Show BLOUSE IS LIKED Garment Has Undergone Change In Last Six Years At Present It May Be In Almost Any Material and of All Degrees Degree of Richness It was In 1014 1914 that the first over- over blouse made Its appearance Timidly as ns If It afraid of ot getting away from tho the lingerie type of blouse that was so In Its popularity It appeared op ap eared cared first In fine tine batiste or handkerchief handkerchief handkerchief hand hand- kerchief linen Dainty hemstitching and fine valenciennes lace Ince formed the trimming or p perhaps the tiniest p pearl arl buttons were s sewed wed so closely together down Its front or back bac that he the fastening was made doubly difficult difficult cult but the effect was made doubly charming harming Or perhaps again the fhe trimming would be of narrow bands or narrow plaited ruffles rumes of ot a different differ differ- different ent color says Vogue Thus did he the first present Itself Then came chiffons delicately embroidered In silk or metal threads with collarless collarless collar collar- less les necks and short or three quarter length sleeves finished with of satin In bright colors Next the appeared In lace lac rich laces Inces In black cream or ecru with with witha a simple girdle of beads bends In ht color Jet or metal cords Then as If to outdo nil all other blouses ever shown brought out rich brocaded metal cloths nets sparkling with jet and andIn andin In a su sudden llen Inconsistency of mind knitted materials first In fine wools and silks and then In silk and metal thread combinations Therefore at atthe atthe atthe the present moment an nn may be In almost any material and of pf all degrees of richness with precedent prece prece- dent Changes have occurred In the silhouette sll- sll of the time blouse as ns In the silhouette sil sll- hou tte of all other things After six years of varying lengths and numerous numerous numerous numer numer- ous materials the time Is normal nornal nor nor- mal nal again and Is quite the most popular popular pop pop- ular blouse In Paris It has grown very ery practical nn and may be worn with n a tailored suit n a satin or velvet skirt to make a n complete afternoon gown or be worn with a cape long suit coat cont or lop top coat cont equally effective The separate waist as the American Ameri Amerl can woman knows It has never lever been as popular with the French as It has with the American and English or women In the last season however however how V ever the French have been heen very clever with th the gilet or vestee Quite sleeveless sleeveless sleeve sleeve- less and In many cases backless these lend a n soft pretty effect to the rather severe costumes that have been worn so consistently by the French women during the war The reappearance of t white In dainty touches Is a n happy happ relief and will no doubt have a tendency to bring back the tle lingerie blouse |