Show h f f. J i ER fER Stops 1 v t v o about a cur car and amI especially j j v J i the they want Car simply because j buying because the they want the Brothers build ch ell h Dodge und and accurate Idea of ot exactly are icis lets le lea from the tho CI very cry first filst was that L mattered much vr t se sc c J or nearly all before all before thc they call on 0 It either cither from their Ir experience or oriC iC F ld Id of other peoples people's experience t t. t t is noted Q herc point which h r l bi In advertising nd id thc they are more eager for it ton today Uti been at nt an any other period in its history Tho nail to come nn anywhere near satisfying inS the demand It i. i t N and amI it probably will be for years cars c rs to be bo increased come no matter how nixie mug y The Tho explanation I is ridiculously simple Tho The car has never ne bred breI anything anything but goo good will Eel Every time one of these cars airs goes into a n home homo it becomes becomes becomes be be- comes an intimate part of the lamn family of that home It gets nothing but good words and goo good will The Tho result is that that particular particular par par- home becomes a n little circle of good oo will revolving around Do Dodge o Brothers Motor Car The Tho circle spreads out finally and takes in a n nearby nearby near near- near neal b by nel neighbor That neighbors neighbor's home In turn bl begins to radiate good will toward Dodge Brothers and their car eliI mid and the circle keeps on growing In that way a it ha has grown wider n I and wider till it takes In the entire countr country There Is la always n a desire for the tho car nr waiting to be satisfied as ns fast at nt the dealer denIer gets in a supply That's wh why sales sale of ot more than Hum three sixty million mil mil- lion dollars in u a je year e r r fund and nm n a half halt ha have c fallen far short hort of ot satisfying tho demand ml em The car caras has hns qualities peculiar to itself People have hate found this out in their own wn way It has made good with them and the they have ha ghen given It their good will That is Ish h why tho ho good will circle goes on growing gro Dodge Brothers know this tills Thc They know Imo it is the biggest and best asset in inAnd their business And knowing blowing It tT the they will of ot course keep on making the tho car better nm and better Dodge Brothers Motor Car P. P H. H ROBISON Dealer DELTA UTAH When You Yon Buy Remember that merchandise shipped direct from the factory factory factory fac fac- tory to the merchant has not been boosted a step higher in price In-price price by the broker roker and nd jobber These goods are not sold for less than Jobbed merchandise merchandise dise but you Mr Patron get the jobbers jobber's profits in SUPERIOR GOODS Buy Wear Edmons Edmon's Shoes Star Brand Shoes Arrow Collars Arrow Head Shirts Grinnell Gloves from D. D STEVENS CO WM STARLEY Manager DELTA UTAH 6 I 0 c r 1 Ch Steaks Break the monotony of boiled and roast meats with an occa occa- occasional i steak You will find ours tender I and juicy sure juicy sure to tomake tomake make a hit with the ii I family Whether you want a porterhouse sirloin 7 club tenderloin u flank or round steak we can meet your yourt t wants And we know too that our prices will t 1 please you Phone Orders Filled Promptly and Carefully Clark Street Market DELTA UTAH GROCERY SPECIALS Cash Prices Armours Armour's Rolled Oats per Canned Tomatoes 31 3 8 I large arge cans Canned Corn 3 8 for Early June Peas 3 for tor Hides Furs and Sheepskins Get FULL VALUE for them by shipping them to a LARGE CENTRAL MARKET and a RELIABLE HOUSE Get the middleman's mid mid- profit ADDED to your returns by shipping DIRECT to US We Ve pay express and post charges on furs and on request hold shipment separate and submit offer Small shipments have same same careful attention with us as large ones Very low express and freight rates on all roads into Omaha on HIDES and PELTS Free Trappers Trappers' Guide and Wool Growers Growers' Friend Ship to US for MORE MONEY PROMPT RETURNS and FAIR TREATMENT NEBRASKA HIDE JUDE S WOOL CO Omaha Neb I Procure your Typewriter Ribbons Yellow and white carbon copy at the Chronicle Office sheets at The Chronicle I SURETY BONDS FRANK BECKWITH Frank Be Conveyancing COnT And Legal Lelal Work Delta Vulcanizing Co GEO A. A FAUST T T. PAIl PAD 9 a De Garmo The Chiropractor The flu leaves weak tissue and sluggish organs Chiropractic Adjustments will remove the cause It costs nothing for analysis and consultation Over Oyer Broderick's Hours 1 30 to 4 00 p p. p m. m Public Auction TO ro BE HE SOLD AT AUCTION ON Friday Feb 1920 1020 For F. F C. C KENNEY one mile south and one half mile west nest of the Sutherland Store 1 bay horse 10 yrs old weight 1 Stewart Range six holes 1325 lbs Ibs good goad gO d baker 1 bay horse 8 yrs old weight 1 Perfection coal oil stove new nev 1225 lbs Ibs three burners 1 year two-year old colt 1 heater about 10 jonts of stove stovepipe 1 set of work harness good condition con con- pipe 1 kitchen table 1 kitchen cupOne cupOne cupboard cup cup- One 3 31 wagon 2 2 in tires board 1 good beet rack 1 gasoline stove three holes 1 header box 1 double bed springs and matt matI mattress mat mat- 1 t spring wagon tress 1 sanitary couch and 1 hand leveler mattress new 1 made home-made wagon box 1 chiffonier 1 center table and 1 John Deere mower new last 1 rocking chair year Tables chairs tubs and other 1 John Deere cultivator new things too numerous to mention men men- last year tion f J 1 baby beet puller new last yr 1 Cabinet grand piano in good w 2 John Deere walking beet pul pill pullers condition lers good condition Some chickens 1 Massey-Harris Massey header good goodas 1 fat hog weight about about lbs Ibs as new only cut GOO acres About 5 tons of good clean hay Chains hay forks beet forks hO hoes S shovels and water barrels bar bar- barOne One 1918 Ford touring car in good running order All sums of 1000 or under cash Five per cent discount on sums over 1000 for cash or bankable note for nine months with interest at 10 per cent JEFF CLARK Auctioneer DELTA DE TA STATE STAfE BANK Clerk F. F FC F-C. C KENNEY Owner I I I HOW BIG MEN DO IT Many Ian a n big man can cnn trace his success success suc sue cess in life ute to the time when he deposited deposited deposited de de- de- de posited his first dollar with somo soma progressive bank Get the saving sn habit Start now As little as one ouo dollar opens a savings account At this bank Your money earns corns interest If It desired we will la lay out a savings plan for tor you ou 0 O. O. O W N State Bank of Oasis 1 T T I T t 1 i A I L A p TYPE TRACTOR r 20 power Horse at the pulley 12 12 at the r Does poes the work of 6 to 8 horses at less than han third one-third the cost Pulls big loads yet moves along at the right speed for perfect work Built to stand the gaff That's why it costs so little for upkeep and so little to operate Doesn't pack the s 's soil il I 1 Works on un soft or mucky ground without miring iri or l loss of I power If I S Dust prof j Vater air clarifier Nt New tal motor w type tank k inch i S single single- lg I g izier track The is the tractor tractor youve you've always ways v wanted Let us us put the through its paces right 01 on your own l land doing your your own S' S work No obligation I Dons Don's s Garage I f Cedar City Utah JE rE FRANKLIN Auctioneer one |