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Show kir Service Commanding General Holds Press Conference On Visit To Maj. Gen. Frank held a press ence, attended by newsmen from 0g k1 bait Lake City. 'Qur job in the Air vice Command has become a tremendcui he said. 'We are now a manufsctn Accompanied by members of his staff Maj. Gen. Frank, commanding general of thd AAF Air Service Command, arrived at Hill Field for conference with Col. Berman and! an inspection of the new area command, as, well as military installations field. on th nil in : I, 1 'Tf - fronts, we get ,For S,8"' South lr?ne (ITT- ,i to them no -- 'Hill Payees and Ve neeVA' -i.- . Ictvaboou further recrui tine - it?' r,LV u" apout k r ' .' Vf ?o5 ci v ' .hoUsin 1 and it was aone organization need production line methods in our other Air Depots. It we may look for a development of zation in our repair centers'. I We P K I : .. an em-mo- re. our thousand bought :h!7n lwu are out going d hava ovrt" ' " from n mill tan Dexore cne war iu W( .'r. ... Zi- - Nowj W tauon in use' ' in battle mple. several thousand parts were needed in the Pacific combat zone. The request w" y "s on reD. lyth nnH on were 26th they tP U.. wani on rne ""ak lt And M, i fiaVA nrVier Wf and repair outfit. supply e in scope'. world-wid- "4 f . Hill R i Tl . ' Arnold -- . oi. vjw promotion J' i..nr. was very general nized the ability of our cort""") i f -- - signint" imP0' erai. it recognized the Air Force in this Erica's re ognized the leading f"" ' 1 j |