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Show Lol. Lynch Assumes Command Of Army Air teafF Remains Appointment of Col. Frederick D. ynch, former base technical inspec tor, as commanding of the officer at Hill Field has Air Base frmy announced by teen t Col. Morris Ser officer of the Ogden in oervice Command. Col. Lynch his new duties last Friday, tssumed There have been no changes the staff. cotnmaiiding in, i torage depot field. until his "transfer to He has had a Inner mili career, first enlisting in the in May, 1917, in the Uinois Cavalrv which later was hanged to the field Tn artillerv. ecember of that vear ho o ary First y red he to the aviation Signal Corps . tations are Kellv section of his many Among Field. T- Field. Til. Ihanute elVed - u onrl his first Commission n a econd lieutenant. May 25, 1918. He ent overseas, serving in France ut one year and with the army occupation in Germany. From 1922 to 1924 he saw ser- in the Phillipines, the o air service. He assigned traveled aely through China and Japan to the United tlu reUrninB r five years he was tot;J atoned at Chanute Field and on lV-lbout sven years at San 10 Dodd FielH vollv 'W and lex., Brooks Field. 1939 In sent tn Uo,.. : i and for two years was stationed at am He d. A. - time of the "w 00. tiaroor atta then a 1 i eu- . . e one-ha- lf u- t r""ni . colonel he was on dutv there technical inspector. was '"noted to f,.t i colonel He in Jan1942. "y. s , . 4 (above) Chosen to pass in review at citation ceremony, the 31st ADG is shown at its first review by a general officer, Brig. Gen. Talbot and party. Cleft) The new 408th AAF Band, Hill Field's own, will play for, Gov. Maw and other notable gues ts. relieves Col. Berman of duties incident to all militarv etails of the air base, which is eparate from the Ogden Air Deoot. Col. Lynch came here from Tndinn- polis, ind. , where he was command-n- g officer of the armv air force he Ms 1 ! in- Returning from a nine-da- y pectton tour of his command in this nd neighboring states, Col. Berman tates that his new duties will equire the devotion of practically 11 his time to the Ogden Air Ser-ic- e Command. The appointment of 'ol. Lynch Unchanged... Pat HILL FIELD "OUTSTAM) KNERR ! Concluding a tour of the Ogden Air Depot with members of his staff from Patterson Field, Col. H. L. Knerr, assistant to Gen. Frank, left by plane Tuesday morning after is one of the stating that this air depots in the 'outstanding' United States. inspection of Monday he made an all military and civilian installations upon arriving here from Spokane, Wash. "Civilians and soldiers alike are justified in at feeling proudhe of theirInefforts his said. party inspector general of the Air Service Command; Col. R. E. Burns, chief of signal secWhite, chief bution; Col. E. dget section; Col. J. J. Hon an, judge advocate general; Lt. Col. your field', were Col. Givens, H- - Ball, maintenance division; J. Lt. Col. C. E. Smyser,C.chief enginP. Boyles, eering section; Maj Service Air commandant, headquarters medical McDonald, Command; Lt. L. J. section of the surgeon's office; Warrant Officer E. 0. May, from thea A. inspector general's section, others. and number of Col. Berman extends his thanks and appreciation to the military and civilian personnel at Hill Field for P067HJM0L5LY HONORED... Cited for conspicuous bravery in air action against the Japanese Auforce last year near Darwin, stralia, Maj. Floyd J. Pell of Ogden, lost his life in the encounter, will posthumously receive the Distinguished Flying Cross and Order of the Purple Heart in Hill Field's first citation ceremony, tentatively who scheduled for Friday,' Apr. 16. His mother, Mrs. W. O- - Pell, 321 20th Ogden, will receive the Street, awards for her son from Col. Berman, commanding Officer of the Ogden Air Service Command. An elaborate ceremony is planned for the occasion, which is being Departheld upon order of the Warnotables ment. Gov. Maw and many of the state and surrounding cities will be invited to attend, as well as military guests high-rankin- g from Utah's many naval and military installations, while plans are under consideration to permit employees of in this immediate all war plants to attend. vicinity Under command of Lt. Col. Walter Eckman, the 31st Air Depot Group in review and stand will pass the flag directly before r.fratf kie v,.fHmiar ter s. Review be erected for will ing stands euests of honor. their cooperation recent previous to and inspection time of the at the ' ' ( f'M ) j by Major Gen. Frank, commanding general of the Air Service Command. Gen. Frank left here after expressing commendation for the manner in which the field was carrying forward war effort. In the its share of thewith Gen. Frank were official party Col. John Hargreaves, Col. M.E. Lt. Col. Kenneth Bitting, Tillery, L.E. Ma j John Ball,Thomas Lt. Col. and Lynn. Capt. Strohn, "BREEZING ALOG" SHOVE NEXT UBOAY.. Six gorgeous dancers, two first rate comedians, a team of acrobatic puppeteer and a comic, a skillful them Broadway of talented mimic, all the stage hold will entertainers, at the USO show, 'Breezing Along 'US 3rj 1913 M rm.jr Air case- " Here A in the April 13. RB-- 1 The theatre Hill F I on ELDER Tuesday, : . ;vy J. PELL... posthumously Honored For Bravery LATE MAJ. FLOYD page 3 |