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Show WOM AN'S E XPO N U NT. vention. At the close be asked, what he, would have been without the ballot :By it he was made Marshall of the the District of Columbia, and thea recited in an impressive manner a poem upon liberty. Mrs. Zina Young;Williams of Utah was then introduced, and proceeded tto address the audience. Mrs. Wells and Mr?. Spencer, eaoh made & few remarksand th morning session adjourned. j ; To be continued J HOME AFFAIRS. The secretaries of the various branches of the Society of this Stake, are respectfully requested to send in their reports to the Exponent Office before the 15th of March, 1879. By order of Isabella Hobne, E. HOWARD, born June 8th. 1789 at Fedstan ton .Hunting don shire England' jSliewa bapUzedJn the year 1850, and from thattimV'ber .. ever open to the Elders of our faith, ceding and lodglnthernT dTalgisUn g to.the.utlm 0s t of her ability toad vanco tbo causa of truth She came to Utah in 18C8, and has finished her earthly career in good faith, and buoyant hopes of a glorious resurrection. Her remains are entered in the Ogden City Cemetery, h .ii m r , ; M. and conferences of the sisters in all the various localities in the . Territory, neyer'ref using We feel, cont when it is possible for her to go. fident our slaters will join with us in publicly expressing our gratitude to this dearly beloved sister, and wishing, her many more years of usefulness and active wrk as a leader among . the warnan of the Litter-da- y Saint., .; On Thursday, Feb. 27, we attended the joint Conference In Farmington of Young Men's Mutual Improvent, Associations and Young Ladies' Mutual Improvement Associations of Davis Co. Stake, in company with Pres. Eliza R. Snow and Elder Junius F. . Wells. The young men's reports were made in the morning. Elder Roberts, who presides' over the Y. M. M. I. A. in that Stake, conducted the meeting; there was not a large attendance. After singing and prayer reports from the various branches of the Association were read by the Secretary. The presidents of the eeveral branches reported verbally the condition of T their respective Associations, and then Elder Junius F. Wells,. President of Central Committee of Y. M. M. I. A., occupied the time in an interesting discourse, giving instruction and exhorting the young people. Elder Wells is a very pleasing speaker, has an excellent voice, a good flow of language, in short he is winning, attractive and graceful in speaking. In the afternoon Mrs. Nancy A. Clark, Superintendent of the young ladies of Davis Co., presided. County report: .,...... 63 Officers, in the aggregate... , s Relief, BociFTr Notice. 203 -- President. Sec'y. Notice to Secretaries. The Relief Socie- ty is increasing in importance and usefulness in the work of the Latter days, and for this reason it should be the ambition of every secretary in every ward in this Stake to prepare and furnifh to tti Relief Society Secretary 6f of the Stake, proper and busineea-Uk- e reports invariably four days before the Quarterly Conference, sq as to enable her to prepare and correct her report to present before the general Quarterly Conference.- - - It teems impossible to do so when several of the wards are not heard from, which has been the case heretofore. It is very important that the Secretaries attend to this responsible duty. They will please send their reports for the last quarter addressed to the Relief Society Secretary for the Stake, in care of Mrs. Wells, Editor ot Woman's Exponent, before the 15th of March. E. Howard. Sec'y. Miss Eliza R. Snow, President of Latter-daSaint Women's Organizations left Salt Lake City Wednesday morning, Feb. 5tb, to visit the different organizations of Weber Co. and assist in organizing Y. L. M. I. A. and Primary Associations in various places. Ogden has recently been divided into four wards, -- and Miss Snow, while there, assisted the Bishops in their respective wards and Mrs. Jane 8. RIchaids,Presideht of the Relief Societies In Weber Co. to organize Y. L M. I. and Primary Associations in each cf these wards. Mks Snow and Mrs." Richards afterwards visited Lynne, Marriott, RIverdale, Mound's Fort, Huntsville and West WeberJ and assisted the Members...... Died, at her residence South Cottonwood, . of consumption, after a lingering illness, Mary Jane, wife of Robert ilaxfield, and daughter of Jane Spencer and Daniel S. Cahoon. Deceased-was born in Nauvoo, IlL.on the 8th date of February A. D. 1845, and died on the 17th ; of February4879, leaving a husband, two chii-dre- n and numerous relatives and friends to mourn her loss. She was a member of the Re- lifif Rocfetv. a faithful wife, "an ftflfferlf nfft mother, and a true Faint.' In the family circle her example was worthy of imitation, and hcr name will ever be held in honorable remembrance by all who knew her. ( Maky Cahoon, Any onb ordering tho "National- - Citizen" with "Woman's Words" will bo sent both papers one year, postage paid, for $1.50, thus saving fifty cents on tho two subscriptions. ........7-- 8 ' 791 Total , Average attendance and average meetings Meetings are generally conducted under the direction of a programme committee. The reading mostly consists in reading standard Church works, Woman's Exponent and Juvenile Instructor. One" library is owned by the young ladies. 2207 Bible verses reported to have been lead by the members during the ; quarter. ;0 Donated and accumulated.. .....$176 51 -- Minority ; not-reporte- y Disbursed.......:li..'.C...,.... On band..';..... ....f .......J..... 447 17 V.;..:... 29 50 13 25 124 bu. ' Property.....:.........;....... Wheat.......... The Primary Association of Farmiogton was represented by . its President, Mrs. Aurella S. Rogers. The presidents of Young Ladies' Societies each reported, verbally, and the apoke and prophesied many good to the things young in Zion. Pres. E. R. Snow made some truly good remarks, and we talked a little about our visit to Washington. Snper-lntende- In each of these resnectlve eettlementR. At RIverdale these sisters also assisted the Bishop in organizing a Y. L. Jd, I. A. Miss Snow was absent over two weeks, and held' doring nt d. Repoet ; on Sixteenth Tho minori ty: report of Son- ato CcmmItteo on Privileges and Elections in favor of a sixteenth amendment' to tho Constitution, protecting women citizens in. tho right of suffrage, was madp Saturday - morning, February 1st,' by, Hon. George F. Hoar, of ilass. It had been waitingv only for tho signafuro of Senator' Cameron, of Wisconsin; who was absent.' Tho report will thereforo' be prosentexivto tho Senate tho first week in February. It occupies about lhirty-fiy- o pages of manuand will script, probably make about fen octavo of pages print. It will bo electro-typ- ed at the Government Printing- - Ofllce, and, with.) Senator Wadfeigh's adverso. report, wUl be added to tho pamphlet , of ar. guments before Senatis Com mltteo on Privi-- , leges and Elections In behalf ot a sixteenth amendment i'by jdelegafes :,tb rtho7f Teiith ' Washington: Convention of the National Woman Suffrage Association, January 11th .;. ; and 12th, ism Tho. volume will thus: consist of about sixty pages, and willJo standard material for carrying on Woman Suffrage campaigns - io zi until the victory Is won. Ji - Tho friends of J woman cannot suffrago. more effectually advance the Interests of women than to send money to the Treasurer of tho National Association, Mrs. Ellon - Clarke Sargent,-- 173S Do Sales street, Wash, ington, D. C., to print this material. While ten . thousand copies; could be immeaiately nscd to advantage in preparing friends l ot woman 'suffrage for an Intelligent ad vanco npon tho Forty-sixt- h Congress, fori want of weans only one thousand copies can now bo printed. Thus at every step of this reform want of , money bars tho work; ) Single prinieu copies or tho minority report only will bo mailed to any ono who encloses a stamped envelope,, properly addressed v. to the applicant, to Mrs. Sara Andrews Spen- - Amendment. i . . , . that time, seventeen meetingsat all "of which she occupied considerable time in SDeakinir. exhorting and giving instruction to the sisters in their various duties and callings; her visits are of great bineflt, and ' hef 'age, experience, and, her Illustrious example of Christian life strengthen the force of her advice and have a bearing upon ail ( her labors which makes it more effective. Our sisters should uphold and sustain ''Sister Eliza" as she Is affect ionatiy designated, that she may live long to direct and counsel the mothers in Israel,and daughters of Zion. On the 21st day of Jan. the attained to the advanced age of seventy-flvher life stretching overthrew quarters of a century, still active mentally and physlsic-ally- ; waits upon herstlf, keeping, no servant, ' choosing' to do her own wo?k. She has administered as Prelstess for many years in the "Lord's House." She, travels from place to place, as duly calls her to attend the meetings '' e, ; At Marilottsvlllei iVeber Countv, U. T. Feb. 4th, 1679. of Typhoid fever. Annie daughter of Simon F and Turbor Halyorson aged 17 years. . Slater Annie was a girl o(i amiable disposition, possessing excellent traits of 'pharac-te- r, , she was a teacher in our Sunday School, and an efficient member of the Y. I. A. She was above reproach, and was respected by all. The funeral services were conducted by Bishop Jamta Richie and Counselors at the retidenca of her parents in a very impressive manner, after which almost the entire ward followed v her rem irns to. their 'last resting Her death place, in.Ogden'City. Cemetrry. cast a has gloom ever bur neighborhood. May rest-ishe .ifL peece. Com. L.l. ; -- ? -- f - Died Marriotts? ille, Weber County, U. T. 19th cf Jan. .1879. Mr?. Martha Wayman eged : ton, D. C. , after February 20 tb. Exy I |