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Show 206' r anew t o this subject ffentlji3rawti ' reee.htlstddt:iniHedn - t by thevery Hoses Colt Tyler,' ProfeSsdr W of EnfflishjEjIteraturo in the ;IJniversify of as ' sufes , .but willeknQwn in great reading-publicrl u'turef not hibugh jthVir own Tyritirigs ;tbxouglvHlie copibusl extrac from their ; This Is one I works given in tise lvblumes. iof the mentspfthe istory'f. ;, Professor had access to the I inoH yal uahlo Jyistim iibrairies of our country ,not' merely to pii r , 2 1 if ."large public iibrarieVbut.'.td .th'oso tpnyato ' ib'bo found .our earlilibraries, whero est Americlui Literature, j These two cy.is vb-f;u- n)es coycrUo period ;from X607tolGp. Ths fact suggests the'very,import i dMinntiyely "eWcan rfl6o.r llave;we literature covering hte period, rpr rhusto 77riarJda:later'atqfp ' .work tuaranteed.- " had ?:'too3trp'presslvermViliand "physical tyranny xbver woman; : "As far as 'women are concerned 'it reverses - that rule of law which holds all persons innocent until they are proven' guilty, for "under: it all women are held guilty until proven innocent." The call for the 'Convention made through the "National "Citizen and Ballot Box'! says, "Now 'let every' Western and North Western suffrage woman' prepare herself to be In some way represented at this great meeting, either i personally or by delegate from her society i?Not mere important convention has ever been held than this will be; ' none in which 'all women fof whatever shade of "fopin ibnatr so defeply concerned DJ2T BUhiit iDisa-"biliti- be for idifficulties and 'obstructions rare giv- r man 7 7 '.-- ti .: ' ' r j- - : -- .obiU GROCERIES, XMPLEMNETSt iJCES, Fitter Water (Bucceuor to MUeJuQ A Janet,) . & Stoam RUKSETi CEUEHITED; UFT RD FDFXE PUZPS. 1: v Pamr epljredjon mltort notlre.Kj - arOrders from ttie country promptly retponped to.wi J -- rr - : s bt pall qcic P. AHERB AfiH :& RR01 11 :msxj . at tbeFbrfst FanaV f rem Six qents each v. ,i FR 8ALK .iiiiu upwarda. ' v - v ;; ft ' .7l;u IH; '"f Salt Lake: City, 'r , . Orders by mail or otherwja? are promptlx attended to. ., 5 East Tmrpii StjStt, Baip Laee .City. Five hundred pieces of Drwe Goods, Embroideries, Rach-inr- si Five Hundred pairs Eld G lores Trimmlnis, Ladies' t Wes, Cuif and Collars 100 Cartoons of Efbbons. , 1 Largest Wholesale Millinery Stock In the .West. KotJons, Boots ana Shoes, Gents and Boys' Clothing and Sirw&hlhg Goods. Etc.jEto.r: uLb v forward all order to n;-v- ; ' t; lias rtraortd, ,, - : f . . i trr:-,n.- ABEIVINO. , . Shawls, ; Dressi Goods, L Blankets. : STAPkEi DRY GOODS, FANCY; r yriih hi satire Kew Stock of : GOODS WirJTEe ' '.' " DAIfiY"" 1 Flannels amJLa&te? Goat every variety I Opposi te the Salt Lake Iouse, and will ' ' tell as Cheap or Cheaper tban ever;' era 1 Home Indus trial Stjvv- ttanufactofy. - '' WlfWny to acoommodats her patrons; the Ladies of Salt !,Lake City and Vicinity, b&s Removed her Show and . Saleroom to : , n. 0 . 49 . : , Two doors south of Jennlnrs Corner and respectfully - n rites the friends of Borne Industry, and the Fublic to call and, examine her stock of Bats made from the latent Parisian style and shape. Ladles will also find va variety) of Imported Hats and Bonnet, with every, tolar pertalmnjt to a nrstalas. Mliiinery EstabliehmeHt--' at nrtxlerate prices. and Panama, Leghorn, and 8n.yr Hats, asaaed, Dyed Altered.. , , , .t ,, 1. ,.1 i,,.. .. ii i.... i, .' t. warranted First Class, ,J V. ' Snell'sSoap, J 3 Bars for '25 CentsV Harrii, Soap, - - S Bars for 20 Cents. ,35 Cents caeh Washboards; (Zinc) - ,?r -- , Centseach Brooms,:;j A FU JLX XOCK OF YAIIKS, JEANS, 1 1 : ! ; I s p ; , :s t ie e t rrn-erail- , y, 1 Cassimercs $Lp 0 to $L25 por Yard. S 1 ri wwa '9L- ... ' - i( j rt - r John Taylor; Yres't.,, JOHN C: CUTLER, , 1.1 , 'tf m.1 Jennlxwr noe-W-t. Agent, Old Constitution Boildlng. FRENCH cs ing .way before endurance, perseverance, persistency and tenacity of purpose. The bili'provides - that "any woman a 'member in good' standing of the highest court In any State of' Territory, or of the Supreme Court of the iDIstrict'of Columbia,-fothree shall be admitted years, to'practleo in the United; States Suprerne Court." - The bill passed at last Without amendment, "40 to 20. Senator Sargent, who has been an able and magnahlmbus friend of woman suflrage; has been untiring in his efforts In adVocat-ingfth- e passage of this bill. This noble friend and defender of the rights of all women 'merits tho hlghest approbation and esteem of all who desire to eeo woman stand' freoand equal besido her brother " 1 : Lock-Woo- d the Legal BHl, recently passed the House and Senixto.. This1 bill has won ri victory for Women, and 'after this let women be encpur-itgeJ- J however advArso Circumstances may technically as ,;t NOTIONS, Tinner, Ga3s -- ' '( , 1 as the '. VI3D 1 ndetcherjwbrb ' eht fame apd acquiring future jTame; Milton ;The BiLL geherally known -- Betall-bealla- AQfBlCMLTUBAJ ien Jbnnhacl'written; "Every: Man in )iU HuinWjyeareV before; Bpaumon t " GOODS : ovejrm, jVOrganan 5,:JBare J'wasibbrn a;year after, hp whose ' name !was to last o ipng as lasts the English language. r ' America can at this period fifae&gllp 'such names, nor, since We tliir succeeding volumes of Professor .Tyler's ark;4wiU bo ;tho histbty of Americanlitor- aturo. ' The subjects that the hundred "years of are" thetiies Iwh'icli create the ' Mine" Ian 'guago as the literature of England but a different typo of mind and manner. A. L. F. r .,-- jt i:tl )iWWIefa-iidt?i,iaUaiadfof.? t "TifiarVdrlii :;Ms f i 1 . - r t,Ba4,Written ''prppfietoftdf respecte ft sqtiire, and Jiyedingentlejnanly -- icbmpetejyi-rdiri in his pwrl carHage." At Hhis period Elizabeth ...lmd.ni(dead';. four .years; Francis Bacon "had Tec'om"e solicitor general,' aud thirteen years after, gave to selection In Flowerst Feathers, , Plushes. Velret and Kib-bo- as la the latest shades and stripe. Country dealers please oalL Ladies' Hair work In all lta hraackttfj : Good ment is an infringement upon the liberty of "all womenlu Wherever this' law has been enforced; instead of secuHng'the bbjeet-foWhich' It was (professedly) desIgoedit has : :" iwltlr tlie pride of ancestry wormbtojtnt 16 our jC&uicerT Uhovvislbn of Piers the; ploughman :ahd ' r btheri. t We 'must' rememberthat at "the atewhich Professor Tyler has "placed the at; the ; far th summit' bf'tier literary,' fame, Was , in the I glqry of theEliza1ethah age.;, Shakespeare i tidfirdtte women consider? and all deepr J 4 thlhklng women - surely Will agree with them, that this licensing of vice by govern- ' a The aloiig felt want, great work, yet It "and writings oT wHose'llfo Jhe authors these two volumes give an account, are for by the the.jnost.part"UtU0wp-iratali- the ladles of Salt Xake and those Visiting Con- f arence to call at her show room and : see, her new ftock modes of of MILIjIN ERY. .The jlatest and most styMah Hats and Bonnets In Straw, Felt ana Yelretr- - Alaoa nice ' Desires Iheretb iicensihe ' ' BocM'iillawhe - Literature ? "Palace of Fashion RoTiinEcuCTemple Street, of iha TSaL tlonal Woman Suffrage Association is to be held in .May In SCTouis, Mo. Thiacity has l?een ch03en becduo &f the proposition flrtTi fFor the Exponent. HUE STORE. Ladles are requested to call and examine the most Etc .'complete iwsortment of, Curia, ' Bra3da,r . at Kednced Prices. " ' All kinds of Hair Work made op In the meet 'Artistic : :Qaah paid tor Human Hair and Combines. etjle. ' .JOSEPHlNB'GKEGORTt I ' - W Kimball Block. Salt Lake City.- -' "f . . w, '. ROHAIIIA B. PRilTTi BOOTS, .SHOES AND IVEATfliEn. and FactoryVat the T4?597 ,??T-1- Saleerooia Temple, Btreet, Salt f Lake City. All those who d tire to aid home mtnnfae -- ! 4 f tore, and - t, Manufacturers and "Deafe'ri in , at the same thus) purchase newts and Mee of the most reliab e ouailty. at the most Moderate Prices, should call or address orders 10 ia ir" t.-u- atid suaoaon, ppxnrsz ciAiT Up Ua'rt, In Old Constitution - BuHdlmr. next door to 1 h Woman' "Erpmmt OtBce. r Hesidence six blocts eau of OtSce, Bmth 1 Ide of OFFICE . 1 tret. . . Specl&1 . i?7. hta h(ea t,roa et to . , Obnetrfcs, dleeases of F U R NIT U R E DISEASES of the EYE AND EAB. TRMRS, SATCI1ELS 0 Every iiD ViLISBS Je H. CLEiyiETSHAV, D8r WIRI? i.:- - - FIRST SOUTH ST., SALT IiAKE CITY. P. SPRING IRESSES; Yarynd'PHccH; EITHEH FOR L ADIES OB 35 . O; Doxioe. i: 4 'J 1: .ftAiro' lii Mjt: urj . |