Show BURGLAR IN A BOLA BOL-A New Tiling iu Housebreaking ami Olio That Requires Xeivc Paris Ldttfer to London Telegraph J There Is an amusing story told tonight to-night afoooit a burglar in a box According Ac-cording to a presumably veracious narrator nar-rator two detectives who were on duty last evening Its the Rue Saiint Martin heard at maim address a liarge box which he was wheeling before him on a cart as if It were a human being I Tine detectives may or may not have thought of the story of tilts wooden I horse but alt all events they listened attentively and distinctly heard the I words Dont stir od man IJl lake you round by the shortest cut Tine porter was followed I a t once by the plainclothes men The cart containing contain-ing the box ws wheeled into large business premises in the Rue de Body and delivered over to a clerk the porter observing that he wmilfl call for it this morntog and take it away to another an-other destinaitton The clerk objected to receiving the article as he had no notice of its coming com-ing but he was prevailed upon to let it remaini in the place The detectives entered soon after and having mentioned men-tioned their suspicions to the clerk it was arranged that they should hide on tihe premises and await developments On tine stroke of midnight the < lid of the box was observed rising gently and out came a man who walked toward a money safe opened it with the aid of jtooTs which he had iii < his possession I ana after having annexed a supply of gold and bank notes returned to Ms original hiding place The detectives W ited until the morning wMch brought tihe porter who was arrested and the box with the safebreaker in it was conveyed to the office of the Surety There the thief overcome with surprise was despoijed of his booty amounting to iSO and was quickly dispatched to the Depot A PAR All OX Prom am Exchange TootsI cant understand Pilgrims Progress Tanks What dont you understand Toots Pilgrim sterns always to be in the dumps and yet lie is described as carrying a big load affr r ttiJ i COOKING AND MATRIMOXY The relation of cooking to matrimony matri-mony and divorce writes Judge Me Adams is one which could be explained ex-plained better by the records of Oklahoma than by any magisterial experience derived in this portion of our mundane sphere Matrimony is Induced by inclination divorce by dissatisfaction Each is prompted by desire to change sometimes some-times to better existing conditions Good cooks are certainly prized A i good cook ought to attract her hus J I band to his home while a poor one might influence him to seek other places as an antidote to digestive disorders j dis-orders i Good cooking Is certainly conducive 1 to happiness ordinarily it encourages and fortifies marriage and obviates divorce But there are so many pecu Hal people in the world controlled by j such various hobbies whims and idio syncrasics that it is difficult to tell I what influence controls them in select ing a life partner or in seeking to sever that relation which ought in Its I very nature to continue forever The S I field is too broad to be confined to anyone any-one cause The main difficulty is that the mar ital relation is not looked upon by I some people with that seriousness 4 j which befits the obligation In other I words there are too many grabbag marriages in which the party does not I know whether he draws a prize or n blank a good cook or a bad one until It is too late to remedy the evil I The clergy ought to preach more on the subject of good cooking and its relation re-lation and effect upon society that homes might be made better and firesides fire-sides more cherished But they do not they either cling tenaciously to orthodoxy ortho-doxy or sidetrack into sensationalism i and while occasionally reviling the scandals pertaining to divorce do comparatively little to alleviate or prevent the results of which they complain com-plain j I It is about time that this question of good cooking suited for the body and the mind received serious thought further that marriageable men and i Women were educated to reflect upon and fully understand the grave nature of the marital obligation and Its responsibilities i re-sponsibilities that the wife should bo I able to assume the cares of the household house-hold that both might work in harmony har-mony and the prevalent evils avoided before it is too late Better cooks therefore will cause more happiness fewer divorces and less scandal Truth I IIIE SECRET OF LONG LIFE With Every Grand Old Man thc Prescription Pre-scription Seems to Differ From the Britih Medical Journal M Barthelemy Saint Hilaire the famouS French scholar and politician who recently re-cently entered on his ninetieth year full of physical awl intellectual vigor has been telling the Inevitable Interviewer how it is his days have been s > o lone in the land It is we are told the effect of tho strict adherence to the old precept early to bed and early to rise with steady work during waking hours Every grand old man seems to hav a secret of his own Mr Gladstone we believe be-lieve attributes Ins longevity to lila habit of taking a daily walk in all weathers and to his giving thirtytwo bites to every morsel of food Oliver Wendell Holmes pinned his faith on equability of temperature tempera-ture The late Major Knox Holmes swore by the tricycle which in the end was tho cause of his death Dr P H Van ilfT Weyde an American octogenarian not I long ago offered himself as an exampl of the benign influence of the study and practice of music Some aged persons give tilE crplit of their loner lives to abstinence from tobacco tobac-co alcohol meat or what not other tr their indulgence in all these things Ono old lady of whom we read not long aero ne having reached the age of 120 or thereabouts there-abouts maintained that frnrle blesferlinpo Is the real elixir vitae and she a < crib < t the death of a brother at the tender age of ninety to the fact that he had committed com-mitted matrimony in early life M Fer dinand de lyesspp believed horn rid irfT Mr James Pain complains that In his boyhood he got a little bored vith too much horSe The Grand Francais seems ty think that one can hartlly have too much norso In a letter recently publibliVl M de Le sops delivered himself on the subject as follows I shall alwav feel deeply l grateful to lArlne my riding master who from my earliest years mad mo share hs keen passion for horses and T am still convinced that daily horse exercise hat hi a large measure been the means of enabling me to reach mv fichtyfourth year in perfect health Carlvlt was also a great rider almost to the enI of hH long life and he not only rode but WP believe groomed his horse himself Oi the whole it must be concluded that the real secret of longevity Is a sound constitution prudently j pru-dently husbanded The only general rules that can be laid down are those set forth by Adam in As You Like It Thouch I am old yet I am strong and > iJ lusty For In my youth I never did apply Hot and rebellious liquors in my blood Nor did not with tinbashful forehead wee J The means of weakness anti debility Therefore my age is as a lusty winter i j i Frosty but kindly i That is the whole secret of long life 1 Shakespeare knew it as well as any one i II yet he died at C2 L AV ChAIIt BB IA LUfE I By de Bowery lamps Oh Chimmy you mug J Lemme in from de damps Im just outer de jug Troo de keyhole I see < What a can on de bed Ive a thirst hully glee Dat would near strike you dead Bv de Bowery lanrt Chimmy says What1 You gimme de cramps Yer nose dont fit well Try de joint cross de hall Deres a mixed ale on deck And some jay by de squall Has got hit in de neck Bv de EOTPIT lamps Chimmy den made a sneak To a dive where de stamps Do de talkin not cheek And de Icicles Said Cert If you pass out de tin But you just do us dirt r And well break your face in Nev York Sun Cf if HIS REASON FOR PROTESTING Robert as his cousin picks uriUW J sheet of music Id ratherxvou VIJ i not sing Nell ft Nell I thought you were fond of music I Eobert am T > or Over Kitty Years Mrs Winslows Soothing Syrup hag been used for children teething It soothes the child softens the gums allays al-lays all pain cures wind colic and is l 4 the best remedy for Diarrhoea Twcu Vyflvo cenjta a bqtl9 C 9I c jfc IA |