13 19:50 Si a 1 d ff e si f-i ARTISTIC TREAT'lERT CP DECORATION AND DESIGN FCR TEE KCUSES INTERIOR her husband was t jears where Baulins Banker's Besides her husband frtvt banker daughters Mis Jfn H Wife Dies on Coast lVM Beach Cal of Our Children ANGM0 PATRI Children Occupied Knight hood Mem hern Making Dainty Articles Busy REGARDING I N SLMUMIN EjH 'fold Fvcn materially the returns of ate verv It Is wise to teach children to be hivestial thoughtfulness the grea’et asset unselfi'h Not for the spiritual good ruh ?Irtends e'to vTanhoti nave wn uur nnblXI ENSIGN PLAYGROUND —If you! LINDSEY'S OARDFNS PI iv alone aithougn that Is bevond puce lb business or out of it Grudging bouid enter the Inugn pla ground GROUND —Baseball Is the chief dt- - 1)111 for thp mateilal good that Is lm merries are the costliest mistakes we were version at our playground We made niedately felt N0U would think the children a child assumes the attitude can make rather sleepy became on every chair such a splendid showing lad seal Any!hen Xur RIld none for you he It is not necessary to make a o and lable aie pillows But tne chll- - that we feel as If we have something quality A of poverty Nor to drip onself of all dreu are nol hieepy They are In- - u ihe up to And we have stalled l°s"s something of high has What Is necessary Is Our boySc(‘Wm beauty fades from his face one dustrious and busy They come here out fine records lv shUulnesv 'haring the gej- everv day u work on plii0ws whuh played the Columbus boys last Fn- - d!es out oftllp g!anc'p !f hls f'p nnd as one whom tore of goou-- ill to men he maraed aomehoyv score of favorite are their protect defeating them with a U a we11 nmht ' 1° ‘"I I"rPM Other things that are favorites with g10 Our bovs plaved Fnslgn boys h“'e ‘hat keep is to hoa d it "akf'! for both boys and girls ate silhouettes In on Monday defeating them with It’ raVwee for him- - b Thefv Colored handkerchief Ilneh Is used linen thread carefullv thus pulling lor many of the smartest of the new in the silk And with the silk pull handkerchiefs For sports wear you the double strand of colored cotton "iav 1‘k 'he larger sort while’ to If you attach tne colored cotton to Ro with yotir street suits and dresses handkerchief thiead Itself you r or gmrral everyday wear jthe 'will probably break It when It is half you win find the smaller sort more way through Suih handkerchiefs appropriate Continue In this way with the bor- may be made at home and they are der drawing in as many threads as convenient pickup work for idle mo- - you like and when this Is done on ments during vacation days You the four sides turn a hem and hem ray buy an assortment of colored down with fine cotton Uncus to match your various dresses or you mav choose all white using a border thread to match the dresses for the larger handkerchiefs you will need a half-var- d of the linen which will give Iwq handkerchiefs and for the smaller sort a third of a yard which give three handkerchiefs The easiest and most effective way to finish the edges is by means of pulled threads This may consist of one two three or more threads of conti astlng color forming a border Used mercerized colored cotton that comes in skeins Measure In about three-quarte- is of an Inch from the edge This will nllow for a quarter-inc- h ROCK SPRINGS Wyo — Mrs Maiv Rumsey 69 wile of James 1tun‘-sfof ttils ocRy: dld aj and burial! dena Cal last Saturday was at Dmyer Wednesday Mrs Rumsey lived at Rawlins for many Laguna LUzabeth McWilliams ol who were with hei Pa Pittsburgh at the lime of death iT!unpon Mrs ind There are 5 Philadelphia S Edln 9 Londons and 19 Parises burghs — -- — ' wi-- h 1 Vuld "SrSoNt emakVmtlecSud da!m1vniclesled ‘lh "‘k 0ihn lhtm' dpf('!'u“d EmrV'lerPRmlfir'an'Mirlmn'whuii 'ls' r Vi as- - UlLs Umc ‘mh If'Tou rVdus TmeT 'h? aVautlfu! ‘ LVJAthls WOMEN’S WOVEN SANDALS hr quarter-inc- h °lr Inch-lon- ff ’ for $porlr IV&ar U ''arisv U’L UNR aid the ward you without eVyV only the litUe tots enjoy playing In1 the nice clean sand but the larger being cannot To travel far In horizons of llle About the children Teach them girls find many excuses to go over s to the sand box to show the babies ’T01' If one child does well one a must whit matters m a s10ol aubiect U ach him to help what to do and how to play The sand will of others This Is not ule others the good The more ha teaches pile is under a large shady tree and to the selfish Skits for iVogromlls comfortable every hour of the day- permitted Our boys' singles tennis tourna- alone Sharing and giving have a wav of f"'lshN 'UV VICTORY PLAYGROUND -- We With every generous her to make pretty things for those champion and Bob their own have done a good deal of lovely tiedi'Iilcl'1 Snow is of the who like them and share gift runner-u- p The bovs' gesture comes a widening and dyed work and are now making doubles At once theie seems to be If a child san sing teach him to be vision tournament Thursday began It crayonex pillow tops We like this and the that share with and room more moie generous gift space breathing gn Is' singles tournament wlil type of ait work as It goes very fast we give to others we always with all who enjoy It start (What alIn Friday we have and something pretty have It comes back to us a hundrid Teach the children the futility of most no time We have also made a Handwork classes are progiessing Be generous 'grudging Every gift We have made oilcloth rapidly good many silhouette pictures o The klndeigarten castle Is made you have will Inciease by use Every The gu Is’ baseball team is being flower holders that are very attrac-lagBoudoir pillows are slightly of empty ipocls The spools aie col- - kirdly act you pci form will return to We have some good clav-itlv- e hefe and -- L from any we have seen ored by hand with crayons and then vou again In the form of counties' manv to expect piay You iktnuncsses to you and yours re made of net and s tufted glued together teams with other games hovs-classe- s This makes a delight- have also made cannot make another happy without These children in tumbling and vlth confettl ful little novelty pillow decora led flower puts erakle fin- - beng happy youiself and happiness hnting arD running Plul Baker The ldp Uhlstructor The IJjkindergarten classes have been Uibook covers and stuffed dolls boys certainly en- lather wmJ r Mvs castle busi’ classes ar sol a handwork There The D°V m making are classes and making rapid of L for the chtldren-a- nd yourself Drogress ni the more strenuous ath- - mnV Kmahlhood of Youth members buv with block printing They make They niSBoeuy jup here that Interest in castles and tneir blocks from linoleum 1 tic snorts carVed have at woen many Interesting children are The kindergarten B10i bv The Dell (CopnBh ROSE BARNETT a little whlletoys nakmg stuffed dolls decorated wlth2"1 castle pictures Inc) Syndicate child Is allowed "ravonex woik Each to own hls In doll the size of their and color to tiaoe propoition bodies Insect have larger w ings than We are practicing some very ini birds teresting skits for our program w hlch will be given some time In Julv £ak (TV JEAN ELLEN HOPKINS bapter’ Ainsworth We aho Have a new sistant Louise McHugh MIRIAM AINSWORTH hem with the first pulled thiead In from the hem Pull a thread of the linen out about a quarter of an Inch from one end without breaking carrying with the eye carefully to the other end and pull out about an Inch there This means that the linen Is gathered slightly by the pulled thread To the g end tie a strand of sewing silk a little longer than the width of the handkerchief Loop the end of the hewing silk around the center of a strand of the colored cotton twUe as long as the handker-chland tie It with a loose knot Now at the other end of the handkerchief begin drawing the pulled a SALT LAKE TLIPENK Btf In All I Mlhpr $1050 Uo In Whitt and Plaik With In While and tllow In White and Blue In While and Crren VH to C— J1 QfO 50 Mall Orders Filled to ThiHfcrlKoinpsoainc CJ no MAIN BETTPR SHOES t tribune $alt KHIGIITIIOOD cryOUTII Girls' Baseball Team Aims at Championship and Plans Continue as Usual Dur- Making a handbag is an ambitious undertaking but It Is not hopelessly' difficult when you make a flat cn- - PLAYGROUND —In Knighthood Trogrum CFNTRAL the handwork classes the girls have ing Summer Months So Be Sure and Visit istaited to make many beautiful They are making purses of Office When You Are Up Town things Following the new fashion she buckram embroidered In wool with a pink handkerchief kits doll soiled - hiindkerr'hipf wpr border pulled through the narembroidered bags Although as announced Thursday am sorry I did not send In for It Weis bWtf a pnk and whte i I am going to try to get be the last day on foie now wooden beads voile boudoir pillows which this dally Quest of Character fewer Os next time and shorts The beads are new andlcoinnm will be run there will b no I guess I will tell you about my trip Interesting woik We paint them change In our Knighthood prog am to Idaho First I went to Salt Lake We stayed with bright enamel and then blow and plans Our oftlce will be opunto stay with my aunt gold and silver bronzing powders over every day except Sundays and legal there over night The next morning 30 m to Abrr-Ou- r 9 m a went 5 we them to Lake Salt and left p holidays from The kindergarten children are members are Invited to come up (teen Idaho My uncle and aunt live We stayed there two days making scrap books any duy and read di aw or gossip The girls’ baseball team Is working It costs rather too much (or any it hen we went to Blackfoot The next to wish one family to subscribe for all theday we went to Idaho Falls There neigeUcally because they We hope interesting win the city championship and fine magazines that we saw the falls Th-- n we went bark to have two teams this year one for are published for the boys and girls to Aberdeen and stayed over night 'gltlx from 11 to 14 years of age anditt( today But enrollment In the The next dav we went to Lava Hot Some of Uie Knighthood with an Initial cost of Springs and stayed one dav There 011c for girls 15 to 17 imrls playing on our team are: Clara0njy cents entitles you to come we went bathing In the springs The Le Renebere (0 iMesseril Claire Barker Knighthood office and next day we went to Iogan There Helen Trimble Brooks Df'dlylreadall of these magazines Hereon we saw some of our cousins Then Wells Lois Raleigh Elsie Rock Mary (be tables are John Martin s book we came back to Bait Lake and home Child Life St Nicholas Nature 'again American Boy American Girl Popu- a new member to Join j have got lar Science and a numbrr of maga- - IIpr h Ma v K Thorns' Y’our: namf zincs that are full of lovely storier lrUl PAGE JUNE GUYMON What Is Wrong? and directions for making many In- Huntineton d answer: Yesterday's terestlng things wasn't that a fine trip mem- You are uiged to come here and bPrs? Al)d thin 0f the fun of read these magazines trace the pic-- j having ao many cousin to are tures you wish to have copy direcWe hppe you wore your Knighttions for making things and In every hood badge and saw many way get just as much good out of Knighthood members terv pla e or $30 had If $25 as thnn you spent We congratulate you stopped In subscriptions you on getting a new member and And then there are the bookf- welcome her Into our club biand-nepublleatlons that are Ju't alive with adventure and Interest There Is an especia- -j large number of books for boys pirate stories Boy Scout 6toile- - aviation £ stories rv ery thing a boy like Come p John Ypland Fly Nev " Aiae Tomoko Watanukl Midsale for wnicn tlif ihee books to fra were wrliten knight Marshal Elwyn Met tmson f f Bov Bring Story for Readers — Park City When members show a particular) Salt MIome to Knighthoo-i-ThLake Tribune chapter of Knighthood we like to return the kindness bv of Youth welcomes the rest of you know about It Felt Salt Lake Silt Lake City— Spencer Page GeorRe Brooks Parmlcy tame to the oifice Wednesday with Brirham— Lots Jensen the clipped etory of the adventures Centerville— Jr an Thompson of Mr and Mis Martin Johnson — Ogden Josephine Stone had found this interestiPage Hatch Idaho— Phyllis Johnson and old an in e featui magazine ng ro here other boys that It up brought and girls could read It- flriiaH ears- - lnree cars coupes -"I thought mavbe the other memaedatn-m fact any roadBlers TCDAY’S WANT ADS bers would like this story" said Pagr own prie can be cir at your found in TRUiUNA Wftivt Ad George ' and about the only way U today pet things to the kkls in Balt Lake World's of Class! $125 $125 mo hurt ft fin to bring it up to The Tribune You ms IH riovn $2 7 4 Pfr door iirdan beau1027 Pontiac looKm ran keep it If you want to" low nder ye blu black tiful body Of course we kept It! And boy' wheel top and mohair uphoMery Jut wmt it Cost 8ee It and you like new and girls who want to read it wll new $U26 Und it on the larger table in our Chi-we- Uder ar be-v- vetope with a taotgmt at one side a sketch and diagram of a purse made to match a ligured silk vestee MODESS Ihre COMPACT new napkin mtde by Johnson & Johnson to meet requirements of the fitted A silhouette mmuutmih urn the Hand-painte- faucet— and your Z e ltL-tt- 6y lor tlie 4th of July Thou-- r ir vacation too miles of unused trans-- n in Ihcso bsrgtinsl I'i -- 1 11 $875 Price! $3100 Appearance Uh Packard coupe VeneHin4 color mewl new blue praitcllv atnp'ns prett Motor Double Faille Ooodrear tires like nw like new rear trunk top dowu seat covera don t allow a apot bal t year $95 Buys Ford Roadster! 1728 mod'! CompleteTotal price too Good tire new paint and ly ovtrhauled for fishing trip Find topIn Just the ear It the Want Ad today $110 Buys '26 Ford Coupe Ralloon Urea Looks In excellent l ape Biuk Master cHch Ard here good rebuilt motor o"-lh- nl1 Smooth mooel I'ijs f bujr mh and one ol the UilO doaiu me U ant Ad I year I Chev Truck $275 Only Total pricei I ton good rubber and cab noo down bal hteel exp or real bodv I r t Iok 10 for o‘her used truck lotlf y $ h n lA d $150 Down Buys a Chrysler 70 foarh 192? model J4M to! price merhanlcuUv nthl New heavy duly lire A denduble -- rv easy good uphofcUry dm in car vuh a powerful motor $325 — $110 Down n vear on Utl n ftv 1M7 Ffev very cnod Paint and upholelerv In evrrhent overhauled New rubh r motor (ondltion Hurry aid ilnd it In the Want 1 Ad today $0 Cash! Only looks a snap litres 131 total price Pwaex main iotoie Bond runs fine t rr noo h runmiu eaw ndm liri n A fn e little tanilv car $ ou ton A 1 of thousands lor Good ( I5l iirw milee $365 Buys 1929 Coupe model In Owner la sellin down bal rnrd bnsloek condition for fits $160 Down — Dodge Cabriolet 1Q28 node! vire wheel total price cond od mecharHillcalcouaider and run u!e neat lion aaraard gear ahlft cheap uar in trad A mechameal lor oukk aac I 1 year I 475 botre and aih you t sit Xiet out a car to o p'sre a e open acid vut urea Vt ondensrd TURN TO CLASSIFICATION NO THE IxOW DOWN AND THE F5SY TFRM8 GET YOURS NOW! NOTE CARS FOR TlftMS room Stamp — And anmember Kntgh Gertrude BenrirUksen Murray airnun brought to us four blue are with the ma 'lamps These of the United States upon them am the picture of two planes one on tin east coast and one on the west coast If any stamp collecting member rome In” said Knight Gertrude ghe them these stamps Maybe you lwd better give one to each Then are only four of course but I hm one more which I kept and I though four would be betier than none especially for those who haven t any at all jet " It Is this splendid spirit of sharinr and helping that makes our club th club In in' whole wid very b- -t world It is this same spirit that wt keep our club living and gi owing until eiery child In the United State Is wearing a Knighthood button upon Member Bring other nt 46 shoulder like to CARS FOR TRADE water supply ' hls receive these records of ad- and trips Those who stav can read them and tmagm ventures home that they are taking a vacation too Those who tgke vacations can comwith the ones they read pare their n abcut This is what Page June did btith-day received the Dear Editor: I card and Inter I am surely glad vou reminded me to send for m chart I have been awiv for ten davs slid Just got home last Friday I wu tell vou more about my trip later ir Guy-mo- mv li tter I have 163 O’s and the rest are T I am sending 10 cents for chait B s 1 Unequaled in its efficiency— is this modern service for your household The automatic operation of Electric Water Heating makes your hot water supply as simple as your cold thoughtlul Vacation Letter Arrive — Vacation letters are beginning to arrive Wt TRIBUNE AUT0150 BILE WANT ADS CARS FOR CASH reading Unfailing in its dependability — “Three years ago I was in bed three months w ith a nervous breakdown After that I had to lie down often I have four children the youngest 21 and I board two little schoolgirls I try to keen my home as a mother should hut 1 am at the age so many women dread Since taking six bottles of Lydia E Tinkham's Vegetable Compound I feel 100 stronger I am not so nervous and my — appetite is better” Mrs Della Hutsell 623 Last ut Street Casper Wyoming Try it and you too will find it Down ON SILY01 INSTALLED PRESENT K 5 II TANK It’s a wonderful service for your home — and we would be pleased to have you know all about it Phone for our representative There to call and give you the particulars is no obligation on your part mm POWER &UGHT EFFICIENT VTinrir SRFnftrE 0 |